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The Honeymooners

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for some innuendo and rude humor.

Reviewed by: Bob Rossiter

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 25 min.
Year of Release: 2005
USA Release:
Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures
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Copyright, Paramount Pictures

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Featuring Cedric the Entertainer, Mike Epps, Regina Hall, Gabrielle Union, Eric Stoltz
Director John Schultz
Producer David T. Friendly, Marc Turtletaub, Eric Rhone, Julie Durk

“Dream big. Scheme bigger.”

If you enjoyed the original Honeymooners, and choose to go see this one because of it, you will probably be disappointed. It is a mistake to call the current version a remake of the 50’s classic. Yes, they borrowed the title and used the names of the original personalities. They also used a few of the traits of the initial characters. This is where the likeness of the two ends, and I, for one, am glad. I really don’t care to hear Ralph Kramden threaten his wife again by raising his fist and yelling, “Pow! Right in the kisser,” or “To the moon, Alice, to the moon,” as he did in the TV series.

The Honeymooners (2005) is the story about Ralph Kramden and his wife Alice who live in the same apartment building with their best friends Ed and Trixie Norton. Ralph loves his wife so much he’s willing to promise her the moon if that’s what she wants. But Alice simply wants a home of their own.

Alice and Trixie work at a local diner. They discover a friend is selling a duplex, and have put aside half the money needed for the down payment. What Alice doesn’t know is that Ralph has squandered that money to fund his schemes. In order to keep her from finding out about their financial losses, Ralph and Ed use deceit, trickery and more schemes. All of these fail in the end. At one point, Trixie points out to Alice that Ralph gets involved in so many get rich quick schemes because he loves his wife.

Their last idea is on the verge of success when Ed does something that ends it in catastrophe. Ralph then goes into a tirade at him, saying things that unfortunately end their friendship. As he finishes his outburst, he realizes the girls have been standing close by, and heard everything he said. It is more than just his and Ed’s relationship that he damaged. What does he need to do now to mend his ways?

This would have been an above average movie if it wasn’t for the sexual overtones and obscenities. There are about a dozen instances of innuendo throughout the film. Ed makes a suggestive comment to Ralph, saying he had seen Alice naked—and enjoyed it. There are also about 20 light obscenities, and a couple uses of God’s name that are inappropriate. There is also some slapstick style comedy used, but no one gets hurt in the process. Lying and deceit are also prevalent. The characters rebuke these things by the end of the movie, but they are still present. One of the worst statements was when Ralph lied to Alice then excused it by saying, “Too much honesty can ruin a relationship.”

A couple of things made this movie enjoyable for my wife and me, however. First, the marriage relationship was held in high regard for the most part. Ralph was foolish, but well intentioned in trying to provide for his wife, and Alice honored her husband. Secondly, the need to seek and give forgiveness was a major theme of this film. The road Ralph takes to learn this lesson doesn’t always fit the comedy genre. We enjoyed a few laughs, but also appreciated the scenes that were more meaningful.

We, like Ralph, need take account of our lives and realize our need for forgiveness as well. This doesn’t always make for a good comedy, but it is the path where we can also find true success and fulfillment.

The PG-13 rating of “The Honeymooners” (2005) is appropriate given the slapstick comedy, sexual innuendo and light obscenities. Both teens and adults, however, may enjoy this movie.

Violence: Mild / Profanity: Moderate / Sex/nudity: Moderate

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Movie Critics
…this appalling multiculti upgrade of the ’50s sitcom is about as funny as a bus accident…
Scott Foundas, L.A. Weekly
…laughless attempt to modernize the Kramdens and Nortons is somewhat akin to sacrilege, as it waters down the characters and strips them of their unforgettable quirks and tics… Why even call it The Honeymooners?…
Randy Cordova, The Arizona Republic
…Mediocre …stinks, largely because… there is no reason for it to exist other than cashing in on a brand name. …There are no ideas here, period. It’s a UPN sitcom padded by an hour and put up on the big screen in hopes that people will pay good money for something they could watch at home for free…
Glenn Whipp, L.A. Daily News
…a surprise and a delight, a movie that escapes the fate of weary TV retreads and creates characters that remember the originals, yes, but also stand on their own… the movie’s story actually does work as a story and not simply as a wheezy Hollywood formula…
Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times
…Bad language, sexual innuendo, overall poor morals and no clear positive message…
Alan Boyer, Preview Family Movie and TV Review

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