G.I. Jane

Reviewed by: Tim Emmerich

Moral Rating: Very Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Action Adventure
Length: 125 min.
Year of Release: 1997
USA Release:
Featuring Demi Moore, Viggo Mortensen, Anne Bancroft, Jason Beghe
Director Ridley Scott
Distributor Hollywood/Caravan Pictures

“G.I. Jane”—is it destined to be a new recruitment film for the military? Considerable time is spent stressing the harsh training requirements for the elite Navy SEALs in “G.I. Jane.” Surprisingly, SEAL recruits are treated to very realistic, actual situations and consequences. Now, some powerful people want to create another battle—a battle of the sexes.

A tough female Senator DeHaven (Anne Bancroft) is pushing the military to accept females in ALL possible military positions. In contemporary society, women are already now accepted into combat situations and previously all-male military academies—why not the Navy SEALs? Senator DeHaven is pushing just for that, and she uses her political clout as a committee member that will approve the next secretary of defense to accomplish this goal. Here is where Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil (Demi Moore) marches in. O'Neil is recruited as the test case to see if she can pass the SEAL training, of which there is a 60% drop-out rate among the men who attempt it.

Twist after turn are added to this battle as the seemingly SEAL training graduate pushes through the crossfire to succeed her goal. However, it seems that she is the only one who wants her to succeed. An unbelievable development occurs where the trainees get to participate in an actual mission… I wonder how often that really gets to happen??

Christians, be warned. As can be expected from a film of this genre, there are over two dozen obscenities, naturally dealing with lewd sex-related topics. Granted, the military is the military—which means there will be plenty of crude sexual references. But it distracts more than adds to the film. And another expectation is that there will be plenty of Demi. While not as much as was expected, and brief that they were, Demi is seen with her full-backside in the shower, and she does wear lots of revealing attire throughout the movie. As can also be expected, Demi is muscle-toned to the hilt in “G.I. Jane.” She still hasn’t made many films without relying on her physique to draw attention.

Unless you are considering military service, avoid this film. If you are anticipating service in the military, the storyline may be beneficial in convining you that being a Christian in the military can be a hard road… though not impossible. Many strong Christians can be found serving in this nation’s armed forces. To them, we salute. To “G.I. Jane,” we don’t.

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Many of the scenes depicting the SEAL training were extremely far from the truth. I have the pleasure to know one of the greatest SEALs of the Vietnam era, Barry Enoch. Barry is a fine Christian man who has an incredible testimony. I am also acquainted with some other SEALs, some of them Christians, some not. Through these relationships and the books that some of them have written, I believe I have a good understanding of the selection and training SEALs go through. It is a shame that film makers feel it necessary to deviate from the already amazing truth to entertain us.

A few hours with the SEALs I know would give a script writer enough material to make an awe-inspiring realistic film. After seeing “G.I. Jane,” which was already a slap in the face of our brave Navy SEALs, I wondered how many would believe that the training depicted in the film was true to life.

If people believe this is true, it gives our military a bad name. One movie critic wrote of surprize at some of the scenes given the Navy’s assistance with the film. The Navy’s Special Warfare Group did not want to participate in the making of this film because it is so far fetched for a woman to be accepted into the SEALs. It wasn’t until after Ms. Moore petitioned in Washington, D.C. that the Navy Special Warfare Group cooperated, and then only under orders…
Martin Myers
I haven’t been to a movie in more than two years and only went to this one because my daughter was home on leave from the Air Force. This stinker makes me wish I had waited another two years. My Airborne training from 25 years ago helped to confirm this joke. However, it was fun PRETENDING this kind of stuff happened. I had forgotten just how much my language has changed since then.
Keith Fitzsimmons, age 45
As an ex-Marine sergeant who was stationed at the only combat training area for women (4th Battalion, Parris Island, S.C. USMC) I can tell you that Hollywood will NEVER portray the military in a realistic way. “G.I. Jane” was filmed here in Beaufort, S.C. and many of us marines were extra’s, and yet no one asked our thoughts on the realism of the training, even though we worked with thousands of young women training to serve their country.

“G.I. Jane” will unfortunately send women the wrong message about the military, and give the hard working women of the armed forces a bad name. Like “Top Gun”, many young women will see this film and want to sign up, unaware of the true sacrifice which the military demands. As Christians, we are better off skipping this propaganda film.
Shawn Leach
As a Christian, I was not surprised that there is no reference to God in this film. I think it is possible to be in the military and be a Christian. As an athlete and as a woman, I liked seeing a woman portrayed as strong and having GRIT! As a film lover, I think Ridley Scott is a brilliant filmmaker. He directed “Blade Runner” and “Thelma and Louise”.
Regina, age 32
Overall, I thought the movie was good. But must admit that the language was harsh and I saw more than I cared to see of Demi.
Gerald, age 32
Finally-! A major Hollywood studio release that isn’t automatically given a *** or **** for “moviemaking quality.” Thank you for the accurate review.
Brian, age 24