Please take a moment now to pray for these influential people (prayer suggestions).
Reviewed by: Kimberly Keithahn
Moral Rating: | Offensive |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Adults |
Genre: | Romance Comedy |
Length: | 1 hr. 35 min. |
Year of Release: | 2007 |
USA Release: |
February 14, 2007 (wide) |
Featuring | Gabrielle Union, Avant, Louis Gossett Jr., Idris Elba, Tracee Ellis Ross |
Director |
Tyler Perry |
Producer | Tyler Perry, Reuben Cannon |
Distributor |
“She needs a good man. He wants a smart woman. There are only three things standing in their way.”
Tyler Perry’s “Daddy’s Little Girls,” simply put, was disappointing. I found myself checking my cell phone several times in hopes the time had passed, and it would soon be over. The filmmaking was less than average, and the acting was fair, at best. I was looking forward to seeing this after the movie previews, however, ALL the good scenes were in the 3 minute trailer (I won’t make this difficult, there were only 3 minutes of entertainment!).
Here is the movie in a nutshell, in which it neatly fits. Monty, Idris Elba, the father is a good, hard-working man, fighting his trashy (living with her drug-dealing, gangster boyfriend) for custody of their daughters. In comes Julia, Gabrielle Union, an articulate, beautiful lawyer who falls for her client, Monty. However, her judgmental, blue collar, black-man-hating girlfriends tell her not to waste her time with this “driver”, “what would people say?”, “it’s not a matter of IF he has kids, it’s how many and do they all have the same mother?!” The movie goes down hill from there. We see the trashy ex get full custody, the boyfriend makes the oldest child deal drugs at school, and he “hits” and bruises the youngest. The father gets mad, get’s even, ends up in court with the whole neighborhood behind him, and then it ends (I won’t give that away).
As far as MORALITY, there are drugs, drug dealers, thugs, a scene where Julia takes several shots of liquor and ends up inviting Monty to bed, but then she gets sick and sends him home. There is a small handful of “bad” words: damn, pissed off and our Lord’s name was used in vain once. There is also a fair amount of cleavage “pushed up” in your face.
Overall, this movie has a weak “good wins over evil” storyline, but there is much more naughty then nice! Don’t waste your time, stay home and watch a re-run!
Violence: Mild / Profanity: Minor / Sex/Nudity: MinorDisclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.
My Ratings: Excellent! / 4½