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A Perfect Murder

Reviewed by: Joyce Books

Moral Rating: Extremely Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Drama
Length: 107 min.
Year of Release: 1998
USA Release:
Featuring Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltrow, Viggo Mortensen, David Suchet
Director Andrew Davis

If you are looking for a movie that is completely immoral and where the 3 key people are each outdoing the other as far as being evil—then this flick is for you.

Steven Taylor (Michael Douglas) wants his wife, Emily (Gwyneth Paltrow) dead. When he discovers that she is having an affair with David Shaw (Viggo Mortensen) the plot begins. Steven goes to David and tells him he knows everything—even David’s crime record. Steven offers David a handsome sum of money to kill his wife, and the plot thickens from there. To tell more detail would ruin the movie for those who wish to squander their cash on “A Perfect Murder”.

This remake of “Dial M for Murder” of the 1950s is by no means a movie for Christians. It has every one of the no-no's: profanity, violence and sex (including a weak storyline).

Having never seen “Dial M”, I had no idea of the plot—only an appreciation of the actor Michael Douglas. However, his films of late have been rude and crude, leaving me and many others disappointed. This is one to skip.

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