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Today’s Prayer Focus
  • Matt DamonMatt Damon, American actor, screenwriter, producer, and philanthropist—“Oppenheimer,” “Air,” “The Last Duel,” “The Great Wall,” “The Martian,” “Invictus,” “The Bourne Ultimatum,” “The Departed,” “Good Will Hunting,” “Green Zone,” “Elysium.” • Faith: Agnosticism • Worldview: Progressive Liberalism (activist)
  • Pearlena IgbokwePearlena Igbokwe, chairman of Universal Studio Group, a division of NBCUniversal / She is responsible for all aspects of creative affairs and production for four studios: Universal Television, Universal Content Productions (UCP), NBCUniversal International Studios and Universal Television Alternative Studio. —“Russian Doll,” “The Good Place,” “Will & Grace,” “Superstore,” “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”

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The Incredibles

MPA Rating: PG-Rating (MPA) for action violence,

Reviewed by: Keith Howland

Moral Rating: Better than Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Kids Family
Genre: Animation Superhero Sci-Fi Action Adventure Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 45 min.
Year of Release: 2004
USA Release: November 5, 2004 (wide)
Copyright, Disney/Pixar Copyright, Disney/Pixar Copyright, Disney/Pixar Copyright, Disney/Pixar Copyright, Disney/Pixar
Featuring Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Lee, Elizabeth Peña
Director Brad Bird
Producer John Walker II
John Lasseter

“Save The Day”

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “An animated action-adventure comedy about a dysfunctional family of undercover super heroes, who, though struggling to live a quiet suburban life, is forced into action to save the world.”

Sequel: “The Incredibles 2” (2018)

Lightning does strike twice. Actually, it has now struck six times for Pixar Animation Studios. It seems as though each of their films contains more eye-popping visuals than the last; so their sixth feature, The Incredibles looks, well, incredible. There are many dazzling scenes that display both inventive creations (such as giant robots) and ultra-realistic detail in everyday objects (such as breaking glass or hair blowing in the wind). But no manner of brilliant visuals is enough to make a good film. In the final analysis, it is always story and character that matter most-and Pixar has once again given us characters we can sympathize with and root for as we are thrilled by their story.

Bob Parr (voice of Craig T. Nelson) is Mr. Incredible, a tight-suited, mask-wearing superhero. He lives to save ordinary folk from peril. There are other superheroes in town, too, such as Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) and Elastigirl (Holly Hunter). But saving lives is not what it used to be, and the hassle of legal wrangles resulting from the ramifications of their superhero ways forces all superheroes in the city to retire and go into a governmental protection program. So, fifteen years later, Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl (AKA Bob and Helen), now married and living in middle-class suburban obscurity with three children, are like birds with their wings clipped. So are their children, who possess superpowers of their own but are forbidden to use them lest the family be discovered for who they really are. But evil forces are always with us, and perhaps the Incredible family may be needed to emerge and vanquish them once more. (Of course they are, or there would be no movie.)

Copyright, Disney/Pixar

Previous Pixar films were rated G, but “The Incredibles” is PG, and for good reason. Superheroes clash with supervillains-and they don’t play chess to decide the victor. So this movie contains action and violence. It is bloodless cartoon violence, but many punches are thrown, guns fired, and things smashed. Very small youngsters would be scared by things in this film. The intended audience is slightly narrower than for “Finding Nemo.” But everyone from older children up should be delighted with it.

Unlike the Shrek films, which are often crass and crude, the humor in The Incredibles is clean fun. Sadly, there are two fleeting instances of God’s name used vainly. However, there are several issues that can be used to initiate discussions of spiritual matters. Early in the film, for instance, Mr. Incredible jokes that he wishes he would not have to save people again after he has already saved them once. He jests, “Why can’t they stay saved?” Of course, this serves as a great bridge to speak about the One Hero who saves people with total efficacy and for eternity, Jesus Christ.

Other matters in the film are also worth noting, such as the concept that each person is given a unique ability that he or she may choose either to hide or use for the good of others. Also, the importance of honesty and communication in relationships is clearly displayed.

All in all, “The Incredibles” is another triumph from Pixar, and a great movie for the family, although the very young would find it to be too intense. It must be mentioned, too, that the short film before the feature is a real treat, and serves as a good parable for the importance of being content with who we are and what we have.

Violence: Mild / Profanity: Minor / Sex/Nudity: None

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Not only is “The Incredibles” the best Pixar Animation movie to date, it is one of the best films of the year. 100 times as enjoyable as “Shrek 2” and even better, I think, than another superhero movie, “Spiderman 2.” The Pixar people must have more fun at their jobs than anyone in the world. This film is endlessly creative and exciting, and it has the perfect balance of humor and sentiment I’ve seen in a long, long time. It is funnier than most comedies (including ALL of the Will Farrell, Ben Stiller, and Vince Vaughn movies of this past spring and summer) sweeter and more tender than most dramas. It’s a movie you watch and you just FEEL good afterwards.

The film contains an evil villain intent on revenge, but that, really, isn’t what the movie is ABOUT. Sure it has action sequences, and they are, to be sure, some of the most exciting sequences of ANY action movie I’ve ever seen, but, really, it’s about a family. One with daily problems and trials and complications, and, oh yeah, superpowers! It is about becoming your true self, which is your BEST self. The Christian symbolism in this film, whether intended or not, is astounding! “The Incredibles” should be the posterchild for Christian values in mainstream Hollyowod.

One of the biggest strengths of the film is its balance of the family members. Each family member is given substantial weight and time to develop their own story. And, miraculously, it paints a pretty accurate picture of suburban life. Who knew a Pixar movie could approach some of the same subjects as “American Beauty” did? Or that the writing could be bold enough to show the individual and collective frustrations of these characters? Few films (Let alone FAMILY films) let their characters argue this honestly.

But I’m making the movie sound cynical, and it is NOT, although there is some of the most perfect use of sarcasm by the daughter; when asked if she left her brother at home alone, she replies: “Yeah, Mom, I’m completely stupid. No, I got a sitter!” But the story has so much fun with the genre its in, so we see arguments that involve using your superpowers, as when the son with super speed runs round and round the table, slapping his sister every time he passes. And the opening sequence of interviews is just plain hilarious.

Like I said, the film has a lot of heart. The relationship between Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson, who is brilliantly understated in his role, just right) and his wife, Elastagirl (Holly Hunter) is so rich. Their affection for each other, particularly during a montage in the middle of the film, is so wonderful and sweet. Their lives have been somewhat disappointing, but their genuine love for each other carries them through. I am simply in love with this film. Parents, PLEASE: Go see this film with your kids. You will not have to worry about being offended, and you’ll all be laughing hysterically in the first five minutes. You’ll be amused, entertained, touched and inspired.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Jason Eaken, age 21
Positive—I saw this movie with my husband and sons, 5 and 6 years old. It is very action packed and hangs you on the edge of your seat. I felt that it portrayed family values well. It gave you the feeling of the importance of “saving the day” as a family. The major concern that I had with this movie is the disrespect of authority that was portrayed when the son put a tack on the teacher’s chair. The other concern would be the violence. My 6 year old said that he did not like the robot throwing rocks at Mr. Incredible. I would not use these concerns as deterrents from this movie. I would use them as “teachable” moments. They are good examples to explain what a child should not do. Overall, Mr. Incredible apologizes to his family for not being the father that he should be. He tries to reconcile with his wife and family. In the end, they all work together to stop the bad guy. This movie is fun! Watch it to laugh and enjoy yourself!
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Positive—…overall… a pretty good family flick, although the little ones might want to stay home. While there are a few lines that don’t need to be in there (such as taking God’s name in vain and the villain’s comment on “getting busy”), this film offers great humor and lessons in integrity and teamwork in order to accomplish a goal. Pixar has done it again!
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
Ben, age 18
Positive—Although there was one aspect of the baby’s super powers that I found surprising and objectionable, this was a very enjoyable movie. This is one that I would recommend for children old enough to handle moderate and non-gory violence and all ages above. I went to see the movie with several of my friends who attend university with me and we considered it to be absolutely hilarious. This is a film I plan to purchase.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Amber, age 18
Positive—This is a terrific movie! Pixar has created another instant family classic in CGI cinema. The animation is breathtaking in its scope and the attention to detail is eye-popping. The characters are instantly engaging and lovable. This is a delightfully funny, adventuresome movie with real heart. There is no “potty humor,” thinly-veiled adult content or mean-spiritedness to be found in this picture. My only caveat would be the self-centeredness often exhibited by Mr. Incredible, at the unfortunate expense of his family. Some may argue, however, that he ultimately redeems himself as a husband and father in the end. Be sure and get there early, so that you don’t miss the heartwarming and thoroughly charming animated short before the main feature. That alone is almost worth the price of admission.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Chuck Browning, age 39
Positive—I took my 8 year old son and 12 year old cousin, and 10 month old baby to see this movie.My son and cousin laughed the whole time. My baby girl even was interested for about ½ of it.And that takes a lot to keep her attention.I laughed out loud at some of the scenes. It is a very sweet family movie and I was not offended by it at all.It shows the love and importance of family.It shows that w do what is best for our kids .It also tells kids that parents know best even when kids think we are being too strict! I really like this movie and intend to purchase it when it comes available! It is hard to find a movie we all can enjoy! I can’t wait for my husband to see it too.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Michelle Sechrist, age 30
Positive—…an “Incredible” movie! I enjoyed every minute of this movie. The action sequences, the comedy and the storyline were all very well done. I only noticed one joke in the movie that was targeted towards adults, but it wasn’t anything offending or crude. One of the things that really captivated me with this movie was the focus on family unity. Despite going through difficult times, they were able to stick through it no matter how dangerous it might get. Some younger children might get a little frighted over some of the action. It was very action packed, and throughout the movie I heard children scream during some of the fight scenes. I recommend ages 9 and older.
My Ratings: [Excellent!/5]
Zach, age 24
Positive—We took our 7 yr old son to see this movie, based on the reviews here. Overall, we were not disappointed. While my son really enjoyed the movie, I would recommend it more for 10 and older. There was a lot of the plot I think went over his head, not just the jokes for adults. There are plenty of positive lessons to discuss after the movie, just more for a slightly older crowd.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4½]
Gloria C., age 37
Positive—We took our children (Rebekah-7, Ben-4, and Joshua-2) to see The Incredibles. It was action-packed and they all enjoyed it (occasionally turning away when the robot monster was reeking havoc). Vital Biblical and important life themes included: --Fulfilling (not missing) God’s calling on your life (Jer. 1:5)—Using your unique gifting to help others (Matt. 22:39)—Excelling in what you do is important and it set you apart (Prov. 22:29)—The importance of family and working together (Mark 10:6-9, Ecc. 4:9,10). These themes aren’t overtly mentioned, but they are there. As a family, we enjoyed seeing and talking about The Incredibles!
My Ratings: [Good/4½]
Mark Matta, age 47
Positive—I was captivated by the film from the very beginning. Mr. Incredible: “Why can’t the world stay saved?” It included so many connection points to Christ and us as His church, I lost count. Perhaps the strongest connection I noticed was the role of Christians in this corrupted world. Over the last few decades, culture has somehow persuaded Christians to become an obscure part of society and not use the gifts they’ve been given. Certainly, it’s possible to mis-use and ignore our God-given gifts (examples throughout the film). However, when we realize how Christ would have us use these gifts to honor Him (not ourselves; not alone), we’re a much happier and satisfied family. “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline…” (2 Tim. 1:7ff)
My Ratings: [Good/4½]
Jeff, age 43
Positive—My husband and I went to see this movie, we loved it! It was so good. A great family movie, nothing objectional. It had good values (family unit, believing in yourself, being honest) and was very funny, and very entertaining. I think its one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long while!
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Krystal, age 23
Positive—I loved it. I would definitely recommended to anyone, especially family member lovers of Disney movies! But of course this is only my family’s opinion.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Rachel, age 47
Positive—My wife and I saw this movie on our first date after the birth of our daughter. I’ve always liked Pixar pictures, and this movie is no exception. Aside from the obvious misuse of the Lord’s name, this is an excellent movie. As for the revelation of the baby’s powers at the end, I was reminded of the Human Torch (The Fantastic Four), not the devil. In all, this is an excellent movie, and I’d have no problem letting my child see it.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Mike P., age 30
Positive—Concerning Mr. Incredibles lying to his wife, do we not as Christians make mistakes or tell little white lies at times? As wrong as it is, won’t Jesus forgive us? Clearly Mr. Incredible was deceived into thinking that there was something better (a new job) than his wife and kids (which is exactly how sin is). By the end of the movie, he clearly comes out of it and is back with his family. I did not see a problem with this concept. The moral of the story was don’t lie and don’t be deceived into thinking you can have something better when what you have at home is all you need. What is the problem with that?

You do see some violence but then again, come on people this is a superhero movie. You didn’t see those on the side of good killing people.

What I love about this movie is the fact that it supports the Christian family model (one man, one woman). This is a relief considering most cartoon movies are starting to support the twisted definitions of masculinity, femininity, and marriage. For example, in Shrek 2, Pinnochio was wearing a pink thong (womens underwear) and the Super Gingerbread man had a wig on. These things aren’t blatant, but clearly show the anti-Christian views. The Incredibles showed that marriage is between one man and one woman and I loved that.

Overall, the movie is completely funny and very interesting. It really gives us women a glimpse into the mid-life crisis that men can go through.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Brianna Baptiste, Renton, WA, age 22
Positive—This movie with its incredible computer generated imagery would be worth seeing just for that. This film is obviously the next step up technically from previous Pixar productions which are all very good. But “The Incredibles” is a step into the realm of more nuanced plots and characters. Other commenters have voiced objections to the instances of Bob Parr, Mr. Incredible, deceiving his wife, Helen, a.k.a. Elastigirl, about still working for Insuracare and about attending out-of-town conferences. Sure enough, he did. And even though part of the reason in doing so is to support his family, (a good thing) another part is his own self-centered (not selfish) need to be a superhero again. In this part of the movie, Bob is almost completely focused on his own problem of not doing “superhero daring-do” and saving people on a daily basis. The issue here is his focus being on himself, not his family or anyone else. As the plot progresses and Helen suspects Bob is having a affair with another woman.

She decides to confront the problem and ultimately finds Bob and the other woman, Mirage, together in the headquarters of Syndrome, the villain. He is too wrapped up in being a superhero to be interested in Mirage. A fact not entirely evident to Helen when she arrives and slugs Mirage.

Together Bob and Helen find the kids, defeat a bunch of “baddies” but end up back in Syndrome’s lair, with all of trapped. At this point Bob realizes and says that his family is his “greatest adventure” and that he almost missed it. Seeing oneself clearly, without the self-deceptions we all manufacture is a wonderful thing but something even more wonderful happens here. Helen forgives Bob for all his self-centeredness; for deceiving her; and his failings of “pigheadedness.”

This is the biggest positive about this film. Bob realizing his family is truly his “greatest adventure,” how important they are, and Helen’s unconditional forgiveness…
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Willaim Gormley, age 53
Positive—All in all, a movie that won’t waste your time—or money. It’s entertaining enough for most adults to enjoy with their children. I didn’t find that it was any more violent than many G-rated films. I think this is a movie it’s okay to take the entire family to.
My Ratings: [Good/3½]
Dana, age 19
Positive—My children adored this movie, as did my husband and I. However, I was a bit caught off guard by the violence in it. It was “darker” then I expected. It’s not a cutesy movie, it is serious super hero type stuff. I wish I had been more prepared for that part of it. I believe the movie would have been better without the guns and violence.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
a Mom, age 40
Neutral—I was surprised how the movie dragged so much at the first, with very few laughs. I too did not like God’s name being used in vain and was surprised by the overused terminated scene of heroes, and the caped crusaders’ deaths. After hearing about insurance companies canceling policies in Florida, the Incredibles reminds us that some companies only want to take people’s money, not help. There were several anachronistic flaws throughout that kept me wondering why all these 21st century characters were driving old cars and having black and white TVs. Despite the strong, action-packed ending, I came away disappointed, expecting more.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
T. C. Mc, age 42
Neutral—My husband and I went to see this movie—I preview all non-G movies before my children (9, 7, and 3) see them. We enjoyed the movie—it was entertaining and uplifting in its message of unity against evil. It communicates the reality of consequences for our actions and the importance of each member of the family in the solution of problems. I have yet to decide if my children will see the movie, though. The intense violence, even in this cartoon, surpasses that of “Road Runner” cartoons of my childhood and, while the value of the Super’s lives is expressed, the value of the employees of the Villain are disregarded—bodies are blown everywhere. There is no blood, so children will not be faced with the violence against people, but there is a subtle hint of “no matter what the cost” in dispelling the powers of evil. Most disturbing was the expression of the family’s third child’s “super” gift—in a bout of anger, he turns into a flaming, devilish sort of creature. This could have been done in a much more “healthy” manner rather than in a way that makes the child something to be feared, even by the antagonist. Still, overall, the family bonds and friendships portrayed in the movie were encouraging, especially in the Hollywood market of “ME ME ME” movies these days.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Carie, age 35
Neutral—One theme I seem to see over and over in Pixar films is that you gotta let go. That’s a hard thing for a Pop to do, just let go of his kids. There is of course the dangers of letting go, like “They might get hurt.” or “But I can protect them better if I hold on tightly.” I have been moved more than once now on the premise “Don’t smother them.” Again, this is a hard thing to do. Let them go into drugs, rob a bank, no none of that. Just like the dad in Incredibles, you have to protect them, but they also must grow. If I squelch them, and their abilities, I may hinder their growth. I can’t do that, it ends up killin’ them and me. There’s a delicate balance of letting go, and protecting. This theme is addressed in the Incredibles as well. I didn’t like the little innuendoes in the film, the pinching and stuff. Let’s leave that to the grown ups! The devil baby thing was a little disturbing. The suicide thing was not a good thing for kids either. Outside of those things, and a few more, I have to admit, it was a really funny movie. I still can’t justify taking young kids to it, it would be hard to cover them in a theatre. There are things I just would not want them to see. I’ll leave that up to you and The Lord!
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Tim Stromer, age 38
Negative—I’ve loved Disney/Pixar films since “Toy Story,” but I was disappointed with this film. I’m just going to be blunt, and I understand it’s PG: I disagreed with the lying from the husband, the lady (almost a main character) who dresses enticingly (I know people who’ve been delivered from pornography and adultery who I hope don’t see this movie for the sake of them and the generational sin that could tempt their children). I totally disagreed with the “darn you!” in the parents’ argument—power in our words—kids repeating this?! I disagreed with the “flexible” sexual innuendo, the suicide attempt (later having to explain this to a child?) and tell me why the baby had to turn into a firebaby then a devilbaby? It was ugly and made my spirit feel uncomfortable. I don’t know why it was rated PG, but I am glad it wasn’t rated G. There is a lot of violence for small kids and would probably cause my nieces and nephew to have nightmares.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/5]
Carla, age 23
Negative—My family viewed the film this weekend. We discussed the concern for viewing a PG film, but felt, after reading some critics’ reviews, it was a worthy family film. What we saw on the screen was a complete disregard for many moral issues. First off, this film deals with many adult matters. For example, there is a brief scene on attempted suicide, the main character continually lies to his family about his work status, so much so that the wife alludes to him having an affair, the Lord’s name is taken in vain, not too mention the violence of one character to “terminate” all.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/4½]
Sue, age 42
Comments from young people
Neutral—This movie truly interested me. I enjoyed a lot of the action scenes, and the family values. At the same time There was one thing that disturbed me. The youngest child was supposed to be able to turn into a demon, and is shown doing so. There were also some violent scenes where innocent people were hurt that I wish my younger sister, who went with me, hadn’t seen. All in all while this movie was very interesting, and amazingly well animated, I believe it could have been made much better by removing a few scenes.
My Ratings: [Average/4½]
Kira Williams, age 14
Positive—The movie was very,very good and visual effects was very good too. It is a good movie for kids from one to ninety two. It shows that a good movie can be made without cussing, sex and nudity in it. I recommend it, and if you will go see it you will not be disappointed…
My Ratings: [Excellent/5]
Aaron, age 12
Positive—Nothing offensive! Nothing at all!
My Ratings: [Excellent/5]
Joshua Stewart, age 10
Positive—I LOVED this movie! It was good, clean, and VERY funny. I laughed so hard. This film is great for kids and families of all ages!
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Angie, age 14
Positive—This was a very good movie. It was full of fun, laughs, and a little bit of action. There wasn’t any bad vocabulary. It was mainly only family fun. The only thing I would caution it for young children is the action. Some young children who have seen action movies wouldn’t be bothered by this. Others would be. Also, there are a lot of funny things for the children just to laugh at, and there are also some jokes adults would only understand. I mainly think this was a great movie. Although you may want to think before you bring your young child to it.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
Stacy, age 14
Positive—This was a really good movie! I went to see it with my dad, my friend, her brother and my brother. It was really good! Scary (for little kids)in some parts, but it was really funny! Go see it!
My Ratings: [Good/4]
Maritza, age 12
Positive—I thought this movie rocked!! I’ve seen it twice and I would gladly see it again! The importance of family is strongly emphasized, as well as the importance of a healthy marriage. But the main thing I loved about this movie was the animation!! It was first-rate, top-notch stuff, especially the detail in the characters’ hair! Overall, an awesome movie, well worth my time!!
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Daniel Verona, age 15
Positive—Pixar continues to raise the bar with the Incredibles; a movie which gives us a unique perspective of the cliché super-heroes.

Everything about this film is just incredible, it really is. The special effects are stunning (look for the scene when Dash is being chased by the flying saucers and he’s running across the water), and the humor is on-time, witty, and CLEAN. Let this be an example to all those out there you think there is no audience for CLEAN movies; when they are well done, like the Incredibles, and lately National Treasure, Christians will join the regular movie-goers in droves for such movies.

The action is fast-paced, and the viewer gets plenty of eye-popping sequences involving jaw-dropping effects and stunts by the heroes.

Wound up inside a clever plot is the redeeming story of a super hero family (the INCREDIBLES) struggling with their new identity under a suppressive, and misunderstanding world. Tensions abound, but when it’s all said and done, the family beats the odds, obliterates the enemy, and comes together in a heart-warming way.

Another excellent feature of the film is the characterization. Each person who plays more than a minimal part is a full body, three-dimensional person with his/her own oddities, gifts, and weaknesses.

The worst thing about the movie was the music, which was a total rip-off of Bond films. It wouldn’t have been sooo bad if it weren’t for the poor execution of the jazz instruments as well. Just sounded like pure cacophony to me.

But go see the Incredibles (if you haven’t already), because there is so much to love about it, and nothing to hate (except maybe the music, for us really picky soundtrack lovers). The special effects are amazing, the characters are wonderfully made, voiced, and characterized, and the sets (buildings, landscapes etc) are futuristic and will fulfill even the most picky science fiction buffs.

POSSIBLY objectionable content: There are a few minor swears, and usages of taking God’s name in vain, and the violence is extremely intense (even for a cartoon). But that is why it was rated PG, and that was what made the movie. My biggest concern though, was a scene in which the baby turns into a demonic looking monster and begins to attack someone (I won’t say who). It wouldn’t be so bad in and of itself, except that this scene revisits some of the horror of Rosemary’s baby and attempts (in this movie) to make it comical. Having been so unfortunate as to have seen some of Rosemary’s Baby, I was a little unsettled at the baby’s sudden change of personality.

But for those who haven’t seen Rosemary’s baby, or don’t care, the scene with the baby in the Incredibles won’t be a problem. And even if that would be a potential problem, still go see the movie; don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater (no pun intended)!!

To sum it up, the Incredibles more than lives up to its name.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Sam Van Eerden, age 15
Positive—…a pretty good film. It didn’t have a lot of offensive material. The only thing that was slightly offensive is where Mr. Incredible lies to his wife. The story was pretty cool and the action was above average. I’d recommend it for kids younger than 14. If you’re over 14 you might find it a little boring.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/3½]
Dan, age 14
Positive—This movie was VERY good. I was laughing so hard during the whole thing. I think that pixar has come out with a bunch of good movies, but this one by far was the best. I would tell others about this movie. THANK YOU PIXAR
My Ratings: [Good/4½]
Beka, age 15
Positive—I went to see this movie with a girlfriend of mine in its second weekend. I though it was pretty good, though of course I did object to the using of the LOrd’s name in vain parts. The sexual innuendos bugged me too. On the other hand I liked the family focus and when its compared to some other movies like Shrek? Well, I think it could have been A LOT worse. I would not take my 2 and 5 year old cousins with me but maybe an older child. This is simply because I think little children would be frighted of the explosions and smashes and punches. An older child would just think of it like another cartoon. All in all I really enjoyed this film and would recommend it for older children, specifically ones who like superheros and action!
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Jessica, age 15
Positive—This is the best Pixar film yet! The only things that I find objectional is that Edna Mode uses the Lord’s name in vain several times. I also must point out that the violence is far beyond fish getting hit into rocks. We actually see a few evil goons killed on screen, and we also hear about the disgusting fates of some late superheroes. We also see some slightly revealing outfits, but really nothing extreme. Family values are reinforced time and time again and even turn a villain good (I won’t tell you who). Overall, great movie! This is Pixar at its finests!
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Matt Triponey, age 13
Positive—I loved this was very funny. There was nothing that I saw offensive. I highly recommend this movie for the whole family was laughing all along.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Clara, age 11
Positive—This movie was so cute! It was a great plot and a good movie for the whole family. Just like any other superhero cartoon, it had some violence, but the movie was very clean. I was laughing a lot. It had some good lessons, too. I won’t say who, but a superhero threatened to kill a woman and the bad guy said “Go ahead.” When the hero didn’t do it, the bad guy called him weak. Later, the woman said to the bad guy that disregarding human life was actually being weak, and respecting it was being strong. The Incredible family also had good relationships with each other. If you have a really really sensitive child, I would recommend seeing this movie first before you take them, but otherwise I think that it’s worth $8 and an afternoon or evening to see it!
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4½]
Brittney, age 14
Positive—An execelent movie. Absolutely perfect. I about died laughing in the theater. If you want a good family film go see this movie. Especially if you liked Finding Nemo.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Christopher, age 17
Positive—This was an excellent movie, good for all ages. There was nothing anyone could consider offensive. This was great, funny, and non-stop fun.
My Ratings: [Excellent!/5]
dramagrl, age 17
Negative—I went to see this film with my father a while ago, and I must say that I was disappointed. Not too terribly disappointed, but disappointed nonetheless. Though Disney actually incorporated the traditional family unit in this film, I found some things (not too many, mind you) offensive in this film. Such as the use of the Lord’s name in vain, Mr. Incredible being sued for saving lives, a sexual reference made by the main villain, and that’s it. Also, this movie was largely uninteresting to me, and I’d only recommend it to a younger kid who can grasp the rapid-fire action without being scared.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/2½]
Clay Waters, age 14
Positive—The best Pixar movie made yet. From the very beginning to the very end, you will have a blast. As well with all other Pixar movies, very little (if any) objectional stuff. it is more violent than any other Pixar movie, but along with that comes more of a story. not only is it a fun cartoon, its an action comedy super hero flick. if your like me, you enjoy these kinds of things. what better to see than a family friendly (yet enjoyable) movie about crime fighters? go see it, its incredible.
My Ratings: [Good/4½]
Daniel Robison, age 16
Positive—The Incredibles was the funniest movie I’ve seen in a long time - and it’s all clean humor! The action is fun to watch and, given that it’s a cartoon, pretty exciting. The plot was also good, and included a couple of moments that made the entire theatre gasp. Some parts might scare a very little kid, but the only thing that I found slightly objectionable was baby Jack-Jack’s power; it made me laugh, but at the same time I was a bit uncomfortable with it, especially given his name.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Christine, age 17
Positive—I loved it!!! It was a great movie!…
My Ratings: [Excellent!/5]
Lindsay, age 13
Positive—WOW! Pixar has come a long way in their animation of people since Toy Story, Monsters Inc., and even Finding Nemo. The animation in this film was truly spectacular! As far as the content is concerned, I was not bored at all by the plot or storyline. In fact, I will probably go see this movie again if I get the chance (which, for me, is saying a lot… I feel that a lot of PG movies are very good, but are not worth spending money to see again.) Pretty much the ONLY reason I might caution parents about taking their very young/sensitive kids to this movie is the “violence.” …explosions, fast action, things smashing into other things, tense situations, two “surprises” where everyone in the theater jumped. I was a sensitive child, and, while this was not the type of film that would have upset me, the film overall MAY be too tense for some. Also, there were a few things that I thought were weirdly disturbing, such as how the youngest child’s superpower turned out to be the talent of changing from a “fire-baby” to a “little-devil.” Also, a fashion designer refuses to put a cape on Mr. Indredible’s suit, citing incidents where capes of superheros caused their death… I wasn’t left with happy thoughts after the implication of how one superhero’s cape got sucked into the propellers of an airplane and dragged the superhero with it.

Overall, however, I absolutely LOVED the Incredibles. My friends and I were laughing SO hard in parts!! On a particularly positive note, there IS an obvious, positive theme to the movie: the importance of Family. I would recommend this movie highly!
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4½]
Alaine, age 17
Positive—I went to see this movie with my mom and my friend and we all thought it was totally AWESOME! I think that it was wise of the people to make it PG, because it has some scary moments, and some bad guys get killed. Lots of suspense too, but For an older kid, teen, or adult, it’s absolutely awesome! Its a goofy family comedy, and the stuff the superheroes do is cool too. There are a few snarky remarks from the kids to the parents, and a couple times they disobey their parents, but it’s not a Christian-made movie, so what do you expect? All in all, I’m really glad I went to see it, it was a lot of fun!
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Sheila, age 12
Positive—…a great movie. It is unlike any other Disney/Pixar movie that has been made so far. It was also the first one to be rated PG(Action Violence). With the exeption of very small children, I don’t think anyone will be frightened. This movie had a very good morals about love, self-worth, respect for life, and many other morales were scattered throughout. I would definitely recommend The Incredibles for families, but I think teens and adults will enjoy it as much as, if not more than kids. A lot of the humor, while clean, will make much more sense to an older crowd. But there is plenty of humor that young kids will be able to understand too. The animation also far surpasses previous Disney/Pixar films. These are the most lifelike characters I have seen since the Shrek movies. I give it a 4/5. (Only because it took a little while to get going.)
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Christopher Sosa, age 15
Positive—…a very fun movie that had the whole theater roaring with laughter. The movie has a wonderful visual style that compliments the great humor and fun characters. The plot is convincing, yet slow enough for younger viewers to understand. This movie also shows the twisted way our economy works (superheros are sued for saving suicidal people! How does that work?). This is the best animated film this year.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Josh, age 14
Positive—…a lot better than I thought it would be! I went to see this with my family and our friend and we all liked it; …there was violence, but my sisters have seen worse (Daredevil, Spier-man, X-men, and parts of the Matrix movies). The violence is about as bad as Star Wars, probably not even that violent. Overall it was a good, fun, movie you can watch with your family without worrying about that “one scene” you need to skip.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Jack, age 14
Positive—…an amazing movie full of action and great family values. The action might be to much for some little kids, but other than that it’s an excellent family movie. My whole family went together to see it, and we had a wonderful time. I highly recommend this movie.
My Ratings: [Good/5]
Adam, age 14
Positive—I thought that the Incredibles movie was very good. We saw it in a drive-in movie so it was hard to hear it sometimes but it was very good. I think that younger kids might get afraid because their was some violence for a cartoon movie. My brothers 11 and 9 and my sister 6 thought that it was funny and a very good movie too. It was very funny and fast moving. I liked it a lot.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Talia, age 14
Positive—…it’s awesome, go see it, you’ll love it.
My Ratings: [Excellent!/5]
Benjamin, age 14
Positive—My family and I went to go see this film on opening day. It was great. The story was better than I expected. It really portrayed a family. We all loved it. None of us can really say we have a favorite part. We are still talking about it. The only part we found objectionable is the baby’s power. He turned into what looked like a demon. However, even that part didn’t ruin the movie. We all left laughing and talking about it. We will probably be talking about it for days. It was great and hope we buy it.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Adison, age 15

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