7 sets, each with 5 to 10 lessons per set
Age Level:
Jr. High to Adult
Faith Lessons
formerly known as That the World May Know
“Nothing has opened and illuminated the Scriptures for me quite like the Faith Lessons series.”
—Dr. James Dobson
The True Story of Easter
How Jesus Died: The Final 18 Hours
God’s Story
Beloved Enemy
Fascinating and faith-building! The archaeological discoveries revealed in this series provide even more reason to believe the Bible. More importantly, these videos make the word of the Bible explode with new relevance by revealing their historical and cultural context! This is an important point. Not enough Christians understand the context of various key Bible stories. Once they understand, the Bible really comes alive for them.
This beautiful series was filmed on location in Israel. Learn the historical, cultural and geographical context of important scriptures.
Evangelical historian Ray Vander Laan warmly reveals keen insights that will ignite your walk of faith with great applications for everyday life!
We love this series and use it on our own classes. Feedback from audiences has been excellent. This is the TV generation, and videos are the best way to effectively teach lots of important information.
Wonderful for Sunday schools and Bible studies. Good for all students, novices and experts.
10 Sets (volumes), 60 Faith Lessons…
(click title to view back cover)
“On the Promised Land: Crossroads of the World”
5 sessions / 110 minutes
Standing at the Crossroads—Gezer
As God called the ancient culture of Gezer to impact the rest of the world for His glory and purpose, so he calls upon us to do the same today.
Wet Feet—the Jordan River
The same faith that caused Israel to safely cross the Jordan at its flood stage releases His power in our lives today when we commit our lives to Him in total trust.
First Fruits—Jericho
As Jericho was God’s first gift to the Jews in the land of Israel, we are to devote to Him our “first fruits” — the possessions and talents He has given each of us.
Confronting Evil—Beth Shemesh
Unlike Samson, who succumbed to the evils of the Philistine culture, our lives must be distinctive, virtuous, and godly if we are to effectively influence modern society.
Iron of Culture—Azekah
Like David, who used the Philistines' weapon-making techniques for Israel’s advantage, we must employ cutting-edge technology to positively shape our culure.
“On the Prophets & Kings of Israel”
6 sessions / 150 minutes
Innocent Blood - Part 1—Megiddo
When evil dominates society as it did at Megiddo, it’s a wake-up call for Christians to fight for righteousness.
Innocent Blood - Part 2—Megiddo
Who is God?—Mount Carmel
In a fiery showdown with the prophets of Baal, Elijah confronted Israel with a choice: “Whom will you serve?” Today, we must challenge our culture with the same question.
The Wages of Sin—Lachish
What happened at Lachish issues warnings to Christians today. When God’s values are ignored by the majority, even the righteous reap the consequences.
The Lord is My Shepherd—Negev)
The Old Testament portrayal of God as shepherd has been lost in our culture. Rediscover the key to hearing the voice of God that guides us to fulfilled lives.
God with Us—Arad
In Old Testament times, God manifested himself in the temple. Today, he dwells in us. We have a responsibility to represent God’s presence to a dying world.
“On the Life & Ministry of the Messiah”
8 sessions / 155 minutes
What would it be like to haul in a miraculous draft of fish at the command of the Masteràor hear the ram’s horn sound from Herod’s temple at the very moment when Jesus is breathing his last breath? What would you think? How would you think? What meanings would the places and events in the life of Jesus hold for you as a person of a different time and culture?
Thanks to Ray Vander Laan and That the World May Know Ministries, you can understand their significance in a way that transforms your faith today. Filmed in Israel by Focus on the Family, Faith Lessons on the Life and Ministry of the Messiah helps small groups understand Jesus from the mindset of a citizen of those times.
In the Shadow of Herod—Herodion
Born in the shadow of Herod’s great fortress and established in our hearts, the kingdom of Jesus will endure forever.
My Rock and My Fortress—Masada
The Jews under Roman rule searched for an effective response to the Hellenistic influence; our defense against corruption must be God, our masada (fortress).
The Time Had Fully Come—Qumran
Just as God had prepared the Jewish culture to receive Jesus' message, we need to present the Bible in a way that speaks to our culture.
No Greater Love—Korazin / Mount of Beatitudes
The imagery of 1st Century Jewish marriage customs illustrates Jesus' great love for mankind. Today, he asks us to be his spiritual bride.
The Rabbi—Gamla
The Zealots longed for a political messiah, but Jesus came as a rabbi to influence his culture. To impact society today, we need to model his teachings.
Language of Culture—Sepphoris
In a Hellenistic cultural setting, Jesus sometimes used theatrical terms in communicating. We, too, must understand our society to be spiritually relevant.
Misguided Faith—Belvoir
Where the Crusaders sought to advance faith by edge of the sword, Jesus taught a way of life—and so conquered the hearts of men.
Living Water—En Gedi
The water of a spring provided an oasis that sustained life. Similarly, Jesus referred to himself as “living water,” our only refreshment from the heat of life.
“On the Death & Resurrection of the Messiah: The Bible’s timeless call to impact culture”
10 sessions / 194 minutes
When Storms Come—Sea of Galilee
Just as Jesus stilled the storm, demonstrating his power over the natural world, so he also takes charge of our raging struggles.
Piercing the Darkness—Kursi
Kursi was believed to be the home of demons. There, in a deliberate choice to aggressively confront evil, Jesus healed the demon-possessed man.
Gates of Hell—Caesarea Philippi
In the center of this pagan city, Jesus declared, “Upon this rock I will build my church,” challenging believers to boldly wage war on evil.
City of the Great King - Part 1—Jerusalem
When seen in the urban setting of Herod’s first century Jerusalem, Jesus' actions and teachings come alive, sparking a deeper understanding of our faith’s Jewish roots.
City of the Great King - Part 2—Jerusalem
The Lamb of God—Mount of Olives
The significance of Passover celebrations and Passover Week events intertwine with Jesus' choice of time, place, and message.
The Weight of the World—Capernaum / Gethsemane
Manufacturing olive oil involves intense pressure. This process exposes a fresh perspective from which we can fully appreciate Jesus' sacrifice, which is our anointing.
Roll Away the Stone—Garden Tomb, Jerusalem
Understanding the significance of Jesus' burial in a Jewish-style tomb and his resurrection during the Feast of First Fruits reveals the magnitude of his love and the new life he brings.
Power to the People—Southern Stairs, Jerusalem
The day of Pentecost. God’s presence left the temple structure to dwell in his followers—empowering us today, as then, to change the world.
Total Commitment—Caesarea
David built fame out of simplicity; Herod’s palace fortresses were elaborate. But as with David, who lived for God, what matters most is not what we build, but for whom we build.
“On the Early Church: Conquering the Gates of Hell”
5 sessions / filmed in Israel and Turkey / 130 minutes
Everything to Lose, Nothing to Gain—Caesarea Philippi
In the midst of pagan self-indulgence, Jesus challenged his disciples to deny themselves and follow him. Christians today must also have the courage to boldly live out Christ’s message in a pagan society.
The Salt of the Earth—Sardis
The apostle John used the example of Sardis, a city that overlooked its weak points and thereby enabled invading armies to conquer it, to warn Christians to be alert to their weakness so that they would not compromise their faith.
Where Satan Lives—Pergamum
At this regional seat of Rome, the governor had “the power of the sword” to determine life and death. John reminded Christians of this powerful, pagan city that Jesus alone-not the Roman governor-hold all power, including power of life and death.
The Mark of the Beast—Ephesus
In this wealthy, beautiful center of idolatry, Paul unashamedly proclaimed the truth of the Gospel. Like Paul and other Christians in Ephesus, we are to love one another and courageously live out the truth of Christ in a culture that is openly hostile toward him.
Hot or Cold—Laodicea
Laodiceans had a unique understanding of why lukewarm water was worthless. Today, we are to be like a hot bath or a cold drink to a world in need of cleansing and refreshment.
“In the Dust of the Rabbi: Becoming a Disciple”
5 sessions / filmed in Israel and Turkey / 2 hours
“Follow a rabbi, drink in his words, and be covered with the dust of his feet,” says the ancient Jewish proverb. Disciples followed so closely that they would be covered with the dust kicked up by the rabbi’s feet. Come, discover how to follow Jesus as you walk with teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan through the breathtaking terrain of Israel and Turkey and explore what it really means to be a disciple. Discover the first-century practice of a Jewish rabbi and his disciples (“talmidim”), and gain new insight into the message of Christ. Curriculum includes a DVD and a Leader's Guide.
When the Rabbi Says, “Come”—Galilee
Galilee—When the Rabbi Says, “Go”—Galilee
The Presence of God: A Counter-Culteral Community—Priene
Living Stones—Priene
The Very Words of God—Didyma
“Walk as Jesus Walked: Making Disciples”
5 sessions / filmed in Israel and Turkey / 2 hours
“Continue to walk with Ray Vander Laan through the land that Jesus and his disciples walked, learn how the culture and politics of the first century influenced the imagery and stories of the Bible, and see the text through the eyes of God’s chosen people, the Jews. In the final two installments of this powerful series, Vander Laan leads us on a journey through Galilee and to Asia Minor, a region where the rabbinic practice of selecting disciples (talmidim) was well-known, and where disciples walked the walk Rabbi Jesus taught them. Filmed in Israel and Turkey, these five-session DVDs explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus, not only in the first century, but now in the twenty-first century. This is the DVD which includes a Leader's Guide for individuals leading group study.
Run! The Passion of Elijah—Aphrodisias
Learning to Walk Like Jesus: Paul’s Journey to Rome—Antioch Pisidia
An Unlikely Disciple—Lystra
Why Christians Suffer: The Weight of Gethsemane—Cappadocia
Don’t Forget Us—Cappadocia
“God Heard Their Cry”
5 sessions / Egypt and the Sinai
In ancient times, nothing was bigger than Egypt. Powerful pharaohs, strong armies, and a multitude of gods. God's people were no match against the Egyptians. In this eighth volume of Faith Lessons, discover how God answer the cry of his persecuted people and proclaims himself LORD to them and their oppressors.
How big is our God?—Luxor, Egypt
Israel in bondage: God heard their cry—Deir al Medina
Finger of God: The plagues—Ramesseum
Watch with me: Israel leaves Egypt—Red Sea
The Lord reigns: The Red Sea—Red Sea
“Fire on the Mountain”
6 sessions
When the Israelites left Egypt, they were finally free. Free from persecution, free from oppression, and free to worship their own God. But with that freedom comes a new challenge—learning how to live together the way God intends. In this ninth volume of Faith Lessons, discover how God teaches the Israelites what it means to be part of a community that loves him and lessons we can begin to live out in our lives today.
The Lord who heals you: Marah and Elim—Red Sea and Sinai—Exodus 15:22-27
Not by bread alone: Manna and water from the rock—Sinai—Exodus 16
Their blood cried out: Israel becomes a community—Serabit al Khadim—Exodus 17:8-16
The mountain of God—Jebel Katarina—Exodus 19-20
I led you like a bride: A wedding at Sinai—Jebel Katarina—Exodus 19-20, 24
The whisper of God: Moses and Elijah on the mountain of God—Jebel Katarina—Exodus 32-34; 1 Kings 19:1-18
“With All Your Heart”
5 sessions
In “With All Your Heart,” volume 10 in the Faith Lessons DVD video series hosted by author and teacher Ray Vander Laan, you’ll travel through the desert to the fertile Promised Land the Israelites found by God’s grace… but then they quickly forgot Him. Discover what it means to remember the Lord in your own life on this one-of-a-kind spiritual pilgrimage.
Ray Vander Laan takes us on a journey through Sinai and Israel, a region that is still largely desert but at times filled with lush, bountiful places. We will discover how Jesus called people to live in the Promised land. What can we learn during times of abundance and in times of desert. God led his people back to the desert often to relearn the lessons they had forgotten. John the Baptist and Jesus had powerful encounters in the desert. We will learn that the desert is where we are closest to God. It is where our relationship with God is at peace. Faith Lessons are designed to help the viewer walk through the land that Jesus and the disciples walked, learn and understand how the culture and politics of the first century influenced the imagery and stories of the Bible, and see the text through the eyes of God’s chosen people, the Jews. Each segment shows the Bible's significance to believers through life-changing “faith lessons.”
Living in the Promised Land—The Gans
God’s Path – John the Baptist
Return to the Desert
Jesus Our Desert – The Three Temptations
The Fifth Cup