
MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for strong brutal violence throughout, pervasive language, sexual content, nudity and some drug use—some involving children.

Reviewed by: Sheri McMurray

Moral Rating: Extremely Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Fantasy Action Adventure Teen Superhero Comedy Drama Adaptation
Length: 1 hr. 57 min.
Year of Release: 2010
USA Release: April 16, 2010 (wide—3,000+ theaters)
DVD: August 3, 2010
Copyright, Lionsgate Filmsclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Lionsgate Films Copyright, Lionsgate Films Copyright, Lionsgate Films Copyright, Lionsgate Films Copyright, Lionsgate Films Copyright, Lionsgate Films Copyright, Lionsgate Films Copyright, Lionsgate Films Copyright, Lionsgate Films
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Lionsgate Films

CHANGE THE WORLD—A single man or woman can help change the world. Read about some who did with faith and God’s help…
Jesus Christ, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David

VIOLENCE—How does viewing violence in movies affect families? Answer

Every time you buy a movie ticket or rent a video you are casting a vote telling Hollywood “That’s what I want.” Why does Hollywood continue to promote immoral programming? Are YOU part of the problem? Answer

Sex outside marriage

Fornication in the Bible

Should I save sex for marriage? Answer

My boyfriend wants to have sex. I don’t want to lose him. What should I do? Answer

How far is too far? What are the guidelines for dating relationships? Answer

What are the consequences of sexual immorality? Answer

Featuring Nicolas Cage (Damon Macready / Big Daddy), Chloe Moretz (Mindy Macready / Hit Girl), Aaron Johnson (Dave Lizewski / Kick-Ass), Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Chris D'Amico / Red Mist), Elizabeth McGovern (Mrs. Lizewski), Lyndsy Fonseca (Katie Deauxma), See all »
Director Matthew Vaughn—“Stardust
Producer Marv Films, Plan B Entertainment, Adam Bohling, See all »
Distributor: Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. Trademark logo.
(Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.)

“I can’t fly. But I can kick your ass.”

an adaptation of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.’s Kick-Ass

Sequel to this movie: Kick-Ass 2 (2013)

I usually don’t quote other reviewers and film critics in my posts. I try to take you from the secular world and focus on the reasons a Christian should or should not want to see a particular film. I try my best to count the swear words and take note of any language or behaviors that might sneak up on an unsuspecting Christian and send out an alert to you so that you can make a calculated moral decision as to whether you and your family might find a movie appropriate to view or not.

For “Kick-Ass,” I am making an exception.

So much controversy has already surfaced around the amount of foul language (uncountable and mind-bogglingly spoken by children under, over and around the age of 12) and murder (also, bloody, appalling, abusive slant on any Tarantino film) references to and visions of sex (and I’m talking teen sex, not adult, which I found inappropriate to view as a parent), as well as drugs in the film “Kick-Ass,” that my table has already been set.

The thing that should stand out to a Christian is that this time, with this film, we are not the only ones voicing our strong concerns. This time the uproar is coming up from the secular world, as well.

The plot, such as it is, has something to do with a gangster (Mark Strong) who operates a powerful New York drug-smuggling ring. His young son, Chris (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), yearns to prove himself a worthy inheritor of the family business. Meanwhile, Chris’ classmate Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson) is a skinny, hapless high schooler, suspected of being gay by the girl he most desires. He is focused on winning the attention of this pretty girl named Katie (Lyndsy Fonseca).

Mindy Macready (Chloe Moretz) is a cute, petite, foul-mouthed pre-teen, schooled in the art of weaponry by her vengeance-obsessed father, Damon (Nicolas Cage). Just for practice, her Dad sometimes has her wear a protective vest and shoots at her, so she’ll know what it feels like to take a bullet. He also has no problem with her language. I wonder if that makes him the “cool Dad?”

Mindy’s bullet wielding Dad—who later transforms into his own superhero, named Big Daddy—is a former cop who holds a longstanding grudge against the gangster-father of Mindy’s nerdy friend Chris.

Despite no discernible physical agility or superhero skill, Dave decides to don a homemade bright green and yellow costume and go into the crime-fighting business. Mindy believes she can do some damage, as well, with her Dad’s blessing and the right super-hero-esque weapons belt in pink and wig of purple. These two pint sized avengers eventually go on to become Hit-Girl and Kick-Ass, the salvation of a drug-and-violence-plagued New York City.

All of these players' paths eventually cross, in a manner which, while perhaps dramatically satisfying, is completely regrettable. Like most films making a bid to become a billion-dollar franchise, “Kick-Ass” tries too hard to shock us with language and vulgarity, too many characters and too many plot threads. If you’re not predisposed to this brand of fanboyish, back-story-clogged mayhem (the film is based on a comic-book series by Mark Millar and his characters already established by that genre), you’ll likely find yourself very confused. If you are a parent, I suspect you will want to run screaming from the theater. What these characters represent as possible role models to this generation has sent up red flags, not just to the Christian community, but to those in the secular realm as well.

In interviews, the cast has defended the script’s abusiveness and foul language as “not to sweat it, folks, it’s just good fun and fantasy, and we would never talk like that in real life.” Sure, guys, we know that… but the potential millions in the viewing audience that are teens and pre-teens are looking for role models, even though they may not be consciously thinking in that direction. So these characters, if allowed to become popular enough by the public’s forgiveness of the just-fantasy angle, have the acrid responsibility to the adults who may be looking at a future of chaos in a household of kids spouting the f-bomb and kicking-a** on authority at every turn.

As Kenneth Turan of the L.A. Times has said:

“You pay your money, you pick your poison.”

Christopher Tookey even stated in the Daily Mail of this film:

“One of the most disturbing icons and damaging role models in the history of cinema.”

He went on to state what I feel is paramount, as well:

“The reason the movie is sick, as well as thick, is that it breaks one of the last cinematic taboos by making the most violent, foul-mouthed and sexually aggressive character, Hit-Girl, an 11-year-old.

Played with enormous confidence by Chloe Moretz, she’s the most charismatic character in the movie. She may not realize it, but she has been systematically abused by her father, brainwashed and turned into a pint-sized [monster].

She believes that her vigilante dad (played, simplistically, for laughs by Nicolas Cage) is a hero just as much at the end as she did at the beginning.

Her attitude towards him doesn’t mature, which makes her pathetic, rather than cool. The fact that many people who see the film are going to think she is cool is one of its most depressing aspects.”

I asked a couple of people who did not have kids with them about their reaction to “Kick-Ass” and its cast of characters. The consensus was that the movie brings kids into the adult world way sooner than they need to be there. They also stated, every last one of them, that they definitely would not allow their kids to see this movie—ever. That means not now or rented or to buy later.

I have also cruised the net looking at polls, and every one I have viewed where the question was asked: “Would you take your kids to see this movie?” ~ The ‘no’ votes were up in the 90% marks! These were not polls or interviews from other Christian sites. They are from main stream net areas such as CNN, Fox and online news agencies like L.A. Times, Chicago Sun Times and Arizona Daily Sun, to name a few.

I can’t help but quote respected secular film critic Roger Ebert, who states it perfectly referring to “Kick-Ass”:

“A movie camera makes a record of whatever is placed in front of it, and in this case, it shows deadly carnage dished out by an 11-year-old girl, after which an adult man brutally hammers her to within an inch of her life. Blood everywhere. In one scene, she faces a hallway jammed with heavily armed gangsters and shoots, stabs and kicks them all to death, while flying through the air with such power, it’s enough to make Jackie Chan take out an AARP membership.

This isn’t comic violence. [It’s so realistic that…] these men, and many others in the film, are really stone-cold dead. And the 11-year-old apparently experiences no emotions about this. Many children that age would be, I dunno, affected somehow, don’t you think, after killing eight or 12 men who were trying to kill her?”

One more quote just to prove my point, that we Christians are not the only people concerned about this film. Dana Stevens, of Slate states:

“The director, Matthew Vaughn, pointed out the hypocrisy of those who criticized his movie’s use of profanity while ignoring its violence: ‘I was like, ‘Does it not bother you that she killed about 53 people in this film?’ … I’m like, ‘Would you rather your daughter swore, or became a masked vigilante killer?’ They’re going, ‘Yeah, I don’t know.’ Cogently put, sir. But this critic, for one, is going, ‘Yeah, it does bother me that Hit Girl, and her fellow amateur superheroes rack up a body count in the high dozens.’ In the course of this zany romp made for the high-school set, human bodies are microwaved, crushed in trash compactors, skewered, bazookaed, and burned alive. And, yes, it’s comic-book violence and deliberately over the top—but since “Kick-Ass”’s whole premise is that comic-book violence, when enacted in real life, has real consequences, it seems a strange choice to layer Tarantino-style splatter onto the Y.A.-novel setting and play the whole thing for laughs.”

The Bible teaches us that in the last days many people will turn away from believing and trusting in God and will put their trust in something taught by Satan, the great deceiver.

One of Satan’s main goals is to turn people away from trusting in the Bible and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must be very careful not to trust in our own feelings or understandings when they do not agree with God’s word. This sadly happens to many adults and children.

Make no mistake about it, Satan will always become something that will look ok, such as in a fantasy book or movie, and appear like it’s all in fun or perhaps for laughs and really isn’t anything to be concerned about. But be warned, that this is the best smoke screen Satan has going for him. Just when you or your kids let down that guard and believe the lie, that’s when Satan gets a grip.

Please read Genesis 3:1-5; John 8:44; 1 Peter 5:8,9; Ephesians 6:11-13; Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 12:9-11; 20:10) and discuss this with your family today.

Satan is the father of lies. He is cunning at the task of twisting or misrepresenting the truth. Also a cool perpetrator of many forms of deception, like films or books which seem to make sense because they weave lies with the truth, like masking the essence of a film such as “Kick-Ass” as just fantasy and humor, when in truth it will eventually lead to more of the same smut and violence—a way for Satan to enslave the impressionable minds of the youth.

But, by far, the most malicious form of a lie is using something good to bring about ultimate evil. To illustrate this, imagine Satan on a fishing expedition. Like a seasoned fisherman, he will not attach a hook to the line and toss it in just like that. He knows that most fish just won’t voluntarily bite on an exposed hook. So, he will consider the type of fish he’s after, and will “dress up” the hook accordingly: a flashy lure for some fish, a worm (real or plastic) for others, a fly for yet others. Does he do this because he wants to feed or entertain the fish? Of course not! He wants to feed himself. The seeming good that may come from him is intended for your ultimate demise.

So beware, all you fish out there, remember there is only ONE Fisherman who will take you and care for you—body, mind and soul, and That Man is Jesus Christ. Know the truth well, for it will set you free. Know Him Who is Truth, for He will help you see past the wily deceptiveness of Satan. We need to know what God’s word says; abide by it for the sake of our very souls.

I add, in closing, this very important point to parents. “Kick-Ass” is NOT your family-friendly superhero movie. This is NOT even a funny parody of superhero dramas, such as “Spiderman” or “Batman.” This is NOT FUNNY! It is serious smut and an offensive way to expose kids to the aggressive, repellent, perverse behaviors we as parents have been fighting in a super way for decades to filter OUT of their lives.

The director of “Kick-Ass,” Matthew Vaughn, himself stated that he made this movie for a particular audience, and he also stated that the people who won’t go see it are the one’s who find it offensive, so my answer to that is ~ I hope and pray the crowd who finds it offensive is vast enough to push this horrifically mortifying dud into obscurity!

Violence: Extreme / Profanity: Extreme / Sex/Nudity: Extreme

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I’m usually someone who is very open to people’s opinions, but I felt the need to clear up a few things about the film and comic book it is based on. Yes, the movie and comic book are extremely violent and profane, but the movie is rated “R” for a reason. I’m so sick and tired of people going “I didn’t know what to expect and was truly offended” without doing any type of research about the material. Do your research! Read the description as to why it is rated “R“. It is not and never was intended for children and families. Just because its super heroes doesn’t mean it always needs to be for families. That’s just lazy thinking.

As for the movie making quality, the film was extremely well done. It told a great story with likable characters, was very funny, and action packed. It also had heart, which I was not expecting. It also had some great cinematography and direction from Matthew Vaughn. Remember, it’s not a kids' movie, but adults who are fans of the comic should be entertained by the movie. I know I was.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jeremy, age 22 (USA)
Positive—…as a casual movie goer, the film was well-made, although the shift in tone, from realistic violence to cartoon-like violence was a bit jarring. As for the theme of the film itself, the whole point of the film is to indicate why being a vigilante is a bad idea, and how the celebrity culture glorifies it (such as how premarital sex is based on a reward system, and not on love). Furthermore, the film depicts mental and physical abuse, and how, no matter the noble intent, can lead to destruction, such as the character when “Big Daddy” used his daughter “Hit Girl” for a personal vendetta stemming from grief, and how he paid the ultimate price for his own selfishness.

And although the graphic nature of the film seems to be what is highlighted, how is that any different from the violence that is depicted in the Bible, such as when the would-be-king David slaying Goliath when he was still a boy? We only know of David using his sling-shot to fell the giant, but very little attention is drawn to the fact that David also cut off his head (1 Samuel 17:51). And if the entire Bible was accurately depicted in film, my guess would be that it would have an NC-17 rating.

The point is that the movie “Kick-***” takes on a genre of literature, and turns it on its head. And while I would not recommend this film as a family affair, to say that it represents low quality standards is misguided. A Christian film reviewer should be able to wear two hats: a reviewer of film as film, and a reviewer of the film as a Christian. I know that this is a tough call, but if you are able to keep this bit advice in mind, I think this site’s review system would be a bit more respected, if not mainstream. Other than that, keep up the good work.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
D. Wynne, age 39 (USA)
Neutral—To those who say that this movie is okay for Christians to view because the Bible itself contains graphic material—I disagree. Although the Bible does refer to events which would be graphic if depicted on film, it generally does so in a matter-of-fact, summarizing way. For example, we are told of David’s adultery with Bathsheba, but the Bible does not go into vivid detail about exactly what happened in David’s bedroom. Compared to a lot of modern movie fare, I think even the sometimes erotic text of the Song of Solomon is tame. Many of the Bible’s depictions of murder and brutality are akin to what you might see in the newspaper—they get the point across, but don’t go into gory detail. Statements about a person’s bowels coming out (see Judas’ death in Acts) are about as graphic as I can remember the Bible getting. And reading descriptions of such things is NOT the same as actually seeing them.

Maybe this film has some worthwhile moral statements to make behind its over-the-top exterior. I don’t know. But I would urge any Christian who considers viewing it to think about whether any positive aspects of the film are worth the exposure to all this negative material. Sure, maybe the characters in the film are “real,” but are these the kinds of “real” people you want to think about or identify with? If they actually were real people, do you think it would do you good to spend an afternoon in their company? Maybe violence, sex, and language like that depicted in the film really happens, but are these aspects of life that you want to dwell on for a couple of hours (not to the point of just knowing that they occur, but experiencing them in all their depravity)?

Alternatively, if the movie is “just fantasy,” why would you choose a fantasy that is so crude and ugly? The Bible urges us to meditate on things that are true, pure, lovely, worthy of praise, etc.

When I look at this film, I just don’t see “pure” or “lovely,” and I’m not even sure about “true.”

And to those who say that the movie’s bad role models aren’t a problem because everyone knows that this is not a movie for kids—okay. But even if the kids stay away, it’s not as if teens and even adults can’t be impressionable. No matter how old you are, films can still inspire, disillusion, desensitize, etc. Do we really want people of any age watching the things the “good guys” in this movie do, and possibly getting the impression that they’re acceptable?
Jennifer, age 21 (USA)
Positive—I agree that it is not a movie you should be taking your children to, but it is a movie that succeeds in what it was meant to do. Entertain. This was one of the first movies I have seen in a long time where everything was up to par: the acting was very good, the humor (though sometimes dark) was funny, and the action was appropriate for a comic book movie. The story also had heart. The characters were likable, especially the main character and his friends. They are a lot like many of the people I know. The movie is rated “R” for a reason and should be taken that way. Go see it if you want to see a really good movie and can handle some violence and profanity.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Kay, age 23 (USA)
Positive—…The moviemaking quality IS 5 stars as this movie is extremely well shot, scripted, and acted. the movie makes references to hit girl being robbed of her childhood and is not being taken lightly. Big Daddy was greatly effected by the death of his wife and it changed him for the worse, as the movie references at least once. The movie even manages to evoke real emotions because of tough situations characters are going through, not gonna say due to spoilers but it is truly touching.

Anyway, I am a follower of god and go to church every week, yet as a maturing adult I can tell the difference between reality and film… of course there are scenes of sex between teens and very brief instances of drug use. this is of course offensive but not as graphic as many other movies out there.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Camden, age 19 (USA)
Positive—Okay. I am going to be very up front with the other reviewers, so prepare yourself, because you are probably not going to like what you are about to read: I loved this film. There. I said it. Now, if you were offended by this film, that is completely understandable and you are justified in your opinion of the film.

I’m usually not as easy on other reviewers, because I think that most Christian reviewers are one-sided and biased. In this case, I’m willing to cut the nay-sayers a little slack. Why, you ask? Because the sight of an 11-year-old girl slaughtering 50 or so men, while using some of the foulest words imaginable is a whole heck of a lot to handle, especially if you are a parent, or an ultra-conservative. I, however, am neither of those things, which is why I enjoyed the film as much as I did. The film is a satire—a nitty gritty, no-holds-barred, anything goes type of satire, the likes of which have not been seen in a long time.

You see, I knew all of the controversy going in. I also know what the director was going for, and while I did not agree with the onslaught of gratuitous profanity, we’ll just say that I “got it”, and had a good time. If anything, it’s a Tarantino rip-off with kids. If that last sentence causes you to shudder, you need to stay far away from this film. Please do not go see this film if you are easily offended.

However, if you are a cinephile who doesn’t mind a challenge—and it definitely is one of the more challenging films of the year—then by all means, see the thing.

DO NOT take your kids. The title alone should scream NO KIDS ALLOWED. If you are a parent who feels that this film is appropriate for your children, then maybe you shouldn’t be a parent. It’s hard enough for Roger Ebert to sit through, and he’s been watching movies for years, so you think your kids should see it?! Absolutely not. There were two children in the screening room tonight. Shameless.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Steven Adam Renkovish, age 27 (USA)
Positive—…I agree with the first positive post I saw. and let me tell you that I am and have been, for the entirety of my life, a christian. I love Jesus with all my heart, although I’m sure, most certainly sure that other Christians who read this will without a doubt mark me, as a non-believer. I am amazed at what I have read from the christian bubble, AND the secular world alike about this movie. Why are you bringing your kids to a movie entitled, “Kick Ass,” and being disgusted by a strong amount of foul language. Suppose you’re an executive producer for a movie and want the audience to be families including small children, do you title the movie after A. an animated ogre B. a fantasy land filled with toys or C. a known swear word? I don’t think if I was targeting children that I would chose C, and I don’t know why anyone else would either. So why would you?
Additionally, why would bring your kids to a rated R movie? I mean come on, they have little caricature pictures at the movie theater depicting the age of the people going to movies for each and individual rating by the MPA. Did you notice that there were not many children depicted in that drawing, of the rated R film? there were adults and Teens. If you wanted your children to see a movie with cartoon giraffes in it then perhaps you should have stuck with the rating (G) that depicted a giraffe in the theater. Or perhaps looked at the description of what, “R,” is by the MPA, and I quote, “Contains some adult material, Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their young children with them.” Were you just not urged enough to learn more about the film before you took your young children with you? If you have young children please please please do not bring them to a rated R movie entitled “Kick Ass.” Wait for Toy Story 3, where perhaps there is an animated giraffe. And remember, Jesus spread a message of love, not hate.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Mark, age 23 (USA)
Positive—I am conflicted about this movie… on a filmmaking / cinematic level, it is very well done. On a moral level it is hard to follow the suggested rating system, which is why I put “Not Applicable.” Not that there is not a moral aspect to the content of the film or to the actions or character of those it portrays, but if we are going to cast a moral rating on the film from an objective standpoint, we’d have to seriously consider the appropriateness of large portions of Scripture, as well. What do you do with King David? Adulterer, murderer, conspirator. What about Absalom? Tamar? Ever read Judges? How about all of the gratuitous violence of the Old Testament and the graphic trial and execution of Jesus the messiah? Do we really think that the Roman thugs were not hurling culturally applicable F-bombs at Jesus as they tortured him?

I’m not excusing the moral actions or moral qualities of the Kick Ass characters, but they are real, if not exaggerated. And like any story, Biblical or Fiction, there are over-arching themes and issues that are most significant and important. I, for one, found the film inspiring. In a sea of people resigned to accept life for what it is, including injustice, pain, and personal torment, we need people to choose to be more, do more, stand up, etc. Obviously, this doesn’t mean they go on vigilante killing sprees. Those who can’t see the core metaphorical nature of Kick Ass are somewhat misguided. People have common sense—nobody’s advocating that we start training 11-year old girls to be assassins.

Let’s not lose the message in the medium of the metaphor. The main characters left standing at the end—Kick Ass, Hit Girl, and Red Mist, share common ground. They all have experienced loss and have extreme parent issues. Of the 3 characters, who has the worst Father relationship? In many ways, the film is about our failure as adults to mentor the next generation. We are the ones responsible for the sad state of affairs where children are marginalized, trivialized, and used as pawns to serve our agendas. Yes, the violence is severe. Yes, the language is pervasive. As far as sexuality, comments that it is severe are much exaggerated.

There is very little sex in the film and I appreciated that it was portrayed modestly. The Daves and Mindys of the world need role models who will help them make sense of their culture and circumstances and respond appropriately. If it takes a hard slap in our faces to see both the pain and potential of young adult culture, so be it. Though I like the film very much, I confess there are few in my Christian circle I could ever recommend it to or talk to about it (out of deference). But there is a very significant niche of seeking young adults in my sphere of influence for which “Kick Ass” provides common ground to talk about life and Jesus and I am grateful for it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: not applicable / Moviemaking quality: 5
Ed, age 40 (USA)
Positive—I personally think that The sinful world we live itself is waaaaaaaaaaaay more terrible than this movie. YES, we shouldn’t agree to it or like what some of the characters are doing, but this is not new to us; this goes on every time (sin) and not only unbelievers sin but us believers, too. There are way more worst things going on in reality, in third world countries younger kids actually kill FOR REAL they aid their parents to kill people who threatens them or who are against them (in wars). We should stand stronger than complaining about something like this because its fantasy.

The actress (Chloe Grace Moretz) who plays as hit-girl—personally doesn’t do these things, and she doesn’t advise kids her age to view the movie. No, it’s not for families, and that’s obvious. You can watch this film, but it all depends on how you stand by Christ. If you’re strong enough in your spiritual walk to understand that this movie is all for entertainment, the movie isn’t made to make you believe that killing or swearing is right; it just shows it to you, that’s why it’s called a dark-comedy. There is nothing wrong being entertained by the movie, it’s just wrong depending on how adults and some kids will take it. I personally think it’s just like the world that we live at right now, only in screen. Overall, I think it depends on how strong your stand is with Christ. JUST PRAY Y’ALL
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Matthew, age 19 (USA)
Positive—I enjoyed this film. My wife hated it. In fact, she was terribly disturbed by it. My 22 year old son liked it.

The movie is ridiculous in its over the top action/violence and child profanity. Therefore, I did not take it seriously, nor did I let it disturb me. Perhaps I have experienced so much personal tragedy or perhaps my heart is not where it should be, that movies like this don’t bother me when I view them at home. Had I been at a theater with lots of people, I probably would have been uncomfortable with parts of it.

The tone was set early when Nicolas Cage shoots his daughter to let her see what it feels like to get shot with a bullet proof vest on. What kind of a deranged person would do that? I knew that we were in la la land then.

Language was awful. Violence was graphic. What appealed to me about the movie was you had an awkward teenager who wanted to stand up to wrong, and he did so at great peril. He took a stand. Yes, he sinned greatly at times, especially in the sexual realm. However, his defense of the defenseless was laudable.

99.5% of Christians don’t have the courage to risk life and limb as he did. As for Nicolas Cage and daughter they killed many, many bad guys and I mean really bad guys. The reckoning for those evildoers was gratifying and had a sweet aroma to it, even though it was outside of the law. Cage and daughter, too, had courage, devotion, and skills that were admirable, though misplaced.

I would never take a minor child to see this movie. However, there were redeeming aspects of the film that an adult could discern. I believe you could have a good discussion about the film between believers and believers, and believers and non believers.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Mark, age 48 (USA)
Neutral—Battle between good and evil is never clean. Expect there to be some blood in the end days…the battle of good people trying to make the Earth a better place from satan and his followers isn’t always going to be a war of words and arguing. I’m pretty sure the Bible has stated that as well as God himself throughout history. There is going to be some bloodshed on both ends of the spectrum. Fighting for what you believe in is a part of being a believer… sometimes, words aren’t enough with satan.

If I was the leader of Heavens army, I’m pretty sure I would want Hit Girl on my team… not Dr. Dobson. Stop being so sensitive. I’m pretty sure God understands that this world isn’t perfect… he just gave certain people the hearts of lions to do something about it. He made just as many youth pastors as he did gun slingers… it’s just a difference of the weapon in the final fight.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jeremy, age 26 (USA)
Negative—This movie was disgusting. I read some of the other comments about it, and I cannot believe what I’m seeing from people claiming Christ. I am a big fan of action movies, but this was way over the line. There was no reason for the nature of some of those deaths.

Also, the language was far too bad to ignore. Dropping some bad language every once in a while during appropriate scenes is something that can be overlooked sometimes, but this was ridiculous. That 12-year-old kid said a couple things that made me uncomfortable, and I was in the military.

The worst part was the premarital sexual behavior, though. It was depicted by teens as not only without consequence, but as a goal. Masturbating to pornography and full on sex were both alluded to/depicted in this movie.

How can a believer not be offended and saddened by this? I feel sad for the kids that played these parts. Anyway, this movie was horrible. Do yourself a favor and by a ticket to “How to Train Your Dragon,” or failing that, watch the paint in your house dry. You’ll be better for it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Wayne, age 29 (USA)
Negative—As an extremely avid film buff, cinephile, and movie critic… I feel I can adequately assess this film as brainless satire. This saddens me because satires are supposed to be aware and smart. The storyline (violence, sex, and language aside) feels like a bad early 90s schlocky Saturday morning cartoon show for snotty nosed 7 year olds that were poorly produced only to peddle sloppy toys and merchandise. It’s unoriginal and just not funny. To put it simply: this film is lame.

On these grounds the movie is not for adults. They would spot the plot-holes and ridiculousness and tired attempts at humor a mile away …however, I most definitely would not recommend this for kids. Despite the “R” rating it is obvious this movie was designed for 13 year old boys. The film is loud and obnoxious and despite its attempts at self-parody it loses points for all the occasions it forgets to do that. The tone is definitely uneven. It jumps from cartoony sex comedy with all the cliche plot points to cartoony ultra-violence.

So the comedy is dull and uneven, how 'bout that violence? In the movie world, there is such a thing as fun or even funny violence, but that is dictated by the tone in which it is carried out. “Kick Ass” doesn’t want us to take the violence seriously. It wants us to laugh, but the violence of “Kick Ass” is too strong and malicious to be funny. It makes both the characters, the filmmakers, and fans seem rather sadistic.

“Inglorious Basterds” knew how to handle itself and did a marvelous job (and no one would confuse it with a children’s movie). It was suspenseful, humorous, frightening, and had an emotional impact. “Kick Ass” on the other hand is a mess that glorifies all of the wrong things and seems so uninformed of its own intentions that it makes it exceptionally bad. “Kick Ass” is beyond bad, it’s delusional. And it’s trying so hard to be edgy, hip, and cool it commits the cardinal sin of moviedom: it fails to be entertaining.

The characters are flat and ill-conceived, the story is insipidly tedious (ripped mostly from “Spiderman”), and the tone is unpleasant and messy at best. I am hard pressed to figure out anything this film did right. My advice is to stay home and rent “The Incredibles” or “The Rocketeer” (does anybody still remember “The Rocketeer”?). Thanks for reading. …
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Jon, age 23 (USA)
Negative—I should’ve known when I saw the title of this movie that I shouldn’t have expected much from it. Kick A** is full of profanity and gory violence. What makes it most depressing is that the soundtrack in the background of several violent scenes seems to try to make it pass for a comedy or movie for the light-hearted. I definitely discourage anyone of moral standing from watching this movie. I’m still saying had I known.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Emmanuel A, age 27 (Cameroon)
Negative—…We watched about 30 minutes of it, and we were disgusted! The cursing alone just about did us in. There had to be at least 50 “F” words just in the 30 minutes we watched it. The killing of the so called “bad guys” was just over the top. I couldn’t stand watching an “11” year old kill people with no remorse. It was just plain awful, bloody, gory, sexual and horrible! Don’t waist your time!!!… Don’t see it, rent it, buy it or bother to watch it. Take your kids to see The Avengers instead!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Amy, age 43 (USA)
Negative—This movie is awful! I can’t not believe all the positive comments! I rented it based on all the positives that I saw on this site. It is horrid! The cursing is over the top. Every other word!!!… I can’t even imagine anyone giving this a positive!!! Horrible acting, horrible plot line, too much over the top cursing and watching a young child KILL people was also horrible. I thought it was going to be funny, but not funny, at all. Skip this movie and go see Avengers!!!…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1
A. Nesbitt, age 44 (USA)
Comments from young people
Neutral—Normally, I am a bit sly with what I watch, but even with the content I still watch as a Christian. I watched this film, expecting it to be kind of like “Watchmen.” I personally found the latter mentioned film to be a very good and traditional “gritty” superhero movie made for the adults of the generation who grew up with such a movie. As much as I’d hate to admit it to myself or Christ, “Kick Ass” is one of the better movies that came out this year. However, does that mean it is worth viewing more than once or watching it with your son? Not at all.

While it is a very well made movie with some pretty impressive visuals to contrast the original comic book, the moral is conflicting to even hard going comic book lovers. “Watchmen” fans can appreciate the symbolism and overall concept of the characters, while “Kick Ass” remains an intimidation that can not make up its mind with its own concept. “Kick Ass” tries to explain while actual vigilantism is unneeded and foolish, but also follows the clichés where the ending is happy. “Kick Ass” gets the girl, and everything seems to be closed up of most loose ends.

What made this movie so mixed, was that it wanted to be a message and an entertaining movie at the same time. Not a wise plan, but I think other movies have done it much better. Personally, I haven’t watched “The Passion of the Christ” nearly as much as I watched “Scarface”, but I left with a strong message from the Passion. While Kick Ass, is literally fun and games, not to be taken seriously or be taken with a decent Christian perspective.

Fellow Christians, if you WANT to watch this movie for entertainment, do not watch it expecting a deeper hidden meaning. Leave your Christian view point away when watching, because you are already aware of this movie’s content, so why are you watching in the first place? A great film at its core, but a poor concept to try and use for an inspirational or relatable character.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Dillon Todd, age 15 (USA)
Positive—First of all, I was extremely excited to see this, and I was not dissappointed in any way. And second, if you cant handle violence, language, and crude sexual content, then please dont go see this and then whine about it here. This is R for STRONG BRUTAL VIOLENCE THROUGHOUT, PERVASIVE LANGUAGE, SEXUAL CONTENT, NUDITY, and DRUG CONTENT. You should know what to expect.

This is wildy funny and crazy film. The characters are interesting and the movie is very well made. I highly reccommend this movie to anyone who has any interest in this. If you dont have interest in it, you probably wont enjoy it much. Or you’ll be terrified by the content. I totally understand how people find this movie offensive, and it is, but its meant to be. And it’s just a movie. If your mature enough to watch this and know its fake and meant to be sort of a satire you’ll enjoy it much more.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Rob, age 15 (USA)
Negative—Listen to the name of the movie, would God want you to watch this? Probably one of the most offenseve movies I have seen; there is porn watching, nearly 100 f-words, including a 12 year old girl saying something to her father I do not want to repeat, vulgular words revolving around a man’s privates. And VIOLENCE, parts of bodies being chopped off, a man is tortured, and later explodes in an oversised microwave, kids get their revenge, kill adults, torture and even humilate them. A man burns alive, in revenge; the little girl kills all the men with a butterfly knife she learned how to use, her dad even shoots her when she has only a bulletproof vest on. …Do not waste your time… I did, and I did a lot of repenting.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
John Lee, age 14 (USA)
Negative—My least favorite character is hit girl, cause she causes the most amount of profanity and violence in the film.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Andrew, age 15 (USA)
Movie Critics
…Don’t be fooled by the hype: This crime against cinema is twisted, cynical, and revels in the abuse of childhood… It deliberately sells a perniciously sexualized view of children and glorifies violence, especially knife and gun crime, in a way that makes it one of the most deeply cynical, shamelessly irresponsible films ever. …
Christopher Tookey, The Daily Mail
…you have to keep reminding yourself that it’s “only a movie” every time Hit Girl [Mindy] does her stuff—mega-violent action scenes of multiple killings obviously inspired by the early films of John Woo… These scenes are deliberately over-the-top and incredibly violent, and the fact that an 11-year-old is doing the killing—shooting and stabbing bad guys—all of whom die very bloodily—will be understandably concerning for many. …
David Stratton, ABC’s At the Movies (Australia)
…very violent black comedy puts a new twist on superheroics… Like an explosion in a bad taste factory, Matthew Vaughn’s teen-superhero black comedy “Kick-Ass” is a thoroughly outrageous, jaw-droppingly violent and very funny riff on the quasi-porn world of comic books—except that there is absolutely no “quasi-” about it. …
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
……Mindy is the foulest mouthed child ever to appear on screen, making Louis Malle’s Zazie sound like Colette. …The mayhem is nonstop. … From an opening shot, in which a mentally disturbed, would-be superhero plunges to his death from a skyscraper, “Kick-Ass” is relentlessly violent. People are crushed alive in car compactors and blown up in giant microwaves. …they kill people in graphically colourful ways… Cruel and unusual punishments are the order of the day…
Philip French, The Observer
Comments from non-viewers
Negative—While I have not seen it, and do not intend to, I feel certain elements of the film make it unacceptable regardless of whatever context in which it is presented. Mostly, I am extremely bothered by the blood-thirsty antics and obscenities-laden language of an 11 year-old character that goes by the name of “Hit Girl”. Her encounters with “bad guys” leave a bloody path of death and dismemberment, accompanied by a string of profane one-liners. Among these are F*ck, C*ck, and C*nt. Why is it “OK” for a kid who is not old enough to even get in to see this movie able to contribute to that very material that made that restriction? Makes zero sense to me. Defenders of this type of dialogue claim “it’s just a movie”, “it was required given the context of the film”, “that’s the way kids today talk” (perhaps because of films such as this?), and, of course, the go-to guy statement “if you don’t like it, don’t go see it”.

Well, I won’t be going to see it; I do not intend to give the makers of this movie one dime of my money. Hollywood and its apologists continue their manta of “it is up to the parents to screen what is viewed by their children”. Ohh-kaay, so what you are saying is that you’re going to throw a bunch of landmines out in the field, and if any are stepped on, any resulting destruction is OUR fault! Summing up, while diligent parents can indeed provide a buffer on what their children are exposed to, there is no getting around the fact that we have to live in the same world that is shaped by parents who don’t really seem to care.
Rick, age 41 (USA)
Negative—“Kick-Ass” is extreme in its bad taste. An eleven year old girl uses extreme profanities, and also extreme violence. This film is possibly one of the most degrading films… Please Christians stay awy in droves.
Lyn, age 60 (Wales)