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From Mexico with Love

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for sports violence, language, brief sensuality and drug references.
Moral Rating: not reviewed
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens
Genre: Action Sports Drama
Length: 1 hr. 36 min.
Year of Release: 2009
USA Release: October 9, 2009 (limited—250 theaters)
DVD: February 16, 2010
Copyright, Roadside Attractionsclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Roadside Attractions Copyright, Roadside Attractions
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Copyright, Roadside Attractions

Men in the Bible

Featuring Angélica Aragón, Steven Bauer, Kuno Becker, Steve Bilich, Carl Ciarfalio, Anthony Cristo, Eddy Donno, Tony Donno, Charlane Meyer, Richard Dyer, Danay Garcia, Glen Hartford, Lu Johnson, Henry Kingi, Michael Klesic, Stephen Lang, Gene LeBell, Robert E. Martinez, Bruce McGill, J.E. Meris, Alex Nesic, Juan Gabriel Pareja, Fred Parker Jr., Kourtney Pogue, Monica Ramon, Amanda Rivas, Lisa Suarez, Brandon Turpin, Araceli Vasquez, Ron Yuan, Jesse Wilde
Director Jimmy Nickerson
Producer From Mexico With Love, Cinamour Entertainment, Paul Baker, Cord Douglas, Glen Hartford, Kenneth Herts, Jady Herrmann, James Lloyd, James Lloyd, Daniel Morabito, Joe Roth, Bart Slanaker, Daniel Toll, Matthew Wellman, Vikram Zutshi

“Some dreams are worth fighting for.”

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “Hector Villa (Kuno Becker), a scrappy migrant farmworker by day and part-time prizefighter by night, struggles to reach for a better life for himself and his ailing mother. But when Hector discovers their rich rancher boss has slashed his mother’s pay, he pays the ultimate price for brawling with the boss’ thugs—a one-way ticket back over the Mexican border. Beaten up, broke and jobless, Hector joins forces with an old-school trainer and sets his sights on the rancher’s boxer son for the ultimate David-and-Goliath face-off in this adrenaline-pumping drama from stunt coordinator-turned-director Jimmy Nickerson.”

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Movie Critics
…a punchy, melodramatic piece of tried-and-true Americana that mixes cultures (and film genres) with an eye toward knocking down borders both cultural and contemporary. … [3/5]
Marc Savlov, The Austin Chronicle
…There’s scarcely a boxing-movie cliche left unrecycled by the end of “From Mexico With Love,” an inaptly titled and thoroughly predictable indie drama… Aimed squarely at Hispanic auds, despite its almost entirely English-lingo dialogue…
Joe Leydon, Variety

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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