Oscar®Oscar® Winner for Best Directing, Cinematography, Film Editing, Original Score, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, Visual Effects
NOMINEE FOR: Best Picture, Best Actress in a Leading Role—Sandra Bullock, Best Production Design



MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for intense perilous sequences, some disturbing images and brief strong language.

Reviewed by: Curtis McParland

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens
Genre: Sci-Fi Mystery Thriller Drama 3D IMAX
Length: 1 hr. 30 min.
Year of Release: 2013
USA Release: October 4, 2013 (wide—3,450+ theaters)
DVD: February 25, 2014
Copyright, Warner Bros. Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures
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Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures

panic in a disaster… and how to overcome it and survive

FEAR, Anxiety and Worry—What does the Bible say? Answer

Featuring Sandra BullockRyan Stone
George ClooneyMatt Kowalski
Ed HarrisMission Control (voice)
Orto Ignatiussen … Aningaaq (voice)
Phaldut Sharma … Shariff (voice)
Amy Warren … Explorer Captain (voice)
Basher Savage … Russian Space Station Captain (voice)
Director Alfonso Cuarón —“Children of Men,” “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Producer Warner Bros.
Esperanto Filmoj
See all »
Distributor: Warner Brothers Pictures. Trademark logo.
Warner Bros. Pictures
, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company

“Don’t let go”

Imagine being in space. The Earth below you is a breathtaking site to behold. It’s clear and open for miles around you, and while floating in zero gravity you have a beautiful view of the sun rising from behind the Earth. Now imagine being in a spacesuit fending for your life. You’re dodging space debris and have an oxygen level of 8% or less. Meet Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and Matt Kowalski (George Clooney). They are in this real life situation. Their mission at this point: survival. Dr. Stone and Matt Kowalski’s astronomical skills are put to the test as they flee their destroyed space shuttle and try to make it to another orbiting station before they not only run out of oxygen, but jetpack fuel as well—all while floating 200 miles above Earth’s surface.

Although there is no reference to a Creator in the script, “Gravity” is still a film that displays the beauty of God’s creation through its sweeping cinematography and visuals of Earth and the galaxy surrounding it. Space travel is dangerous, and director Alfonso Cuarón doesn’t refrain from showing us the extreme peril these astronauts face. “Gravity” is a work of art that shouldn’t be missed by fans of space films or people who study film (like myself). It’s not just a movie, but an experience. However, there is some content that some viewers may want to be aware of before walking into “Gravity”.

There is some very light sexual content, including a brief mention of an affair, light flirting (Kowalski makes a pass at Dr. Stone), and Dr. Stone wears a formfitting tank top and short shorts when she removes her space suit. There is some brief strong language (as the rating suggests) including one f-word, about seven s-words, three misuses of God’s name and one abuse of Christ’s name. There are a few mild scattered profanities in the film including the a-word, d**n (4), h*ll (8), and SOB.

The action gets quite intense at times when debris collides with the space shuttle and various stations. The two main characters are in constant peril throughout most of the film, which include fires, low oxygen and constantly dodging debris. ***SPOILER*** A few corpses are seen floating in a destroyed space station (a brief jump scene) while some are drifting off into space which can be disturbing/frightening to some viewers. They are frozen stiff, including one with half of his face missing due to collision with space debris. ***END SPOILER***.

The only alcohol content present in the film is when Kowalski takes a brief sip of vodka.

On a filmmaking note, “Gravity” is the best film I have seen this year, not only visually but in terms of storytelling and directing. The opening sequence is simply breathtaking and lasts about 15 minutes without any cuts. Director Alfonso Cuarón sets the pacing perfectly for this sweeping 90 minute thrill ride with a great blend of slow moving moments and intense perilous sequences. The visual effects are stunning and, when combined with 3D, almost make you feel that you are in the movie. It is the best post-converted 2D to 3D film I have ever seen and is definitely worth the 3D premium price.

Both Sandra Bullock and George Clooney give phenomenal performances, and Steven Price’s compelling musical score adds so much more depth to the film. Come Oscar® season, I’m sure this film will be nominated for multiple awards.

There aren’t many spiritual elements to “Gravity”, but there is one moment in the film where Dr. Stone isn’t sure where her faith stands. She admits over the radio that she was never taught how to pray but asks those on the other end to pray for her. To me, it appeared that she had a feeling that God exists but doesn’t know where to start or how to seek Him. Throughout her journey, I was able to pull from the film that she realized that Someone was constantly looking out for her. Although there is no mention of Buddhism, we briefly see a small Buddha sitting on a control panel in a Chinese space station.

Revelation 3:20 (ESV) says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”

God is always there watching out for us. He’s standing at the door knocking. We just have to let Him in to our lives. Everything in life happens for a reason and it all happens in God’s timing. Bullock’s character not only learns how to let go of things in life but to also not give up in times of deep peril.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” —2 Corinthians 4:16.

“Gravity” is a beautiful, breathtaking film that doesn’t refrain from the sheer terror of space travel. This is fiction but presented in a frighteningly realistic situation. “Gravity” tells its story the way it should be told: space travel is extremely dangerous and not for the faint of heart. Although there are some disturbing images and some brief, scattered strong language, I recommend “Gravity” for ages 13+ (as the rating suggests).

Being set in space, it is a dark film but one filled with hope and courage. Although our lives may be in danger, we need to hold on and not simply give up. Like Dr. Stone, we need to seek the truth. We need to be aware that Someone is always watching out for us and be thankful for His provision in our lives. If there is a chance of hope and survival, we need to learn to hold on and not simply let go…

”In the same way, wisdom is sweet to your soul. If you find it, you will have a bright future, and your hopes will not be cut short.” —Proverbs 24:14 (NLT)

Violence: Moderate to heavy / Profanity: Moderate to heavy / Sex/Nudity: Mild

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Wow… just go see “Gravity,” and make sure you catch it on 3D. This is the best film my husband and I have seen all year. Some “not perfect” words, one “F,” no sex, not a lot of objectionable stuff. It’s very suspenseful and may be too intense for those with a weak heart. At one point I realized I wasn’t breathing. This film is masterful and everyone’s going to be talking about it. See it before your friends do, so that they don’t give away how some important situations turn out and spoil some scenes for you.

We will definitely see this flick again. I predict lots of Oscars for this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Maggie Hays, age 66 (USA)
Positive—Wow, what a movie. I haven’t seen a movie in theaters in a while, and this was sure worth the wait. Visually beautiful, good music and setting. After the beginning, it’s a non-stop thriller that will put you on the edge of your seat. I went in not really knowing what the story was or anything, and I was pleasantly surprised. It sends a good message about life. Best movie of the year, so far
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Michael, age 19 (USA)
Positive—I rarely recommend Hollyweird’s movies, but this one is really worth while. Of course, I see no advantage to seeing it on the big screen and certainly the 3D does nothing other than add to the price, but the story is very good. There was some language, but I’d have probably had many more four letter words to say if I’d been in their situation. I was surprised though at how long Sandra Bullock’s character took to pray, however, and was wondering if she ever would, but the producers did throw in a token weak excuse for a prayer late in the movie, which I guess I have to give them at least partial credit for.

Anyway, if you want an entertaining film that has a few twists and turns and a fair amount of action, this is certainly worth your time.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Bob C, age 50
Positive—Fantastically realistic with great special effects and views of the Earth. Not sure how they did the no gravity effect so well. Sandra Bullock was great. The only thing I did not care for was that George Clooney was so cool and non-chalant even, when, I don’t want to spoil the plot, he was in a crisis. He must have been thinking this was “Oceans 11.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jeff, age 54 (USA)
Positive—Wow. Felt like I got off a rollercoaster. An intense thriller. Not as in horror, but like Space Mountain, there are twists and turns in space in the dark, and you’re not sure where it’s going or where it will end up, but you hang on for dear life. Visually stunning and suspenseful. Subtle hints of faith throughout. May not pick up on until reflecting on it later.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Tori, age 40+ (USA)
Positive—When I got a chance to watch the trailer for “Gravity,” I said, “No way, a story revolving around a space collision? Going to be a short boring movie.” Then I heard what critics and other Christian sites had said about “Gravity,” and all had agreed that the movie was top notch and another success for Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. So I finally “caved” and asked a family member, who really wanted to see it, to come. He and I were both walking out of the theater shocked, with me exclaiming. “Wow. Just wow. That was really good,” over and over again.

The special effects? Top notch. I have not seen much by this director, but I have heard his (good) reputation speaks for itself. The scenes involving shots of Earth (including a beautiful shot of the Aurora Borealis) were worth the price I had to spend on tickets. I’m definitely not one for the new 3D, but I agree with the reviewer when he says to spend the premium price and see it in 3D. You really were in the movie. Bottom line? My answer is “Yes, go see it while you can.”

Some scenes are disturbing and there were some language issues, so small children probably shouldn’t see this. However, I didn’t think I would enjoy this film and it sure surprised me in the end. 5 stars all around.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Alexander Malsan, age 23 (USA)
Positive—I thought this movie was extremely well made, overall. The cinematography and visual effects are the best I’ve ever seen in a movie, and it takes a lot to impress me. The writing and story are perfect for this film. Although there are a few curse words here and there, they are spoken where the film’s two characters in the movie are under incredible stress all alone in space, and you don’t really get too offended because the movie conveys what they are going through so well.

A definite keeper and the only way to see it is in 3D, which is the best use of the 3D medium in a movie that I’ve seen in some time. I would offer a gentle rebuke to those people who go to movies and complain about how awful the language was and how offended they were. There is a reason movies have a G or PG or PG-13 or R rating. E is one of the reasons for the rating. The way I see it, if you don’t have a reason to complain if language is one of the reasons for the rating. Read it before you go next time, and if you don’t feel right about it, don’t go!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Rob, age 60 (USA)
Positive—Wow! This movie hit me in the heart. I was at the edge of my seat with my hand on my mouth thinking wow! The CGI/3D effect was breathtaking. What took my breath away was the graphics. Sandra Bullock did a awesome job with her character. George did a good job, too. I enjoyed it 2 times once in 3D and not 3D. I hope this movie gets awards for it and best awards to Sandra. Why live? When I look at anything God created I can’t breath myself. Space is breathtaking because God created it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Whitney, age 25 (USA)
Positive—I saw it in 3D IMAX. If you want to really get what the movie has to offer, you need that experience. I would have gone with Good moral rating, but it did have one OMG that I caught (the Spotlight reviewer said there were more of God’s Name in vain, I didn’t notice them). Ms. Bullock’s attire was a bit on the provocative side, too, but nothing BAD. But, even that one OMG could have been interpreted as reverent, it was in reference to I think a sunrise he saw while drifting off to meet his maker. So, yeah, this movie is a keeper.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Ray W, age 57 (USA)
Positive—I liked this movie. It was far fetched, but neat. No sex scenes at all. Actress removes her space suit, but has shorts on underneath. They did zero in on this, but it wasn't bad. Don't remember the bad words, but if they were there, it was mild. I would take my children to see this if I had any. Very young children would not understand it and would be bored, though.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jane, age 54 (USA)
Positive—Positive… and a negative, which slightly dissipates what could have been a movie to rival “Star Wars” on many levels. The first 15 minutes of the film in one seamless beautiful cut. I had that feeling again, like I had when I watched “2001 Space Odyssey” for the first time, many years ago. That feeling was there again. And the science was realistic. Sandra Bullock should probably receive two Oscars for her performance in this movie, not just one. Her performance was that good. I disagree with those who say there was no character development in this amazing film. The character development in “The Blindside” was different than it was in this movie, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there was none in “Gravity”. It just happens quicker. Sandra knocked it out of the park! The key is that Sandra Bullock sold her performance perfectly. She sold it so well, in fact, that I found myself also saying “no no no no no no no no no” really fast in the theater along with her as she was spinning out of control and trying to grasp onto the side of the space station. I also caught people around me saying “no no no no no no no no no no”. If you see the film, you will know what I mean by the “no no no no no”.

***SPOILER*** I want to say that the scene where she improvises by using the fire extinguisher to provide thrust to make it to the Chinese Space Station was thoroughly enjoyable. Great science fiction films always have that one scene that define the film. In “Aliens,” the defining moment was when Ripley takes on the Alien Queen and rescues the girl. In this film, it was Sandra Bullock grabbing the fire extinguisher and making her way to the Chinese Station before it got ripped apart. This was a defining moment for the character development. Brilliant. Though I have to say, watching the Hubble Space Telescope, a fictional Space Shuttle, and two space stations obliterated was quite unsettling and disturbing. If you don’t have the stomach to watch our space program get ripped to bits, don’t watch. It wasn’t easy for me, as I’m a fan of all our cool space hardware. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Chris Bach, age 41 (USA)
Positive—“Gravity” is a must experienced film in 3D on the big screen.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Mang Yang, age 41 (USA)
Positive—I mostly have given up on movies, including 3-D extravaganzas, as they are pretty much a waste of time and money, aimed at a much younger audience than my age bracket, but a family member wanted to see “Gravity,” and I did read some intriguing reviews beforehand, including one by a church spokesperson. In brief, and without giving away the plot, I must say I was astonished by the beauty of “Gravity,” as well as the performances, especially that given by Sandra Bullock.

However, after seeing the film and reading viewer comments, especially in this Web site, I must respond to those who slammed the film based on their religious views. In the film, “Dr. Ryan” states that no one ever taught her to pray—and as a Christian myself, one of those fervent and evangelistic types, I urge those true Christians who complain about this film to take her up on her plea and make sure to share your faith with those who may never get the good news otherwise, who may never learn to pray otherwise. “Dr Ryan” does in fact utter a two-word prayer at the end of the film—didn’t you hear her? I did, and I was very pleased. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Christine S. Drake, age 60s (USA)
Positive—I was unsure about this movie because of its gimmicky 3D. But for once, after reading lots of reviews saying the 3D was not just a gimmick and worked perfectly, I decided to see it, yesterday. I wasn’t disappointed! Aside from the amazing graphics and 3D. The story itself was great. It’s a thinkers movie (more on this later). It had a lot of dialog and some action. You could really feel connected with the people in it. Probably Sandra’s best role in terms of Oscar worthy. Same for George, who I normally am unsure about acting wise. It’s worth seeing, especially in 3D.

At a few points during the movie I took off the glasses and found the “2D” version of it not as fun. The 3D definitely makes it feel much more real to you, to the point of you forget it’s CGI. The biggest reason this movie had many bad reviews due to “boring”) is because as Americans we are so used to movies not having much dialog that we find these movies too slow paced. We need constant stimulation, or we get bored. So if you don’t like a deep dialog/drama filled movie, then this isn’t for you. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Matt, age 32 (USA)
Positive—There are a number of simple analogies through this film which echo the life and teachings of Christ. Equally, there are a number of explicitly humanist metaphors. Key analogies include the washing in the water and subsequent rebirth at the end, against the following parallel of the evolutionary theory of the first amphibian edging from the primordial swamp. The life metaphor appears earlier with the image of Sandra Bullock in a foetal position, an umbilical cord apparently extending from her. See all »
Kenneth, age 33 (United Kingdom)
Positive—Fun movie for most everyone. Very tame. There is a small amount of cursing (sh**), an off color joke by Clooney and a graphic scene of a dead astronaut, but the rest of the film is what you could imagine of professional astronauts executing emergency protocols to not die in the vacuum of space.

I’ve watch Gravity a number of times and it’s a great cinematic experience. Visuals are very good, Clooney is swashbuckling and comical, Bullock is her patent self, and the thrills are superb. As a secular film with such high production value, it’s among the very few Sci-Fi films that keeps offenses to a minimum.

If there is one item to pick on from a Christian standpoint, Bullock is clearly without hope in her life as evidenced through her tragic existence apart from her work. But this theme is soon smashed by the soon to follow action.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Peter C., age (USA)
Negative—I was honestly bored with this movie. Also, if you have any issues with tight spaces, don’t watch this movie. She is constantly trapped, and it was just torturous to watch. Wish I hadn’t seen it. And it was just one catastrophe after another. I do have to say, I like Sandra Bullock, and I was impressed she pulled off this level of serious acting.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Stephanie, age 39 (USA)
Neutral—This… story… moved… so… slow… it felt absolutely glacial. Quite frankly, I was bored and wish I had my TV’s remote control in my hand so I could Fast Forward. The Special Effects were neat—but they don’t stand alone because SE’s today are good in most films.

As a Christian, one line stood out to me and that’s when Sandra Bullock said “I don’t know how to pray—no one ever taught me.” Sadly true of many people today. I wish she would have attempted to say a prayer then so it would set an example to those who need it. The ending was predictable—no surprise.

***SPOILER*** When Bullock finally lands back on Earth and is swimming toward shore, I think the writer missed a great opportunity. It would have been absolutely great to see Jesus standing on the beach welcoming her “Home.” ***END SPOILER***
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Leonard Capobianco, age 71 (USA)
Neutral—The movie quality was great (visuals of space), but there wasn’t much dialog or meaning to the film. My fiancé and I were totally confused with its message and were disappointed with the direction it took. There was mention of prayer that could have potentially developed into a great message, but it didn’t go there. By the end of the movie we felt we didn’t gain much by watching it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Aida, age 26 (USA)
Neutral—Well, it’s short. Just felt unrealistic and plodding. Character development was non-existent, and I felt like the actors were merely reading their lines. I was never engaged. Didn’t find it overly offensive, no more than usual. Worst part for me, the main character seemed very unprepared/trained for the task at hand on the mission. She screams a lot through the movie-so that just gets run of the mill. Other main character seems non-concerned or show any thought at all. Boringly robotic most of the time. However, many enjoy the scenery, so I guess catching it on rental would be just fine.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
D Proshek, age 53 (USA)
Neutral—I had been wanting to see “Gravity” since it opened in the theater. The other night, we bought it on DVD. Seeing that it had both Sandra Bullock AND George Clooney in it, and it was Science Fiction, I was expecting a movie that would totally blow me away. While it was good, it still fell short of that mark.

First, I will address the moral content of this film. There is little to no outright violence in this movie. Just some scenes which might prove too intense for some people. No sexual situations AT ALL… which is a welcome change from most movies these days. The closest it gets is some mild flirting between Clooney and Bullock’s characters. No nudity. But, there are a couple of sequences where Bullock is shown repairing the ship in a tank top and VERY short shorts. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Jared Barton, age 33 (USA)
Neutral—I finally caught up with the film at a friend’s house—he has kitted out a bedroom into a cinema with HD projector, big screen, speakers, the works (his first job upon leaving school was a projectionist—he's retired). Anyway. I thought “Gravity” was okay, I don't know why it was an Oscar darling, and Steven Price's music score was grating on the nerves.

It was interesting that there was one small pic of Jesus in the Soyuz and a Bhudda in the Chinese craft and that Bullock's character said to her herself she wanted to pray but had never been taught how. So there was some spiritual/faith thing going on, however nominally.

So an okay film but not amazing as all the critics and lemmings make out.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Dirk, age 46 (United Kingdom)
Negative—I saw this film in one of the largest IMAX theaters in the South East United States, and was still not impressed. Maybe it is because I go to a movie to see a movie? As I watched “Gravity” it felt as though I was watching a NASA documentary go wrong. There was hardly any character development, and what little was only enough to make you a little concerned.

The language was horrible, and the best part was George Clooney listening to Hank Williams Jr. singing “Angels are Hard to Find”. If you want to spend 60 minutes out of a 90 minute film listening to Sandra Bullock practice breathing exercises, than by all means knock yourself out. Give me “Star Trek into Darkness” any day! Science Fiction is much more fun to watch than Science itself.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Shane Mason, age 34 (USA)
Negative—I was going to rate this movie as neutral, but I left with such a blah feeling. I didn’t like the storyline and I found the movie dragged something terrible. The only good things about the movie were the beautiful views from space and the special effects. I can’t believe those teenagers from Canada sent Lego Man up there, lol… that’s what I was thinking about during the movie.

…The swearing seemed very out of place and unnecessary, especially Jesus” name in vain. I found the parts when Sandra removed her space suit to be slightly obscene.

I also didn’t like the ending, and came away with motion sickness from turning around in space for an hour and a half and then falling under the ocean. This movie is for Sandra Bullock fans and people who are big space enthusiasts. I personally like the fiction stories in space versus “real life” that have a little more human interest, humour, and action… something this movie did not have. Anyway, I found it disappointing and, after taking a Gravol®, I’m going to rest for the rest of the night.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Kathy Pj, age 53 (Canada)
Negative—My husband and I took our son and daughter-in-law to see “Gravity” yesterday. All four of us thought it was incredibly boring. Yes, the cinematography is excellent, and there are some beautiful views of space, as well as of the Earth. But sorry, that wasn’t enough to hold our interest for 90 long minutes. Sandra Bullock was essentially the only character throughout most of this movie, and she was either talking to herself, or trying to breathe. It would have been more interesting if they had at least allowed her to remain in touch with mission control.

Boring as it was, the director couldn’t resist having a very toned and slim Bullock pull off her space suit and wiggle around in the shortest, form-fitting shorts possible and a little tank top, for a considerable part of the movie.

As other reviewers mentioned, some cursing also had to be included, as well as an inappropriate use of Our Lord’s Name. I am astounded at all of the good reviews for this snooze-fest… not only here, but by critics, on Facebook, etc. We had four completely different personalities of various ages in our group, and we all couldn’t wait till it was over.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Patricia, age 66 (USA)
Negative—It was terrible that Hollywood is up to its usual tricks—no matter now subtle… When REAL astronauts take off their suits—they have a white suite underneath with many tubes coming out of it—NOT skimpy mini shorts and undershirt, like Ms. Bullock did. Maybe most people are desensitized—but this is part of Hollywood’s plan to desensitize people and slip in an inappropriate state of clothing whenever they can. They could have gotten more of the technical details correct—because most kids that see this movie are going to think every technical thing said is correct. I’d rather just go to an IMAX and see an actual NASA sponsored documentary than to have spent my time seeing this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Paulette, age 49 (USA)
Negative—Don’t waste your time or money on this movie, that is my opinion; it is just plain stupid and not entertaining. This movie is a perfect example of George Clooney’s generally poor acting abilities (he has one slap-stick character that he plays in every single film). His character is continually cracking jokes right after all his NASA colleagues were just killed and during supposedly very dangerous situations, par for the course for Clooney films.

I usually like Sandra Bullock films, but I can’t say that about this one. The plot was unrealistic to the point of being corny. I’m shocked that anyone, including Curtis McParland, would give this film a 5-star review for movie-making quality. I gave it one star and that’s being generous.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 1
Greg T., age 49 (USA)
Comments from young people
Positive—Just saw “Gravity” and it was intense! The whole entire movie I was on the edge of my seat! The directors and producers did an amazing job! The film quality was amazing. I would rate it a 9 out of 10! The swearing wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be; there was one F-word and one Lord’s name in vain. Both of those words happened almost right next to each other. As Sandra Bullock is drifting in space and George Clooney grabs her, she says the F-word. Then like a minute later George Clooney says the lord’s name in vain. The other swearing were four letter words. But I didn’t hear tons of language. There was no sex. Which is really refreshing.

I really liked this movie. Saw it in IMAX 3D which was amazing. I can’t imagine seeing it without 3D. So if your going to see it, see it in 3d!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Meaghan, age 14 (USA)
Positive—“Gravity” is a beautiful, fantastic film by visionary director Alfonso Cuarón. There is almost no offensive content at all. For those of you complaining about the language, you’ve obviously never seen a non-Disney movie because this is exceptionally clean compared to what else is out there. For those of you complaining about Sandra Bullock’s outfit under her astronaut suit, I assure you it was not Mr. Cuarón’s intention to arouse you. You might need to cleanse your mind of sexual sin if all you noticed in a movie like this was a woman’s tight-fitting outfit. No wonder people have such a negative stereotypical view of us Christians.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
C, age 15 (USA)
Comments from non-viewers
Negative—My husband and I really wanted to see this movie. After reading the portion of the review telling the curse words used, we changed our minds. I refuse to give money to those who take God’s name in vain and use the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as a word to be tossed around. In my opinion, Christians should not spend their money on movies that use this kind of language. I’m sure it is a good movie if this was not a part of it. If we would stop seeing this stuff, maybe they would get the point. I don’t see the necessity of this type of language. I was raised to think that people who talked this way were uneducated or just a person to stay away from and not to befriend unless you could win them to Christ. This type of language keeps many of us from being able to enjoy a movie night out. So be it!
Brenda, age 64 (USA)
Negative—I have to agree with the above reviewer. My husband and I do not want to see movies that contains language like this nor do we want to see what one reviewer said, that when Ryan takes off her space suit it seems seductive. No thank you! God’s word is so clear about us keeping our eyes (our ears too, I’m guessing!) from evil things. We definitely don’t want to hear our Lord’s name taken in vain. It is a bit sad to miss out on good movies because of things like this, but in light of eternity it really doesn’t matter does it?
Pamela, age 52 (USA)

PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.