The Miracle of the Cards

Reviewed by: Ken James

Moral Rating: Good
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Family
Genre: Drama
Length: 1 hr. 29 min.
Year of Release: 2001
USA Release: November 10, 2001
Relevant Issues
Peter Wingfield and Catherine Oxenberg in “The Miracle of the Cards”

Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? Answer

What about the issue of suffering? Doesn’t this prove that there is no God and that we are on our own? Answer

Does God feel our pain? Answer

What about the Psalm 91 promises? (“…no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent…”) Answer

The Origin of bad—How did bad things come about? Answer

What kind of world would you create? Answer

Miracles in the Bible

Featuring Catherine Oxenberg, Thomas Sangster, Peter Wingfield, Richard Thomas, Kirk Cameron
Director Mark Griffiths
Producer Deboragh Gabler
Distributor Cloud Ten Pictures

We all love stories of impossible odds overcome, and “Miracle of the Cards” is such a story based on the true life happenings of Craig Shergold. Craig is a cute little British boy, eight years of age, suffering from a brain tumor. In a ploy to help Craig muster up more will to fight the tumor, Craig’s mum Marion (played by Catherine Oxenberg of “The Omega Code”) comes up with an idea to break the record set in “Guinness Book of World Records” for most cards received (just over 1 million).

“The Miracle of the Cards” features Kirk Cameron (in a very minor role) as a skeptical reporter who is sent to cover the story. As he interviews mum Marion, dad Ernie (Peter Wingfield, “Noah’s Ark”, “Highlander”) and others, past history comes together nicely taking us from the first signs of distress to the miraculous conclusion.

Fans of PAX TV-style programming such as “Touched By An Angel”, “it’s a Miracle”, and other Christian-worldview shows will be attracted as well to “The Miracle of the Cards”. In fact, it did aire nationwide on PAX Nov. 10, 2001 (ten days before the official video release from Cloud Ten). Church, prayer, faith in God, and other Christian elements are upheld in this film. However, be aware that this is not an overtly evangelistic film with mention of Jesus Christ as the Saviour… similar to “Touched By An Angel” et. al. it’s more of a retelling of a true-life story that can help to bring the skeptic to belief in God and his healing power.

Can God heal? Without a doubt. Does God heal? When He chooses to, certainly. Sometimes He uses his people to heal, and at other time he heals apart from human interaction. The bible teaches that there are those within the body of Christ that have a special spiritual gift—the gift of healing. (See I Cor 12:2-11, 27-30). This gift includes healing of not only the physical body, but the mind, emotions, and relationships as well. One of God’s many names is “The Great Physician”, and the bible and other verifiable accounts set forth precedent that miraculous healings do take place, even today.

This film may make an enjoyable evening for the appropriate audience as mentioned above. However, I was disappointed by the unconvincing come-and-go British accent from the lead, Oxenberg (who did live in the U.K., but is actually a native New Yorker). She played her part well aside from the accent nit, but the further distraction that she appeared to be about 6 months pregnant (though there is never any mention of it) is also bothersome. As an American who has lived overseas, I’m sensitive to the undercurrent often seen in productions from America where the U.S. is painted in a superior light to other nations. Though perhaps not the intention of the filmmakers, when Craig and his parents go to Virginia to see Dr. Kassel (Richard Thomas, host of PAX TV’s “it’s a Miracle”) for a special treatment that could heal him, I got the strong impression that hope suddenly increased tenfold, not just because Dr. Kassel would be partly to thank, but that America had the answer whereas Great Britain did not.

If Craig’s story piques your interest, this retelling may be worth your while. However, Cloud Ten Picture’s October release “Waterproof” starring Burt Reynolds is a superior film.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I watched the movie a second time and enjoyed it more than I did the first time. The acting did seem pretty good, especially the little boy’s, and the overall story was captivating and moving. The one or two things that were not favorable towards God were not so big as I remembered… The boy and mother one time say (for positivity’s sake), “I am the master of my body. Bad guys get out!” and there is another time when the mother says something like “Together we can work a miracle.” Those are really the only objectionable things. The story is enjoyable and mostly centered on what God can do.
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 2½]
Melissa, age 18
Positive—Does God still perform miracles? YES, for all of us that believe God still performs miracles this is a must see. A compelling performance of true nature. A child in need of a miracle receives just that. In the USA or overseas there’s no place God can’t go. Watch as this child receives one blessing after another. All through the power of prayer and the simple jester of sending a card. you’ll laugh, you’ll cry but most of all this movie will touch your heart. Two thumbs up!
My Ratings: [Excellent! / 5]
Richard Causey, age 50
Positive—A very inspiring movie of hope and good will, mankind coming together in the time of the need of a stranger. Of a little boy on the other side of the world. That with God everything is possible. It opens us to the inner chambers of peace and harmony, when God is a part of our daily lives. The power in prayer, and that we are tightly held in the all-embracing arms where our every need is supplied. And that we shall ever rest secure from all the buffets of the world. And as we bask in the sunshine of love, thy love, thy never failing love of Jesus is always with us. Walk by Faith not by sight. 2 thumbs up on this movie :) Go out and buy it today.
My Ratings: [Excellent! / 5]
Debbe Dean, age 49
Positive—Miracle of the Cards is a heart warming story that brought tears of sorrow and joy! This is a very touching story of how no matter what we are going through, God is always there, helping! The Craig Shergold story first caught my heart back in 1991 when I myself sent him a card. I must say that PAX and Cloud Ten Pictures have brought this story to the screen with the very best of actors/actresses and the best of story lines. It was made well, acted greatly, and brought home with all the touches that make for such a great film. This is a great inspirational movie for anyone looking for answers to the question: Is God there when we need Him?
My Ratings: [Excellent! / 4½]
Kristi Golden, age 35
Positive—This is an inspiring film. Good for the family and to encourage anybody to perseverance.
My Ratings: [Excellent! / 4½]
Alicia Gentile, age 45