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Brick Mansions

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for frenetic gunplay, violence and action throughout, language, sexual menace and drug material.
Moral Rating: not reviewed
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens
Genre: Action Thriller Crime Drama Remake
Length: 1 hr. 30 min.
Year of Release: 2014
USA Release: April 25, 2014 (wide—2,400+ theaters)
DVD: September 9, 2014
Copyright, Relativity Media click photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Relativity Media Copyright, Relativity Media Copyright, Relativity Media Copyright, Relativity Media Copyright, Relativity Media Copyright, Relativity Media Copyright, Relativity Media Copyright, Relativity Media Copyright, Relativity Media
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Relativity Media

weapon of mass destruction

dangers of police work

Featuring Paul WalkerDamien
David Belle … Lino
RZA … Tremaine
Gouchy Boy … K2
Catalina Denis … Lola
Ayisha Issa … Rayzah
Carlo Rota … George the Greek
Andreas Apergis … Berringer
Richard Zeman … Major Reno
Robert Maillet … Yeti
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Director Camille Delamarre — “Transporter 3,” “Lockout,” “Colombiana”
Producer Brick Mansions Productions Inc.
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Distributor Relativity Media
Copyrighted, Relativity Media

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “A detective tries to track down a stolen weapon of mass destruction in the ghetto dubbed Brick Mansions. He enlists the help of a fearless man who knows the slums better than anyone else.

In the criminal underworld of Detroit, the streets are overrun with violence and drugs and the hand of corruption reaches into the lives of everyone; well almost everyone. For Lino (David Belle) every day is a fight to live an honest life. But when a drug lord kidnaps his girlfriend, Lino is forced to team up with Damien Collier (Paul Walker), an undercover cop who’s been tracking this king pin's (RZA) involvement in something even more sinister—a plot to devastate the entire city.

This film is a remake of District B13 (Banlieue 13) and features a script by Luc Besson, who co-wrote the original, and Robert Mark Kamen.”

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Movie Critics
…One of the film’s main reasons for being is to provide a showcase for David Belle, also a star of “B13” and one of the originators of the acrobatic martial art known as parkour. Parkour, which involves a lot of running along walls and leaping through stairwells, has been an action-movie staple for almost a decade, and Mr. Belle turns parts of “Brick Mansions” into a master class. …
A.O. Scott, The New York Times
…has lots of stuntwork, little logic… [2/4]
Rafer Guzmán, Long Island Newsday
…don’t see it for RZA (or, in hopes of seeing anything from Walker you never saw before). Or for the many bad supporting performances, dull car chases, or self-consciously kinky catfights between the Good Girl (in a short pleated skirt) and the Bad Girl (in a butch dominatrix outfit). See it for Belle. …
Stephen Whitty, The Star-Ledger (New Jersey)
…“Brick Mansions” not much of a foundation for Paul Walker… nothing more than a nearly scene-by-scene remake of “District B13,” itself a glorified Nike commercial with French subtitles. …
Graham Killeen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
…Always in motion, rarely entertaining, “Brick Mansions” is a silly, disposable action movie soured by the untimely demise of star Paul Walker. …
Tim Grierson, Screen Daily
…a fast-paced, balletic affair…
Chris Knight, National Post
…highly faithful, propulsively exciting remake of “District B13.”…
justin Chang, Variety
…the thriller is essentially a long string of adrenaline-soaked sequences where our heroes—using the Gallic art of street gymnastics called parkour—defeat entire crowds of heavily armed villains simply by flipping and jumping faster than speeding bullets. There’s a plot, too, but it’s a lot less interesting… [C-]
Adam Markovitz, Entertainment Weekly

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