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Fools Rush In

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for sensuality and brief language.

Reviewed by: Kevin Burk

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: 16 to Adult
Genre: Comedy
Length: 109 min.
Year of Release: 1997
USA Release:

“Fools Rush In” portrays the harsh and sweet realities of trying to make a marriage work when the future looks bleak. It’s a tale of love eventually conquering all, of which Hollywood has always been fond.

Matthew Perry (“Friend's” Chandler) portrays a jet-set executive assigned to Las Vegas to complete the opening of a new nightclub. One night in a bar, he meets a beautiful stranger, played by the lovely Salma Hayek. After a one-night stand, Hayek returns months later to inform Perry that she is pregnant. Perry claims to care about Hayek deeply and the two get married. The rest of the film explores how difficult marriage is for the couple. By the end of the film, their marriage faces a major challenge, but in the end love conquers all.

Entertainment wise, this film turned in good performances from the two leads and some funny and touching moments. From a Christian perspective, I would only recommend this film for adults and morally well grounded teens. The movie does do a fairly good job of showing that nights of passion are more than just harmless fun and can lead to a lifetime of consequences, however. Its main problem is that, in real life, one night stands rarely lead to successful, happy marriages as this one does. On the plus side, it does show that marriage is difficult and requires a lifetime of work and commitment.

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…My wife and I saw [Fools Rush In] three times. It is one of our favorites. The movie revolves around the whirlwind relationship of Perry and Hayek, in Las Vegas, where he is on temporary assignment for his company. There was opportunity to show a nude/sex scene for their encounter, and it would have been in keeping with the plot, but they chose not to. Bravo! The hilarity that results from Hayek’s pregnancy, the spur of the moment wedding, and bridging the gap between Manhattan and Mexico make for an enjoyable time for all. There is some mild language and Perry does call religion the “opiate of the peoples,” but later realizes his error. Hayek is portrayed as a devout Catholic. Perry’s parents are shown as the religious “Christians in name only” people that make you sick. All in all, this is a well balanced movie about making compromises in marriage and learning to love all over again. I highly recommend it.
Trail Reeves, age 35

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