Bed of Roses

Reviewed by: Brad Kibler

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Romance Drama
Length: 87 min.
Year of Release: 1996
USA Release:

I was pulled in by the characters in this romantic drama. I felt empathy for both of the main players as they struggled to figure out how to combine the family, friends, and work in their lives and still manage to fall in love.

Lisa Walker (Mary Stuart Masterson) has managed to bury her past, and move on with her life as a successful business woman. In the first few minutes of the film she closes her biggest business deal, and seconds later finds out that some one “back home” has passed away. While still recovering from the impact of these two weighty events she receives a bouquet of flowers delivered by Lewis Farrell (Christian Slater). The story unfolds as Lewis attempts to win the heart of Lisa.

The characters of Lisa and Lewis are a contrast of traditional and modern values. Lewis comes from a large close-knit family, whereas Lisa puts her views on the family this way: “It seems all the functions family used to serve, are served by friends and colleagues now…” Lewis has learned to love unconditionally and wholeheartedly, but Lisa has trouble with loving, as she feels there is a certain sense of safety “in a dream where no one can hurt you… but no one can love you either.” Lewis believes “the world needs more perfection,” yet Lisa believes the world needs it’s imperfections to “balance it out.”

Some questionable content includes the fact that the main characters become sexually intimate within a few days of meeting each other for the first time. There are less than 5 instances of profanity, and it is not extreme.

This film could have been called “Romance 101.” It shows examples of many traditional romantic gestures and activities… sending flowers, star gazing, watching a sunset together, slow dancing, and on and on… If you need to learn the basics, or if you just need a refresher course, see this film.

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