65 minutes each
Age Level:
Jr. High to Adult
Icons of Evolution
“True science and freedom of thought are inseparable, but as this video shows, some scientists prefer power to truth”
—Phillip Johnson, Author of Darwin on Trial
For decades, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has been taught and accepted by mainstream educators as fact. But now, new scientific evidence is emerging that places Darwin’s theory under closer scrutiny than ever before.
Creator’s World - our list of the best books and videos Creation-Evolution.
The Illustrated Origins Answers Book
Origins: How the World Came to Be
(video series)
What Is Creation Science?
It’s about time, isn’t it? In every other area of education, students are encouraged to consider all viewpoints. But somehow, Darwin’s theory has been the exception… until now.

Icons of Evolution is a power and persuasive new video that makes the latest findings in science accessible and understandable to all of us. It gives an honest evaluation of the many flaws in the primary examples used in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Leading scientists from secular universities are among those who point out the faulty logic and outdated research Darwin used in determining conclusions about the Galapagos Island finches, the “Tree of Life” and other hallmarks of the theory of evolution.
Scientists and researchers report their findings — and tell why it’s time to reevaluate what’s being taught to our children in school. As one scientist remarked, “You go where the data leads you,” rather than start from the conclusion of evolution in mind.
For anyone who wants to discover the exciting evidence, Icons is essential and enlightening viewing. After seeing it, you’ll understand more clearly than ever why it’s time for educators—and society as a whole—to discover what science is finally acknowledging: Darwin’s theory is outdated at best and intelligent design should be presented as a valid alternative.
Explore the fascinating new conflict over evolution in the classroom, a conflict based on science, not religion. Learn about the controversy that engulfs one town when a teacher actually tries to tell students that some scientists disagree with Darwin.
From the Galapagos Islands to China, Icons of Evolution takes you on a fast-paced, fascinating journey into one of the most interesting issues in American society.
The icons of evolution discussed include: Galapagos Island finches, Darwin’s Tree of Evolution, fruit fly mutations, antibiotic resistant bacteria, homology (likeness of structures in different animals and man), fossil record of simple to complex, and fetal comparisons of different animals and man.
Highly recommended by Focus on the Family and others
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Available on DVD |
DVD Special Features
- Chapter selection
Experts Answer Frequently Asked Questions section (experts answer on video): What is Darwinian evolution? What do Darwinists mean by “random variation”? What is microevolution, and what is macroevolution? Is the evolution of whales from land animals a well-documented example of Darwinian evolution? What are the “Icons of Evolution”? Isn’t the controversy over Darwinian evolution really about religion, not science? Is it anti-science to question Darwinian evolution? Is it good to expose students to dissenting views in science? Is it unconstitutional for a teacher to criticize Darwin’s theory in the classroom? Will school districts be sued if they allow teachers to teach the scientific controversy over Darwinian evolution?
- Text: 10 Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher
- Recommended Resources (list of recommended books and Web sites on intelligent design theory and critiques of Darwinism)
Comment from one of our viewers - “I really enjoyed the DVD ‘Icons of Evolution.’ It presents a clear and concise critique of the ‘icons’ of evolution, which is the backbone of most atheists and unbelief. Using mostly evolutionists who question some of the key elements of evolution, this documentary powerfully demonstrates that evolution has serious problems scientifically. The idea that only religious fundamentalists and ‘creationists’ have problems with evolution is exposed as the myth that it is. I wish there were more high-quality videos out there like this one to help people understand what's really going on today with arguments against intelligent design and the court cases involved.”
My Ratings: Excellent morally / Excellent filmmaking quality
—Arthur, age 40
Have you seen these films? If so, tell us what you liked or didn’t like about it… or how you have put this video to use.