Christian Living
Gambling—Should Christians be involved with lotteries or other forms of gambling? Answer
The Bible may not specifically forbid gambling, but God does give some guidelines by which Chrisitians should abide.
Smoking, gambling, etc—How can I decide whether a particular activity is wrong? Answer
Is it wrong to socially drink, dance, smoke, etc.? Here are some guidelines that can help Christians young and old consider if they should be involved in certain activities.
Temptation—How can it be overcome? Answer
High-tech and age-old temptation seems to lurk around every corner in today’s society. How can a Christian take control of his thoughts and actions and escape the path of destruction to which yielding to temptation can lead?
Persecuted church—Why and how should we pray for suffering Christians? Answer
Insights and tips on effective prayer for those who are suffering for their faith.
The environment—What is man’s responsibility? Answer
How environmentally concerned should Christians be? How far should our “caretaker” role take us?
Cloning: Right or Wrong? Answer
Is the new morality acceptable in Christian conduct today? Answer
The new morality (“situation ethics”): is it really new?

Racial Issues
See our Racism, Ethnicity Issues and Christianity question and answer index
Public Education
Are we living in a moral Stone Age? Answer
Philosopher Christina Sommers charges that today’s young people are suffering from “cognitive moral confusion.” They not only have trouble distinguishing right from wrong—they question whether such standards even exist. The threat this moral relativism poses to society is greater than any external danger.
Religious expression—What is legally permissible for students in America’s public schools? Answer
When it comes to expressing their Christian faith in schools, many students (and administrators) have been confused about the legalities. What can students legally do, and what are they prohibited from doing? (School prayer, the Bible in schools, Bible clubs, religious tracts, essays on religious themes, religious artwork, etc.) Our answer provides a handy list of dos and don’ts.
Is the religion of Secular Humanism being taught in public school classrooms? Answer
Has religion truly been banished from our public schools? Or is the religion just changing forms, from belief in God to declarative belief in no God?
America’s Christian Heritage
Was George Washington a Christian? Answer
Much of today’s secular society in the United States seeks to prove that the founding fathers of this country were not, indeed, Christian. Here is a convincing look at Washington’s private spiritual life.
Thanksgiving Day—What is the origin of America’s annual celebration? (expanded) Answer
Americans are urged to consider the true reason for Thanksgiving from the example set before us so many years ago by the Pilgrims and their devout religious faith in God. Also included is Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation.
Are YOU thankful to God? See what the Bible has to say about it. Post your thanks to encourage others. Go…

What is being done to change the values of Hollywood? Answer
Do you feel like the only thing you can do for Hollywood is condemn it? Thankfully, not all Christians feel this way. Find out what others are doing, and what you can do, to help change the values of the values-changers!
Entertainment Media—does it lead or follow society? Answer
Over 6 hours a day are spent by the average American family either watching movies, television or videos. This has to affect the average American somehow. So who’s leading who?
Movie viewing—What Christian resources are available to help me choose good movies? Answer
Ignorance is no longer an excuse! Learn where you can turn for honest, accurate information on today’s entertainment. Don’t miss this guide that gives you the ability to be a true leader in your family media entertainment.
Why does Hollywood continue to promote immoral programming? Answer
Are Hollywood producers tantamount to evil ogres bent on destroying society as we know it? Suprisingly, you could be partially responsible for the decadence in today’s media.
TV viewing—Should I be concerned about our family’s viewing habits? Answer
By the age of 6, the average American child will have spent more time watching television than he will spend speaking to his parents in an entire lifetime! Are you wasting opportunities to teach your children proper values—and to choose the good and reject the bad in their entertainment choices? The typical heads of families are not managing the “25-inch sewer pipe” into their home.
How does viewing violence on TV or movies affect the family? Answer
How violent is your living room? Violence continues to escalate to staggering amounts in society today. Be sure you are reinforcing the right kind of messages in your home. What your children see on TV impacts how they look at the world.
How much TV is too much TV? Answer
Many adults feel that TV won’t have a negative impact on their children, or on themselves. But what are the facts about today’s TV generation?
Is Harry Potter Harmless? Answer
Abortion / Pro-life
Explore one of God’s greatest miracles… LIFE… brought to you by the Christian Answers Network. Learn the truth about fetal development, and more, with definitive answers on many pro-life/pro-choice arguments! A fresh scholarly approach on questions like “Is the unborn human less than human?”, “Doesn’t a woman have the right to control her own body?”, “Is abortion justifiable in case of rape or incest?”, and many more.