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The Heavens
Has the origin of the solar system been determined? 答案
Was there a big bang? 答案
How are star distances measured? 答案
Do stars evolve? 答案
Do new stars form today? 答案
Have scientists discovered the moon’s origin? 答案
How can light get to us from stars which are millions of light years away in a universe which the Bible claims is only thousands of years old? 答案
Interesting explanations are reviewed in this discussion on how science and the Bible may correspond to one another.
Is every star different? 答案
How many stars are known to exist? 答案
What is the Death Star? 答案
Is heaven located in the northern sky? 答案
Is the gospel spelled out in the stars? 答案
The 19th century brought forth the popularized notion that the gospel is outlined in the heavens above us. What is the truth about the gospel in the stars?
What was the Star of Bethlehem? 答案
Three theories to explain what the Christmas Star may really be.
Bible and Astronomy
GALILEO - What is the lesson that Christians should learn from him? 答案
Galileo was persecuted by the 17th century church for holding scientific views we now know were true. Are today’s religious authorities persecuting scientists for simply pursuing truth?
GALILEO - What were his real scientific and biblical conflicts with the Church? 答案
Many do not know the truth about the famous conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and this man of science and man of God.
What’s the explanation for the “long days” of Joshua and Hezekiah? 答案
Skeptics continually balk at the notion that the “earth stood still” for Joshua, or that time ran backwards for Hezekiah. What’s the answer to this “scientific impossibility”?
What’s wrong with studying astrology? 答案
Are we alone, or is there life elsewhere in the universe? 答案
Many Christians have, like the world, become captivated with the idea of life on other planets. But what does the Bible seem to indicate?
Did a “Martian” meteorite prove the existence of ET? 答案
What does the Bible say about intelligent life on other planets? 答案
Were the nephilim (sons of God) of Genesis 6:4 extraterrestrials? 答案
Does Scripture refer to life in space? 答案
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