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MPA Rating: PG-Rating (MPA) for language, some sensuality and thematic material.

Reviewed by: Alexander Malsan

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults Family
Genre: Sports Action Adventure
Length: 1 hr. 34 min.
Year of Release: 2009
USA Release: October 9, 2009 (limited)
DVD: February 9, 2010
Copyright, Samuel Goldwyn Filmsclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Samuel Goldwyn Films Copyright, Samuel Goldwyn Films Copyright, Samuel Goldwyn Films Copyright, Samuel Goldwyn Films Copyright, Samuel Goldwyn Films
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Featuring Mike Antonakos, Giacomo Baessato, Tosca Baggoo, Matt Bellefleur, Corbin Bleu, Gary Chalk, Kim Clarke, Val Cole, Brandon Dabul-Sanchez, Stefan Dabul-Sanchez, Patricia Drake, Sandra Echeverría, Gustavo Febres, Paul Jarrett, Woody Jeffreys, Grant Langston, Hannah R. Lay, Nels Lennarson, Wall Levy, Tyler McClendon, Penelope Ann Miller, Jesse Moss, Tegan Moss, Scott Patey, Madison Pettis, Martin Rattigan, David Reivers, Michael Ryan, John Shaw, Chris Shields, Clay St. Thomas, Eduardo Noda
Director William Dear
Producer Rigel Entertainment, Up North Entertainment, Victoria Filmproduktion, Christian Arnold-Beutel, Corbin Bleu, Rob Cowan, David Doerksen, Michael Emanuel, Dean E. Fronk, Randy James, John F.S. Laing, Tim McGrath, Jim O'Grady, Donald Paul Pemrick, David Reivers

“It’s time to soar.”

Caleb Bryant is a small town boy with one thing on his mind… motocross racing. He lives with his mother and sister Bailey (Madison Pettis) under some difficult circumstances. All Caleb wants is a shot at the pros and gets a chance when he is told that the motocross regional competition will be held in his town. Along the way, he forms a friendship with a local diner girl, Alex Lopez, and is soon instilled the confidence he needs to go for his dream.

First off, I would like to commend Corbin Bleu on not only his excellent performance as Caleb Bryant, but also in his first executive role as a producer. Madison Pettis, also, did a good job in her role as Caleb’s sister Bailey. This film, without a doubt, was one of the most inspirational movies I have seen in a long time, and so I had a difficult time having to give the movie the moral rating it deserved. However, I was a little disappointed with this movie because, even though the movie was based on motocross racing, there wasn’t as much racing as I was expecting.

Objectionable Material

This movie deserved the ‘PG’ rating it was given. There was some objectionable material that I must bring to attention.

Language: This movie was rated ‘PG’ for language, and rightly so. There were several uses of h**l, two instances of d**n, one instance of a**, once instance of dumb-a**, and there were also two instances in the movie where the Lord’s name was taken in vain. Some other language includes: crap (reprimanded later), stupid, fart-face, shut up, idiot, moron-face, and jerk-turd.

Sexuality: One of Caleb’s friends mentions “getting lucky” with a waitress. There is also one scene where Caleb is looking for his girlfriend, Crystal, and finds her cheating on him with another racer, Derek, in his car. Lastly, there is a brief scene of kissing towards the end of the film.

Violence: When Caleb discovers Crystal cheating on him with Derek, he smashes his window and screams at Derek to exit the vehicle. There are two brief fight scenes.

Other: There is a scene involving Caleb and Bailey celebrating their mother’s birthday at the table and scratching lottery tickets. There is a scene involving teenage partying, with some suggestive music played in the background. Caleb, after breaking the car window, runs from the police (later he is caught). Lastly, the mother is involved in a terrible car accident and later seen in a hospital bed.

Spiritual Issues

Caleb and his family have been through a lot of troubles, including Caleb’s father walking out on the family at a very young age. Because Caleb’s father left, his family has a lot of financial struggles they have to deal with, and so Caleb has to work two (and at one point three) jobs in order to take care of the family. Caleb is about ready to give up on life.

This movie serves as a reminder that God will never give up on us, no matter what life may throw at us. When life seems overwhelming, we need to remind each other that God is there to carry the burden for us, and that we can always rely on Him for everything. He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for us and wants to carry our burdens so that we don’t have to.

Trust in God with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” -Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)

“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” -Philippians 4:13


Parents, I recommend this movie with some caution. As I’ve stated before there are some questionable scenes in this movie that some parents may not want their children seeing or hearing. Overall, this movie had a very positive message… when life seems overwhelming, don’t give up. So don’t give up, just trust in God. As I conclude this review, I will leave you with this last verse…

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” -Psalm 23:4 (New International Version)

Violence: Mild / Profanity: Moderate / Sex/Nudity: Mild

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