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List of Christian Answers recommended videos and books
including our award-winning productions

Christian Answers ®

founded in 1959 as Films for Christ
also known as Eden Communications and Eden Films
Executive Director: Paul S. Taylor

Statement of Faith
Visit our largest Web site…
Christian Answers Network
Evangelism and discipleship on the Internet—One of the largest and most popular Christian Web sites in the world! Over ¾-million text files and a million visitors per month in 46 languages!

Some sections to visit…

We are a nondenominational, non-profit, evangelistic ministry active for years. Our Web ministry has been active daily for years (founded 1995). We specializing in evangelism and discipleship through mass media, including the Internet, television, and the production, translation, and worldwide distribution of Christian motion pictures and literature.

Information about some of our major ministries…

THIRD-WORLD EVANGELISM—Our ministry has had many outreaches beyond the Internet. For example, we were specially invited to make presentations at the massive conference in Amsterdam to share effective new ideas for evangelism. The response to our message and helps was phenomenal!

Some of the films produced by Paul S. Taylor (Films for Christ). (photo copyrighted)

MOTION PICTURE EVANGELISM—We have produced many Christian motion pictures. Most have been award-winners, despite the fact that we had very little money to work with. To God be the glory! More importantly, these films have helped literally millions throughout the world. Our films have been translated into 28 foreign languages. Many have been saved.

In Russia, the Lord did something particularly amazing! Several years ago, we translated most of our videos into Russian, thinking that we would have to smuggle them in. To our amazement, as soon as the translations were finished our programs became the first Christian films ever shown on national television in Russia. Each program provided scientific evidence against atheism and for the existence of our Creator. Amazing reports came back. We were told that the films were broadcast on national television, and not just once, but repeatedly—in primetime—in every part of that huge nation. Then, every other former Soviet nation did the same thing, all in their own languages!

Children watching our soul-winning films in South America.
Children watching our soul-winning films in South America.

Many souls throughout the world have been saved through showings of our films, and many Christians are being strengthened in their faith.

Through the gifts of concerned Christians, the Lord has enabled us to give thousands of evangelism videos to financially-needy Christian workers in America, Russia and elsewhere.

PRISON MINISTRY—We placed soul-winning video libraries in over a thousand prisons and jails.

Over a million students have watched our free film/video showings. (photo copyrighted, Films for Christ).
Students watching our free Christian film/video showings.

PUBLIC SCHOOL MINISTRY—W provided free film and video showings to over a million public school students—revealing scientific evidence against Evolutionism.

These are just some quick highlights. There is not enough space here to tell you about all of the wonderful things the Lord has accomplished.

Your response?…

Our greatest current need is for PLEDGES to bring greater financial stability to this ministry. If you can help in this way, please contact us.

If regular support is not possible, any gift would be gratefully received. Make a donation on-line (You can receive a book.)

To donate by mail, send your check to:
Christian Answers Network
PO Box 577
Frankfort KY 40602

Please prayerfully consider whether the Lord would have you help supply the needs here, so that we may continue to minister in His name. You can share a key part in the success the Lord is providing in reaching people throughout this troubled world.

Your missionary servant in Christ,
Paul S. Taylor
Executive Director

Copyright © Films for Christ. All rights reserved.