If Evolution by natural processes from “amoeba” to man is possible, as Evolutionists maintain, it would undoubtedly require billions of years to accomplish. A younger universe would make Evolution even more impossible.
Some age estimation methods seem to indicate Earth is extremely old. Many other processes appear to indicate it is much younger.
There is no scientific method that can positively prove Earth is very old—or relatively young. Absolute proof of an old Earth would require billions of years of on-site measurements and observations.
BIBLICAL IMPORTANCE—Is the age of the Earth a “trivial” doctrinal point? Many Christians today fail to see the importance of believing in a literal interpretation of the Genesis Creation account. Don’t be fooled—this issue is of great importance to Bible believing Christians, and this answer helps to explain why.
THEISTIC EVOLUTION—Is it biblical? Does theistic evolution fit with the Bible? What effects can the adoption of theistic evolution cause for those who accept it?
Ken Ham / produced by ChristianAnswers (Films for Christ)
One of our most popular films. Thousands have used it to help other Christians understand why the subject of Creation/Evolution and a literal, accurate Genesis is so important! This life-changing message has been the catalyst to revival in thousands of lives and churches worldwide.
PROGRESSIVE CREATIONISM—Is it a viable option? Progressive creationism is becoming very popular among evangelical Christian. Find out what progressive creationism is and whether it holds the key to harmonizing theology and science.
by Mark Van Bebber and Paul S. Taylor (ChristianAnswers)
A bold, much-needed response to one of the most divisive trends currently shaking the foundations of evangelicalism! This unique book is must-reading for every believer concerned about truth and unity in Christianity.