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ChristianAnswers.Net’s TOP RECOMMENDATIONS for Easter / Resurrection Sunday / Passover / Passion Week

The ChristianAnswers.Net staff has viewed all of the various films and videos that deal with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here’s our recommendations for the best currently available. Put them to work in your evangelism, discipleship and education efforts!

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Recommended overall Best Choice…
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Click Here The HOPE
Our top recommendation for soul-winning films! Our culture has lost its knowledge of Creation, the Fall, God’s judgments, the true identity of Jesus, and the redemptive plan that He began long ago to save a world lost in sin. The HOPE clearly explains the way of salvation, chronologically, starting in Genesis. This movie has it all! Quality / Clear biblical message / Multi-cultural. [More Details]
Available in numerous languages and versions

Click Here How Jesus Died: The Final 18 Hours
Nothing will bring you closer to understanding what Jesus Christ endured on the cross for our sins. This fascinating film presents comprehensive medical, forensic and historical facts about the Crucifixion of Jesus. [More Details]

Click Here The True Easter Story: The Promise Kept Closed Captioned for the hearing impaired.
featuring Ray Vander Laan
Using his knowledge of ancient Jewish holidays, little-known customs, archaeology and the Bible, Christian historian Ray Vander Laan probes the true depth Christs death and resurrection. After viewing this DVD, the celebration of Easter will forever be a time of deeper, richer joy for you and your family. [More Details]

Click Here Jesus
The epic story of the tragedy and triumph of the most controversial life in human history! Witness the most remarkable story of passion, intrigue, pain and glory, as you are taken back two thousand years to the life of Jesus Christ. Valuable for evangelism and education. [More Details]

Click Here Beloved Enemy
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by Films for Christ (ChristianAnswers)
A classic, award-winning Christian drama that presents evidence that Christ rose from the dead. A skeptical scientist sets out to disprove the diety of Christ and comes face to face with the truth. This film deals especially with proofs of Christ’s resurrection. The action flows from ski slopes to jungles. [More Details]

Reviews of Resurrection-related movies…

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Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus
Jesus Christ: His Identity, Life, Death & Resurrection