Model of Tel Megiddo archaeological ruins, located at the visitor’s center museum of Tel Megiddo National Park, Israel.
Model of the 20-story high Megiddo archaeological ruins, located at the visitor’s center museum of Tel Megiddo National Park, Israel.

What is…

also known as: Megiddon

Hebrew: מְגִדּוֹן —transliteration: Mgiddown —meaning: place of troops

This place was originally one of the royal fortified cities of the Canaanites (Joshua 12:21), and later belonged to the tribe of Manasseh (Judges 1:27), but does not seem to have been fully occupied by the Israelites till the time of Solomon (1 Kings 4:12; 1 Kings 9:15).

Megiddo is mentioned by name 12 times in Scripture and is located southeast of Nazareth.

Plain of Megiddo

also known as: Valley of Megiddo, Valley of Jezreel, Plain of Jezreel, Plain of Esdraelon

Plain of Megiddo—satellite view

Wars of the plain of Megiddo

The valley or plain of Megiddo is part of the plain of Esdraelon, the great battlefield of ancient Israel.

Battle between Deborah and King Jabin of Hazor

Judges 4-5

It was here Barak gained a notable victory over Jabin, the king of Hazor, whose general, Sisera, led on the hostile army. Barak rallied the warriors of the northern tribes, and under the encouragement of Deborah, the prophetess, attacked the Canaanites in this great plain.

The army of Sisera was thrown into complete confusion, and was engulfed in the waters of the Kishon River, which had risen and overflowed its banks (Judges 4:5).

Battle between King Josiah and Pharaoh Necho (Neco)

II Kings 23:29-30

Many years after this (B.C. 610), Pharaoh Necho II, on his march against the king of Assyria, passed through the plains of Philistia and Sharon; and King Josiah, attempting to bar his progress in the plain of Megiddo, was defeated by the Egyptians.

He was wounded in battle, and died as they bore him away in his chariot towards Jerusalem (2 Kings 23:29; 2 Chronicles 35:22-24), and all Israel mourned for him. So general and bitter was this mourning that it became a proverb, to which Zechariah (2 Chr. 12:11-12) alludes.

Battle between King Saul and the Philistines

1 Sam. 29:1; 1 Sam. 31:1


Location of partially excavated ancient Megiddo—satellite view

The excavation site is called Tel Megiddo (Tell el-Mutesellim)—a 200 foot (60 meter) high mound of successive ruins.

A Christian archaeological video describes this ancient city: “On the Prophets and Kings of Israel” (“Innocent Blood,” part of the Faith Lessons video series).

“When evil dominates society as it did at Megiddo, it’s a wake-up call for Christians to fight for righteousness.”

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Article Version: September 18, 2024