A Nation Adrift

Reviewed by: Dale and Karen Mason

Moral Rating: Excellent!
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Jr. High to Adult
Genre: Documentary
Length: 90 min.
Year of Release: 1994
USA Release:

If you’re like many adults, you may wish from time to time that you had paid more attention during history class back in high school. Or, if you are presently parenting a high schooler, you may wish that your child would not pay attention during history class—because the Christian basis of so much of American history has been deleted or re-written. This video is an answer to your yearnings!

“A Nation Adrift” is a chronological view into the discovery, founding, development, and internal workings of America. Embellished with a great number and variety of visuals, this 90-minute video is a great summary of US history! You will: hear portions from Christopher Columbus' personal diary, learn about the Character and religious leanings of the Founding Fathers, understand the events leading up to and ending the Civil War, see some of the changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution, see footage of the Wright brothers' early flights, Henry Ford’s first assembly line, Thomas Edison’s first recorded words, the ravages of the Great Depression, the roots of the ACLU and Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, the atomic bombing of Japan to end W.W.II, and many other significant changes all the way up to modern day.

This video should be seen by every American because it contains information that will probably never again be presented in the secular classrooms of America.

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