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The Matrix Revolutions

MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for sci-fi violence and brief sexual content.

Reviewed by: D.J. Williams

Moral Rating: Very Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens
Genre: Sci-Fi Action
Length: 2 hr. 9 min.
Year of Release: 2003
USA Release:
Copyright, Warner Brothers Copyright, Warner Brothers Copyright, Warner Brothers Copyright, Warner Brothers Copyright, Warner Brothers Copyright, Warner Brothers Copyright, Warner Brothers Copyright, Warner Brothers
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“The Matrix” trilogy includes some Taoism. “There is no spoon!” “Free your mind!” When Morpheus explains the matrix to Neo, he says “it is everywhere, it surrounds us even in this room, you can see it if you look out the window or when you turn on the TV.” That is a good description of Tao, the supposed power behind everything which keeps the universe going. Tao is supposedly everywhere, but cannot be seen or heard.

Taoism—What is it and what’s wrong with it? Answer

“The Matrix” trilogy promotes Monism at times. What is Monism ? Who believes in Monism? Is it biblical? Answer

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In “The Matrix” sci-fi trilogy, most of humanity is deceived by an evil lie and love, faith, hope, and freedom of choice are shown to be of great importance and key to our future. In reality, this is very true of our own world. ChristianAnswers provides free, on-line viewing of a beautiful, highly-acclaimed motion picture that clearly explains the true history of mankind and reveals how humanity can be saved from the deceptions and evil that are dragging us down to destruction. Watch The HOPE now!

Neo is a flawed messiah. Learn about the true and perfect Messiah for the human race—GO

What is the importance of faith for a Christian? Answer

Faith—Elevators Can Let You Down (by Ray Comfort)—GO

Featuring Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne, Hugo Weaving, Jada Pinkett-Smith
Director Larry Wachowski
Andy Wachowski
Producer Joel Silver

Also see our reviews of: The Matrix and The Matrix: Reloaded

Following the groundbreaking sci-fi masterpiece that was 1999’s “The Matrix” and the astonishing action/special effects triumph (though the story struggled somewhat) that was May’s “The Matrix Reloaded”, film fans everywhere have been anticipating how the directorial duo of brothers Larry and Andy Wachowski would wrap up their epic trilogy.

I must admit, although I absolutely loved the first Matrix film on every level, I was mildly disappointed with Reloaded’s dragging plot and confusing finish. However, that disappointment was tempered by two of the most amazing action sequences ever put on film and the hope that the story would get better attention and satisfactory resolution in the trilogy’s final chapter (parts two and three, filmed together, are essentially one movie cut in half, a la Quentin Tarantino’s “Kill Bill”). That final piece of the complex puzzle has arrived in “The Matrix Revolutions”, another towering technical achievement that unfortunately leaves us with a decidedly mixed bag emotionally.

“Revolutions” picks up where “Reloaded” left off, with a comatose Neo (Keanu Reeves) trapped between the real world and the Matrix. On the advise of the Oracle (Mary Alice replaces the late Gloria Foster, with a very sketchy explanation given), Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne) and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) head into the Matrix to rescue Neo from the grasp of the powerful Merovingian (Lambert Wilson).

After his rescue, Neo must make the decision to separate from his friends. Thus the story proceeds with Morpheus returning to Zion, soon to come under machine attack, with Niobe (Jada Pinkett Smith), Link (Harold Pirrineau, Jr.) and their crew, and Neo and Trinity heading off to the machine city to stop Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving), who is growing out of control and threatens to destroy not just the Matrix, but the whole world.

The movie starts off with what I like to call “Reloaded sickness,” a first act that has way too much pointless, self-conscious dialogue and too little action. Thankfully, unlike “Reloaded”, the film eventually pulls itself out of that rut and once it gets going, becoming a non-stop spectacle all the way to the end.

The scenes of thousands of machine sentinels attacking the human city of Zion are amazing to watch, with the CG work about as good as it gets. The battle sequence is loud, relentless, and as action goes, second to none. The climactic duel between Neo and Smith is beautiful to watch as they fight and tumble through the pouring rain in the streets of the Matrix, now totally dominated and corrupted by Smith and his copies.

All these elements are intertwined with small aspects of the story being explained and wrapped up, leading the viewer to believe that they are headed towards a magnificent and epic conclusion. However, the film never pays off. Though there is no doubt that “Revolutions” is a spectacular achievement in action films, as the end of an epic trilogy it is found significantly lacking.

Without giving too much away, when the dust settles we’re still left somewhat wondering, and quite frankly, apathetic. Since we’re not altogether sure what has been accomplished, it is very hard to care about the future of the characters. Though I’m sure the ending makes perfect sense to the Wachowskis (and to be fair, the struggle between Neo and Smith ends the only way it can end, given some revelations about their natures in this film), but they forgot to tell the rest of us exactly what it means—leading to a conclusion that leaves viewers feeling cheated.

The film is also marred by some character problems, particularly that there are too many of them. The Merovingian is more a catalyst than a character (though I don’t think the Wachowskis realized this), and Monica Bellucci’s Persephone is completely worthless. Thankfully, Niobe pays off in this film, but other characters such as Link, Zee, and the young Sati (Tanveer Atwal) could have been completely discarded. There is some bad acting and dialogue, with some parts almost as painful as Morpheus’ big speech in “Reloaded”.

There are also a couple big plot twists involving main characters late in the movie that actually end up hurting the film.

In the end, though I prefer this film to “Reloaded”, my admiration for it is very similar to that film. As an action film in and of itself it is spectacular, a great adrenaline rush with some amazing effects. Thus, like “Reloaded” it is a fun movie to watch and undeniably a great accomplishment.

The Trilogy

However, it pains me to say that as a cohesive epic trilogy “The Matrix” ultimately fails. The first film is a stand-alone classic in every sense, and the two sequels are wonderful action films in their own right, and I recommend them as such, but as one grand, involving story, it just simply leaves us disappointed. If you’re looking for a great epic trilogy, check out the beautifully masterful “Lord of the Rings”, or the tremendously fun “Star Wars”, but leave “The Matrix” on the shelf.

Yet, if you’re looking for one tremendous sci-fi adventure and two really good sci-fi action flicks, the Wachowski brothers have certainly produced some amazing examples.

Violence: Heavy | Profanity: Moderate | Sex/Nudity: Heavy

Editor’s Note: This film is rated R for sci-fi action violence (somewhat rougher and bloodier than the other two “Matrix” films, though still only a moderate R) and brief sexual content (similar to Reloaded’s Zion dance scene). There is a scene at the Merovingian’s leather-themed club with some brief female topless nudity and some disturbing sexuality. The film dwells with the same philosophical mesh as the other two, with some Christian undertones but some eastern ones as well. Those looking for the Christian parallels of the first “Matrix” film will instead find a little bit of everything (more like the second film). This is not a kids movie in any way, and it is the roughest of the trilogy. Adults and mature teens should watch with discretion, considering the intensity of the action and the brief, yet appropriately R-rated, sexual content.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—The first movie dealt with self-discovery and truth and the second with free will. “Revolutions” opens the door to the final concepts of the series: Consequence and sacrifice. Neo follows the consequences of his choice to save Trinity in “Reloaded”, taking all of future humanity along with him. It’s not easy being a hero-saviour these days, but “Revolutions” provides a surprisingly satisfying ending to a provoking series.

“Revolutions” is not a movie for younger viewers; the level of violence and mature sexuality is consistent with the earlier movies. The concepts are well over the heads of anyone younger than 14. However, it is this very quality, of considering hugely important issues such as free will, sacrifice, and mercy, that make the series a valuable tool for discussion with older teens and adults. For those who wish it, “Revolutions” can be a jumping-off point to talk about Christian values and morality in a newly relevant way with older teens. “Matrix Revolutions” engages us in intelligent consideration of spiritual themes that popular culture usually tries to ignore, while providing a satisfying ending to this complex series.
My Ratings: [Average/4]
Erin Fairweather, age 39
Positive—I was scared to this movie because the critics didn’t seem to like it. They labeled it boring and said that the ending raised more questions than it answered. But I saw it last night and it was great. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. By the way—how else could it end?! Great ending. One scene to watch out for takes place in the club near the first of the movie. Some very offensive sexual stuff happens (both homo- and hetero-). Overall, though, it’s much cleaner than Reloaded. If you’ve enjoyed philosophizing over the Matrix movies, you’ll love Revolutions.
My Ratings: [Average / 4]
Josh Jacobs, age 26
Neutral—For a movie with “allegorical” themes regarding Christ and his sacrifice, there is a glaring lack of God in the film. Relying on philosophical themes regarding reality, consciousness, and predestination, it eliminates God in most cases, other than in taking His name in vain (which happens frequently). The battle between good and evil is apparent at times, while at others, it seems that it’s more of a power struggle to determine who gets to play God within the Matrix, and the real world. Having a firm foundation in Christ would be my best suggestion before seeing this, or any other film. Knowing what the Truth is, will go a long way in knowing what is right to view and what isn’t.
My Ratings: [Average/5]
Keith McDonald, age 26
Neutral—I’m glad I didn’t pay full price. The special effects were very good, but this film as in “Reloaded” completely lacks the surprise and philosophical intensity of the first Matrix. The script and acting were too often flat and cheesy. I still think the writers missed the mark with defining “Zion” as a dirty party town instead of a spiritually enlightening place. Overall, “Revolutions” just doesn’t live up to the hype.
My Ratings: [Average / 3]
Todd Adams, age 36
Neutral—I was again, disappointed with the follow-up film to the Matrix. Sorting through all of the eastern religion mumbo jumbo was tiresome. The plot never did answer any big questions, and the ending was confusing and a huge let down. Granted, some of the fight scenes were neat, but lacked the “wow” factor from the first movie. Save your money folks, it will be available as a rental before you know it.
My Ratings: [Average / 4]
Psorrells, age 31
Neutral—The violence level in this film is definitely up there with the intense battles between humans and machines and of course, Agent Smith vs Neo. Overall, one can definitely strain one’s mind trying to figure it out and put it in a cohesive way of understanding however do not expect to go into this movie without thinking hard about its happenings. There are some definite Christian themes that one can pull out of the series however there are other points that seem to throw that equation off from being the right answer. I found myself very wrapped up it rooting on the heros as the proverbial noose wrapped tighter and tighter.

Ultimately, it shows that “The Matrix” trilogy is a very daring one in the sense that it doesn’t aim to answer all the questions… it lets the audience experience it and try to figure it out on their own. Very neat movie overall however it is definitely intended for mature audiences.
My Ratings: [Average / 4]
Ben Webb, age 20
Neutral—The Revolutions is to the Martix Saga as The Return of the Jedi is to Star Wars. It is good, slick and well done. And it will never measure up to the original. Despite what the reviewer said, there is no nudity in the club scene, and most other reviewers would agree with that. The Messianic overtones are more pronounced in this movie, and the end presents perhaps a better picture of the conflict of good and evil than the Left Behind movie, but that ain’t sayin’ much.
My Ratings: [Average/3]
Matt, age 25
Neutral—Great for Sci-Fi fans, particularly with symbolism used. Definitely not for children. Some swearing and much violence.
My Ratings: [Average/4]
Anakalia Jongsma, age 20
Neutral—I loved the first film, the Matrix. When I saw the first one I was so mystified by its biblical implications and Christian allegory. But by the second film, I became concerned with its message. While I understood that a “Messiah” type was personified in Neo, I believed that in Reloaded, they trivialized its power of a “Higher Being” by the unneccesary love scenes and the “orgy” that even for an unbeliever made you ask: “what’s the point of this scene?”

I hoped that Revolutions would redeem its predecessor, but like the critic in this Web-site, it left me longing for some sort of closure/explanation. While I appreciated the last words after this “messiah’s” death: “It is done.” (Christ/Father’s confirmation that Christ had completed His work on Earth), naively and in a gullable way I was expecting some sort of redemption/forgiveness/salvation clear explanation through the eyes of what lay ahead in the future—especially given the fact that this messiah had come back to life in the first movie, I was expecting it to be an allegory of Christ’s second coming, in terms of hearing trumpets, singing of their own version of angels and the showing of this mesiah’s glory. But hey, what can I expect from a group of non-believers who are still searching for the one and only truth (Jesus)? The sad part of all of this is that, like Jim Carrie in Bruce Almighty, all these men and women have heard the message (Gospel) but still refuse to accept it…
My Ratings: [Better than Average/3]
Dina Avila-Jimenenz, age 35
Negative—The Matrix series is a melting pot of religions. You can most likely identify most mainstream ideologies within these last two films. “Revolutions” has, hidden within it, a very strong post-modernistic message. Many will walk away thinking that these are simply films and measure their watch-ability by apparent content alone. We should however try to discern any messages that we may be getting or our children may be getting. From the beginning “Revolutions” attacks your moral senses by putting you in a raunchy dance club, but that is only the beginning. It continues to take the Lord’s name in vain through out the picture.

Unfortunately, too many Christians disregard such actions against our Lord and concentrate only on nudity as its only moral failing. This movie did have incredible fight scenes and almost flawless CGI work, but the acting was sporadic at best and I had a real problem connecting with Trinity and Neo. Though their relationship is supposed to be deep, it always seemed very shallow to me. In the end, the story is a flop. The Matrix gets props for its inventive camera work and slow motion use, but its story left me both disappointed and highly offended.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/1]
Kris, age 30
Negative—As with many of the other commenters, I agree that this was cinematically somewhat enjoyable to watch. I do not agree that it is for younger viewers at all. The battle scenes were once again way overdone, and the club scene was only to throw more temptation at viewers. It really served no real purpose in the film. The only reason I went to see this film in the first place was to conclude the trilogy. Reloaded was a strong disappointment in many ways, and Revolutions basically followed suit.

The answers being left up to the viewer is just how Satan would love for us to live our lives, WE make the determination of morality and how to live it out. Neo was not even a fair representation of a “messiah” like character, and had no concept of what he was supposed to do until the very last moment. There were simply too many inconsistencies in how they (the Wachowskis) presented him (Neo). The film was severely slanted to Eastern religion and thinking, much as the actors have described in some interviews that they are now somewhat pre-disposed in life.

For me, Revolutions left way more questions than answers, and that can be a good thing if you see or saw this film with an unbelieving friend or relative. /
My Ratings: [Average/4]
Danny Jacques, age 45
Negative—This film is a sequel of the past two, so if you’ve seen those you’ve almost seen this one. I can’t imagine a more mixed up group of people as all the world religions seem to be somehow represented here. If you’re into action and violence then go see this movie as you won’t be disappointed. If your into plot and sensibility then skip it because you won’t find either here.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/1]
Bob C, age 40
Comments from young people
Neutral—I just saw The Matrix:Revolutions two nights ago. I have barely had time to digest it all, but I would like to comment on the things I have been able to grasp so far. First, the negative… Profanity is everywhere. I have followed the trilogy very faithfully since the first one, and the profanity is one thing I have never been able to overlook. You tend to ignore it when you’re watching, but it will really hit you afterwards. Second, the scene everyone is talking about… the nightclub… as soon as the scene changed to that nightclub I felt almost like a wave of bare sin had hit me in the face.

To tell the truth, it really had nothing to do with what the people in the club were doing because it all just seemed like dancing to me… but there was just a serious feeling of deep sin surrounding the whole scene. I must admit, and you might think I’m lying, but I never saw the topless woman. Maybe G-d was protecting my eyes because my husband and my friends all saw her, but I didn’t. Third, there is some graphic violence that can be pretty disturbing.

Now the positive… the CG stuff was AWESOME!!! I was literally in awe when the sentinels were all coming out in droves and just zooming everywhere. The fight scene (Neo vs. Smith) was captivating and well choreographed. The script was a million times better than Reloaded… in fact, the whole movie was. But after all that… I’m still not sure about the end. I don’t actually understand it. I’m going to have to study the movie again to draw a final conclusion. I would definitely not take anyone under 16 to see the movie, as it is very involved in many different ideas and culture extremes. I liked it, but my husband and I are not going to buy it.
My Ratings: [Extremely Offensive / 4]
Amy, age 18
Positive—Like most of the other reviewers have already said, this movie far exceeds Reloaded, but it does not meet the original. The CGI graphics make this movie a phenomenal visual masterpiece. In thought of the multitude of different religions displayed, I saw no other one, besides Christianity, that was displayed. (Maybe that is due to the fact I am ill educated on any religion other than Christianity). When the movie hits the climax of Neo’s struggle, I found it incredibly uplifting, and what “the one” should do in that situation.

Without giving too much away about that particular scene, it reminded me of how our savior went off to pray to God and contemplate the arduous task that was laid out before him. I am shocked to hear to read of how some of the other reviewers stated that there was much sexual content and other things regarding to that. Besides the one scene in the dance erotic dance club, there was no other sexuality or nudity. And the brief nudity is so brief I had to ask my friend if I saw what was on the screen—it went so fast, and overall raunchiness of the dance club scene lasts like what… 1-3 minutes tops?

Language maybe an issue, but I know I’ve seen many movies far more foul and immoral than this one (though I am not condoning it at all). Though I see how the movie could end like this, I am not too fond of why the Wachowskis brothers did write the ending the way it was. It could have been much more intellectually put together, or maybe they wanted to leave us with questions as to discuss it and come up with your own vision.In other words, if you like The Matrix, and you could manage through Reloaded, you’ll enjoy Revolutions.
My Ratings: [Average / 4]
Vicky, age 16
Positive—Overall, I loved this movie. The action sequences are absolutely amazing, especially the final fight scene. The plot is mostly interesting, though it drags a little from time to time. The parallels to the Bible are everywhere. And they aren’t subtle, either. There might be references to other religions as well, but I don’t think that you would see them unless you were specifically looking for them. I certainly didn’t notice any. There is a scene that involves people who are dressed innapropriately, but it goes by so quickly that there isn’t time to actually see much of anything. As in the first two movies, there is a lot of swearing and quite a bit of violence. The violence really didn’t bother me, though. Overall, I would highly recommend this movie to mature viewers. The exact age cutoff would depend on the person. My thirteen-year-old sister saw it and loved it, though.
My Ratings: [Average / 4]
Christine, age 16
Positive—First of all, I must say that it is leaps and bounds ahead of “Reloaded” in every area. Regarding the area profanity, there is a good amount. It contains a somewhat large amount of swear words (I can’t recall use of the f-word) and taking God’s name in vain. The only sexual content is when you see a women topless (only for a very brief momment), and compared to Reloaded, it is better in this area (since there is a long sex scene).

Then, of course, there is a large amount of violence. Added to the violence is more blood than the previous movies, but it isn’t excessive. Plot-wise I enjoyed it much more than “Reloaded”. It kept my attention much easier. They also made the characters less stiff. Even so, I was disappointed with Fishbourne’s performance in this as in Reloaded (see the original Matrix and Othello to see his capabilities). Also, the actress who portrayed the Oracle this time (due to the death of the original actress) could not deliver her lines with the same presence and conviction of the other actress.

Also there is much more action, but I think it is also much better in this movie than in “Reloaded”. I didn’t think it dragged on as much as in “Reloaded”, and the climatic fight at the end was very well done. Overall, I liked it much more than “Reloaded” (but not more than the original), and I cannot say this enough: if you left the series after “Reloaded”, try “Revolutions”.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/3]
Spenser Williams, age 16
Positive—Only one scene with “erotic” intent, its a night club, however other than a one second glimpse at what “could” be offensive, the rest of the film is great and is watchable by all.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
Bux, age 17
Positive—“The Matrix Revolutions” was one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen (with the exception of the first “Matrix”, and it sure beats “Reloaded”). Although I was slightly disappointed, overall the movie was awesome. The fight scene between Neo and Agent Smith was awesome. As far as the sexual content, I have no idea what they were talking about. There was a short scene in a dance club where people were dressed improperly, I guess. That’s all I could pull out. There was no nudity whatsoever. They could have used a better ending. Sure it was the conclusion to the movie and all, but it could have been better. The end just kind of leaves you out in the open. You’ll have to decide for yourself just what exactly the matrix is or what it is not. Violence: Heavy; Profanity: Mild; Sex/Nudity: None /
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Steve, age 17
Movie Critics
…after reviewing all three Matrix movies, I’m left feeling exactly as I did in the beginning. Four years ago I wrote, “Despite all the hype, I still chalk up The Matrix as yet another post-apocalyptic war thriller… Don’t let flimsy allusions to theological truth inspire you to see this chaotically violent head trip.” I can’t say it any better today.
Steven Isaac, Plugged In
…“Matrix Revolutions” is really nothing more than a glorified shooting game, a Metroid megaland with Oedipus, err, Christ, err, Neo on his way to conduct business with Mother Brain…
Ed Gonzalez, Slant magazine
…Ending with neither a bang nor a whimper, the finale falls somewhere in between. It’s an improvement over its concurrently shot, babbling predecessor, but it ultimately fails to capture any of that jaw-dropping sense of exhilaration that made the original such a must-see event…
Michael Rechtshaffen, The Hollywood Reporter
…“Revolutions”’ effects don’t break any new ground…
Ross Anthony, Hollywood Report Card
…returns to its basic salvation story, reflecting on the influence of, and the longing for, a messianic savior. …Neo, a messianic figure takes upon Himself the sins of others, dies to bring peace to the world, although there is no sign of resurrection—yet. Regrettably, Neo is a deeply flawed messianic figure who is not only not divine but who also has deeply sinful traits as seen in the previous movies, unlike the true Messiah Jesus Christ…
Ted Baehr and Tom Snyder, Movieguide

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