Bedtime Stories

also known as “Gerçek masallar,” “Histoires enchantées”
MPA Rating: PG for some mild rude humor and mild language.

Reviewed by: Sheri McMurray

Moral Rating: Better than Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Kids Teens Family Adults
Genre: Fantasy Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 35 min.
Year of Release: 2008
USA Release: December 25, 2008 (wide—3,500 theaters)
DVD: April 4, 2009
Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Bible stories for kids

Kid Explorers
Adventures in the rainforest! Learn about the Creator of the universe by exploring His marvelous creation. Fun for the whole family with games, activities, stories, answers to children’s questions, color pages, and more! One of the Web’s first and most popular Christian Web sites for children. Nonprofit, evangelical, nondenominational.

Ancient Rome

Bible Archaeology

Featuring Adam Sandler, Keri Russell, Guy Pearce, Courteney Cox, Teresa Palmer, Russell Brand, Jonathan Pryce, Lucy Lawless, Aisha Tyler, Dana Goodman, Richard Griffiths, Kathryn Joosten, Julia Lea Wolov, Debbie Lee Carrington, Jasmine Dustin, Mikey Post, Veronica Bennett, Annalise Basso, Bob Ross, Brian Peck, Abigail Droeger, Jonathan Morgan Heit, Richard Schimmelpfenneg, Lulu, Nicole Sciacca, Laura Ann Kesling, Jayme Lynn Evans, Catherine Kwong, Franklin Ruehl, Myra Cheney, Matt Jordon, Johntae Lipscomb, Danni Katz, Ricky Marciano
Director Adam Shankman
A Walk to Remember,” “Hairspray,” “The Wedding Planner
Producer Gunn Films, Happy Madison Productions, Offspring Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures, Jack Giarraputo, Jennifer Gibgot, Garrett Grant, Andrew Gunn, Adam Sandler

“What if the stories you told came to life?”

I have to admit that I was a bit apprehensive going into this movie, although it is a Disney film and I enjoy Adam Sandler. Sandler always delivers the laughs, but his films usually start out with some pretty over the top humor and offensive site gags, yet end up on a pleasant note. It was the off color humor I was worried I would be subjected to.

I am very happy to say it was a sweet, funny (in a kid’s potty humor sort of way), exciting, magical fun ride all the way through! A perfect, holiday family movie and I, as a Christian Mom, would take my family to see it without worry as to whether I need to cover my kid’s eyes and ears during certain scenes. A PG rated Sandler film which is a joy to watch.

As the title refers, “Bedtime Stories” is just that. A set of bedtime stories spun by a wayward handyman employed at a major Hotel chain, who over the course of a week has to babysit his sister’s two children while she looks for work out of town. During that week some pretty unexplainable things happen as each bedtime story transforms from nightly fairy tale into daily real life events.

Sounds pretty much predictable, and because it is a Disney family film, on a certain level it is. But Skeeter Bronson (a delightful character crafted by Adam Sandler) wins your heart from his first joke to the last kiss.

“Bedtime Stories” is such fun that I won’t spoil the review by recapping every bedtime tale Skeeter spins with the details. I say, just take the family and prepare yourselves for belly laughs, the mirth surrounding a hamster named Bugsie who is the running site gag throughout the film, and bask in the wonder factor which Disney always provides with one hundred per cent perfection.

There are some familiar faces here: Keri Russell as Jill, the level headed love interest which contrasts affectionately against Skeeter’s off the wall attitude. Guy Pearce as Kendall, the baboonish yet endearing bad guy after the big prize of running a mega hotel chain. That mega enterprise is headed by Richard Griffiths as Mr. Nottingham, a Howard Hughs type of Hotel tycoon who has a phobia about germs. Courtney Cox plays Skeeter’s older sister, Wendy, who has just lost her job as school principal and must go to Arizona for a week to search for a new job. Jonathan Pryce is cast perfectly as Skeeter’s Dad and narrator of the film.

These are the major players, but I must mention the performances by the children in this movie is what captured my heart. Laura Ann Kesling as Bobbi, Skeeter’s niece, is adorable. Jonathan Morgan Holt as her brother Patrick has that off beat speech pattern that every Mom finds endearing. These kids are fine little actors and the movie shines because of them. Russell Brand, who plays Mickey, Skeeter’s best friend, is a crack up. His humor is delivered with just the right nuance to capture the child that lives pent-up within every adult.

There are a few instances within the context of this film that may be objectionable depending on a family’s humor meter. There are scenes where passing wind is referred to. The character of Mr. Nottingham’s daughter, Violet (played as a Paris Hilton-esque paparazzi ducking beauty by Teresa Palmer) is subtlety referred to as a party-girl who gets around. A reference that will go over the heads of most kids, but older tweens and teens will get the reference. The character of Wendy is divorced and the kids ask a few times if their Daddy is ever coming back. Although not a big deal in the context of the film, some children may find this disturbing. One made up villain in Skeeter’s bedtime stories is named “Buttkiss” because he goes around “kissing everyone’s butt.” I felt that would be objectionable to parents, not just for the designation of the name, but because it says it’s okay to show disrespect by using that in particular offensive name. There are a couple of kisses that are brief and, of course the mild mannered Skeeter gets to kiss Jill in the end, which is done in a playful manner. To it’s credit, “Bedtime Stories” has not one cuss word in it’s script.

On the flip side, “Bedtime Stories” reaches deep into the biblical sense of “do unto others,” and loving and respecting your fellow man in a gentle, subtle heartwarming way, that shows renewed hope that films such as these can take off once again in Hollywood. The children were allowed to be children and not run around like little miniature adults cussing and being disrespectful of others. Skeeter was allowed to be a loving man and his wisdom was taken as fact and a gentle strength, not boo hoo’d as a weakness. The moral lessons of treating the one’s you love with kindness and compassion, giving much for a friend, sacrificial love, and doing what is right in a situation even though it might mean hurt on your part was a refreshing change in direction for children’s film. It not only shows these afore mentioned qualities in a positive tone, but also does a good job of showing the negative consequences when we act out of greed, selfishness and pride.

As true of a Disney film, the cliché “don’t stop believing” and that your fun is only limited to your imagination, was stamped all over it, but deeper still was the message that you CAN have a happy ending in life. I prefer to think that we must all take it a step further and put Jesus Christ back in our lives. He needs to be in the picture to make our lives complete. Children need to know, it might not be enough to be good to one another, and do the right thing, or even just to be a good person, but to have a clear roadmap in life which can only be found in the pages of Scripture. The guidance of God’s pristine Word, is the only path to true happiness and a fulfilling happily ever after.

Everyone in the theater was laughing and cheering throughout “Bedtime Stories.” This film got much deserved applause at it’s conclusion. I was delighted that “Bedtime Stories” was a good-natured, up-beat story with many important morals being put forth for kids. We are so in need of kid’s fare these days which highlight the good in people and the rewards of doing the right thing by our fellow man. Not to mention that as I was growing up, watching a Disney film ALWAYS meant we would be taught life lessons and morals to live by as adults. This concept is so lacking in our modern times and to see it held high, as well, as hear the giggles and cheers from the kids in the audience around me, gave me hope that God’s moral compass is alive and well within the context of Disney films still.

Violence: Minor / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: None

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I just saw this movie with my parents and loved it. I think that everyone loves a good bedtime story—and they are even more fun when they come to life! It had good, clean humour, and I laughed several times (I rarely laugh at movies, so this is saying a lot). There were some brief scenes of women wearing low-cut tops, but there was really very little about which to be offended. I really appreciated how there was no swearing and no sex. It piqued my imagination and was really uplifting, light—truly a beautiful story. At the end, several children in the theatre clapped. That rarely happens, so it attests to the film’s narrative quality and its appeal to all who are young at heart and who enjoy stories and telling them. Highly recommended! I think it’s the best film out in theatres now (along with Despereaux).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Janet, age 23 (Canada)
Positive—We just went and saw “Bedtime Stories” at the movie theater. I found this movie to be funny and entertaining. My children ages 7, 5, and 10 also loved it. They left arguing over which part was their favorite, but I think that my 5-year-old said it best, “I just liked it all.” I recommend this as a wonderful family movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Sharon, age 31 (USA)
Positive—…I loved this movie. …I went to the theater thinking that there wouldn’t be any cursing. I tried to count, but I’m not too sure on this number: I think there was about 3 “Oh my G**.” Other than that, there wasn’t any language. I’d recommend it, except the cursing.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Liz, age 35 (USA)
Positive—Highly Recommend! If you’re looking for a great family film with NOTHING offensive—no cursing, no sex, no racy themes, nor celebration of sin—then “Bedtime Stories” is for you! We went on Christmas Day. The theater was alive with laughter, and our entire family enjoyed it! Very creative story! The guinea pig “Bugsy” steals the show. As a Christian homeschooling parent, I’m very careful about recommending films to others. This one gets an “A.” Great for all ages!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Diana O, age 39 (USA)
Positive—Incredible movie! Highly recommended. I was not looking forward to seeing this movie. I actually told people I didn’t want to go and see. Then some friends of mine talked me into it, and I ended up loving it. I would recommend it to anyone. This is a movie I would pay to go and watch again.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Joe, age 22 (USA)
Positive—While predictable, this was a wonderful family film that kept adults and children entertained. My 7 year old understood the message of “all deserve respect.” Adam Sandler’s character was especially touching when he told the children that their absent dad must have something wrong with him to not want to spend every waking hour with them.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Kathy, age 45 (USA)
Positive—I fell in love with this movie the moment it started! I was honestly surprised, with it being an Adam S. movie, there wasn’t any sex! There were some Oh my G**s, but other than that it was wonderful! I recommend it 100%!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Elizabeth, age 19 (USA)
Positive—We just went to see this movie with our kids ages 8, 11, 14, and 17. They all loved the movie, and we did, too! It was fun family entertainment, and I didn’t really see anything majorly offensive. The were a couple bikini scenes, but other than that, the movie was clean and entertaining. This was just a fun movie that you can feel good taking your kids to see.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Susan, age 40 (USA)
Positive—I saw this movie with my husband and 10 yr. old daughter and 10 yr. old neighbor. I was pleased that it was a good clean movie without any swear words and people doing the hanky panky while unmarried. While Adam Sandler does fantasize about a nice looking girl, he soon realizes that it’s not her he wants/needs its the girl right next to him. I loved that it had a happy ending, it was funny, the kids made us laugh. And the moral that money can’t buy happiness was so true. The bad man didn’t triumph and in the end, a small job the simple things in life like roasting marshmallows (fun things the mom wouldn’t let the kids do) can make a person more happy than money. It’s the time we spend with our families and although Adam’s character was somewhat offensive to others, he was a true kindhearted man and would do anything for anyone.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Linda, age 43 (USA)
Positive—…we really liked this movie; there was suspense and the fact there was action from beginning to the end was great. The single guy in the story was rude, at times, because of thinking about himself, and this is realistic in most of the acting performed. It’s a good eye opener for the single guy out there—lol. And it was great to see the children sharing their imagination on the stories, without having any personal interest or judgment. The ending was great. It was a refresher for us, because, seriously, it’s been a while since we found a good, funny movie we where able to watch to the end and enjoy it!… Clean movie. Praise God.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
David April, age 34 (Canada)
Positive—I was a bit hesitant to attend a movie with Adam Sandler in it, however, based on the reviews of this Web site me and my two stepsons saw it. I was pleasantly surprised (and thankful) for a mostly non-existent immoral innuendos (except to contrast good ones) of any kind and a pleasant story line. While its not the best made movie, it was clean and funny. All of us enjoyed it, which is hard to do since my oldest is still working out his Christianity and tends to lean towards darker or offensive humor (“50 First Dates”) kinds of movies.

From a biblical perspective, he works out his carnalish desires as he finds out the story telling of the children is what works, not his own selfish story. It’s a good portrayal (parallel) to bringing what you can handle/need (job/wife) instead of what you want.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Gl, age 47 (USA)
Positive—My husband and I are very cautious about what we let our children watch, and previewed this and talked to our children before we decided to let them see it. Adam Sandler movies are often filled with innuendos and cussing. I was pleasantly surprised, though. Bedtime Stories is the only one of his we have granted our children (9-12) permission to see, and I’m so grateful Sandler took the initiative to make a movie like this.

Yes, there was a “Paris Hilton-esque” character dressed in immodest clothes. But those scenes were usually very quick. I didn’t approve of the “OMG” expressions, either, or the little boy who twice said a girl at his school was “hot.” But these are not supposed to be Christian characters, and they portray people that could likely be our neighbors, classmates or coworkers (or, dare I say even fellow Christians?). Doesn’t make it right, and I didn’t approve, but that’s the way a lot of Americans talk.

One thing I LOVED about “Bedtime Stories” was that the lead characters were trying to do the right thing. When Skeeter told the kids that life had no happy endings, his sister took him to task for it. When the champagne thing was mentioned, or when he wanted money as a reward, the kids set him straight. When the dad took off, and the kids wondered about that, Skeeter touchingly told the kids their dad must have some kind of “mental malfunction” to not want to spend every moment with them. They are flawed and broken characters, but trying to do the right thing, and I appreciated that.

It is a beautiful story, leaving you the opportunity to discuss with your children themes of imagination, creativity, political correctness, fair play, hard work, family ties, divorce, happy endings, lies, respect for parents, obedience, greed, values, and, yes, even foul language and immodest attire. :-)

The gumball scene? Beautiful :-) If you’re unsure, wait and rent it on DVD… but the bad parts tended to be so quick they would even be hard to bleep out. That’s my 2cents.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
JC, age 38 (USA)
Positive—This is an entertaining thriller, with some interesting twists to the plot. Russell Crowe is very convincing as a newspaper reporter who pursues facts with dogged determination. Sadly, I could not help but think this kind of reporting is almost a thing of the past, as we watch newspapers folding all around the country, or at least, cutting back. Other performances were pretty good, but this is not a strong movie. There were many yawns audible in my theater. I thought the conclusion was a bit lame. But definitely nice two hours of escapism.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Halyna Barannik, age 63 (USA)
Neutral—I was hoping for more out of this movie. It had some places where I felt they were out of line. I would never encourage a six year old to kiss, show women in bikinis, or make a film without a single healthy relationship. It did have some very funny moments, but after a few days of seeing the movie, I can only remember the reasons I didn’t like it. I much preferred “Meet the Robinsons” for a young children’s movie and “College Road Trip” for the older kids. Disney can do a better job than this latest flick.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Trina, age 41 (USA)
Neutral—I love how so many Christian families have set the standard for movies so high these days, that no piece of entertainment can fulfill their desires. Pardon my sarcasm, but I think that many of the negative reviews of this film are over the top. I myself, like the main reviewer, thought that I was just going to see another Sandler movie with his typical sleaze—just turned down to a milder setting. Happily, I was proven wrong.

Although there is nothing very special about this movie, and I felt a little underwhelmed when I left the theater, I feel compelled to come to its defense. First, I really appreciate what Sandler has done. He has successfully toned down his usual antics enough that I would gladly take my numerous toddler cousins to see this film. While I did not find it extremely original, this is one of those films that will make the kids happy, as well as encourage them to use there imaginations.

Now for the three charges leveled against the film: name calling, immodest attire and using the Lord’s name in vain.
(1) Calling someone a dwarf is not offensive, or at least, should not be. That is what they are, why should we not call them that? Dwarf is actually the proper term. Would you prefer that everyone call you “short person?” This just baffles me how even Christians are obsessed with being politically correct, when it is not even Biblical to do so. (2) Yes, some of the characters show a little skin. So… do you not take your children to the beach, or the pool, or let them go outside when it is hot? No, you tell your kids not to dress like that. (3) I, too, agree that we should not misuse God’s name, but I think this goes back to point number two.

If we are going by these standard, even “Star Wars” is a horrible, corrupting piece of film, and no one should be allowed to watch it. I think that we should watch what we put into our bodies, but not become so obsessed that we feel we ought to put NOTHING into our bodies. We should also remember that non-Christians see the extremely thick-headed things we say. We should be more careful.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Josiah, age 19 (USA)
Neutral—This movie had some funny moments and a lot of rude moments, but mostly it seems disjointed. The director is not good, sometimes the movie seemed like it was thrown together. Adam Sandler is very talented, but the director is not. This comment is not about the movie, but about safety issues glossed over in sloppy filmmaking. There is one scene where Sandler’s character Skeeter makes a sandwich with toothpaste, it turns out eating flouride toothpaste instead of spitting it out can be dangerous. So caution to parents.

Also, I do not like the lazy plot device of putting a bunch of kids near a building that is about to be blown up, and then two little kids wander in to the building. It is unlikely that there would be a demolition that is not properly fenced off or one that would have a bunch of kids at it. But almost blowing up kids shows an underlying disdain for kids. These writers could do better. The whole story seems lazy and half-baked. …If you see it, rent it don’t buy it. It definitely will offend some parents and people with small kids.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Missy, age 40s (USA)
Neutral—I must admit that Adam Sandler is a very funny guy--though I have to mute up to 98% of what he says, he just has a natural charm. And because I know him to be crude, it seemed strange when he never said anything crass in this movie. That is, of course, good, but it felt awkward along with the rest of the film. It is a good premise, but it fails to follow through.

This film is PG, so it has some content above the level of viewers that it seems aimed for. I would be referring to those under 10 years, because the funny scenes really aren’t funny. The stories are shown right away to be false, in no way do the kids “control the story” as Adam’s character says a little later into the movie. Big mistake… this film was made out to be a fantasy story--where fiction becomes reality… but no such thing happens. Guilty of being unfunny and misleading--I would avoid “Bedtime Stories.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 2
Ben Badger, age 18 (USA)
Negative—I went to see this movie today with my 6 year old, after checking several Christian reviews—knowing it was PG. I was disappointed that no one mentioned that Adam Sandler is his usual rude, disrespectful self. I felt it was unnecessary for him to make the character Skeeter rude and obnoxious, just to make him “cool.” I feel that it’s sad that, in general, our society equates sassy with cool, and I’m desperately trying to help my child understand that you can be kind to other people and still be “cool.” I agree that it was pleasing that there was no foul language and a decent message, but I would not recommend this to children under 8. Let’s try to maintain innocence, respect and good manners.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Peterson, age 41 (USA)
Negative—Reading various reviews of this movie led me to believe that there were only a few relatively innocuous moments with some humor about gas and maybe a few light kisses. I have to say that for a “family” movie, that there is a lot more inappropriate content (inappropriate attire, innuendo, cleavage, comments about weight, etc.) than I had expected. While I know Disney movies are no longer the paragon of pure entertainment that they were in the days of yore, I had seen some marked improvement in recent flicks, and I had hoped that this would be as innocent as the TV previews seemed to indicate.

My family and I (including 2 children—8 and 10) elected to leave ½-way through the movie, because while it did start off decent, it went downhill soon thereafter. There is only so much of “watching a train wreck” you can do before you have to cry uncle and leave to show to those who look up to you that there is a line in the sand that should not be crossed.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
William, age 35 (USA)
Negative—My wife and I visit this site weekly and sometimes daily as guidance to filter movies before we view them. We have two children both 11 years old, and we all have a very close relationship with Christ. We were very uncomfortable seeing this movie, and more so disappointed that the reviewer of this movie truly let us down. If you are seriously trying to walk the Christian walk, and refuse to let sinful trickery into your family household, do not see this movie or support yet another Disney attempt of watering down good morals.

Many movie producers and directors camouflage their underlying garbage with a so-called “moral story” that ends on a relatively happy note. I pray that we, as Christians, filter out this trickery and deception by keeping a solid foundation of true Christian morals. In other words, would you play (fill in the blank with any movie) inside your church auditorium in front of a congregation without flinching?

The fact that we went to the movie with a group of 11 family members for the Holidays made it a bit difficult to walk out, but even our daughter wanted to leave at one point. Have you ever seen a movie where you cringe wondering what vulgar part might pop up next? This is yet another example of Hollywood believing that you have to add risque scenes to make it an enjoyable film.

The character of Mr. Nottingham’s daughter, which the reviewer referred to, had more than just a Paris Hilton-esque appearance. She was wearing skimpy clothing which embarrassed us all, and she even began a game of “truth or dare” with these two little children which nearly made me puke from disgust. There were a couple of scenes where women’s cleavage was running rampant. I really can’t believe this movie was designed for young children, and yet they decided to dress women this way.

There were offensive references to midgets, comments such as “don’t worry, we won’t tell your parents,” which promotes keeping secrets from your family while breaking rules—poor directing and editing, and many failed attempts at humor.

If you were to simply go numb from the sexual innuendo and “potty-mouth” comedy from this movie, you could try and squeeze some good humor out of this film, but you wouldn’t succeed. The only funny parts of the movie were either in the commercials or they were played out by the animated hamster. Seriously, that is all I laughed at.

Again, when you base your Christian morals and reviews on Adam Sandler’s standards, you are in trouble. I trusted this review, and we wasted our money and evening. The only good thing that came out of this movie was our 11 year old daughter saying how morally disappointed she was. This reaffirmed to us that she has a wonderful relationship with Christ, and that Disney still has a lot to learn.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Eric, age 32 (USA)
Negative—Apparently taking God’s name in vain is not offensive to A LOT of Christians today, they just overlook it. Does God over look it? Exodus 20:7-You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for THE LORD will NOT leave him UNPUNISHED who takes His name in vain. Just because by societies stand point they say there wasn’t a cussword in the script… I beg to differ, God’s name is Holy and if “Christians” do not take offense to this then Hollywood WILL keep saying things to this nature in movies. Consider this “Christian,” there are no “cusswords” mentioned in scripture (there is foul language) society dictates what is bad and good language. The ONE THING God wrote IN STONE with HIS OWN FINGER was NOT to take HIS Name in Vain, so which is more offensive, cussing or blasphemy? By the way this movie took God’s name in vain SEVEN times (OMG/G/J). My children look for blasphemy in film and TV because they read how God feels about it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
G.C. Reynolds, age 34 (USA)
Negative—…“Paris Hilton-esqe” character is one of the main characters. The camera keeps coming back to her, and she is never appropriately dressed. There is similar unnecessary footage elsewhere. The humor is not all that funny (especially at the beginning) though there are some funny parts. The idea is good and a lesson is learned. Yet, I hoped for more due to the review and was disappointed that I rented it to watch with my father and unsaved friend. I definitely do not consider it a children’s movie. There are other better movies than this for kids and families.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Stephen, age 30 (USA)
Negative—First of all, I would like to say how entertained I was. It is a funny movie. But, like so many things, especially coming out of Hollywood, we have a mixture of good so that we may accept the bad. If they can find the amount that is acceptable to most viewers they will push it a little farther. This is why I am so picky with the movies I watch. The problems with this movie are not mountainous, but I hate to give in and certainly wouldn’t buy the movie for my family to play over and over again. Skeeter (played by Adam Sandler) is a very selfish man.

He seemed to have a great father but none of his greatness looked as though it rubbed off exept for a kindness to customers of the hotel he works in. He changes in the end. This is a good thing and a good message. In the process of changing he makes a comment to a girl’s father that his daughter is hot and likes to hang around with men in bars. I don’t like my children making remarks like that to other people and I know that too much exposure to this kind of rude humor will result in an almost automatic response by them that is similar. Skeeter refers to the counterpart of his real life nemesis in a story as “Sir Buttkiss” many times. He also uses the words “butt”, “kick butt” and “kissing everybodies butt” which again I do not wish my children to emulate. A midget who was playing a goblin or some such, was kicked in the rear out a door. One of Skeeter’s stories ended with him jumping into a hottub with a girl and some champagne. He ammended the story soon afterwords.

Skeeter is watching the children and makes a comment that the other adult is being cool because she won’t tell the mother that they are eating marshmallows. Now, my children eat marshmallows, but implying that you are cool for keeping secrets and allowing things that are obviously against a parents wishes is wrong and another bad lesson. In one bedtime story Adam plays a chariot rider whose skirt falls down while he is riding standing on his hands. He suggests to a lady that they go out for a little “wine and cheese action.” His guy friend wears a hawaiian bikini outfit and frankly acts a bit efeminate. There are a couple scenes with a very pretty girl in a bikini, but are also played up so that it is very noticeable, and a man tells a guinea pig to “Shut up.” Another one of his nemeses is a lady who is called Aspin which sounds a bit too coincidental to me.

In the end Adam and his girlfriend barrel through traffic endangering lives to save the day. He does save a couple of lives by doing so, but he is unaware that the lives are in danger. Hollywood always makes stupid acts justifiable by making them result in heroism or something good. As an example, in the end the sister who entrusted her children to Skeeter told him she didn’t care about the food he allowed and hoped that his fun attitude would rub off on her kids since she is such a stick in the mud. She is a bit over protective, but typical Hollywood makes many of Skeeter’s bad decisions actually appear to be good. I hate how they do that. So many things in this movie remind me of the scripture that says that “Bad shall be called good and good shall called be bad.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Chris Ransom, age 42 (USA)
Negative—This movie is inane (as are most Adam Sandler movies… or for that matter, most movies geared toward children). It offers no deep substance or real moral character. It is not delightfully fanciful. It is vaguely fanciful with a propensity for idiocy.

So, if you just want to plop your child down in front of something that does absolutely nothing but entertain them… something that does nothing to elevate their minds… something that feeds into the marketing beast… then by all means, go right ahead.

Oh yes, this movie has the wonderful added feature of women strolling about in bikinis, tawdry outfits, and air-headed attitudes. This adds a nice dimension. After the movie you can spend an hour or so trying to de-program your young girls from the idea that they are sexual objects whose bodies are to be freely displayed, flaunted, and commercialized. Don’t forget to remind them that they have brains in their heads and that men should remember that as well.

If you prefer movies that actually engage a child’s mind and moral character, I would suggest something like “The Sound of Music,” “Finding Neverland,” “Lassie,” “The Chronicles of Narnia,” “Finding Winn Dixie,” or “Pollyanna.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
C Wells, age 34 (USA)
Negative—I was paying the bills as I viewed this movie, I also left the room a couple of times for a few minutes, the movie was not very good, especially for a Disney picture. There were some funny parts.

The Hawian outfit on the man, looked to feminine to me. The part that I didn’t like the most is Adam telling a 5 year old boy that he needed to kiss this older girl. Shouldn’t our children be children as long as they can and not have to face adult issues at 5 years old? I would never show this film to young children, and if you feel you need to see this movie, pay one dollar at red box, its just not worth much more then that. Thank you for all of your reviews they are almost always correct.

I just couldn’t agree with this one, and I have been coming to your site for a long time. Thank you again, Karen
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Karen, age 57 (USA)
Negative—Tramp starts a truth or dare game with little boy all the time speaking in trampy mannerisms, dressed inappropriately, and lying on her side on a couch, insisting she wants to hear more later, wink wink. Little boy admits to liking a girl 2 years his older, and is later coached and cheered on by Sandler into soliciting a kiss from said girl at the end of the movie for having done a good deed. The little girl prances off with joyful glee at the exchange.

A series of scenes with multiple, bright 2 pc. bikinis not at all subtly prancing about in full view in the immediate background, in stark contrast to the appropriately modestly dressed main characters in the foreground.

Half the goal of Sandler’s character in the movie is to always score a kiss or some “private” time with a hot chick… any chick. A hot chick is declared in the movie to be very skinny, much skinnier it’s pointed out in the script than the evil girls from Sandler’s highschool past (who are far from obese, just not anorexic-skinny).

The 4 male main characters act either gay, bi-, metro, trans, or in Sandler’s case, over-driven hetero sexual.

One of those movies where 5 of the 6 key memorable good parts were also in the commercials… in whole with no left out surprises.

Multiple times using God’s name in vain in exclamations of disbelief.

Sandler intends to achieve his dreams of career success and fantasy success with women by manipulating the children into telling his version of the bedtime stories. They, however, just want a fun story, he wants more.

The kids’ mother is divorced, the little girl asks several times if Daddy will ever come back, Dad, it’s explained, must be mental not to want to be with them (to me, this is dissing the absent Dad, there’s no specifics as to the reason behind the break-up). The mother is raising the kids with no TV, no meats, no sugar, etc., which Sandler does not adhere to under his care, but it’s actively kept secret from the mother by all while it occurs.

Sandler’s best friend and confidant in the end of the movie wears a hula skirt with a top piece on his chest like a women’s 2 pc. I don’t know what that was about.

I’ve no desire to see this movie again, sorry I saw it the first time. I winced each of the above instances in the presence of fellow Christians and their kids when we saw it. Disappointing, as it was recommended by another Christian who apparently had differrent discernment.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Sam Ii, age 42 (USA)
Comments from young people
Positive—There was really nothing wrong with this film. I am 13 years old, and I truly loved it—and for my younger brother, who is 7, it was really good, too. I can see why it was rated PG instead of G, but it was for very mild reasons. I am an extremely strong Christian, and I find nothing in this film that would hurt God or offend him. The only small thing is that a woman is shown walking down the beach in a slightly small bikini.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Rachel, age 13 (USA)
Neutral—I want to start off by saying that I really enjoyed this movie. Good storyline, good actors/actresses, etc. But the one thing that kept me on my toes was the rampant displays of immodesty. FAR too many low-cut shirts and bikinis for a children’s movie. Those are not the images we want to impress on the minds of the young children this movie is geared toward, especially young boys. I was constantly on the edge, afraid for the sake of my younger brothers who were watching it, as well. But like I said, I did enjoy the rest of the movie. It was well constructed, and the special effects were great, just keep in mind that even though this movie is a family movie, not all families may wish to view it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Mackenzie, age teen
Positive—This movie was very good. The people are rude to each other once in a while, but is at minimum. There is one part in the movie that a midget kicks the main character and says that big people stink, and is called a dwarf. Now that really seems to be mocking midgets and saying that they are stupid, when they are really just like us, only smaller. The main character, also, likes this one girl, just because she is rich, which is not a good example. But overall, I think it is a good movie that the whole family should see.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Matt, age 10 (USA)
Positive—I LOVED this movie!!! I went to see it with my siblings, and I was not really interested. Bedtime stories? Lame… But I went and was shocked to find myself almost out of my seat, laughing so hard. I was laughing almost every five minutes. The guinea pig was HILARIOUS! The whole storyline was great! I can’t find one thing that is bad about this movie. Actually, I don’t remember hearing any foul language. Hmm. I recommend this movie to everyone of all ages! It is so good! Go see it!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Vicki, age 15 (USA)
Positive—This was a great movie!! I was surprised that Adam Sandler made no offensive comments at all. I recommend this movie to kids,teens,and Adults of all ages! I only saw one thing that may be offensive to other people. Violet said (HUMORESLY) “would you like to drink champagne in a near by hot tub?” That was only meant as a joke, though… Another thing that might frighten little children is *SPOILER* That the 2 children walk inside the school when they were about to blow it up *SPOILER ENDED*

Any way, it was an awesome movie!!!… See it right now!!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Lili, age 11 (Canada)
Positive—This movie is lol so funny. Truly a great movie for the family! It wasn’t all about God, but it teaches a lesson: do unto others as others would do unto you.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Parker, age 11 1/2 (USA)
Positive—Extremely funny. Great for kids eight years and up. There was a lot of laughter in the back of the auditorium. One of the funniest characters was Bugsy, the hamster. However, it would not be for kids who were very active because they might act out all the inappropriate parts. There were some immodest clothes when they went to the beach. I am aware that they were swim clothes, but they were kinda un modest. Some of the language was not words you would want your child to repeat. There were no swear words, but some words were not exactly good words.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
David, age 11 (USA)
Positive—I went to see this movie with my boyfriend. We both thought that it might be a little childish, but actually this was a great movie, and we both loved it! It was Awesome!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Haley, age 16 (USA)
Positive—I really liked this movie because of it’s quirkiness and almost randomness. Not a single cuss in the movie and I liked that. No sexual jokes (unless you take “buttkiss” as sexual). The women in the movie are to my dismay showing an excessive amount of cleavage when wearing dresses and at the birthday party a back shot is showing of a skimpy-dressed vegas-style line dancer. Mostly good throughout the whole film. I like that he sort of goes through a pseudo-redemption in the film and ends up getting his dreams by not being selfish like his original motives were. Overall some subtle political “save the environment” themes are played throughout the movie. Final Word= Really Good!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Garrett T, age 15 (USA)
Neutral—The main problem I had with this movie was that it couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a kids movie or just another Adam Sandler movie. It would have been alot better if they had toned it down to a G rating. That said, I enjoyed the “bedtime stories coming true” part of the story very much, I thought it was very clever. But I could have done without the sleazy hotel girl, and the booger monster stuff. Overall I would probably tell families with small children to rent something else.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Katie, age 16 (USA)
Negative—I am sad to say that I disagree with nearly everything that the reviewer said. For one, as Christians aren’t we supposed to be measuring things according to what God says and not according to our 'family humor meter'? At the beginning, I thought this movie would be pretty good, but only ten minutes later I started to change my opinion. For what appeared to be a weird and fun kids movie in the commercials, was turning ill and lude humored .

This movie had quite a bit of innuendo, many shots of women in bikinis and low cut tops, and as for foul language, one character said the “h” word, and multiple characters took God’s name in vain. I know that our society thinks nothing of saying OMG or the like, but as Christians shouldn’t we rise above what the crowd thinks? For God himself put “Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain” in the ten commandments. If it really didn’t matter or wasn’t important, do you really think God would put it in the ten rules he gave us to live our life by?

Some said that it was okay to take children because the innuendo would go over their heads. But if there is something that has to go over a child’s head in a movie, is it something that we ourselves should really be watchinig?

Besides these things, the main character Skeeter is very disrespectful, selfish, and seems to always be thinking about how he is going to get a girl.

Looking at this movie as strictly entertainment, it was pretty entertaining but still lacking. The story itself had little substance and it’s movies like this that remind me that Disney is quickly running out of good ideas. The guineau pig that looked cute in the commercials was in the movie way too much and came in at the most random times. When Bugsy was first introduced it was pretty funny, but after that it seemed like the only reason he kept showing up was to force laughs out of the audience and I no longer found him funny.

If you are still reading this review after all of this negativity, two positive things I can say are that it was refreshing to see that the couples actually got married, at least keeping the value of marriage, and the bit about the bedtime stories the kids’ overprotective mother read to them was really funny.

Other than that, I don’t really think this movie is good for anyone because you have to sit through all of the bad stuff for a tiny bit of good, but if you really want to see it I would wait until it comes to your local library so you can get it for free and not waste your money on renting it. Also make sure you go to the closest library possible so that you don’t waste too much money on the gas it takes to get there.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Sarah, age teen (USA)
Positive—This was a fun movie for all ages that I would totally see again. There are many funny parts and it is not crude like some of Adam Sandler’s other movies. The story was fun and the film made me and my family laugh.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Maddie, age 15