Please take a moment now to pray for these influential people (prayer suggestions).
Reviewed by: Maggie Hays
Moral Rating: | Extremely Offensive |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Adults Young-Adults |
Genre: | Crime Action Comedy Sequel |
Length: | 1 hr. 50 min. |
Year of Release: | 2018 |
USA Release: |
June 8, 2018 (wide—4,000+ theaters) DVD: September 11 2018 |
What does Scripture say about STEALING? Answer
thieves in the Bible: robbery, the two thieves
Featuring |
Sandra Bullock … Debbie Ocean Cate Blanchett … Lou Anne Hathaway … Daphne Kluger Rihanna … Nine Ball Helena Bonham Carter … Rose Mindy Kaling … Amita Awkwafina … Constance Dakota Fanning … Penelope Stern Olivia Munn … Matt Damon … Linus Caldwell Richard Armitage … Claude Becker Jaime King … Jaime King Katie Holmes … Katie Holmes Carl Reiner … Saul Bloom Sarah Paulson … Tammy James Corden … John Frazier Kylie Jenner … Kylie Jenner Kim Kardashian West … Kim Kardashian Kendall Jenner … Kendall Jenner Charlotte Kirk … Cara See all » |
Director | Gary Ross — “The Hunger Games” (2012) |
Producer |
Smokehouse Pictures Village Roadshow Pictures See all » |
Distributor |
Debbie Ocean spent five years in prison planning this jewel heist, down to every minute detail. When she gets out of prison, all she needs is seven other women to join her team for a huge paycheck. She shares her plan with the experts—the hacker, the pick pocket, the jeweler, the fence, and the others. For a cut of $16 million each, they are all eager to be of assistance.
Everyone on the team performs to high and exact standards to reach a common goal. This is not a Robin Hood scenario where he “steals from the rich and gives to the poor.” These gals want to steal in order to enrich themselves, and they have no honorable intentions for the money, other than to pursue their own pleasures. Bluntly put, this is a film about crooks and con-artists who do dishonest things without remorse.
Objectionable Language: The Name of Jesus Christ is profaned five times. “S*it” in varied forms such as “bulls*it” is spoken a dozen times. We hear “A*s” five times, and there are two “F”words. Along with that are crude words such as “p*ss,” “holy cr*p,” “fr*cken,” “p*ssies,” and “bloody.”
Violent Content: There are no gunfights or fistfights in this film, and no screaming arguments. In one scene Debbie holds a knife to a man and threatens him, but does cut him.
Disturbing Images: There are many instances of illegal activity, such as when Debbie Ocean steals items off shop racks, then takes them to the cashier claiming she wants to return them for cash but doesn’t have her receipt. Debbie’s friend, Lou, makes a living selling Vodka she waters down in a back room “because no one notices when you water it down, as long as it tastes like Vodka.” The pickpocket gal constantly steals from anyone within ten feet of her. Crime is rampant and glorified in this movie.
Nudity: Since this is a film about a museum theft, there are many paintings and statues that are nudes. Also, in a couple of apartments there are artful nude paintings that the camera lingers on. Many of the women in the movie are dressed seductively in dresses intentionally accentuating their cleavage and their thighs.
Alcohol, Smoking, and Drug Use: There are several scenes that highlight drinking and smoking. No drug use is evident, except one character is smoking a joint in several scenes.
Sex: One very brief scene shows a couple having sex. Another scene shows a scantily-clad woman straddling a man suggestively, and in one scene a woman handcuffs a man to a bed, then she disappears.
Occult: There is no occult activity depicted in this film.
Morality Issues: The movie Is about eight women who plot to steal diamonds during a famous annual Met gala in New York City. Right off the bat this movie is highly immoral. Debbie Ocean lies through her teeth to get paroled, promises to lead a quiet lawful life, and right away she enlists the aid of her team to pull off the greatest jewel theft in history. They do all of their illegal activities and lying with absolutely no remorse. No one seems to have a conscience. Lou asks Debbie why she is doing this. Debbie replies “because this is what I’m good at.” At one point Debbie tells her team, “Somewhere out there, there’s an eight-year-old girl dreaming of becoming a criminal. You’re doing this for her.”
There is also a sub-story about the man who framed Debbie and caused her to go to prison for five years. While Debbie orchestrates the theft, she is also plotting her revenge against this ex-boyfriend. A couple of characters who are not originally part of the theft team are bribed and cut in to keep them quiet about the crime.
This movie just simply glorifies dishonesty. Young people who see the film may find themselves rooting for Debbie’s team and hoping they are successful, but it should be pointed out to them that what Debbie Ocean’s team of eight is doing is against the Law of God as well as against the laws of man. “Thou Shalt Not Steal” is nowhere to be found in anyone’s vocabulary in this movie.
See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.
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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.
As news of the all-star cast made it’s way to me, I began to feel better about my chances of going to see this film. I celebrate diversity in every possible way, and the additions of Mindy Kaling, Awkwafina, and Rihanna were much needed. I feel that their characters gave the film it’s best moments.
The Bible (naturally!) tells us that we shall not covet what another has. I went into this movie knowing stealing/theft/robbery are against what God says. In no way did I expect this movie to eventually tell me that stealing will have a lovely outcome. Debbie (played exceptionally by Sandra Bullock) and her team are in some way unhappy. They smoke, cheat, live in unhappy marriages, are plagued by an bad reputation, or are trapped in unhappy marriages. The life of crime then appeals to them. It offers a quick-fix. At the end of the film they have the cash and the means to do anything they want. The movie doesn’t show us any negative outcomes to their behavior… but I can sure think of some.
Now, as for whether this movie was good… when I go to see a movie, I go to be entertained… and I was entertained. I wanted this movie to pull off the same hare-brained-skin-of-their-teeth heist strategies, because that is what I and most audiences loved about the other Ocean’s films. I was pleased with Debbie’s team and their interesting chemistry, as well as how they managed to get what they wanted.
I understand there is no moral compass to these films. All I can say is that sometimes it takes watching a movie where bad decisions are made to understand what the good decisions are.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½