Scene from Stuber. Copyright, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a division of The Walt Disney Company.
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also known as “Kimppakyytikytät,” “Ortaci na točkovima,” “Stuber - Autista d'assalto,” “Stuber: Locos al volante,” “Übergáz,” «Али, рули!», «Ченге под наем»
MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for violence and language throughout, some sexual references and brief graphic nudity.
Moral Rating: Very Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Action Crime Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 45 min.
Year of Release: 2019
USA Release: July 12, 2019 (wide release)
DVD: October 15, 2019
Copyright, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a division of The Walt Disney Companyclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a division of The Walt Disney Company Copyright, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a division of The Walt Disney Company
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a division of The Walt Disney Company

Cooperating with the police

Harrowing ordeals

Ruthless drug traffickers

Cop killers

Vulgar dialog

Copyright, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a division of The Walt Disney Company Copyright, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a division of The Walt Disney Company Copyright, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a division of The Walt Disney Company
Featuring Kumail NanjianiStu, an Uber driver
Dave BautistaVic
Betty GilpinStu’s best friend
Karen GillanMorris
Natalie MoralesNicole
Iko UwaisTeijo, a ruthless drug trafficker and cop killer
Lyon Beckwith … Columbian Drug Dealer
Scott Lawrence … Doctor Branch
Amin Joseph … Leon
Steve Howey …
Mira Sorvino …
Jimmy Tatro …
See all »
Director Michael Dowse
Producer Twentieth Century Fox
John Francis Daley
See all »

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “When a mild-mannered Uber driver named Stu (Kumail Nanjiani) picks up a passenger (Dave Bautista) who turns out to be a cop hot on the trail of a brutal killer, he's thrust into a harrowing ordeal where he desperately tries to hold onto his wits, his life and his five-star rating.”

  • Vulgar/Crude language: Very Heavy to Extreme— • f-words (50+) • motherf***er • friggin' • v*gina (4+) • banging (sex) • do the deed (sex) • hook up (sex) • did it (sex) • h*mping • mast*rb*ting • c***sucker • an*l sex • d*ck • big d*ck • bl*wj*bs • balls • a**hole (10+) • s-words (40+) • t*tties (5) • a** (12+) • b*tch • douche • fart • p*ssed
  • Nudity: • scenes in Gay strip club with male strippers, including 1 fully naked (frontal and back view shown) • cleavage
  • Violence: Very Heavy
  • Profane language: Heavy— • J*sus Chr*st • J*sus (4) • G*d d*mn (7) • G*d (12) • H*ll (9) • d*mn (2)
  • Sex: • numerous very vulgar sexual comments • pelvic movements

cinema tickets. ©  Alexey SmirnovEvery time you buy a movie ticket or rent a video you are in effect casting a vote telling Hollywood, “I’ll pay for that. That’s what I want.” What enables Hollywood Liberals to continually present immoral and even abhorent films? Money. Christian, are YOU part of the problem? Read our article

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Negative—Bottom line up front: Do NOT waste your time or funds! From start to finish a movie without a moment of redeeming time in it.

I missed my movie and so went to see this—biggest mistake I’ve made in a while. If I were attempting to count the vulgar and inappropriate words and phrases—I’d have run out of ink in my pen. Not only that—it simply wasn’t a good movie. The characters are unlikeable and do not “grow” in the movie—the plot isn’t that good—there is an Oscar winner playing a role that is a waste—and the jokes and “playful” banter are disgusting and vulgar.

I should have left but didn’t, hoping it was going to get better—it didn’t.

From a Biblical perspective, there is zero in the movie that I could even stretch to be an echo of a Biblical theme.

Bad plot, horrible language, and as un-Biblical of a movie that is out for audiences.

Skip this movie—don’t walk away—run! There is nothing redeeming or positive in the movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1
Casey Scharven, age 54 (USA)

PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.

Secular Movie Critics
…wildly irreverent crash-test action comedy that throws…two polar opposites together for a night of shootouts, stakeouts, and bust-out big laughs… The movie embraces the real-world physics of gunplay, car crashes, and hand-to-hand combat — obviously bent for both dramatic and comedic effect. People die, often and quite brutally…
Peter Debruge, Variety
…the wisecracks thin out and grate when the violence takes center stage. And Stuber is stupidly violent. …“Stuber” has one running debate, about “manhood,” with the sensitive male getting unwanted “Man Up” lessons from Mr. Raging Testosterone, and the brutish cop earning quasi-feminine lectures on being a better father…
Roger Moore, Movie Nation
…“Stuber” thrives as an action movie, not so much as a comedy… It’s refreshing to see a buddy movie reclaim some of the grit and emotional connection of bygone decades, but for all of its killer fight sequences and shootouts, Stuber just isn’t all that funny after a while. …[C+]
Dan Caffrey, Consequence of Sound
…cinematic car wreck… grating and pointless film, filled with bone-headed plot twists, is utterly unrewarding… There is absolutely no reason to catch a ride with the nasty, brutish and shrill “Stuber,” a horror movie about our current American nightmare of late capitalist economics and unchecked law enforcement masquerading as an “action comedy.”… [1]
Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service
…a very silly movie: Half the action scenes look like they were shot inside a Cuisinart, the sexual politics are questionable, the violence cartoonishly extreme, and the plot has the general coherence of a wet napkin. But “Stuber” knows that sense and logic aren’t what its audience came for; we’re here for good dumb fun…
Leah Greenblatt, Entertainment Weekly
…A riotous retro pairing of serious violence and serious laughs… The naggy tension between the leads turns into a fine chemistry. …
John DeFore, The Hollywood Reporter
…lame… Really there is very little chemistry between Bautista and Nanjiani… [2/5]
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian (UK)
…Wit takes a back seat in this gruelling Uber-based action-comedy… it’s mostly about as funny as a traffic jam. …[1/5]
Phil de Semlyen, Time Out
…bad writing and direction… This film is like cynicism transformed into celluloid, a movie made without love and with no vision, except of dollar signs. …
Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle
…“Stuber” and “Shaft” are the kind of movies Hollywood made every month back in the ’80s and ’90s, until audiences—after a half dozen or so “Lethal Weapons”—grew tired of them. “Stuber” serves to remind us of why we liked them, and also that they wore out their welcome. …
Gary Thompson, Philadelphia Inquirer

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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