ORDER OF BIBLICAL CREATION—What is the order of events in the biblical Creation?

The Bible states that the Creation of the entire cosmos (universe) took place in six days. It is clear from the context that these were literal days, not figurative. Experts have failed to build a biblically-defensible case otherwise.
Order of Creation in Christian and Jewish Biblical Records
(book of Genesis 1-2)
Day One

Watery, formless planet Earth suspended in the darkness and the void of space (no sun or any other stars, no moon, no planets yet existed—except for Earth).
Separation of light from the darkness—and the first indication that the planet is rotating (day and night cycle produced).
Day Two

Formation of Earth’s atmosphere, separating the water into two parts:
(a) oceanic and subterranean water
(b) atmospheric water.
Day Three

Dry land and oceans.
System to water the entire land surface using subterranean waters (involving springs or mist, or both).
Vegetation, seed-bearing plants, trees that bear fruit.
Garden of Eden (probably).
Day Four

Moon—complete with established orbit so as to mark passage of time (months, seasons, and years).
Stars and other planets.
Day Five

Water creatures of all kinds. (All that had “the breath of life” were vegetarian.)
Birds (all vegetarian).
Day Six

Land animals (all vegetarian): (a) creatures that move close to the ground (small animals), (b) large animals, and (c) animals of use to man as livestock.
First man, Adam.
First woman, Eve (formed from Adam).
Author: Paul S. Taylor, Christian Answers.
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