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Nove Evidências Bíblicas de que o Dilúvio foi global
Alguns professores evangélicos atuais dizem que o dilúvio de Noé não cobriu a Terra inteira nem todas montanhas. Ainda, dizem que Noé e os animais flutuaram num mar raso temporário adentro da terra, causado pela enchente, de alguma forma cobrindo somente a região Mesopotâmica. Isto é, eles dizem que a população inteira humana estava limitada a esta área, ou que nem todos humanos foram mortos pela enchente. Há evidências bíblicas reais para estas idéias?
Todas montanhas foram cobertas. Os topes de todas as montanhas mountains abaixo de todo céu estavam ao menos 6 metros abaixo d'água (Gênesis 7:19-20). Seria um absurgo pensar que uma enchente cobrindo as mais altas montanhas do Oriente Médio não afetariam o resto do mundo. Além disso, as águas permanceram nesta altura fantástica por cinco meses! (Gênesis 7:18-24, 8:1-5).
Arca era enorme. A arca era necessária para prevenir a extinção de humanos e animais. Se a enchente
fosse meramente local, Deus poderia tê-los enviado a uma parte segura do mundo. Deus alertou Noé sobre
a enchente 120 anos antes. Com certeza, Noé e sua família poderiam ter viajado para um local seguro antes disso.
Também, se a enchente fosse local, a arca era desnecessariamente grande. Até que os primeiros navios de metal fossem construídos nos tempos modernos, a arca era o maior navio já construído. Ela era suficientemente grande para guardar pares representativos de cada tipo de animal terrestre que respirasse da Terra.
Os humanos popularam o mundo inteiro. Depois de mais de 1600 anos de habitacao na Terra, a população do planeta era claramente grande (milhões ou bilhões). A Bíblia confirma que (a) o Homem havia se multiplicado sobre a face da Terra (Gênesis 6:1), (b) Violência e corrupção e encheramhe Earth (Genesis 6:11-12). The Bible is clear that man could not have existed only in
the Mesopotamian region - a region too small to support such a large population, especially considering the natural
dispersion affect of a violent society.
All Humans Were Killed. The Bible clearly teaches that all flesh died…every man (Genesis 7:21). Genesis 9:1 confirms that only Noah's family was saved and that every person living today is descended from his family.
All Air-Breathing, Land Animals Killed. The world's entire population of air-breathing, land animals died, except those taken into the ark (Genesis 7:21) - “everything on Earth” (Genesis 6:17) - "all living creatures of every kind on the Earth" (Genesis 9:16). If only those animals in a specific geographic location died, it would seem unnecessary for God to protect pairs in the ark for the express purpose of preventing their extinction. Surely there would be representatives of their kinds in other areas. If, on the other hand, there were some unique kinds of animals in the local flood's path, then it would seem more logical for God to send representative pairs out of the area, rather than to the ark, as He did. The Bible is clear that all the air-breathing, land animals perished during the flood, except those preserved with Noah - from which all modern animals are descended.
A “Cataclysm,” Not A Mere Flood. Both Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) use words to describe Noah's flood which are different than the ordinary words for flood. In this way, Noah's flood was represented as a totally unique occurrence. [Hebrew / “Mabbool” - Greek / “Kataklusmos” (cataclysm)].
God's Rainbow Promise. God promised never again to send a global flood (Genesis 8:21, 9:8-17). This promise is demonstrated by the symbol of the rainbow, a sign for God's promise to all the Earth. The rainbow is a sign to every living creature, mankind and animals. If this promise was not made to all creatures on Earth, then God has broken His promise. Local floods have repeatedly killed hundreds and even thousands of humans and animals since Noah's time.
Why Stay In The Ark A Year?! Noah was in the ark for more than a year, not just 40 days (Genesis 8:14). 53 weeks is absurdly long to stay in the ark for a local flood since dry land would have been just over the horizon. After the flood waters had been going down for 4 months, the dove could still find no suitable ground (Genesis 8:9). This does not seem to fit the circumstances for a local flood in which the dove could fly to dry land. However, these situations are consistent if the Flood was global.
The Whole Earth Was Devastated. God said, "I am surely going to destroy both them (the people) and the Earth" (Genesis 6:13b). The global extent of the Flood is referred to more than 30 times in Genesis 6-9 alone! In Isaiah 54:9, God states, "I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the Earth." Peter delivered a clear global warning, confirming that God created the Earth, devastated it by the Flood, and will one day destroy it again by fire (2 Peter 3:5-7). Peter certainly did not mean that just a local area on Earth would be burned. Just as the Flood was global, so will be the final judgment.
The Bible specifically teaches that the Flood of Noah's time was global in extent and that all air-breathing, land animals and all humans were killed, except those saved in the Ark. How could the Bible be any more clear concerning the global nature of the Flood?! Or, if this was actually a local flood, how could the Bible have been any more misleading about its extent?!
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- Outstanding Christian video available on this subject: The World That Perished Read about it
Authors: Mark Van Bebber and Paul S. Taylor of Films for Christ
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