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Today’s Prayer Focus
  • Adrien BrodyAdrien Brody, age —“The Brutalist,” “Predators,” “Splice,” “Hollywoodland,” “Copyright, Big Ideaclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Big Idea Copyright, Big Idea Copyright, Big Idea Copyright, Big Idea Copyright, Big Idea Copyright, Big Idea Copyright, Big Idea Copyright, Big Idea
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    CONTENTMENT—Be satisfied with life’s simple pleasures—good health, good friends, and appropriate times of work, play, and rest instead of always wanting something more.

    FAME AND RICHES—Is it more important to become rich and famous than to love others?

    LOVE FAMILY—Make your family a priority / importance of time spent together with your family

    LOVE NEIGHBORS—What it means to be friendly and helpful to neighbors

    GIVE PRAISE—Help build confidence in others by applauding their efforts in family projects and chores.

    ENCOURAGEMENT—Giving encouragement to others, instilling in them a balance of confidence and humility.

    FORGIVENESS—Realize that there are consequences for misdeeds, but be willing to forgive others.

    God’s forgiveness of sin

    GOD’S FORGIVENESS—How can I be and feel forgiven? Answer

    GUILT—If God forgives me every time I ask, why do I still feel so guilty? Answer

    UNCONDITIONAL LOVE—Love your others as we expect to be loved ourselves.

    APPRECIATING DIFFERENCES—respect and celebrate the uniqueness of each family member as well as other individuals

    Christmas movies
    REVIEWS of “Christmas” movies

    Kid Explorers
    Adventures in the rainforest! Learn about the Creator of the universe by exploring His marvelous creation. Fun for the whole family with games, activities, stories, answers to children’s questions, color pages, and more! One of the Web’s first and most popular Christian Web sites for children. Nonprofit, evangelical, nondenominational.
Featuring Phil Vischer … Bob the Tomato / Morty Bumble (Mr. Lunt) / Stewart’s Dad (Mister Nezzer) / Jim Gourdly / Percy Pea / Silly Song Announcer (voice)
Lisa Vischer … Junior Asparagus / Mom Asparagus (voice)
Alan Lee … The Conductor (Gabe the Squash) (voice)
Stevey Joy Ru Chapman … Emma Green (voice)
Keri Pagetta … Linda Dulce / Barney Green / Mrs. Josephson / Choir and Extras (voice) (Keri Pisapia)
Lilly Carter … Maggie Greenman
See all »
Director Brian Roberts
Producer Big Idea Studio
Distributor Big Idea
Anderson Digital

“Life is more than a game…”

Stewart (Larry the Cucumber) is playing for the home team in the biggest football game of the year, but, by an unfortunate series of circumstances, misses the ball and his friend Morty becomes the hero instead. All his dreams of fame and fortune are gone in an instant.

Fast forward fifteen years and he is now happily married, raising a family and running his father’s toy train factory. He coaches a kids football team, is beloved by his workers and counts everyone in town as his friend. What more could anyone want?

Regret enters his life when the now legendary Morty, or Bumble Bee as he is now known, returns with plans to retire and buy Stewart’s factory. Stewart can’t build the toys fast enough to keep the factory open and is alone at the football stadium talking out loud to God when a mysterious train pulls up in front of him, and he is whisked away.

The conductor explains to him that the train is the “What If” express, and he takes him on a journey to see what his life would have been like had he caught the ball, how the towns people would have been changed by this, and finally to choose the path he wants for the rest of his life.

With only one night left before their Christmas deadline, what’s a cucumber to do?


There is no objectionable content in this film. To the contrary, there were several lessons that are clearly taken from the Word of God.

Fame and glory seem to go hand in hand with pride and arrogance. This is typified by the returning hero “Bumble Bee” and contrasted with God-fearing Stewart. Bumble Bee has little consideration for Stewart and even causes trouble with the workers as he plans to buy out the factory. The Word of God speaks of the products of both greed and arrogance.

“A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper” (Proverbs 28:25).

“The proud and arrogant man—“Mocker” is his name; he behaves with overweening pride” (Proverbs 21:24).

Stewart is, at first, envious of his lifestyle, but eventually comes to realize the folly of this.

“A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has discernment sees through him” (Proverbs 28:11).

Most of all, “VeggieTales: It’s A Meaningful Life” is about trusting that, as one of God’s children, God’s plan for your life is better than anything you can come up with, and so we should be content in all things. And, as Stewart’s little girl is reminded, “God’s plan for you is true”, or, as the prophet Jeremiah tells us,

“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

As the title might suggest, the film is rife with references to one of the most beloved Christmas movies of all time: “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Stewart, his very name a tip of the hat to Jimmy Stewart, is dressed like the George Bailey of the 1946 classic. Lines from the movie are parodied as well and, similarly, Stewart learns that all along he was the “richest man” in Rockwell.

“It’s a Meaningful Life” is both sweet and serious, as well as fun and meaningful. As encouraging as its namesake, every family should see this and remember that God has great plans for us.

Violence: None / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: None

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

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