Are you thankful to God?
“It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High” —Psalm 92:1 NKJV

The Bible says…
“Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
For He satisfies the longing soul,
And fills the hungry soul with goodness.” Psalm 107:8-9“Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD? Who can declare all His praise?” —Psalm 106:1-2
“I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.” —Psalm 69:30
The Bible provides a record of many people thanking the Lord…
WHAT should we thank God for, and HOW should we praise Him? Answer
Why should every day be Thanksgiving for Christians? Answer
What is the origin of America’s annual Thanksgiving Day? Answer
Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving? Answer (for children)
President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation - Read it…
King Solomon expressed gratitude for Divine faithfulness and goodness - 1 Kings 8:14-21
Thank God for your food —Deuteronomy 8:10; John 6:11
King David thanked God after winning a battle - 2 Samuel 22:1-51, Psalm 98:1
- …and many others
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” —Phil. 4:6 NKJV
“As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” —Colossians 2:6-7 NKJV
Thank Him for the little things
“We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts.” —Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” —1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” —Psalm 100:4 NKJV
People were rebuked for not thanking God for their harvest, see Jeremiah 5:24-25
If people withheld their praise to God, the stones would have cried out. See Luke 19:37-40
Why should every day be Thanksgiving for Christians? Answer
Our visitors express thanksgiving to God

Genia, Georgia, USA…
“Thank you Heavenly Father for the many blessings you have provided in my life. First, I cannot thank you enough for saving me. It still amazes me that You never gave up on me throughout all of the years that I ran from You. My life since then has been so rich and full of happiness. Thank you for the blessings of my family. It was only a few years ago that we thought we would not be able to have children, but you have blessed us with two wonderful children and with a happy marriage. All too often, we forget to thank You, Dear Lord, for these treasures. You have protected us and guided us throughout our marriage and I am so grateful to You for Your grace and mercy.”
Steve, 45, Kansas, USA…
“I have a slightly different story than most. You see, I have been a runaway Christian for the last twelve years, one who was hellbent on self-destruction through the pursuit of the flesh, ignoring all of God’s small nudges to put me back on course. And then in October of 2001, an automobile accident left me paralyzed from the arm pits down. I’ve had two years since that day to reflect on the damage I could have caused to my loved ones and myself if left unchecked.
It did not take me long to find the Lord’s hand involved in every aspect of my accident and injury, and PRAISE GOD that He did so, for I would not trade my chair for my pre-injury days if I had to give up my Lord to do so. I have everything to be thankful for this season, my home, my family, my job and the very air that we breathe, but most of all, I thank God that He reproves those He loves (Prov 3:12).”
Siphokazi Mahlangeni, 25, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA…
“I was involved in a car accident and sustained a lot of injuries to my head, spinal cord and legs, and I was in a coma for a month and a half and was declared clinically dead. But God pulled me through, and I regained consciousness. When I woke up they said I would never walk again, but today I can even run. They said I would never make it at a university because of the injuries to my brain, and I graduated last year.”
Susan Atchley, 40, Alabama, USA…
“This has been the most difficult year of my life to date. My 16 year old daughter has suffered through 6 operations and PICC line therapy. We thought we would lose her, especially when she lost down to 84 pounds. My parents have been my rock all throughout this ordeal, especially my father. He was always there to take care of everyone, especially my disabled Mother. Four days after passing his yearly physical with flying colors, Daddy dropped by the barber shop to visit, after taking Heather to therapy. As he prepared to leave, he had a massive heart attack. Eight days later he died.
As I reeled from this, we had three more deaths in the family, back to back. I miss my father terribly, but give thanks to God for sending the Comforter. If it wasn’t for God and his unending love and grace, I would have lost my mind. Praises to God because all of the four we lost were saved, my uncle just the night before he died! My Mother and I give thanks to God, because we know we will see Daddy again. The shell is dead, but the Soul, that essence that made Daddy who he was, lives on. Praises to God forevermore! We but have to ask God, and he gladly lifts us through any trying times.”
William A. Robinson, 48, Pennsylvania, USA…
“I thank God for His grace, which is more than enough for each new day!”
Cheryl Ann, 35, New York, USA…
“I am eternally grateful for all the wonderful things God has given me and shown me—not material things but life, friends, family, insight into my life, and the ability to love and be loved. The list is endless! He is truly the greatest, and He is truly the way to all that is good!”

Francis Thodé, 21, NETHERLANDS…
“The LORD JESUS CHRIST has led me through many valleys. But later I found out that it was for my spiritual growth. Now I’m the happiest person on the planet. I don’t care for this life anymore; I’m focused on the eternal one. I have been planting, and will continue to plant, in the vineyard where not a leaf shall become old and fall off. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WITH ALL THAT IS WITHIN US!!!”
Cristal, 14, AFGHANISTAN…
“I thank God for my life.”

Philemon, 24, ISRAEL…
“I thank God for allowing me to grow up in a Christian family. My parents taught me principles of the Word of God, and helped me understand the great and wonderful promises found there. It was through my parents influence that I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as My personal Savior. I thank God for this eternal life He has given me with Him, and for all the blessings I have received in Christ Jesus. I thank God also for the life He gives us on Earth, and the opportunity to be a testimony to the world around us. It is incredible to see His power working in my life.”
Gina J. Quintana, USA…
“I thank God that he is forever faithful. I am in awe when I think about all he has done for me and my loved ones. I see him creating masterpieces out of his children everyday. And it seems the storms of life only bring us closer to him and through each storm we get to witness and be a receiver of his most precious love for us. To God Be All The Glory!”
Terri, USA…
“This has been the worst year of my life. My father passed away, one week later my aunt passed away, and another aunt is still fighting cancer. During all of this, my own health began to deteriorate with diagnoses of diabetes, fibromyalgia, and possible sleep apnea. Most people would say I don’t have much to be thankful for. But I am thankful to God. Without Him, I would not have been able to endure. Without Him, I would have given up on life.
But through Him, I have been given the strength and courage to face the obstacles. Through Him I have been able to enjoy the pleasures that life has to offer. So please no matter what this life presents to you. Greet it with a smile, knowing that God is with you, He will sustain you and give you peace. Thank you God, for everything, for without you, I would have nothing!”
Robin Edmonds, Vermont, USA…
“I thank God daily that I am seen righteous through my belief in Jesus. Even though I am a sinner, I am washed clean as snow by the blood Jesus shed on Calvary. I am thankful that when I fall, I will not fall from grace. That through my confession and repentance of sin, God is faithful to forgive me. I am most thankful, that my Creator loved me enough to send His Son so that I might have life, and have it more abundantly.
I find hope and joy in the sound of His name. Without the love of Jesus, I would still be in the pit of hell. My husband and I were both alcoholics, drinking daily, and just going through life, but without living life.
…We began attending church on a regular basis. By the grace of God, we have both not had a drink in 13 months. I drank daily for twenty years, and had begun drinking, at least occasionally, since I was twelve. I come from a family of alcoholics, and so does my husband.
Since we have moved here, we have purchased a home from a couple who attend our church, owner-financed. I began teaching children’s church,and am involved in women’s ministries. My husband is also involved in various church functions. God has blessed our daughter with such a desire for Him. She will testify to anyone and everyone who will listen to her about Jesus.
…I have found that letting my problems fall at the cross, and learning, day by day, to let God do His work in us, that He is faithful to His promises. He and His Word and alive today, everywhere. I would challenge anybody who is discouraged, depressed, hopeless or alone, to just pray to the Living God, and see what miracles He can work in your life, for His glory.”

Desy Hawthorne, Northern Ireland…
“I thank God that He was interested enough in me to set His love upon me—the worst of sinners. That He did over 30 years ago and still does it today - Praise His name! I also thank God that He has given me so many friends in my Church who pray for me in my position of responsibility while we look for a new Pastor and Minister in the Word of God”
Alison, 44, BAHRAIN…
“For forgiving me my many sins and covering me with the blood of The Lamb. I no longer fear death; I love Jesus.”
Pat Beckner, 52, Oklahoma, USA…
“I am thankful that God is longsuffering and that He is always guiding us up the path to Heaven. He is patiently teaching us day by day.”

Yetunde, 25, Abuja, NIGERIA…
“I thank God for sending Jesus to save me from death. I thank HIM for HIS grace, which keeps me from sin. I thank HIM for giving me heaven on this Earth and also the promise of everlasting joy. I bless HIM for HIS words, which HE feeds me with everyday of my life and for HIS unshutting eyes on me every minute of my life.
I thank HIM for the little tests and the one GREAT temptation HE brought my way, which made me closer to HIM and stronger in HIS faith. I thank HIM for HIS enduring love, which makes me push forward at all times, even in depression. I thank JESUS for taking my burden and causes upon HIMSELF, thereby making me a free agent. I thank HIM for loving me unconditionally (even when I do not love) me.”

Celeste Murphy, 13, Beijing, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA…
“I thank God for the morning when I wake up and see the bright shining sun. I thank the Lord when I see the moon and stars shine brightly in the sky at night. I thank the Lord for peaceful sleep at night, when I’m not awakened. I thank the Lord for the food that my mother prepares every day. I thank the Lord for his love towards me, for never letting me down, always forgiving me, never giving up on me. I thank the Lord for coming into my life, saving me from death… I thank him for everything…”
Harold Purnell III, Kentucky, USA…
“I am thankful to God for, first of all, saving a wretch like me. Also I am a renal (kidney) failure patient, and believe it or not, I am thankful for my renal failure. During this time in my life it has drawn me closer to God. I believe like the three Hebrew boys at the fiery furnace. They said that God would deliver them, and if He did not, they knew that He could. And I believe that He is going to deliver me also. So I give God thanks for allowing me to go through this test, because like Job I will come through as pure gold!”
James Kline, USA…
“I am thankful to God for His salvation, for my dear wife and children, my job, my home and my health. How can one even attempt to put into words the thankfulness and gratitude he feels toward God the Father, from Whom ALL blessings flow? Even the trials of life are ordered by Him for our spiritual benefit. He knows best and He does best! Praise the Lord God!”

Mingrong, 22, SINGAPORE…
“One particular incident that I remember (and thank GOD for) is when he helped me to turn around an argument and even share GOD’s gospel with the person. …We were all heated up and ready to unleash mean words to each other. Just then a thought come to my mind telling me to forgive her as God has forgiven me. As a living Christian, one should not harbor anger and rage. So I forgave her, and in the end the whole argument softened.
I prayed that the Holy Spirit would guide me to explain to her the Word of GOD. Wonderfully, all the questions that she shot at me were being answer by me with conviction. I said things which I had never thought of, and I believe that was the work of GOD sending the Holy Spirit to me to guide me and let me share GOD’s gospel with her. I really thank God for that. Also, there were many times when I was tempted, so I just prayed to GOD and every time there was a route of escape for me. I thank God for providing me with the route. Finally, I would like to thank GOD for giving me eternal life through the death of His precious son, Lord Jesus Christ.”

Cennydd-Sean O`Murchadha, 71, Wales, UNITED KINGDOM…
“Thank you, God, for helping me through bereavement.”
Gloria Gardner, 60, Rhondda Valleys, Wales…
“For saving my husband after 28 years of prayer.”

Celeste, 18, CANADA…
“This is my first year of college, and I am going to school hours from home. At first I didn’t think I would be capable of going out on my own, but then I realized that I wasn’t on my own, because God was with me all the way! It has been so amazing to see the many ways He has provided for me and watched over me while I have been away. I invited God to be the focus of my college life, and His presence has been so real to me. He is so very faithful!”

Jan Venter, 32, Free State, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA…
“My family and I are children of God. Thank you Jesus for knowing my name on the cross.”
Kati, 30, ROMANIA…
“Thank you, Lord, for everything. I love you so much. I didn’t have such a good day, but I thank you for it, and ask you to bless all those who’ve been a burden to me today. Thank you that you love them and care for them, and that I can teach them. I know they’re wonderful kids, because they’re yours. Thank you for my wonderful husband that you gave me. Thank you for my brothers and sisters in church…”

Julia Teh, 53, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA…
“Thank You heavenly Father for letting me meet Christian Answers Web site today. Bless this great ministry and your servants to prosper and prepare your kingdom for Our Lord Jesus return!”

Nyirandege Pascasie, 37, RWANDA…
“I thank God for saving me, and being a friend in every situation. I thank Him for his abundant provision. I thank Him for my country. I always thank my God for the way He made me—and for the sweet and sour trials I go through and for the revival He has recently given me.”

Ursula Williamson, 47, Victoria, AUSTRALIA…
“I now know what it means to have joy in trials. We experienced extreme stress with creditors pursuing us with law suits, possibilities of being kicked out of our premises with our children and no where to go. We had no relatives, and don’t own much. Through all this, God kept saying, I will not forsake you, stand firm and have faith and stay in my Will for you.
Our Mighty God not only saved us, when we seemed doomed, but he gave us a calm and grateful spirit where we sincerely had no ill feelings towards our persecutors. Faith really produced joy, awe and delight in our Savior. Jesus more than answered our prayers; his grace was sufficient for us. I was able to keep my emotions under control and yield to and focus on Him.
(Do that next time you feel stress, Pray for strength to stay within God’s will, take time out, focus on God, read Scripture, think about our Savior and your perspective will change, bringing peace. God will reveal himself to you bringing you joy and filling you with His love.)”
Scott W. Golden, 38, Florida, USA…
“For deliverance, that could have Only come from him. I’m a changed man, and being transformed on a daily basis. …How Amazing HE IS !!!!!!!!!”

“I am thankful to God for his mercy, goodness and love for me as well as his faithfulness to His word. Often when I have had doubts about His leading in the past, He came through and cleared the mists. And I thank Him too for good, praying friends. Today I woke up with a praise song on my heart revelling in the knowledge that God never abandons us.”
Denise, 42, Virginia, USA…
“I am thankful for vermilion leaves, the soft patter of much needed rain, for good-night kisses from my sons, for a whispered ‘I love you’ from my husband as I left for work this morning. I am thankful for creativity, for joy and sorrow, for everything.”

Ronald, 38, Gauteng, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA…
“I thank God for saving a sinner like me, for making me whole by exchanging my ruined and doomed life for Christ’s Righteousness. Also for calling me into His service.”
Lauren Baker, 15, USA…
“I am thankful to God for choosing me for whatever reason, to be saved by his grace. I am thankful that I have never been in great need. I am thankful that I am at a wonderful Christian school—not that everything is perfect—but what system of man is perfect? I am thankful that I live in a Christian Family, one that loves me, even through ups and downs. I am thankful for all of His blessings in my life, and I am thankful that He has always been by my side.”
Sarlomie, ZIMBABWE…
“I want to thank God even for the afflictions, pain, hardships and discouragement I have met with over the year, for through them I have realized God’s ever-loving presence no matter how hard things may be.”

“I thank God for the trials that he is taking me through at the moment; I know he is going to bring me out a stronger, more faithful individual, and that he is going to show me even more of his love during this time. I love you, Lord, and I thank you for your Word (Phil. 4:6-7).”

I. J. McKenzie, 41, Yorkshirs, UNITED KINGDOM…
“Heavenly Father I thank you for granting me life, for sending us Jesus, for my family & friends, for Thy blessed WORD, for the food that we eat, for giving us bright clothing to wear. Truly You are Jehovah Jireh for you have provided us with all that we need. Indeed You have allowed us to live like Kings in these last days, thank you Father, in the name of Jesus we thank you. Amen!”
Wendi, 27, USA…
“I am thankful to God for giving me my hearts desire. I had asked him for children and He has given me three beautiful girls. I had asked Him to let me to be able to stay home with them and He has. He has also let me homeschool them. I asked Him to give us a home of our own and He has. Although we may not have much money, we have been blessed beyond measure. And for that I thank Him. He has also given us a wonderful loving church family.”
Eric Hanson, Maine, USA…
“I thank God for being born in such an age as this, when I can publicly worship Him and even share devotional thoughts on the Internet without being hauled off to jail. I am also thankful for the worldwide communication that allows me to pray each week on behalf of persecuted believers who live in various countries of the Earth. It is a wonderful time to be a praying believer. I also am thankful that my sins are forgiven thanks to Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord. I am thankful that my wife and 3 children all know Him. I am thankful for the fabulous supplies of food and other things that are so abundant in this land. I have labored in Haiti and seen what true poverty is. We are so blessed here in the USA.”

“I am thankful for the family God has given me and the opportunity to serve as a missionary in Brasil for 20 years. God’s goodness is without bounds.”
Elise Peterson, 20, Illinois, USA…
“Thank you Lord God, for setting me free, that I am now a new creation, pure, holy, and righteous. Thank you for sending your Son to pay the high price and cover my debt for free. Thank you that I am now under grace and not law. Thank you for having mercy on me and forgiving me, for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for your Spirit, that I can can live as a child of the light, that I can be pleasing and worthy to you, that I can come into your presence and worship you. Thank you for calling us and wanting fellowship with us even though we constantly hurt you. Praise the Lord! His love endures forever!!!!”
Mayda, 18, USA…
“Thank you Father for knowing what you were doing, even in the Valley of Death, you were there. You comfort Your children and hold them next to Your heart. Thank you for being GOD.”
June Ramirez, 21, California, USA…
“I am so grateful to the Lord because He stays with me no matter what trials come across my path. He always comforts me and lets me know that He will always love me.”
Tim Brown, USA…
“I thank God for all He has done in my life over this past year. I’ve been fighting doubt almost continuously but I praise Him for now and then opening my eyes to His presence in my life. Small things and BIG things have been happening… hearing just what I need to hear to keep from falling. Thanks to God for His work in moving us to our new home…and everyone saying that this was definitely God at work!
I give thanks to God for all these things as well as the things that He does that I am sure I am not at all aware of as He continues to help me overcome my doubt. I pray for all of us that, in these dark days, we may all draw closer to Him and one another as we shine the light of the Gospel to a dying world.”

Tresia Kristin, 24, INDONESIA…
“I am thankful for everything He has done in my life, for my parents who first taught me about Jesus, for my drug-addicted brother (who made me learn to rely on God in every kind of hardship). I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve Him even when I think I don’t deserve to. I am thankful that when I am weak, His strength is perfect.”
Seychell Williams, 17, USA…
“I am thankful that the Lord has blessed me with my family. I have three sisters, and a wonderful mother. I have everything a teenager could ask for, maybe even more.”
Randy Peterson, USA…
“I am forever grateful to my Lord Almighty God, whom has blessed my life abundantly every single day of my life. So many of us take for granted His blessings, such as the freedoms that we enjoy, shelter, food, clothing, employment, and nice material things. I challenge everyone who reads this to make Thanksgiving Day EVERY DAY to the glory and honor to our Creator God. And let us never forget the great sacrifice that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, made for ALL of us, when he suffered, and died, on a cruel, cruel cross at Calvary. He did that because of His great and mighty love for you and me. Thanks be to Jesus!!!”

Deborah Turner, 38, ENGLAND…
“I thank God that he has met my needs… I was poor, but now I’m rich in him …he has met my needs completely.”
Ruth Jackson, USA…
“I am thankful to God for all the things that He has done for me in my lifetime. He gave me 3 beautiful children and a wonderful friend, Jim. I am thankful that He sent His Son to die for our sins and I have suffered through a lot of storms and God was there to calm the storms in my life. He has given me a second chance to live. I love the Lord very much! He has taught me so much in my life… Praise the Lord!”
Ron, USA…
“I give thanks to the Lord Jesus for his patience, long-suffering. I had gone my own way for 44 years. Then in my despair I called out to the Lord, he heard me and came to rescue me. Thank you, Jesus.”

Kola Ogunlana, NIGERIA…
“Provision and care for me and my family these past years. Answers to prayers and deliverance from all my fears.”
Tammy Cutlip, USA…
“I thank God for saving me. I thank God for my family… for everything I own, without him I would have nothing. When people ask me how I got my new home with the bad credit that I have, I say, God was the co-signer. I don’t deserve his blessings. Thank you God for always being there for me and blessing my family so much.”
Dianne Curtain, USA…
“…For healing my Mother and myself. And keeping me strong through some stormy times.”
Jim Peacock, USA…
“I am thankful for a wonderful wife and four boys who bring life and enthusiasm to our home. I am thankful for a godly grandmother, Mary Francis Peacock, who prayed faithfully everyday for her children and grandchildren. And for the godly life of faith that she lived in front of the family. I am thankful for God’s calling on my life and for the tremendous privilege it is for me to serve him as a pastor.
And most of all, I am thankful for God Himself. The Father who loves me just the way I am. But loves me enough not to leave me that way. For Jesus Christ who is the best friend a man could have, He literally gave His life for me, to bring me back to the Father, and to make me a part of His Kingdom, an heir to His throne…WOW! And for the blessed Holy Spirit who strengthens me day by day, leads to the path of righteousness, and gently speaks to me about the areas of my life that need to change. God is good! And His kindness and mercy I will proclaim all of my days…and then in eternity.”

“I am so thankful to God for opening my mother’s heart of stone that she has gone to church with me thrice already. I am claiming her salvation. Thank you, God!”
Kristen Greene, 19, USA…
“I really felt led to share what happened to me just yesterday and why right now I am so thankful to God just to be alive! I got in my car and left for my boyfriend’s house, and when I was about 2 miles away there’s a couple of really dangerous curves in the road. I had driven that way many times before but it had rained really badly the night before and that curve always got very slippery. I wasn’t even going very fast, but before I knew it I was hydroplaning left and right on a two-way road.
I ran off into a very steep ditch and flipped one or two times and came very close to hitting the trees. Never before have I been so scared. I had my whole life flash before my eyes in a split second. My car was totaled. I just ended up with a couple cuts and scrapes on my arms and legs. Many said it was my seatbelt that saved me, but I know it was the grace of God that I’m still on this Earth and able to see and hug my friends and family. I am so thankful for a second chance at life. I really believe God really wanted me to realize that.”
Arlyn K., USA…
“I thank Him for the things He’s done, the things He hasn’t, things He will, and things He won’t… He knows the best for our lives and always works things for the good to them that love Him. I praise God for so many things.”
Rob Waldo, 18, USA…
“God, I thank you with all that I am for all that you are making me become. You have blessed my life over abundantly, and I never really express how grateful I am for your provision. Make my life one that would solely rely on your provision. Allow what you have given me and changed in me glorify you in all aspects and draw others closer to you. Thank you, Jesus.”

Dion & Vanesa Francis, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA…
“We are thankful to God for…
…staying close to us each day no matter where we are and protecting us
…always answering our prayers not in our time but in His own time
…knowing exactly what we need, when we need it and then providing our needs (and our luxuries)
…always being there for us in times of trouble and in times of joy
…the gift of marriage.
Every single second of our lives we have something to be thankful for!”
MaryEllen Anderson, 69…
“I give thanks for ALL that I have experienced in this life, for both the difficult and the pleasant have contributed to the person I am becoming in Christ. His grace and the presence of His Holy Spirit within me are riches beyond measure.”
Donna Cottrill, 38…
“Thanks to God for his many blessings. He has cleansed my heart and forgiven me for all the wrong that I had done. My life is forever changed. God has replaced my sadness with love for everyone. Nothing can compare to my satisfaction in the Lord. I live each day for God and try to please Him and not let Him down. So many profess Christianity and bring shame to the Lord. He is so deserving of so much more. Being the creator of my very being, your very being and the entire universe—He has total control of it all—so therefore I fully put my faith and trust in Him. Praise God forever.”
Gidget, 55, Washington, USA…
"For leading and teaching me in His Way, for loving me unconditionally and teaching me to love others as He loves me. For my private home and personal car, running water, electricity that is turned on by the flick of a switch. For the mornings in His presence and that His watchfulness over me throughout the day. For the family He graciously provided, the grand children who are plentiful and the salvation of them all. For the changing seasons of my life…the youth of Spring, the warmth of Summer and canning of His Word, the 'Fall’ing away of my sin nature in Autumn, and the Winter’s of hardship that have created Faith. For His forever friendship and the friends He has sent my way, if only for a short time. In Jesus Name, Father, I send my thanks…

Sandy Emblen, Australia…
“I praise God every day for my beautiful daughter; we lost our first child to still birth then 12 months later God gave us our little girl. That was 12 years ago. She is really a blessing from God.”
René, 41, Texas, USA…
“He is my source of life, my Strength, my comforter, my Healer and most of all my Savior! Without Him I would merely “exist” in this world without a “purpose,” but with Him I have a purpose. A purpose to do His will. Out of my gratitude for what he did for me I share His salvation plan with anyone who will listen and teach the Word to those that desire to be more like Him. I am thankful that God chose me to be His heart, His eyes, His mouth, His hands and His feet. What more can we do for Him than to do what He says to do, which is the will of the Father?”
Susan, 50, Florida, USA…
“I thank You Lord for my birth. I thank You Lord for the mother who gave me up. I thank You Lord for the mother who took me.”
Ephraim Winkfield, Jr., 53, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA…
"I’m thankful to God for His divine presence in my life through the indwelling of His Blessed Holy Spirit. Although right now I’ve been unjustly fired from my job now for almost a year. God, however, still sustains my every need by allowing me to be a blessing to others through my teaching of His Word in Bible study and Sunday school. I continue to try and stay focused upon my ‘help’ which only ‘comes from the Lord’ (Psalm 121:2). Who wouldn’t be thankful to serve a wonderful God such as this!!!!

Shobin, 20, U.P., INDIA…
“I thank God for Jesus, because I know that even if I was the only sinner on this Earth, he would still have come down and died on the cross for me.”
Robert Altimus, 14, Georgia, USA…
“For helping my bones in my leg heal. Before I broke my leg I never realized how blessed I was to be able to walk!”
Matthew, 16…
“I thank God for allowing me to experience the many joys of life, by giving me the opportunity to love and be loved by other people.”
Gina Williamson, 15, Georgia, USA…
"Dear Daddy, I thank you for forgiving all the sins that I have done that you don’t approve of and making me whole again. Lord I praise your name daily and I always imagine me walking by your side and how it will feel so good to be in Heaven with you. Lord I thank you for my family, friends, and all the things you have made. Lord you have satisfied my soul and cleansed me with your BLOOD. Without you, there is no me. Lord I praise your name and I want to be with you. Your Lovely Daughter, Gina."
Joyce Matlock, 47, Oklahoma, USA…
“My husband and his health, after an serious accident in January of 2003. For work that he provides to my husband and I. To my church family who gives me wind beneath my wings when I need it most. For people in my life who make me laugh, because it is good medicine for my heart.”

Mary A. Anim, GHANA…
“For protecting me all my life. My mums and families all over the world. Thank you God, through Jesus Christ.”
Michelle, Arkansas, USA…
“BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED ME. God, you send many many blessings everyday into my life. Christian parents, beautiful christian children, a christian husband, good health and for ALL things whether good or bad. I am thankful to live in the U.S.A. God you have shown me many blessings in my life and without you I would be nothing but miserable. Thank you for coming into my heart and that I will forever and always be YOUR child.”
Greg, 18, USA…
“College life is hard. It seems that my faith is being attacked everywhere I go. I thank God that He has given me strength and wisdom to shine for Him in this darkness.”
Kimmie, 22, Louisiana, USA…
“I thank God for the beautiful way in which the golden light from the setting sun plays among the leaves of the eucalyptus tree outside my balcony. I thank God for the ‘kairos moments’ in life, when time seems to stand still and the sweetness of the moment will resound in your heart forever. Praise be to our beautiful God!”

Lincoln, 20, SINGAPORE…
“I thank God for bringing me back to Him. For His faithfulness to me and not mine to him. For if it were by my works and my faithfulness, I would have been a lost cause. I thank my Abba for His undying and unending love for me. Through all my sins and shame, He has never ceased to show me His grace and mercy. And I know His word is first, and His word is last. Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End.”
Linda, 51…
“I have been through some very tough times in my life. I thank you my Lord for giving me the strength to get through those times. Because of that strength, I have a great life, a wonderful husband, family, and friends.”
Connie Seaney, 73, Mississippi, USA…
“For His guiding hand in my life through the years. Even through illnesses, cancer and paralysis of the vocal chords, He was with me through it all.”
Cicely Chapman, Ohio, USA…
“Thank you Lord for being a God that forgives. Thank you for keeping your loving arms around me. There were times when I thought I was all alone… You were there. THANK YOU!”
Bryan Colvin, 29, Louisiana, USA…
"First and for most for sending Jesus into the world so that we might allbe saved by believing in him. Secondly for my beautiful wife and daughter that he has blessed me with. Third for my family. And last and absolutly not least my call to the ministry to be a lamp for him to shine his word to others. Amen."

Ako Mengot, 51, Littoral, CAMEROON…
“I thank God for the gift of three wonderful boys, a loving wife and devoted mother, a family home we own, and the blessings of good health. There is still so much more to thank God for, the list could go on, and on, and on…”
Rebecca DiCandilo, USA…
“I am thankful that God never loses track of what He is doing in my life. His plan is spread over so many years and He still remembers to make me the woman He created me to be.”
Cynthia Nutt…
“At one time my daughter was taken and hidden from me, and I wondered if I would see her again. At one time I was bound by the bondage of drug addiction. At one time I was bitter from the abuse that I suffered as a child. At one time my second marriage seemed to be ending as my first. At one time I was so depressed, I just could not stand to wake up again. At one time I could not do it myself anymore, so this time I opened the door of my heart and soul to JESUS CHRIST MY LORD! At this time my 15 year old daughter has lived with me for the past 3 years and she loves the Lord. At this time I don’t need or want drugs. At this time all bitterness is gone. At this time I am married to a beautiful, kind, Christian man. At this time with JESUS in me there is nothing I cannot withstand. I want to give God the glory for all the miracles he has performed in my life. Every thing changes except the love that the LORD has for us!”
Maggie Tosca, 51, Florida, USA…
“When I hear about parents who have trouble with their children—involved in drugs, alcohol and other worldly vices, I’m thankful to God who was ever faithful to me. When I turned my daughters over to him on a desperate night as a single parent, saying these words, ‘God, what am I going to do with these two little ones (one was 1 week old, the other 1 week short of being one). I cannot do this alone, Father. I give them to you. I need your help; they are yours. Help me to have the strength to bring them up the right way, for without you I can’t.’ God honored that prayer that I made 25 years ago, and today I’m thankful for my daughters and my grandchildren who are still being watched upon by God. One is in a music ministry and the other is a great mother, sister and daughter. Thanks be to God that He is faithful to His Word and His children.”
Katherine Jones, 51, Virginia, USA…
"Thank you for my family, friends, enemies, for my two years of unemployment. Thank you for allowing me to lose my home and my good credit and all my money and insurance. Thank you for using the last two years to show me how wrong I was to not have you in my life. Thank you for my bad health and for all the negative things that have happened to me. I truly believe that all things happen for a reason for those who love God and are called according to his glory. Through all of the bad, I have known that you can change my financial life, professional life,and health because you are all knowing and all powerful. I know my redeemer lives and if you choose not to help me but allow me to keep loosing and never win, I will still serve you. I believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and I will serve you. My most fervent wish is to be saved and go to heaven. Please change me. Come into my life and make me a better person, use me for your glory. I love and adore you and give to you all praise."

Jess Daw, 17, AUSTRALIA…
“Thank you for helping me through my lowest times, and thank you for blessing me so I can reach my highest. Thank you for giving your only son so that I can live my life according to your will, and thank you for giving me abundant happiness in my life.”
Julie Dine, Michigan, USA…
“My God and Heavenly Father, I thank You this day and every day for Your love and mercy. You saved me through your Son, Jesus, only 3 short years ago and You saved my husband and children also. What a God You are! You love those the world calls unloveable. You save those the world says are unsavable! You and You alone are God! There are no other gods before You! You made heaven and Earth, plant and animal, and yes MAN. You made America great because America was founded by men of God—men who forsook themselves and humbled themselves before You—Men who reverently looked to You, Lord, for guidance and walked in Your ways—Men who knew You and Your commandments and had the Godly wisdom to know that this new nation, America, would only prosper and become great if blessed by Almighty God. Father God, have mercy once again upon America.
So many of us have forsaken You. We no longer know You nor Your commandments. Our money says “In God We Trust” but our lives say “In Wall Street We Trust”. We murder our unborn babies and leave our children to be raised by anyone but the mother to whom You entrusted the child to be born to. Our children know You not. Many think they are ancestors of apes! Have mercy on us all, O God! ‘And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great’ (Rev. 19:5).”
Barbara Broussard, Louisiana, USA…
"I give thanks for…
- God giving of his only son that I may have life after death.
- For Mary & Joseph saying yes to a task that was so very difficult to live.
- The air that I breathe
- The food and drink that is before me.
- My children (even though we sometimes dislike each other) - we will always LOVE one another.
- My husband - my friend.
- For my 1ST Grandchild (even if I was not ready to be a granny!)
- For my health (Good and Bad) - It means that I have life.
- For allowing me to live comfortably and having some the things that I want around me.
- For allowing me to work with the teens in my Church. (They are the future. They also bring a different view of situations.)
- For allowing me to live in the USA (where my freedoms are taken lightly)
- For all of my friends & enemies (my friends love me for who I am, and my enemies help me get closer to God by praying for them daily).
- For all of you out there that believe and are living the word."
Michael Mays, Idaho, USA…
“Thanks to God for His unspeakably wonderful gift of Salvation, Grace and Peace to the United States. Oh that men would praise Him for His Goodness !!!”
Kate Dooley, Illinois, USA…
“I am first and eternally thankful for sending Jesus to rescue us! I am so grateful to have a Bible to know my God more. And here on Earth You have blessed me abundantly, with a loving husband and 2 beautiful girls to be a stay at home mom!”

Chris Palmer, 22, England, UNITED KINGDOM…
“…the gifts of my senses …His love for all people…”
Debbie Clark, USA…
“Having once lived in a nation where public Christian worship services are forbidden, I am thankful the freedom of worship. I am thankful for my experiences in a non-Christian nation because I do not take our religious freedom for granted as I once tended to do.”
Brian, USA…
“I want to thank the Lord for sticking by me for all my life. Even before I came to Him during a devastating time in my life, He was there, watching over me, patiently waiting for me to open my heart to Him and receive His love and grace. My family was torn apart last year in a divorce. I had nowhere else to turn, and accepted Jesus into my heart for salvation and for a center to my life, which had spun out of control. Now, 9 months after the divorce was final, I am slowly getting to a place where I can consider a fresh start to my life. Living according to the Word has been the greatest challenge, yet has been a great reward as well.
I thank You, Lord Jesus, for saving me and redeeming my soul for life everlasting. Even when I fall, and confess my sins to You, I am renewed by Your grace. You have given me so much, especially over this last year, that I am awed by Your love for me. I pray that my ex-wife can accept You into her heart, and receive Your grace as well. I pray that my children continue to grow in Your ways, even though I am not there physically to guide them. I thank You, Lord, for the family I had. Amen!”
Juan Carlos Barragan, USA…
“I thank God for what I have, since what I have is probably more than a billion people in the world will ever have. I’ve learned to thank God for His love and understanding, and for His steadfast kindness. I thank Him in all things and circumstances in spite of my inability to grasp His purpose, I give Him thanks.”
Kelly, 31…
“God is so good! I am thankful for my salvation. I am also thankful because God has restored my will to live. After an abusive marriage and painful divorce, I became very depressed. I drove to a hotel two states from my home with a bottle of pills, not planning to return. God met me in that room! He has blessed me beyond anything I even asked for. I just wanted to come out of the blackness. I just wanted to stop crying and hurting. He has done so much more for me than that. He has restored my joy. He brought the best man in the world into my life—a promise-keeping, growing, on fire Christian man.
God restored my joy. He brought peace and comfort back to me. My husband, as good as he is, is not responsible for the joy and peace. That praise goes only to Jesus. God is so good! He does not take pain and heartache away, but He will see you through. Trust Him. He never fails. He can’t. He’s a Great God!”

“Thanks my Heavenly Father for giving this life to me. I thank for your guidance and help in my life.”
Colette Erck, USA…
“Thank You Lord for my new church. I have been searching for way too long to join a new church. Some of this searching has been painful. Finally I have found a body of believers that feels like home and I can grow spiritually. I feel so welcome there and that I can participate and grow spiritually. I am having some difficulties in my life and God has provided me with a family of believers- because he knows I need them now.”
Duane Kennedy, USA…
“For not giving up on me and rescuing me from my drug-addicted, alcoholic biker lifestyle. He chose me as His and now I’m addicted to His love and mercy. It’s been 5 years now and I wouldn’t trade it for one day of the past. Praise His Holy Name.”
Robyn Prizzi, USA…
“I am thankful to God for all that he is. He is an awesome God who died on the cross for me and has forgiven me of my sins. He has provided me with a wonderful husband and 3 children and a home we love. He has been my comforter when our son died. He was there as a Father to let me know as a child I was doing wrong—and lovingly with open arms accepts me daily for who I am. I thank God for the church he has led us to and for the wisdom he has given to our pastor, who through God has taught us so much. There is so much to be thankful to God for, and it’s such a blessing to take time out of our day to do just that.”
Gary Martin, USA…
“I am very thankful to God for men like Paul Taylor, Ken Ham, Gary Parker, and all the other modern day Martin Luther’s who have the courage to stand up for the accuracy and authority of the Bible. I am thankful for web sites like this one that are of such high quality, and reach so many people with its important messages. I pray that God will richly bless all who are involved with this site, and all the leaders of the creation movement who make it so much easier for the rest of us to defend the accuracy and authority of the Bible.”
Andy Wigzell, USA…
“Oh Lord, God! Thou hast made the heavens and the Earth by thy great power. Thank you Lord for restoring my marriage, my family to thine own covenant. Thank You for protecting us, for prayers answered and Your timing in all of Your providence. Thank You for aligning me in Christ and giving Your daughter and my wife the gift of a now faithful husband.”
Josh Hughes, 18, USA…
“I thank God for being patient with me as I went through my teenage years. I strayed from God and did a lot of things that were wrong. Now that I look back, I can clearly see instances were God’s hand was protecting me. It’s great to know that God’s love is enduring and patient.”
G. Thompson, USA…
“Even though I have been evicted from my home and am low on money, I have the love of Jesus Christ, for life, health and strength, and four healthy children He has blessed me with. I know that crying may come by night, but joy comes in the morning. I trust and believe that the Lord did not bring me this far to leave me. Glory to God Almighty, my personal Savior, who loves me and guides me, and protects me. No man, woman, place, or thing can take away my joy in the Lord.”
Diane, USA…
“I want to thank God for healing me. When the doctor told me that I had cancer it was like she was telling me that I had a cold. She looked at me waiting for me to act to the news. I just said ok what is your next step. God gave me such peace, I never cried I always had a smile on my face because I have faith in God’s word. I know to whom I belong. That whatever God’s will for me, He would get glory from it. I just had to stand strong and true to His word.”
Robert Cunningham, USA…
“I am so thankful for all that the Lord has given to me. However, all my thanks is ultimately given to Jesus Chist. Praise God for life in Chist!!!!!!!!! I lived 18 years of my life as a slave to sin. I have now lived one and a half years as a follower of Jesus Christ and am thankful for every minute of it (Psam 84:10). Christians, let us rise up and tell the world about the transforming power of Jesus Chist. Praise God!”
Terri A. Schaefer, USA…
“For helping me (a single mom) raise two teenage boys. Less than a year ago the three of us moved back to my home state where my family lives. My husband left our family for someone else. We were devastated. Through God’s grace and love we were lead to Southeast Christian Church and our lives have changed dramatically. I was baptized in January and my 18-year-old son was baptized last week. Just a few months ago he was definitely taking the wrong path, and the burden on my shoulders became too heavy to bear. God has turned our difficult situation into an unbelievably positive one. I am so grateful to him for so many prayers answered!”
Dianne Williams, USA…
“I am thankful to God for each day. For the bible tells us that his mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:22-23). Often in our busy lives we forget just how much we depend or should depend on God. Not just for the big things, like bringing a lost child back home, healing a sick loved one, providing for us in a financial crisis, but the little things. His gentle touch that awakes us each morning, the brilliant colors of His rainbow, the smile on my child’s face. Most of all, I’m thankful to God for his Son Jesus, our Lord and Savior. For His love for me to send Jesus into my life. For His blessed assurance. And for this site that allowed me to express my thanks. Have a blessed day in Jesus.”
Ted Plumb, USA…
“Thank You God for my mother and the Godly life she lived. It hurt real bad when you took her home but I know she’s out of pain now. Sometimes it’s hard not to be able to see her. I so much wanted her to be able to see my dreams fulfilled, because they were her dreams too. I made it mom! I hope you’re proud of me. I miss you like crazy!! Because of her relationship with You Lord, her family will be with You forever in heaven. My mother, Janice Dell Plumb, because she put Jesus first, was the glue that held our family together. Glory to the King of Kings!!!”
Nellie, USA…
“I am thankful to my GOD for being a beacon, for being the anchor of my life, for answering my every prayer, for pricking my concious when I sin, for keeping my children and grandchildren safe from harm. For my life, my all. Praise His Holy Name!”
Melane Addison, USA…
“I thank you Father God for being my Best Friend when no one else has stood by me. The lonely times when I cried myself to sleep to have you awaken me with a hug or a song of comfort from your Holy Spirit. I thank you for all the abilities You have given me, and the strength You give me when my abilities end. I thank you for protecting me in those times of my early youth when I went astray and I also thank you for not protecting me in those times I needed to learn a lesson. It is true, your mercies are new each morning, and each morning I look to stand firm and see the deliverance that only You can bring. I love you.”
Art Robertson, USA…
“I thank God for His unlimited grace that has saved, kept, directed and assured me of His eternal love.”
Kirby Wilbur, USA…
“I thank Him for all the many blessings he has showered me with, family, friends, mental and physical health, liberty, economic success, an opportunity to touch people, and for His Son, without whose death and resurrection, all would be for naught.”
Elizabeth Gray, USA…
“I am so thankful that God is GOOD to me. I am old enough now to look back over my life and see where He has brought me from. I see His hand on my life the whole way. How I love Him! I am thankful for salvation. I am thankful for His abiding presence. I am thankful for His patience with me as I am growing. I am thankful, oh so thankful, that I am His child and He is my loving and precious Father. I am thankful for the joy that He’s brought into my life: my husband, my beautiful children, my home. He is precious and good and altogether lovely. Oh bless His name!”
Shawn Cooley, USA…
“I thank God daily for my wonderful wife, an answer to prayer; also my whole family and living in the United States. Praise His name.”
Judy Baldwin, USA…
“I thank God for being God. For creating life that we can enjoy and learn what and why we are here. We are so blessed in this country for all the material things that we have, but most importantly we are blessed because Jesus died for us that we might experience the love of God. Thank YOU Lord!”
Michelle, USA…
“I thank God for all of my children, especially my new 13 year old daughter. She is truly a gift from God. I also thank God for my husband.”
Alisa, 16, USA…
“I thank God for my friends, my family, my life, and most of all the forgiveness he gives me every day for the wrong things that I may do.”
Olinthia M. Spragins, USA…
“That He saved my soul from hell and has allowed me another chance - I praise His Holy Name for His Grace and Mercy.”
Cliff, USA…
“I am thankful for God’s love, that he cared for me enough to send his son. I’m thankful to free from the burden of sin. I’m thankful for my family and the brother and sisters in Christ. I’m thankful for the hope God has given me. Praise the Lord!”
Joe Strang, USA…
“Thank you Lord for another year of your grace. My family and I thank you for all that you have gave us and for allowing us to grow in your name.”
Katie, 92, USA…
“That I was born!!!!!!!!!”
Lisa Burns, USA…
“I thank God that he died on the cross for our sins that all men could be saved and not perish. I also thank God for being saved and filled with the precious gift of the Holy ghost.”
Eric Karwowski, 29, USA…
“My son was born pre-maturely 2.5 years ago. I had to hold an oxygen mask on his little face after they performed CPR. He then remained in intensive care for 4 days. With the power of GOD my son made an incredible recovery. The doctors expected him to remain in intensive care for 3-4 weeks not 4 days. I never prayed so hard in my life. God performed a miracle. My son is alive to day and doing just fine. I thank GOD every day for that miracle.”
Elizabeth Jones, USA…
“I give thanks to God for Wisdom of His Power.”
Tim Pullin, USA…
“I am thankful to God for His abiding presence in my life and for the blessings of health, family, peace and love.”
Annette Sykes, USA…
“I am thankful for so many things. My son Lil’ Rob, my parents Henry and Johnnie Porter of Moody,TX whom I love more than life, my (5) sisters, and (5) brothers my (37) nieces and nephews, (20) great nieces and nephews all living and very healthly.I am very thankful for what God have done for me - what God is doing for me - and what God is going to do for me.”
Monique Caldwell, 15, USA…
“I would like to thank God for all that he has done for me this year. …and everything he is going to do for me. …for the food that he put’s on my table and the clothes he puts on my back. I would like to thank for my parents.Thanking him for my family and waking me up to see another bright sunny day.”
Lynda, USA…
“GOD has answered my greatest prayer: A way to move back home to be near my family! With God, all things are possible!”
Douglas Downs, USA…
“I am thankful for my wife of 22 years and our two sons. Four infertility specialists said we would never be able to have children. God gave us the promise of Abraham found in Romans 4:21 ‘being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised’. We are thankful for this and other caring promises He gives us every day.”
Christina, USA…
“…for blessing my family in too many ways to list”
Patrick C. Daniel, USA…
“I am extremely thankful for GOD’s Grace and Mercy that HE has afforded me and my family. I am extremely Thankful for GOD’s Deliverance from whence I’ve come.”
Allie, USA…
“For bringing a number of very special teachers into my life over the past few years. Even though I am no longer a middle school student, I’m thankful for the teachers (especially the seventh grade ones) who helped make my years as a middle school student so awesome. Thank you also for the teachers I now have as a freshman. I may not always understand what they say, but I know they try their hardest to mold me into a successful person in life. People who are truly good at heart are hard to come by in this world. Thank you, God, for giving me the chance to find so many at my school.”
Brent Landry, 3, USA…
“My thanks to God is thanks for all the food that he gave me! Thank you God.”
Stephanie, 17, USA…
“…My wonderful family. My parents and my blessings…”
Bobba Schmidt, 45, California, USA…
"I am thankful to God for converting me and for His patience with my continuous straying and complaining, yet He has never given up, and I find that my faith continues to increase. …I also thank Him for giving me two really special children who are both autistic. I love them so very much, because they are His children also. I also thank God for knowing what is best for me even though my patience is not always great. I also thank Him for leading me to the right church… Praise the Lord for He is always good!!!"
Mrs. Roberts, Ohio, USA…
“I am thankful to our AWESOME GOD for sparing my husband, his child, on November 04, l999. I truly believe he has destined wonderful plans for him on this Earth working with God and His Son in his life. He fell off a 35 ft building on that day and only had a 20% chance of survival. He was attached to so many tubes and equipment that I will never forget what one of the nurses said is that she never in a long time has seen a person hooked up to so many things. But my Sovereign God you saved him and Us. Since then we (him, myself and our two daughters) have turned our lives our to Him. I am thankful God that you did not give up on us all. Hebrews 13:5 ‘He will not leave us or forsake us’.”
Justin, 15, Texas, USA…
“I thank God most of all for giving His only son’s life so that I, a sinner in His sight could be saved through his sacrifice. I also thank everyday just for being with me every step of my life! I can count on Him for strength in every situation and every temptation Satan throws at me. Thank God, my wonderful father and dearest friend!!”
Noble Callaway, IV, 35, Delaware, USA…
“I thank God for walking me through many trials in my life, only to grow closer to him—from a terrible divorce and extreme financial trouble—and then to a wonderful new marriage and deliverance from that financial burden. God is still doing a work. But he has taught me that I need him everyday, even on days where everything is going well… God is Good!!!! All the TIme!!!!”
Jennifer, 27, Texas, USA…
“That when I fell down and went the wrong way in life that God sent people to pray and help me get my life together. I am very thankful that God sent me friends that are concerned and love me just like I am, faults and all. I am thankful that I have a wonderful Christian counselor that does not charge me when I go see her. God takes care of His sheep, when one is lost He will search for the lost one.”
Hoy Miller, 60, Maryland, USA…
“I thank God for revealing Himself to me, that I may know that He is real. And that I might realize that that He is holy and that I was a sinner needing to be saved. I thank him for so many things, but most of all for His love and salvation.”
Mary Hagenston, 44, California, USA…
“Thank you, Father, for drawing me out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of Light through Your Holy Spirit! You have made me Yours forever!”
Laralea McLaughlin, California, USA…
“For the salvation of my nephew by marriage. We had been praying for him for almost 17 years. He was very jaded, due to seeing all the nasty sides of life as a Deputy Sheriff. He came to us and told us he needed God in his life—he couldn’t handle it without him. The joy we experienced 2 weeks ago when we witnessed his baptism in a lake with his wife and son by his side was one of the biggest blessing of joy I have experienced in a long, long time.”
Darlene Castay, 50…
“I thank God the Father for His Son and the spiritual gifts he has given his people.”
Julia Gomez, 24, Illinois, USA…
“I thank God for his Word—for his Word brings hope, joy, wisdom,and love to my heart. I’m thankful to God for giving Jesus, so I could be free.”
Amy, 21, Tennessee, USA…
“Hi Abba, It’s me again, coming with a humbled heart to offer praises in your name. For you have rescued me from myself and brought me into the kingdom of light to live with your son who not only died for me, but was raised three days later and now sits are your right hand. Oh God, How I am thankful for your love… because out of that love you gave me grace that is sufficient for all my sins and by you choosing me; I do not live in condemnation, but sanctified by your blood.
You continue to make yourself new to me everyday, with Joy in my heart I want to die to myself and live for you, no matter what this world throws at me. Thank you for the blessings you give that I never deserved, for the protection your hand provides, and for the forgiveness you offer day after day. I love you and I long to see you face to face, but until that glorious day, walk with me and hold my hand until I can come home… Thank you God for the victory through Jesus…”
M. Jarnagin, 56, Arizona, USA…
“Thank you Lord for…
…letting me wake up this very morn,
…watching over me since the day that I was born.
…listening when I thought no one was there,
…keeping me in your tender loving care.
…helping me when my life was filled with woe,
…sheltering me when I had no place to go.
…helping me with problems big and small,
…loving me, for I love you most of all.”
Mandy, 34, Washington, USA…
“I have to give thanks to you my God with every breath I take. Nothing that I have or could have done in my life is worthy of the love and mercy that You show me, my awesome Redeemer. How great a salvation! Your love is as deep as the ocean and wider than the universe. Thank you Abba Father. Thank you for raising me out of the mire and placing my feet on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ!”
Tanya, Kansas, USA…
“My thanks to God are because he is so merciful and so forgiving. We are so unworthy of all the blessings we receive. But he is so wonderful and continues to love us far beyond belief. I love you my Lord, and thank you for loving me.”
Cristal, 32, Texas, USA…
“I am forever thankful to my GOD for never giving up on me and for inspiring me through my children. I have sinned often times turning my back on GOD. I have felt HIS absence only to realize it is I who was absent not GOD. My life is richer having realized that for all the tribulations in my life the miracles far out numbered them. Life is a gift and sometimes in this world when we are at our lowest we look upon it as a curse. Without God… living is the hardest thing in the world to do. Priorities tend to shift to what is important in a material sense rather than the spiritual since. I need God in my life and I thank him for remaining with me while I tested his words. I hear your ‘I told you so,Jesus.’ Praise the Lord.”
Ashley Spivey, 12, North Carolina, USA…
“Thank you God for all that has been done and for my family. I also thank god for taking care of my father and for taking care of me when I am sick.”
Karin, 43, Minnesota, USA…
“I’m so thankful that my 80-year dad got leukemia, because through it he has placed his faith in Christ. Though he has always been a “good” person and a great dad, he has been changed by the power of God. God can, in all things, work for the good of those who love him!”
M. J.…
“I thank God every day for a second chance; each new day that I live God is giving me a new opportunity to be a blessing in the life of one of His children. I thank Him for my trials and tribulations for they draw me closer to Him. I thank Him for helping me to weather all the storms in my life. I thank Him that my good times outweigh my bad times; I thank Him for my family; I thank Him that my son is healthy and well; I thank Him for so many things. I could never thank Him enough for ALL that He has done, is doing and, going to do. I thank you God for my life!”
Amber, 17, North Carolina, USA…
“I thank God for saving me from the life I was living—from all the ways that I was hurting myself without Him. He gave me a family and friends who love me, and I can depend on. He has allowed me to live a life for others instead of the selfish life I had chosen.”
Robin, Louisiana, USA…
“Thanks to God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, who died at Calvary, shed His blood and rose again from the grave so that my family and I might be saved by His mercy and grace. For His Word that guides us daily. For allowing me to be born in America. For the blood of Jesus that keeps me and my family safe. For loving me unconditionally.”
Nancy S. Henson, 41, Texas, USA…
“That He is with me, even in the thick of the battle, and that all I need to do is to lift my head and know that He is in control. He is my salvation and my fortress!”
James Jordan, Florida, USA…
“I am thankful that I am saved. I am very thankful for my wonderful wife and 3 year old son that the Lord has given me. I am thankful for the lord calling me to preach His word. I am thankful to be able to walk, see, speak, hear, taste, smell and breathe. The lord has been to good to me.”
Benita Hines, 44, Georgia, USA…
“I thank God for taking my precious Daddy to heaven on April 29, 2001. I know he is resting in peace and does not have to face the terrible tragedies this world has in store for the ones remaining.”
Walter Shivel, USA…
“I praise the Almighty God and thank him for my wonderful wife and children, for reuniting me with my birth mom and dad (who both know Jesus), for the wonderful parents who adopted me and raised me, and for leading me out of my depression when I asked for healing. I thank you Lord for every day that you see fit for me to serve you. I thank you God for the gift of salvation and for teaching me the humility to accept it. I thank you for Jesus and the precious sacrifice he made for everyone. Praise be to God in the Highest.”
Daisy, 22, Mississippi, USA…
“I am thankful to God for saving me. He is my sole provider. I love him with all my heart and soul. Never will a rock cry out in my space, Jesus is worthy of all my praise. I love and adore the Lord because his mercy endures and his grace is everlasting. I thank God for his son Jesus if it weren’t for him where would we be? I love the lord.”
Sue, 62, Michigan, USA…
“I am grateful to God every day of my life because His great love and Power have delivered me from paranoid schizophrenia.”
Nikki Southard, 7, USA…
“I thank God for this world and this day, for all my family, for my school, for helping me get along with other people.”
Becky, 30, New Mexico, USA…
"I thank God for giving me life and giving me another chance to live after being struck by an automobile in February of this year. I also thank God for my three beautiful healthy children and also giving me a wonderful husband. I am also greatful to my Lord up above for never giving up on me no matter how bad I am and standing by my side no matter how far I drift away from him. I thank God for never abandoning me even when I abandon him."
Monika, 30, North Carolina, USA…
“I thank God for His mercy and grace, which I am not worthy to receive. I thank Him for my family and for our health. He is so good to me!”
Ada Jane Spinks, USA…
“My family, my home, and my God for sending us Jesus. Look at others to recognize what God has blessed you with. Praise be to Him!”Ollie Wilkins, USA…
“I would like to give much thanks to God. He has given me much that I have never even begun to thank Him for. In only a few months I will have a child, a baby boy, and I have not yet begun to live that life that he has set before me. I hope that I will some day be set along the right road.”
Tambra L. Van Dyke, USA…
“I was in prison, and you came to visit me. Thank you Jesus for sending women to share your love with me. Now I’m going to the jails to give back what was given to me.”
Bob, USA…
“I thank God that I am not what I used to be, and not what I someday will be!”
David D. Davis, USA…
“I thank God for the incredible beauty and variety in nature, for creating man in his image, for setting our hearts on eternity, for making provision for covering our sin, cleansing our consciences, and taking upon himself the just penalty of our iniquity—thereby reconciling us into fellowship with himself, the creator and sustainer of the vast and incredible universe. I thank God for his Word, the Bible, and I thank God for promises and provision for us. I thank God for the privilege of prayer and his indwelling Holy Spirit. I thank God for all the Christians, those people that have been cut to the heart in response to the indescribable selfless act in love of God in flesh, Jesus Christ, dying for us yet while we were still sinners. I thank God that the power and the wisdom of God is the “foolishness” (to the self condemned) of the cross.”
Jan, USA…
“I am so thankful to God for his faithfulness. He has showed himself so faithful to me and to my family over the years. His timing is different from mine, but He always keeps his promises and he is to be fully trusted.”
Jerry Cimijotti, USA…
“Thanks to God for His love and grace; for the provision of a loving wife, good job and wonderful home.”
Ray Bovino, USA…
“Thank you Lord for being a Faithful Friend! Thank You for a bright future to look forward to. Thank You that You love me enough to teach me trust and character through the good and difficult times of my life. I am very thankful to know You and be a part of Your family.”
Kyle Suggs, USA…
“I am thankful that God thought enough of me to die for me. I am thankful that He has given me health, a wife (and expecting baby), family, food, shelter and a Bible grounded church. I am thankful that He has allowed me to live in a country where I can freely worship Him. I am thankful that I have Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and that I will one day live forever with Him.”
Pat Ritter, USA…
“God has been good to me. You can always look back & see that God has been there with you all the time through all kinds of trial. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us and He hasn’t. We have so much to be thankful for - it only takes one day of being sick to realize what a blessing health is. We have so many things, it makes us not zero in on the little things that are the most important. Husbands, wives, children, parents, house to live in - free country to worship the Lord. We loved you Lord & thank you for your many many blessings of family and friends.”
Dale Adams, USA…
“Lord, I thank you for withholding your wrath from our nation as we sinned beyond the imagination of many nations of the past who were struck down by your mighty hand. You are truly a God of great mercy to allow us to have backslidden so far without sending us all straight to the pit. I pray that you will continue to strengthen our resolve to learn to love and be merciful as you taught us through your Son, Jesus Christ. AMEN.”
Bernie Diaz, USA…
“I praise and thank God almighty for my gift of salvation in Christ Jesus, for my health, my family, in particular my two toddlers with another on the way. I thank Him for saving my immediate family, for Earthly blessings of which there are too many to name here, and notably, for his Word, which edifies me, gives me wisdom, and the appreciation of all that He is and as a means of dialogue with Him. Praise be unto the Lord!”
Gary Hoffman, USA…
“I want to thank God for restoring my family and for the opportunities He has given me to serve Him over the past couple years in Missions. Also for my two sponsored children, (Marie and Mondy) in Haiti. I will be visiting them again in February, thanks to God. It is great to serve Him and I encourage all to get involved with something to serve Him. I found out you don’t need any special talents you just need to be obedient.”
Keith R. Allen, USA…
“I am a first generation Christian family man. Where can I start? First of all I give praise to His Holy Name. I thank God for being The God of all. He chose me when I was yet on my mothers’ womb. That is always something that amazes and humble me. He always prepares the way before me, and I marvel to watch His Hand at work in my life. He has allowed me to see my family come to Him. How blessed is He! My cup trully does runneth over. In His Son I give my humble thanks.”
Barb Kineke, USA…
“In this day of school violence, kids killing kids, people killing people instead of working it out, I am thankful that so far this has not touched my family directly. But I am also very thankful that if it ever did, that God would give the grace and strength to make it through such a time. I am thankful that in a world of uncertainty, there is one steady rock that never changes, and that is Jesus Christ. He was the same yesterday, is the same today and will be the same tomorrow. He always loves and holds us firm in a changing world, that is scarier every day to live in. I praise God that I don’t have to wonder or worry what will happen tomorrow, because I have Jesus in my heart and life and He will do what is best for me in every situation, whether I think so or not. Praise God for who He is and what He has done for me.”
Lori J. Ray, USA…
“I am so very thankful that in the midst of heartache and sorrow (my husband left me in ‘98, and we divorced in Sept. ‘99), Jesus has been there comforting me, strengthening me and guiding me. I am especially grateful for the way He has administered His love & Compassion for me through my friends, my family and even through my ex-in-laws. I thank Him for reviving & resurrecting hope within me, and I also thank Him for everything else good in my life, whether big or small. I am thankful for my health, my job, my cats, and new opportunities to serve Him.”
Lindsey R. Blevins, 46, Texas, USA…
“I am so very thankful that there are still those that look to God for their salvation, here in time, and eternally. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men where we must be saved (delivered) (Acts 4:12). Whether it be in sickness or distress the Lord is our refuge, thank thee the Lord, and glorious is his Holy name.”
Connie, 16, USA…
“God gave me everyone I love and everything I couldn’t live without.”
George Shelton, USA…
“I am thankful for all of God’s Love and Mercy, for Jesus my Savior, for the Holy Spirit who teaches me. I’m thankful for the life and breath that is within me, for my two fine sons. I am thankful for so many, many things that God has given me and blessed me. I am thankful for this Web site that I just recently found. I, of course, have done nothing to deserve God’s Love. I am so thankful God loves me anyway.”
Michael, USA…
“I thank God for having a Christian mother and grandparents who loved my brother and I enough to see that we were in church every Sunday and Wednesday night. I know they loved God and they showed it in the Christian home we were brought up in.”
Valerie Perez, USA…
“I am thankful for my faith in God, and the strength and patience he gives me each day to take care of my family: husband, one daughter, and four sons (one set of twins), hold a full-time job and go to school. I am thankful for each new day that he gives me and I am especially thankful for his presence in my life.”
Robert Glosup, USA…
“Thank you lord for watching over me, my wife and family. …over my home and my animals. Thank you for the wonderful friends you have brought me. Thank you for my job you have given me. Thank you for the musical talent you have given me. Thank you for my health. Thank you for always being there.”
Jonathan, 5, USA…
“God, I give thanks to you because you give us our daily bread. For giving us food, shelter, and clothes, and thank you for my mom and dad. My dad is at work and my mom is with me. I am sorry for the times I do not obey. Thank You.”
Jennifer Lindsey, 27, Alabama, USA…
“I am thankful that He gave me a heart that could hurt inside for Him, because of the extreme pain He went through for me—because, without feeling the pain, I could never have felt His love.”
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