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Just Getting Started

also known as “Entre Rivais”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for language, suggestive material and brief violence.
Moral Rating: Not Recommended
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Action Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 31 min.
Year of Release: 2017
USA Release: December 8, 2017 (wide)
DVD: February 27, 2018
Copyright, Broad Green Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Broad Green Pictures Copyright, Broad Green Pictures
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Copyright, Broad Green Pictures
Featuring Morgan FreemanDuke
Tommy Lee JonesLeo
Rene RussoSuzie
Glenne Headly … Margarite
Joleen Baughman … Horse Wrangler
Joe Pantoliano … Joey
Rachel de la Torre … Christmas Party Dancer
Elizabeth Ashley … Lily
Sheryl Lee Ralph … Roberta
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Director Ron Shelton — “Tin Cup,” “Bull Durham”
Producer Bill Gerber
Steve Richards
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Distributor Broad Green Pictures

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “Duke Diver is the freewheeling manager of the luxury Palm Springs resort, the Villa Capri. Diver may have a mysterious past, but he’s a pro at making sure that life for the high-spirited residents is one big, non-stop party. But the status quo is challenged when ex-military charmer Leo checks in, triggering a competition between Duke and Leo for the top spot of Alpha male, as well as for the affections of the newly-arrived Suzie.

When Duke’s past suddenly catches up with him, the rivals put aside their differences and the two men reluctantly team up to stop whoever is trying to kill Duke, and also save the Villa Capri.

This action comedy is in the vein of ‘Midnight Run’ about an ex-FBI agent (Jones) and an ex-mob lawyer in the witness protection program (Freeman) having to put aside their petty rivalry on the golf course to fend off a mob hit.”

  • Violence: Moderate
  • Profane language: Moderately Heavy—“J*sus,” “G*d d*mn” (2), “d*mn” (10), “H*ll” (9), “Holy sh*t,” “Oh G*d” (4), “Oh my G*d” (3), “My G*d,” “G*d”
  • Vulgar/Crude language: Heavy—“f*cking,” “bullsh*t” (5), “horse sh*t,” “sh*t” (25+), “son of a b*tch” (4), “a**” (7), “He's b*nging our entire harem,” “t*tty,” “p*ss”
  • Nudity: • Cleavage • Men in bathing suits • Woman in bath • Nude women dancers (not shown on screen)
  • Sex: Heavy— • Numerous crude sexual jokes, innuendos and comments • Female teacher tells retirement audience that “all of them need real sex, long sex, and nasty and dirty sex” • References to strippers
  • Alcohol: Lots of it, including drunkenness

cinema tickets. ©  Alexey SmirnovEvery time you buy a movie ticket or buy or rent a video you are in effect casting a vote telling Hollywood, “I’ll pay for that. That’s what I want.” Read our article

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Secular Movie Critics
…aimed squarely at older audiences… Featherweight retirement comedy benefits from its star power. …
Stephen Farber, The Hollywood Reporter
…This cringe-worthy comedy may be the worst movie of the year. And, I'm “Just Getting Started” slamming this unfunny film after suffering through 90 minutes that felt like nine hours…
Sandy Kenyon, WABC 7
…I groaned, maybe, but no chuckles emanated from me or from my lone fellow patron… The seasonal setting opens the door for such sight gags as carolers decked out in Dickensian garb save for being shod in flip flops and someone observing, “Some big balls he’s got” while dangling two sizable round tree ornaments. There is also an opportunity for “flocking” to be used as a euphemism for you-know-what. …[1/5]
Susan Wloszczyna,
…Ron Shelton’s comedy “Just Getting Started” lets down stars Morgan Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones… There’s no subtlety or room for the talented cast to add nuance to any line. People telling each other, “Shut up,” seems to account for 10% of the dialogue, but no one ever does. …
Kimber Myers, Los Angeles Times
…laugh-free comedy… blandly aimless and slow-paced snoozer…
Dan Callahan, The Wrap
…Senior audiences deserve better… Don’t waste your time or money. This film is a total dud and an insult to the intelligence of anyone who would see it…
Bill Zwecker, Chicago Sun-Times
…And then there are leaden clunkers like “Just Getting Started” that provoke an ineffable sense of sadness as one considers how much time, money and talent has been squandered on something so thoroughly useless. Unduly protracted, clumsily contrived and dreadfully unamusing…
Joe Leydon, Variety

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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