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The Great Dinosaur Mystery FILM

eye-opening information

Did dinosaurs really become extinct millions of years before the existence of humans? This ground-breaking educational film reveals historical and archaeological evidence that dinosaur and man once co-existed. This popular motion picture has been enjoyed by both young and old in many nations. Its companion book, The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible, is a bestseller.

“The Great Dinosaur Mystery”
Length: 19 minutes • Copyright © Christian Answers, Films for Christ. All Rights Reserved.

The Genesis flood is not a fairytale! It really happened. This award-winning documentary reveals the world’s most awesome catastrophe, bringing to light the scientific and historic evidence that God’s judgment in the days of Noah was real and global. Discover fascinating facts and the planet-changing nature of the Flood. More information
Length: 33 minutes • Copyright © Christian Answers, Films for Christ. All Rights Reserved.

Creation SuperLibrary.comLearn more about the WORLDWIDE FLOOD in our Creation SuperLibrary section — questions answered by science experts

Dinosaur (copyrighted illustration)

See: Why is relatively little known for certain about dinosaurs?

See: QUESTIONS & ANSWERS about dinosaurs

The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible - questions answeredDon’t miss rest of our Great Dinosaur Mystery Web site — Filled with answers to your questions, fascinating information, multimedia, games, lesson plans, and resources

Quiz. Cartoon by Ingrid Neilson
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Copyright © Paul S. Taylor, Christian Answers Network. All rights reserved.