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Big Brother 3

Moral Rating: Caution
Primary Audience: Teen to Adult
Genre: Reality
Length: 1 hr.
viewer comments…
Caution—Okay, normally I wouldn't recommend this show to a Christian audience. The whole premise of the show is based on lying, manipulation, and trying to put together the most popular fake image that you can in order to win a lot of money ($500,000). However, this year, there's an intriguing dynamic that may make this show more positive viewing for Christians—especially (dare I say it) teens and their parents. One of this year's crop of houseguests, Jason from Mobile, AL, is a Christian who has confessed (in an openly sexual environment) that he is a virgin and is determined to remain so until he is married. He has openly shared his faith and his life with his housemates (without shoving it down their throats).

And while this would normally put a 'target on his back' and make him most likely to be the first to go, he is, instead, considered one of the most likeable people in the house and a favorite to win the money.

I think that watching this show with your teen is a great way to give them an example in popular culture of a young christian man who is able to stand up for his faith and convictions in an environment that normally would be considered toxic to anyone's faith.

It's a great way to generate discussions about peer pressure, how to share your faith through your life example, and how to stand up for the things you really believe in. Granted, this is *not* a show that should be watched by children/pre-teens, and there are some times that my husband and I have to turn our heads.

But I still think that for adults/teens, this is a show that is worth taking a look at. And good luck, Jason!
Laura Smith, age 29