The Great Dinosaur Mystery HOME
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Where did dinosaurs come from?

Dinosaur Creation. Photo copyrighted by Films for Christ.

When God created the world, dinosaurs were one of His creations. God created all the animals (Genesis 1:20-25). God made everything in the entire universe--people, stars, planets and all that there is (Exodus 20:11a, Genesis 1, John 1:3). Like Adam, the bodies of the first dinosaurs were formed from the dust of the Earth. Man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

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Learn the complete story of dinosaurs and the Bible

Read God’s Story
Read a summary of the Creation account

“For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the Earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.” —Exodus 20:11

All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” —John 1:3

But, are they in the Bible? Why did God create dinosaurs? Why did they become extinct? What was life like living with dinosaurs, at first?…

Continue on the Discovery Trail

NEXT — Are dinosaurs in the Bible?

Side-trail for little ones (rhymes & coloring pages)…
A is for Adam. Coloring pages, story, and more!
D is for Dinosaur. Coloring pages, story, and more!

The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible - questions answered Creation SuperLibrary click for Kid Explorers

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