apparel in the Bible

also known as: clothes, clothing

Also see: Dress and Clothing in Biblical times

In Old Testament times, the distinction between male and female attire was often not very great. The Hebrew statute forbidding men to wear female apparel (Deuteronomy 22:5) referred especially to ornaments and head-dresses.

  1. Under-garments

    This was often a tunic, which was bound by a girdle.

    One who had only this tunic on was spoken of as “naked” (1 Samuel 19:24; Job 24:10; Isaiah 20:2).

    People with high positions sometimes wore two tunics, the outer one was called the “upper garment” (1 Samuel 15:27; 18:4; 24:5; Job 1:20).

  2. Over-garments

  3. Head coverings

  4. Footwear

  5. Bed-clothing

    The only material for bedclothes (coverings for a bed) is mentioned in 1 Samuel 19:13—“a pillow of goats’ hair for his bolster”. Sleeping in the open air was not uncommon, the sleeper wrapping himself in his outer garment (Exodus 22:26-27; Deuteronomy 24:12-13).

  6. Priestly clothing

  7. Military clothing

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Article Version: May 24, 2024