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Reviewed by: David Criswell, Ph.D.
Moral Rating: | Extremely Offensive |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Adults |
Genre: | Spy Action Comedy Sequel |
Length: | 2 hr. 21 min. |
Year of Release: | 2017 |
USA Release: |
September 22, 2017 (wide—4,003 theaters) DVD: December 12, 2017 |
About spies in the Bible
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Featuring |
Taron Egerton … Eggsy Mark Strong … Merlin Julianne Moore … Poppy Colin Firth … Harry Hart Channing Tatum … Tequila Halle Berry … Ginger Michael Gambon … Arthur Pedro Pascal … Whiskey Jeff Bridges … Champ Elton John … Elton John See all » |
Director | Matthew Vaughn — “Kingsman: The Secret Service” (2015), “X-Men: First Class” (2011), “Kick-Ass” (2010), “Stardust” (2007) |
Producer |
Adam Bohling Dave Gibbons See all » |
Distributor |
Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ introduced the world to Kingsman—an independent, international intelligence agency operating at the highest level of discretion, whose ultimate goal is to keep the world safe. In KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE, our heroes face a new challenge. When their headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, their journey leads them to the discovery of an allied spy organization in the US called Statesman, dating back to the day they were both founded.
In a new adventure that tests their agents’ strength and wits to the limit, these two elite secret organizations band together to defeat a ruthless common enemy, in order to save the world, something that’s becoming a bit of a habit for Eggsy…”
Note: The prequel to this film, “Kingsman: The Secret Service” (2015), was Extremely Offensive.
What is funnier than seeing a man shoved into a meat grinder, seeing the ground meat come out the other end, made into a hamburger, and then eaten by his “friend?” Apparently, Hollywood doesn’t think anything is funnier than this, because this is the sampling of the kind of “humor” to be found in the sequel to the movie where spy “heroes” gun down and murder an entire church full of evil “right-wing” Christians. This time, their target is not Christians, per se, but America in general—anyone who opposes the legalization of drugs, and anyone from the South. Yes, “Kingsman 2” is a symbol of how evil our society has become.
Now the Bible warns us,
“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.” —Ephesians 5:11-12 NASB
Unfortunately, to review this film means to speak of these things which should not even be spoken. It is to expose a sickness that revels in hatred of everything good with a mockery that is only equaled in a prepubescent teenage locker room.
The plot revolves around a Drug Lord (Julianne Moore) who has poisoned her drugs to make them kill (as if drugs don’t already kill). When millions of Americans are diagnosed with the disease—whose gory effects are played for “humor”—the drug Lord offers the antidote on the sole condition that the President of the United States legalize drugs.
As it turns out, however, the President wants to kill off all addicts, so that he will “win the War on Drugs.” The Kingsmen must, therefore, combat not only the Drug Lord, but also a spy within the spies who is working to ensure that everyone dies of drug overdoses.
The film is filled with far more offensive material than could be cited, short of an encyclopedia. However, before even addressing the sex, violence, language, and gore, there is the propaganda and philosophy of the film itself.
There is a scene where the Drug Lord claims that sugar kills 5 times more people than cocaine. Such an outrageous claim is based on the idea that all heart disease it a direct result of sugar alone, but such an absurdity is apparent to every school child. Sugar, by itself, in limited quantities has zero harmful effects. Cocaine, on the other hand, lodges itself in your brain cells and kills them instantly. Every single cocaine crystal kills one brain cell apiece. Every time someone uses cocaine, they are killing brain cells. Kill the wrong brain cell and you die instantly. If not, you will slowly turn yourself into a badly brain-damaged individual.
Nevertheless, the Far Left now wants to legalize drugs. This movie is, in fact, nothing more than a grand advertisement for legalizing drugs.
SEX: In terms of moral (or rather immoral content), there is far too much to discuss here, but a summary of some of the “low-lights” is necessary. Among the worst is a pornographic scene in which one of the spies places a miniature camera on his finger and then sticks his finger down under a woman’s panties and shoves the camera inside her vagina. While there is no explicit nudity, it is clear what his finger is doing, and it is equally clear that the actress submitted to this, as there is no special effects, and it is obvious where his finger has been inserted.
VIOLENCE AND GORE: There is far too much to list. The scene of cannibalism has already been noted. There is yet another scene where the audience is shown a person ground up in the meat grinder. There are people’s eyes popping, numerous scenes of gunshots to the head or body, bloodied eye sockets where once were eyes, and a host of other violence in extended fight scenes.
LANGUAGE… of course. There are over 80 uses of the F-word, several dozen derogatory sexual reference, an equal number of scatological terms, and many abuses of the Lord’s name. Interestingly enough, one of the “humorous” parts of the film is when Elton John is kidnapped. Elton John spends most of his time shouting “F*** you” to his captors. Even more sad than this is the fact that Elton is clearly looking in very bad health.
If you have seen the commercials, then I assure you that you have seen the only good parts of the film. The marketers did a great job of fusing together scenes to make it look as if there is something worthwhile in the movie, but there is nothing beneath the extremely thin veneer. If it was possible to be more offensive than the first “Kingsman,” they found a way, but without the limited charm that existed in the first film.
I urge everyone to stay away from this evil film.
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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: no opinion