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MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for disturbing war images, language and some sexuality.

Reviewed by: Ben Tabberer

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Drama Adaptation
Length: 2 hr. 10 min.
Year of Release: 2007
USA Release: December 7, 2007 (limited); UK: 7 September 2007
Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features Copyright, Focus Features
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What is “atonement” in the Bible?

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Featuring Keira Knightley
Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Pride and Prejudice
James McAvoy
The Last King of Scotland,” “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” “Becoming Jane
Romola Garai, Saoirse Ronan, Brenda Blethyn, Vanessa Redgrave, Juno Temple
Director Joe Wright
Producer Liza Chasin, Debra Hayward, Richard Eyre

“Joined by love. Separated by fear. Redeemed by hope.”

A T O N E M E N T. The letters comprising the word appear one after the other on the big screen as if typed on a typewriter, and are thus imprinted on the minds of the audience as confirmation of both the overarching theme and literary nature of the story that’s about to unfold. Opening in pre-war England, 1935, on the hottest day of that year, the story begins with Briony (here played by Saoirse Ronan), a 13 year old girl, sat at the typewriter in her affluent family’s country mansion, having just finished a play entitled, “The Trials of Arabella.” The play, we soon learn, is intended to be performed by her and her young cousins that evening for the enjoyment of her family and honored guests. Events that day take an unexpected twist when Briony sees her sister, Cecilia (Keira Knightley) strip off her clothes and dive into the garden fountain in front of family friend Robbie (James McAvoy).

Cursed with an over-active imagination, Briony misinterprets what she has witnessed (a minor quarrel between Cecilia and Robbie) leading to salacious thoughts and gossip. This is exacerbated when Briony later intercepts an erotic letter written by Robbie, intended for Cecilia’s eyes only; further still when later that evening when she walks in on Cecilia and Robbie in a passionate embrace. With Briony’s confused mind already at fever pitch, the nights drama reaches it’s apex when she discovers her eldest cousin in the aftermath of being raped, as we see her unidentified attacker disappear into the night. In Briony’s mind’s eye their can only be one person guilty of the crime, that is perceived “sex maniac” Robbie. With a false (or rather disingenuous) sense of confidence that this is the case, Briony relays the incident to family and police who accost the accused accordingly.

Five years on and Robbie, we discover, is at war in France, just prior to the Dunkirk evacuation. Granted parole for joining the infantry, yet relegated to private due to his criminal record, Robbie heroically guides members of his company to the evacuation area, amid traumatic scenes of the aftermath of war, where they await departure. Meanwhile, we discover that both Briony and Cecilia have joined the war effort in a more gender specific capacity, as nurses. However, the sisters are miles apart (emotionally, as well as geographically) and nursing in different hospitals tending on wounded soldiers returning from France.

Cecilia seems to be at peace in her new role, which now gives her life a sense of meaning and purpose. Conversely, Briony (now played by Romola Garai) is riddled by guilt and immerses herself stoically in her work as form of self-flagilation. As the war draws to a close, old relationships can be rekindled as Cecilia and Robbie are reunited and form a covert relationship once again. Motivated by strong feelings of guilt and for a need for atonement, Briony goes in search of her Cecilia to come clean about what really happened that fateful night. Upon finding her sister and Robbie living together, and coming clean to the pair, the process of reconciliation can begin… or can it?

While bearing many of the features of a classic period drama, “Atonement” does have some content that could offend Christian audiences as well as sensitive viewers. There is some foul language uttered by certain characters including a few instances of the f-word during the war scenes. The c-word is also displayed in writing in the scene where Briony reads the erotic love-letter. The Lord’s name is also taken in vane on one occasion.

Aside from the bad language, there are also a few highly sexually charged scenes, the foremost being the rape scene. While we only see the aftermath of this, it is nonetheless as unpleasant as one would expect. Secondly, there is a scene where we see Cecilia emerge from a fountain with her under-garment wet and transparent. The other is the scene where Robbie and Cecilia are in the throws of passion in the library, and it is clear that they are in the early stages of intercourse. That said, both of these scenes are tastefully done when compared to how some contemporary film handle such scenes, and there is no real nudity to speak of. There are also some gruesome post-war scenes where soldiers injuries are displayed in a particularly graphic manner, and a disturbing scene where Robbie encounters a massacre of French schoolchildren.

“Atonement” is brimming with relevant spiritual issues, although the treatment raises more questions than answers. Etymologically speaking, the word “atonement” derives from an Anglo-Saxon hybrid of the words “at” and “onement” which rose to prominence in the theological vernacular courtesy of William Tyndale. When Tyndale was writing the English Bible in 1526, he was looking for a word that would convey a more subtle theological nuance that the word “reconciliation” so as to also comprise the ideas of God’s forgiveness and propitiation. Amid this search, the word “atonement” was born and has remained an integral component of theological language and thought. However, although the pervading theme of the movie (and the novel) is ostensibly atonement, whether the director and screenwriter effectively convey the subtle nuances of the term through the story is open to debate (in some ways the story could have more fittingly be called “Reconciliation”). What can be said though is that the theme of atonement is only one amongst many that are explored here. The themes of guilt, shame and anger are also probed in a profound and thought-provoking way. While these themes are dealt with in an intellectually and philosophically satisfying, the supposedly overriding theme of atonement is dealt with in a way that is theologically troubling to those familiar with the biblical concept.

The central protagonist spends the last third of the film attempting to atone for a specific sin. This attempt is essentially made through a process of self-flagilation, which even a casual reading of scripture will show to be doctrinally wrong. Further more the end product of this desire for atonement is to be found in a novel written by the protagonist in which she re-imagines the history of the two lovers whose lives she ruined by giving them a fictitious happy ending. The New Testament makes it abundantly clear that it is Christ who made atonement for us, and that we cannot make atonement for our sins in and of ourselves. However, in the final scene, the protagonist appears to be vindicated by this “final act of kindness.” The concept of atonement is after all a Christian one and the fact that the idea of true atonement is never explored leaves something of a bitter taste in the mouth.

However, theological nit-picking aside, I have nothing but praise for “Atonement.” Make no mistake this is filmmaking par excellence. The cinematography is sumptuous, at times breathtaking; the acting excellent (Knightly and McAvoy have never been better); and the script tight. From what little I managed to read of the book before viewing the film, I found the adaptation to be faithful and evocative of the writing, the lyrical poetry of the book was replaced by the visual poetry on screen and the complex narrative was handled expertly in the editing. The characters were given a complex texture and the patience of the viewer is slowly rewarded as we see the story masterfully unfold. A harsher critic might say that at times some of the dialogue seems a tad anachronistic and the cinematography a little too much like a fragrance commercial, but there’s really very little to fault this film in terms of technical expertise, and we can expect Oscar’s aplenty come next spring. A real triumph of British cinema.

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Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Read the excellent movie review first, so you know what to expect. I thought it was very well made. The moral is how a lie can wreck peoples lives. It gives a true view of war, and not a happy ever after ending. The disturbing / sex scenes were well done, and not too offensive/explicit; they simply told the story. Adult for sure, as secular films go, it was OK.
My Ratings: Average / 4½
Tony Wood, age 50, New Zealand
Positive—“Atonement” is one of the best films I’ve ever seen. In addition to the notion of Briony “atoning” for the disasters her actions and misinterpretations created for her sister and Robbie, the story is also about the class differences in British society. Although an educated man thanks to his employer, Robbie will forever be merely an employee. Despite his protestations of innocence of the rape crime, due to the class differences he is automatically assumed by the family (with the exception of his love) to be guilty. Of course, the real rapist is the “high class” friend of the older brother.

The film doesn’t pretend to any religiosity, making the reviewer’s points about the atonement of Jesus rather moot. Briony is attempting to make atonement for her actions by rewriting history as a novel (she is a writer in the movie, and in the book—fiction within fiction). Of course, people do this in real life every day—we all attempt to “rewrite” the un-loving things we say and do toward people; we try to right our wrongs. What is shattering to the viewer of the film and the reader of the book is the ending, and the realization that although we may attempt to make things right, many actions cannot be changed and/or reversed, and we’re usually left living with the events we set into motion. Nothing religious about it, but definitely much about real life.

(Note: The secret note given to Cecelia from Robbie was not intended for her to see; although he wrote it, a scene depicts him writing numerous notes—including the ribald one—before he settles on the more formal note. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t throw out all of the rejects, and accidentally sends along the wrong one. He realizes his mistake after sending it on.)
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Kimberly, age 52
Positive—Joe Wright (“Pride and Prejudice”) has done it again! I am VERY selective about which films I see in the theater, and my decision to see this one was richly rewarded! This is a beautiful piece of filmmaking, with an epic feel to it. The cinematography, the acting, even details like sound editing were wonderful. I think James McAvoy should get an Oscar® for this one. Although this is an adult film, it is a somewhat mild “R”. The “rape scene” is nothing but a very indistinct shot of someone’s hindquarters partially obscured by darkness… you can barely make out what is happening. In regard to the risque letter, Robbie makes it very clear that it was “never intended to be read.” (It was merely an admission of the content of his dreams.) Even the one love scene did not contain any nudity.

It did have high emotional content, though (unlike most movies’ cheap sex scenes). It represented two childhood friends who for months (or years?) repressed their feelings for each other, so you have all this sexual tension suddenly being released. Overall, everything is done very respectfully. You go on to see how the couple is betrayed, and you see the very heavy impact of WW II. Due to the superb filmmaking quality, I highly recommend this film to everyone—late teens/college age and older.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Carol, age 41
Positive—I believe the reviewer missed a very important point. While the title of the film is “Atonement,” there was no atonement made by Briony. The end of the movie makes this point very clear. Briony’s book is a complete work of fiction. There was no “happy-ever-after.” She made it up to make herself feel good. Briony even says, “I wanted to give them the life they deserved but never had.” How? By writing a fairy tale story. The two lovers died. We’ve no real evidence that they would have ever gotten back together after the war.

Like many in our society today, saying you are sorry does nothing to atone for past sins. It might make you feel better, but it has no effect on the people hurt. The same point may be made by States and Institutions apologizing for slavery, but saying you are sorry today only makes us feel better and does nothing to help those who endured the cruelty of slavery but are now long dead. Briony, even in her old age never realizes how evil of a person she is. But she is sorry.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Ken Downs, age 59
Positive—I found myself totally fascinated by this movie. The script is very well written, and the story evolves carefully and strongly. There is no question what the truth is, and the young Briony’s lie, although not made with malicious intent, but with other complex motives, becomes the overriding theme, as we see the consequences of her false testimony. The movie plays with time sequences and also with reality, which, in retrospect, are a bit puzzling, but that is probably how the novel was written. Nevertheless, this is a really fine feature film that will surely win some awards.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Positive—Besides being extremely well produced, acted, and shot, the move is truthful. The attempt to make atonement through self-effort is inadequate. The guilty goes beyond “self-flagellation” in war-time service, she goes to fantasy—even fantasy wherein she is punished by unforgiveness. Yet still her guilt is unatoned—as expressed in the onset of dementia at the movie’s end. Atonement must come as a gift beyond the self.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Heino, age 49
Positive—As the credits rolled across the screen at the end of the film, I sat beside three of my good friends silent. All of us remained in our seats for a moment before looking at each other in shock. I cannot praise “Atonement,” because I simply do not have the words to do it. This movie was so much more than a film, it was a story that I felt deeply. The tragedies of war are all too real in our lives today and, while this is not the same war, distance and death constantly leaves young lives unfinished. My heart broke for Briony. As much as she angered me, she was a child, and her actions reflected her age.

Overall, I found this movie to be quite tastefully done. Some of the war scenes were a bit much for my sensibilities, but this is the truth of war. Without these scenes, I don’t think it would have had the same impact. Briony, I believe, taught the lesson of self-forgiveness. How many times have I blamed myself for something I cannot change? Briony, I believe, wanted to, but it was too late and, for that, I can understand why she would blame herself for the rest of her life. She never truly found atonement for what she did, but she tried to make up for her actions in the best way she knew how. This was a beautiful movie that I would highly recommend to anyone old enough to see it!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Nicole, age 18
Positive—This was a beautiful film. The idea of 'atoning for one’s sins' has always fascinated me and I thought the film did an incredible job of showing us how one person’s actions (even a child’s) can have a ripple effect on a multitude of people and may even affect generations. After the movie I was able to talk with several people in a setting that included people of the Catholic, Jewish, and Christian faiths as well as an atheist and an agnostic. It made for some deep and profound conversation. When a movie generates those types of gatherings it must be good. We talked about what it means to “atone” and many people wondered and reflected on when atoning is or is not necessary or important.

Keeping in mind that many Christian viewers may be opposed to the sexuality between two unmarried people I would argue that the film has merit despite those scenes. We all know that people fall in love and are sexually attracted to one another outside of marriage and many people act on it. The sexual scenes set up the storyline showing two young people from different class structures who are drawn to one another despite their social circumstances. Nothing can stand in the way of their love. These two would not be “allowed” to marry in their situations and I thought the film did a terrific job of showing the angst created by such a situation.

Christians need to be realistic about the fact that having films where everyone is in a situation which allows for wholesome dating that results in marriage and a happy-ever-after ending is not depicting an accurate view of the world in which we live. I am happy to live in a country where art can depict reality.

The film’s treatment of war and its descruction on relationships is phenomenal.

This movie blew me away. It was one of those rare examples of the movie being better than the book.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Christine Carlson, age 39
Positive—“Atonement” is an amazing film that will take your breath away, first in delight, then in unbearable, crushing sadness. If you do not cry at the end of this film, then you have no heart.

On a moral level, this film does not strive to preach, but to be realistic, which should be its major goal anyway. And it succeeds at it. It shows the harm that jealousy and lying bring. And though Christians may complain about the sexual content, hopefully they can see that there are consequences to the sex scene that play throughout the entire film. You can see these lessons without the movie having to spell them out for you.

All in all, an amazing film, the best of 2007. And one of the most heartbreaking movies I have ever seen.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jm, age 18
Neutral—I am really surprised that people are raving about this film. Though the cinematography and performances are well done, the story itself is less than worthy. This film plays out so visually stunning that each shot is magnificent and moving. The thing that seems to lessen it is when people open their mouths. This film is about more than a lie; it’s about an obsession—and about not taking responsibility for your actions. My one concern is that the reviewer states that Briany walks in on Cecilia and Robbie in a passionate embrace. This is not entirely accurate. She walks in on them having intercourse in a rather untraditional manner. The scene prior to her interrupting them is, although visually modest, verbally graphic.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Misty Wagner, age 31
Neutral—I went for the matinee with my wife, and most of the crowd was 20-30 years older than we were. It wasn’t too bad. From the onset, I didn’t expect a good ending. A lot of the plot was predictable. I thought they might end up together, but with the stigma, so the ending was a little bit of a twist. A lot of the scenery was pretty good. The pervert character was a downer, but it was needed for the plot. The dirty letter, I suppose, was also needed. The showing of the pubic hair while she came out of the fountain was unnecessary. Also unnecessary was the sexual intercourse in the library—it was too heavy, long and drawn out, I was blushing and embarrassed. The relationship between the two was not that believable for me.

I basically tried to guess the plot and what was to occur so that I would not fall asleep. I was expecting less sex, and some war images that were going to make it a rated R. It was okay. These were unsaved people, so I expected them to act in that manner, so I wasn’t expecting some noble characters. It was just a love story between two worldly people with a twist, and a some sexual related material that could’ve easily been done different, but was in there for the worldly audience to get a kick out of. This movie could have easily been made to be a PG or PG-13.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Gary Ford, age 40
Neutral—I am a person who likes good movies and try to keep a balanced point of view when watching. This movie was definitely thought provoking and the cinematography excellent. I gave this movie a nuetral review because although the look of the movie was luring, the content and story are very disturbing and sad. First, the young, bright girl Briny (sp?), encountered so many serious sexual issues.

It was disturbing to see such a young girl coming face to face with such horrible sexual content (the letter with the perverted word for a woman’s private place—flashed on the screen several times, walking in on her sister having heavy sex in the library, stumbling upon her cousin being raped). She was a normal young, bright, girl who’s innocence was being taken from her around every corner (corners she was too curious and naive to avoid). Although she was definitely not without sin, a girl of this age is normally curious and it was sad that there was no one there to guide her through such shocking events.

Secondly, I think that the director failed to show a deep, wonderful, lasting, as well as passionate, relationship between Celia and Robby. This would have made the other parts of the movie mean so much more to me personally; especially when Briny spends so much of her life trying to make up for the actions that led to the ruin of their relationship and life together. (By the way, to say that Robby and Celia would have had this amazing life togehter if Briny would have just told the truth, is a really huge assumption to me.)

Although they seemed to love each other, what was viewed between Celia and Robby was mostly a powerful, lustful attraction-the rest of their relationship was pretty much “made up” by Briny. I would be concerned about any young girls/guys seeing this movie, particularly the sex scene in the library. After beginning intercourse, Celia and Robby declare their love for each other in the heat of a extremely passionate sexual encounter. Obviously this film doesn’t show the value of waiting to have sex until after marriage, and seems to say that this is the ultimate expression of passionate love. Truth is a theme in the movie, but the truth is, we were never meant to carry the weight of the sin in our lives, and also that our sins do not have to follow us all our lives.

There’s only ONE who can carry the weight of sin. One positive about this movie is that it does show sad consequences as the result of sin. Even the divorce of Briny’s cousin’s parents is shown to have a very negative affect on their children. I really didn’t feel that what Briny did was SO horrible. It seemed very foolish to put the weight of Robby’s innocence on a immature, confused child. I put more blame on the adults in the movie surrounding her life.

I felt so sad for Briny that she didn’t have a savior (or even an attentive parent) to take all her guilt and shame to. Earlier in the movie, it would have been wonderful if Briny’s mother would have questioned her a little more and helped her through her feelings, all she had seen and perhaps the truth of what happened to her cousin would have been discovered.

So much of what happened seemed tragic and terribly unnecessary. Because of what Christ did for us there is victory, forgiveness and redemption. This movie seems to try to make Briny’s fabrications, torture of her guilt, and attempts to redeem herself somehow beautiful. I call it tragic. As I make decisions about the movies coming out of Hollywood, I have to keep in mind that beautiful cinematography and fine acting aren’t enough to “atone” for disturbing themes/images, sexual content, and unsatisfying endings. By the way, if you want to see a great movie about a kid who tells the truth with great acting and cinematography, then see “The Winslow Boy” with your family (junior high age and up)-it even has a love story. You’ll go away happy and satisfied instead of sad.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Tara, age 37
Negative—This movie, though well made and with beautiful imagery, leaves a heavy lump in my spirit. I wanted so badly to really like it and enjoy it. I suppose in some cleaned up fashion, it could be fantastic, but we can only see it as it is at this time. The theme is very powerful and a lesson learned that what we say and do affects others. What disturbs me so much is the language, and the imagery of sex acts. I find it upsetting that a minor girl and adult man are among this group. I wish I had not seen it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Susan, age 41
Negative—“Pride and Prejudice” was so much better than this movie, as far as movies go. Of course, they are in a different period of time, but as far a movie plot, this one was kind of stupid and boring and a let down to say the least. It was a bit long. The visuals were good, but really the ending was such a let down, the movie was a let down. It was a disappointment.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Donnam, age 52
Negative—I was very excited when this movie came out on DVD. My sister and I watched it together and I just have to say I was very shocked at the language, scenes and word usage.

The beginning was good but then right when he wrote that letter to her, which I know wasn’t intended for her or her sister’s eyes, I could not believe what I was reading. There was no reason for the writers to use that word to describe a woman’s private or even to describe his feelings about her or what he would like to do with her.

The fountain scene didn’t bother me too much though but again she didn’t need to get down just into her slip like underwear and dunk in the water to get the broken piece. She could have easily just reached in and got it.

The sex scene in the library wasn’t as vulgar as others are but they were not married and the industry is still promoting premarital sex. The rape scene was not graphic but of course very disturbing.

Not to mention the f-word that one soldier used non-stop in one scene. I just don’t see the point in using that word to make yourself clear of how you feel.

I did feel that it dragged on a little bit. I even catched myself falling asleep and also on some parts it would jump and I would have to ask questions as to when that was (in parts of the movie it says 4 years later, 6 months before, etc.).

I really wanted to like this movie and give it a good rating but morally I just can’t do it because of the things mentioned above. It is still disturbing to me. Pride and Prejudice was so much better than this movie so if you want to see a well written, well directed and great imagery go see that movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Melissa Arnold, age 26
Negative—I found this movie extremely offensive. After watching just 40 minutes of it, I turned it off. I’ll admit, it did have some good movie making qualities such as nice lighting and costumes, but that’s about all I could give it credit for. I kept waiting for it to get better, but I continued to find it very slow and boring. Also, there were many times where I could not even understand what they were saying. Their English accent was so thick and they spoke in fast spurts at times. But the icing on the cake was by far the language. Very vulgar words were used even around small children. I didn’t even feel like finishing the movie. The Lord would be very dissapointed that I wasted his $5 on renting it!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Beth B, age 26
Comments from young people
Negative—I found that though the overall plot of this movie was interesting and well woven, what sorely disappointed me was the love story. I was hoping for a sweet, wistful chick flick. Instead, a girl and a guy who’ve been friends for awhile realize they like each other during an “incident” in the library and then are suddenly madly in love. It wasn’t romantic to me at all. The characters weren’t very thoroughly introduced and so the love line had no time to develop. So, overall, the movie left me with a strongly dissatisfied feeling. Although the plot was well done, it had too much objectionable content for me to enjoy myself.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Heidi, age 17
Positive—Wow, Atonement is the movie of the year in my book. It shows how lies can ruin people’s lives forever, and how forgiveness is a hard thing to give. The movie excels in all things related to film making. The cinematography, acting, music (it won the Oscar for best soundtrack, which is almost all done with typewriters) and story are all the best of the year. The ending was by no means perfect, but it was great, even if a little sad. Content wise, the movie is a little weighed down. I counted 14 f-words (11 or which are said by the same person in the same minute) and 1 S Word. There was no real “violence,” but we do see some very graphic war wounds. The sexual content is another matter completely. The 2 sexual scenes are shown from 2 viewpoints: Briony’s and Robbie’s. The first, involving Cecilia stripping down to underwear (it’s decent, not a bra or anything), going into a fountain, and coming out dripping wet. It ends up being that something broke and a piece fell into the fountain so Cecilia had to get it, but of course, Briony doesn’t know this. The other sexual scene takes place in the library. First Briony walks into the room and sees Robbie pressed up against Cecilia (who’s legs are wrapped around him). You see no movement or anything, just them standing there. The second time around it shows Cecilia and Robbie confessing their love for each other, followed by some undressing and movement, but no nudity either.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Stephen, age 15

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