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MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for language, crude and sex-related humor, and some drug references.

Reviewed by: Sheri McMurray

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Sci-Fi Comedy Fantasy Drama
Length: 1 hr. 37 min.
Year of Release: 2006
USA Release: June 23, 2006 (wide)
Copyright, Sony Pictures Releasing Copyright, Sony Pictures Releasing Copyright, Sony Pictures Releasing Copyright, Sony Pictures Releasing
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Copyright, Sony Pictures Releasing

Anger in the Bible


Final judgment

A single man or woman can help change the world. Read about some who did with faith and God’s help…
Jesus Christ, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David

Featuring Adam Sandler, Blake Heron, Allen Covert, Peter Dante, Christopher Walken, Kate Beckinsale, David Hasselhoff, Sean Astin, Henry Winkler, Sophie Monk, Katie Cassidy, Jonah Hill
Director Frank Coraci
Producer Doug Belgrad, Barry Bernardi, Todd Garner, Jack Giarraputo, Steve Koren, Neal H. Moritz, Mark O’Keefe, Adam Sandler, Matthew Tolmach

“What If You Had A Universal Remote… That Controlled Your Universe?”

Copyrighted, Sony Pictures Releasing

Adam Sandler has not been known as a dramatic as well as comedic actor like Robin Williams and Steve Martin. But I believe he’s been sadly overlooked. Even though “Click” is pegged as a comedy, that’s only half the story. First half: comedy, with all the bodily functions and fart jokes intact. Second half: be ready for some truly tear jerking drama, including a darned good death scene.

As in any Sandler edition, this movie is not for little kids, although there are little kids in it. I want to get that said right off the bat. The premise is good, sometimes even sweet, and the characters at times are a bit cartoonish, but the references to sex, foreplay and the dog humping a “ducky pillow” gag running through the whole flick (and others as I will include later) is completely out of order for kids under 16 and probably not for any Christian youth audience.

Michael Newman (I can’t help it, I think he’s great Adam Sandler) heads to the mall one night to replace his 50 remote controls with one. He’s tired of pointing at the TV and opening the garage door. He’s also tired of his life which includes job tension, over doing it with the budget, a demanding yet beautiful wife, Donna (an always captivating Kate Beckinsale; did I mention this was a fantasy?), and his smothering, although he’s never noticed loving, pair of parents (Henry Winkler and Julie Kavner).

After searching the mall, Michael ends up in the “Beyond” section of Bed Bath and Beyond (good joke: “Way Beyond”), where he encounters Morty, who looks like an untenured mad professor and is played by the great Christopher Walken with a perm and a delivery just this side of the Moon. Morty’s some sort of computer geek with a great knowledge of what the “public” really wants from a remote control. They want “life control.” He gives Michael this sleek blue remote with a few warnings that go unheard by Michael, especially these two: It programs itself after a while, and it can’t be returned.

But who cares? Michael deliriously discovers he can fast-forward through the uncomfortable areas of his life which center around the family fights, family dinners, job pressures (such as being a groveling minion to boss Jack Ammer [David Hasselhoff]), and get to the really good stuff like his much over due job promotion.

He starts chapter-forwarding through parts of his life, leaping past family time to get to the pay off of that job promotion, but to his ultimate shock Michael finds out the remote is doing the job on its own. Without giving too much away, I can say that we get into the back half of Michael’s personal movie (which requires Sandler to don a fat suit and get gray) out of control while watching his children turn into grown-ups played by Jake Hoffman (Dustin’s son) and Katie Cassidy (David’s daughter) who never really got to know him as “Dad.”

What Michael doesn’t realize is that his promotion didn’t take a few months, but a few years and in the meantime he has missed some extremely important things. And even more paramount—he cannot go back—there is not rewind here! He comes to the heart rending conclusion that he was never a real father to little Ben (Joseph Castanon) and Samantha (Tatum McCann) and has lost the love of his life to none other than the swim instructor (Sean Astin)! While going after that dream of full partner (perhaps even CEO) in his Architectural firm, Michael has lost the best part of life—his family.

This part of “Click” gets intensely serious, you know Sandler is transitioning to make a mature statement while still holding on to his boo-ya fratboy core audience, but one cannot help but get involved with his character and the statement being made, although in a comedic way. Though “Click”’s premise is blissfully, farcically pure: What if you had a remote that actually controlled the universe? The outcome of Michael’s folly is pure horror and touches on areas of genuine unease for many men today.

“Click” puts its finger on issues that have real emotional currency for men in middle America: how to allot time to the things that matter when the pie is getting sliced into smaller and smaller increments, how to multitask without losing your mind, how to be present as a parent. The most unsettling idea in the movie is that Michael might go on “autopilot” for much of his life, even as Christians we’ve all known those fathers who simply weren’t there.

I like the fact that Sandler is concerned with this issue and attempts to address it first through comedy, then taking us into a reality check at the end. Although comedy—this is strictly adult comedy and comes to conclusions that only adults can relate to. That’s where the PG-13 rating for language, crude and sex-related humor comes in. PG stands for Parental Guidance so pay attention parents before you send your kids off to the theater alone. Anyone who is familiar with Adam Sandler’s humor anyway, should already know it is objectionable, even taboo for Christian kids and most Christians period.

“Click” is sprinkled with profanity, which isn’t really necessary, but the innuendoes and references to sex, drugs, foreplay and sex, and animals having sex is way over the top! To me, acts of animals “humping” a leg or an object is completely unfunny and un called for. The “finger” is given once, the f-word is uttered once and other adult humor abounds. A scene is shown where Michael’s parents are “making” him and a view from inside the vagina as Michael is being born. Also, there is an older child character named Kevin who uses profanity profusely and this is not funny. I found a scene where Sandler’s character puts a “pause” on his boss, punches him in the face and then proceeds to climb up on his desk, turn his butt to his boss’s face and then pass wind extremely offensive! It was embarrassing and uncomfortable to watch.

“Click” is driven by very real concerns, especially in the selfish generation springing up in this century. Valid concerns that well from Michael’s despairing cry early on that “every choice I make, everything I do, I disappoint somebody.” At one point he looks up, as if to God, and asks, “Will you give me a break, just one time?”

We need never worry about disappointing another human being in this life. If we are worried about our actions and owe respect to anyone, it is not to anyone on this Earth but to our Father in Heaven. How sad that we would even think of fast forwarding through this life. How sad also that we do not turn to God for guidance and wisdom. How sad that the rewards of this Earthly life would mean so much to most of us, for that is not where our worth lies. We may want for certain Earthly things, thinking having them will make our lives perfect, but that is the Devil’s trick.

When it comes to the gifts the Father of lights gives to us as His children, these gifts are always good and perfect. No magic remote control could ever take their place. Everything we receive from God is both good for our growth and perfect for our progression in life. How wonderful to note that we don’t have to concern ourselves with getting something from our Heavenly Father that will negatively affect us, as Michael’s remote control did. God will always give us a life that will help us grow in spiritual maturity, and even though He may not bestow upon us a CEO level at our work place, He always will give us a life of ultimate benefit.

Sometimes we ask Our Father for things we think are good and perfect for us, but in reality, they’re exactly what we shouldn’t have. Our Divine Dad sees the bigger picture. He knows when a relationship will ruin us, or when that job promotion isn’t what will make us happy in the end. As a protective parent, not acting as a magic remote, He doesn’t always give us what we might ask for in life because that may well be the very thing that ruins our life.

It is a good and wise thing that our Father God doesn’t always give us what we want, but take comfort in the fact He will always give us what is good and perfect for us in His always perfect perspective.

No magic remote control could ever hope to make our lives perfect. To skip over the points that God has put there for instruction and wisdom would be a travesty for any man. Let us remember that “Father Knows Best” and in this life He will give His kids what’s best for them. God has guaranteed us that no matter how dark, dismal, or desperate a situation seems, it will all work out in the end for He is in control. We are not in control of our lives and by taking control we always mess things up for the heart is wicked. Michael tried to take control and failed miserably. The best thing about this movie, unlike real life, the character of Michael was given a second chance.

Unless we rely on our Heavenly Father to take control of our lives, we tragically will fail and unfortunately there are no second chances. We place ourselves in a win-win situation by relying on God for control. He has the power to protect us from or expose us to certain life situations to make us stronger. Bypassing these experiences made Michael realize how important every situation in his life was to making him the man he was meant to be.

The final words of wisdom from “Click” was that family always comes first and, as Morty cautions us all, “You live the life you choose.” As enrapturing as that may seem, I wouldn’t take my family to see this one. It was well made and Adam Sandler did a great job, as did all these fine actors, but the Christian family would be better off staying home and pondering God as being in sovereign control.

One Bible scholar defines this as “The exercise of God’s supremacy… being infinitely elevated above the highest creatures… subject to none, influenced by none, none can thwart Him, none can hinder Him.” In other words, God is in complete control! Don’t skip over any part of your life for it is all there and good for you—a good and perfect gift from Above!

Violence: Minor / Profanity: Heavy / Sex/Nudity: Heavy

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—While there is a large quantity of language and adult situations, there is an incredible message for balance of time and “family first” that greatly outshine the negative issues. This IS NOT for younger viewers, but great for a Husband/Wife date night. Without giving away too much, I’ll just say that there is a very important life lesson learned in the movie. Don’t miss the best part of your life—enjoy your family, good times and bad, cause you don’t get those times back again.
My Ratings: Offensive / 4
McLean Jones, age 36
Positive—“Click” had a great primary message that overshadowed some of the questionable or distasteful moments. It’s a great movie to see with friends and it will cause meaningful conversation. It’s a nice mix of comedy and thoughtfulness. I would highly recommend it.
My Ratings: Average / 4
Luke S., age 26
Positive—This movie was definitely your typical Adam Sandler movie with over the top scenes and some crude humor, but I thought it was one of his best movies yet. It has a great combination of humor and sensitivity. I thought the overall message was a good one. I would not recommend this movie for children, but I think it was entertaining and thought provoking for adults.
My Ratings: Offensive / 3
Michelle, age 32
Positive—I thought “Click” was a pretty good movie. It was a typical Adam Sandler movie, but I still enjoyed it. It teaches you a valuable lesson, that work isn’t suppose to come before family. I saw this movie with a group of 20 teenagers, and many of them actually cried, some being guys! Yes, the movie has its moments, just like every other Adam Sandler movie, but everyone out of that 20 teenagers I went with, all church friends, enjoyed the movie and didn’t get offended. Of course, I don’t recommend this movie for children or young teenagers, but I really liked this movie!
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4
Jack, age 18
Positive—I’m actually surprised at the number of negative reviews. Perhaps I’m even more surprised that, as a discerning critic, I actually enjoyed this movie—AND saw it twice! Bully for me, huh? Well, we have our reasons, and we have our reasons. I’m not ignorant of the proliferation of toilet and sexual humor. I did think the bedroom scenes with the shadows on the wall were a bit tacky (if any of you were totally upset by that, try not to forget that they were MARRIED!) and somewhat uncomfortable to watch. I did laugh at the other jokes (yes, including the ones with expletives…), and the dog’s libidinous obsession with the stuffed ducky, especially during the fast-forward scene also made me laugh. When the neighborhood kid curses for the first time, I think part of the comedy of the scene was the reaction of the audience, which was quite audible in my Texas theater.

When I saw the preview, I thought, “Okay. Maybe it will be somewhat funny, but I won’t be surprised if they take the concept and run it to ground halfway through.” I was actually very surprised at the film’s outcome, the sudden turn from campy fratboy humor to a darker, more serious and dramatic tone. Before they could run the concept to ground, they actually took off with a sudden twist of plot: The remote is self-programming. Misery often spawns good comedy (sad but true), and after the toilet humor of the first half of the film, the darker comedy emerges, but so does the drama. I honestly felt that the culmination of the film was inspiring, and I will not agree with anyone who says this movie has no redeeming values in it. Family comes first. There’s my two cents worth.
My Ratings: Offensive / 4

Matt Bindner, age 27

Positive—Although this movie was saturated with unnecessary sexual humor, I found myself truly caring about this man and his life. I am thrilled to see Adam Sandler sending a message to the world (mostly non-christians) that family is more important than money. Perhaps this movie will prepare many hearts to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and His redeeming and forgiving love for all people. This movie should not be seen by young children (under 13 years). I think taking your older teen would grant you an excellent opportunity to share some truth and reflect on the film’s message. Simply hiding your children from the ways of the world is not wise. (As if you could hide them anyway). God has called us to discipline (to teach) our children and I think this movie opens a door between generations allowing us to effectively minister the truth of Christ to our kids. I was deeply moved by “Click”. Anyone struggling with sexual addictions should be cautioned.
My Ratings: Average / 3
Juliet, age 32
Neutral—This movies main idea was stupid—a remote control to control your universe. Yes, there were LOTS of laughs. Yes, there were LOTS of explicatives used. I think one GD and the rest were your garden variety S’s, H’s and D’s. I mean the idea is cute, but way, way out there. A family man (Adam Sandler) has a remote control that can fast forward and rewind his life. All of the actors where spot on in their performances. Christopher Walken was funny, as always. The actors and how they portrayed the characters was my favorite part. The basic movie plot just wasn’t very good.

The overall theme of the movie is that “Family comes First.” It just takes our main character a while to get it. Through out the movie, he mentions how much he loves his wife and what a “babe” she is. He completely ignores the pretty secretaries at his work because he is so in love with his wife. Which is sooo nice and different in today’s movies. In the end, He realizes his mistakes~ wife is remarried, his kids call someone else Dad, and he is miserable because he chose work. The end of the movie is the best because you know that he really did get the lesson by his choices. It is a cute movie if you aren’t offended by bad language and references to sex. You can tell in one part that they are going to “go to bed,” but you don’t see anything, the screen cuts to a silly shadow on the wall. I did feel that the dog with his duck was a little overboard. If you are easily offended by those things, I think I would wait to rent it so that you can bleep out words and fast forward through 20 second sections. Hope it helps!!
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4

Kari, age 26

Neutral—I thought the message of this movie about putting family first was a wonderful message, and I found myself crying quite a few times. I was able to put myself in the main character’s shoes, which of course makes you feel like the world might be catching on to some of the imperfections with the system. The one thing that let me down CONTINUOUSLY throughout the movie was the references to the females and treating them all as objects for men. Even the character’s wife was labelled as someone with a “tight rockin’ body.” The character referred to his daughter as “the hottest chick ever” and there were many other references as well. I could have gotten over maybe one or two, because I have always liked Adam Sandler movies, but I just couldn’t get over this one. In addition to harassing comments in regards to women, the dogs that were doing sexual things to toys was also very overdone.
My Ratings: Offensive / 3
Kara, age 24
Neutral—The story line reminded me of an old French folktale I read in (The Book of Virtues) by William Bennett called the “Magic Thread.” The story is the same, except that the main character, Peter, is a child in the folktale. Peter is given a ball of thread. When he pulls on the end of the thread, things fast forward to a point in his life where he wants to be. Peter wishes to avoid all the hard parts in his life and finds that he has missed many great things because he didn’t want to take the bad with the good. Job says this to his wife. “Should I only accept good from God and not bad?” (my paraphrase). I suggest you read “The Magic Thread” with your kids and skip the movie. You will have much to dicuss about the priorities of life with no worrys about the use of profanity.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 4
Tim Goettsch, age 41
Neutral—My fiancee and I really enjoyed “Click”. However… When are people going to learn NOT to take their kids to see Adam Sandler? When are they going to learn that his humor is NOT clean? It’s NOT family-oriented! A lot of the movie was funny. A lot of it was downright hysterical. But I had a hard time laughing because I felt guilty; like I was setting a bad example in front of the 5 and 6 year olds sitting on all sides of me.

There were a few instances where Adam Sandler’s kids in the movie dropped a few swear words. All I could think about was how the kids who went home after the movie would start thinking it was OK for little kids to talk like that. Well, let me tell you—IT’S NOT! Words like that can sometimes SOMETIMES be funny in a movie if taken in the right context. But I’d like to think that in the real world, we’re more civilized than that. Now don’t get me wrong. I did like the movie. I thought it redeemed itself wonderfully. I walked out thinking it was almost like a new telling of “It’s a Wonderful Life” but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was more like “A Christmas Carol” (except in this case, it would be more like “A 4th of July Carol” since that was the holiday it revolved around.) I recommend seeing it. It was a great story. It was a great 2 hour escape from reality. But please. Leave the kids at home for this one. If you can’t find a sitter, go do something the WHOLE family can enjoy and rent it in a few months.
My Ratings: Offensive / 2

Pete, age 27

Negative—This movie is very vulgar. There were numerous scenes of the family dog humping a stuffed animal and other scenes of the husband and wife having sex which was shown as a shadow on the wall. The movie was bad overall, with some futile attempts to show the value of family. I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 1
DD, age 33
Negative—WARNING: This is NOT a family film by any means, as it’s portrayed to be in the trailer. My husband and I took our 4 sons (8, 10, 12, 14) and ended up walking out (which we have never done before with our kids). The movie is so incredibly rude that it overshadows what could have been a very funny movie with a fun concept. Just about every foul word imaginable is used (many times by children) and the movie is swamped with sexual “humor”…
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 2
Rachelle Smotherman, age 33
Negative—My husband and I saw this movie as part of our anniversary “date”—without our kids (thank goodness!). I am an admitted Adam Sandler fan, although, I don’t think I’ve ever actually viewed any of his other movies at the theater. I have evidentially grown accustomed to the editing (although often complaining that it’s “not enough”) of movies shown on television, because this one seemed over-the-top in many different offensive aspects (which have already been mentioned in the comments of others). There were a few occasions when I asked myself, “Is this the point where we as Christians should get up and walk out?”—we probably should have. In fact, we saw another couple from our church midway through, and I was shocked to see them there—as I’m sure they were shocked to see US there! The offensive language and scenes are such a shame, because Sandler was shockingly good in the more dramatic scenes in the later part of the movie, and the “family comes first” theme was right on target for this day and age. I would NOT recommend this movie to Christian viewers—the profanity, etc. definitely outweighs the positive premise.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 3
Genia, age 40
Negative—I took my 13 year old daughter and her friends to see this movie at the drive-in, a very big mistake—some of them had seen it before, but didn’t mention that it was bad (they REALLY wanted to go to the drive-in). Because of the money invested in going to the drive-in, and the difficulty packing up and driving out in the middle of the dark, we stayed. I honestly felt captive and was so distracted by the dog and language and sex scenes that I missed any redeeming feature of the movie. I have felt bad for 3 days for taking the girls to this movie. Incredibly dissappointing. I will never go to another PG-13 without reading Christian reviews first. The only positive thing was showing my daughter why I usually obsess about reading the reviews. She hated it, too.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
Sharon Dallas, age 41
Negative—We walked out of this movie. The premise seemed very good: What happens when one has a remote that controls everything? Unfortunately, Adam Sandler wasted a lot of time and money, including ours, with very vulgar references throughout an otherwise good film. We made it through a few things that were bad enough, but we finally reached a breaking point and left. What is especially ironic is that Mr. Sandler was trying to make a movie that showed how important the family is, but he made a movie you wouldn’t want to take your family *to*!
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 4
Faith, age 27
Negative—This movie was offensive on many levels. Firstly, there were some big—old time names attached to this film, but, by the time you were finished watching you couldn’t believe they would be involved. ie-Henry Winkler The acting was substandard. The dialogue and content was crude-relying on toilet humor and constant sexual innuendo and put downs of the female anatomy. The laughs were few and far between due to the humor being so dependent on child-like behavior and revenge mentality. Giving people the finger and kicking people in their private parts by a grown man was supposed to be funny. This movie is totally inappropriate for all ages due to its lack of intelligent anything. Constant referencing to sexual harassment, small male organs, bedroom antic activity, homosexual relationships, and dogs humping as their primary activity leave you so bored you want to leave before the movie is half over. I can’t think of anyone that would truly enjoy this movie. The theater I was in on opening day was bare and those leaving had no positive comments at all-all ages except give me my money back!! One of Hollywood’s worst!!!
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 1
Miriam McGrath, age 45
Negative—This movie is sex-saturated and full of sexual innuendos. I would not recommend this movie for that reason. Please pray for the actors, and all involved. Even though the storyline is good, it could have been a lot better without all the worldly thinking. Christians should think twice about going to see “Click”.
My Ratings: Offensive / 4
Leigh, age 40
Negative—The ONLY good thing about this movie, was that it teaches us to maybe slow down; to enjoy your family and to not only think of work and getting ahead (promotion). Unfortunately, the directors felt the need to portray woman as sex objects. Throughout the entire movie, the woman in the work place are wearing inappropriate clothing (like you’d really dress like that for work!!) and everyone working in that office are constantly making sexual comments toward each other. The family dog is in heat throughout the entire movie and constantly on top of the children’s stuffed toy duck. This is definitely not a movie I want my teen to see. It is very offensive using God’s name in vain on several occasions. This movie does not promote healthy relationships. They comment several times about cheating on each other. Very immoral.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 2
Deb, age 44
Negative—Sandler consistently is pushing the envelope of tasteful humor. I enjoy his innocence and candid good-boy nature, but he lacks good moral judgment. He knows he appeals to kids, and he could be a great family movie actor. He failed me again. Good story about getting the most out of life’s opportunities. And it’s a job vs. family lesson / wake-up call.
My Ratings: Offensive / 4
John Homa, age 41
Negative—This movie has a great message and some very touching moments; unfortunately, the viewer has to endure a deluge of trash while grasping the theme. I was on the verge of walking out several times, especially during the numerous visuals of the family pet’s recreation with a huge stuffed duck. Most of the sex scenes were silhouetted in fast motion, but this technique did not temper the indecency. Adam Sandler is such a talented comedian, and this movie could have been wonderful family entertainment.
My Ratings: Offensive / 4
Roxanne Suggs, age 44
Negative—Very disappointing movie. Adam Sandler has done some good ones, but this isn’t one of them. Crude, sophomoric, bathroom humor and snide sexual jokes fills the movie. Cute premise. Could have been “It’s a Wonderful Life 2006”. Instead, it’s embarrassing. The theater I went to was full of families with young children. Hopefully, they’ll check reviews before going to another one of Mr. Sandler’s movies.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 3
Terry, age 65
Negative—My 14 year old daughter and niece went to see this movie before there were any reviews for us to check out. They ended up leaving before the end because it was so bad. I checked on another Christian review site this morning to find out what was so bad. There is a lot of cussing, much done by kids. There’s a lot of women showing cleavage and men wearing underwear, also speedos. There’s a recurring scene of a dog humping a stuffed animal. There’s a lot of sexual scenes and references. There was more bad stuff. It didn’t even sound like a good movie minus the bad stuff.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
June, age 29
Negative—Usually, I don’t take my kids to a movie without reviewing web sites to find out what’s in it more. I had seen previews and the PG-13 rating, but thought it looked okay without investigating further. I brought my 14 yr. and 12 yr. and was sorry we saw it. This is a typical example of a movie that could have been so good but because of all the sexual elements (mainly) and language, I felt it totally dampened my spirit when I left there. The story line and moral to the story were good and it had some heart warming parts to it; I even got teary eyed at one point, but the negative parts outweighed the justification of seeing it. I wouldn’t have felt AS uncomfortable if my kids hadn’t been there. Silhouettes of bouncing in bed with sexual dialogue about 3 times. One scene of dogs humping cushions wouldn’t have been so bad, but they drive it in the ground over and over. Not really a kids/family movie like I thought it would be. Good moral to the story but ruined with so much junk in between. I was disappointed.
My Ratings: Offensive / 2
D. Ritchie, age 47
Negative—I took my 15 year old daughter and 13 year old son to see this movie and wished I hadn’t OR should have walked out. Even though it had its funny moments, it had a lot of bad language and sex scenes and innuendos (no nudity, but you could see what was going on), with both animals and humans. The only positive part of the movie portrayed was the importance of spending quality time with your family and loved ones and not trying to rush through life. I definitely wished I had waited for the christian reviews on this one before going.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
David Luttrell, age 41
Negative—This is definitely not a movie to take your children to enjoy. Constant offensive language that never “gets better” and animal sexual scenes just not necessary, let alone the shadow scene of adult sex! I was SOOOOO disappointed and am tired of movies that appear to be funny and appealing to families and then the experience of watching them is so repugnant and distasteful that you leave before it ends wasting your time and money. As Christians we try to keep an environment of purity around our children so as to not desensitize them but actually, I myself felt accosted. This could of been such a good movie.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 3
J Breese, age 44
Negative—This movie is funny, but it isn’t for kids—the language, the shake scene. It all went downhill from there. Worst movie by Adam Sandler in ages.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 1
Jedd, age 24
Negative—My husband, I, and our two children went and saw “Click”. We should’ve gotten up and walked out of the movie—but we didn’t. My husband and I regret ever going to this movie, and we talked with our children extensively about the content and had them share positives and negatives. They both shared that the language was bad and that the dad avoided his family because of work. The positive that they shared was that when he awoke from his dream he realized how important his family was and he changed. I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 3
R.Lockard, age 38
Comments from young people
Negative—I went to see this movie with three of my other friends and thought this movie was hilarious. But as funny as this movie was, sadly most of the humor was sexually-related. My other friends, who are not Christians, even thought the movie was bad for PG-13. This movie could have easily been R-rated had an f-word been said one more time. I would definitely not recommend “Click” to an audience under 15.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 4
Andre, age 16
Negative—When I went to see “Click” I thought it would be a good family movie. It definitely is not. Through out the whole movie there is bad language. There are sexual gestures all the time through the whole thing. Definitely not a movie for kids or a family wanting to see a good movie. It puts bad thoughts in your mind and leaves you feeling guilty for watching, and I almost walked out—but I thought it would get better. Trust me, it never does. Even the ending had bad things in it. Don’t waste your money on this movie!
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
Hallie, age 15
Neutral—I thought that this movie was not the best selection for a teenager to watch at all! I did not like how they used God’s name in vain, used very bad language… The family dog spends his day humping a stuffed duck. Their kids say bad words because they get them from their dad, who is Adam Sandler. After I watched “Click” I told myself I would never see this movie again. There were some good, family parts but, at one time when the family is gathered together Adam Sandler points his middle finger at someone and it ruins the moment. I liked this movie but, it had a lot of sexual humor which was not necessary.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 4
Sarah Bartow, age 13
Positive—I liked this movie a lot; it was really funny. I admit some parts were somewhat offensive, but what do y’all expect; its an Adam Sandler movie—but in the end, this movie had a greal message of not wishing your life away because you never know when its going to end. I would recomend it to anyone over the age of 14.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4
Emily, age 16
Positive—This movie was really funny.This had a great message that family is more important than work.Adam Sandler was great in this film.I recommend this film to everyone.
My Ratings: Average / 5
Warren, age 14

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