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  • Renée ZellwegerRenée Zellweger, actress, producer—“Judy,” “Leatherheads,” “Appaloosa,” “Miss Potter,” “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” “Chicago,” “Jerry Maguire,” “Down with Love” • Faith: apparently Liberal Christianity (raised Episcopalian) • Worldview: Progressive Liberalism
  • Jeff BezosJeff Bezos, Founder and Chief Executive of Amazon—top Internet site and major movie, music and book distributor. Bezos owns liberal newspaper The Washington Post and is a member of the Bilderberg Group • Faith: Secularism. Worldview: Socially Liberal Libertarianism, LGBT activism and major donor

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MPA Rating: PG-Rating (MPA) for some mild language and adventure/peril.

Reviewed by: Paul T. Andersen

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Family Adventure Drama
Length: 1 hr. 49 min.
Year of Release: 1996
USA Release: August 14, 1996
Copyright, Columbia Pictures, a division of Sony Pictures click photos to ENLARGE
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Copyright, Columbia Pictures, a division of Sony Pictures

Denali National Park, Alaska—1990s

Copyright, Columbia Pictures, a division of Sony Pictures

Family relationships

Missing father of two children

Airplane crash

Copyright, Columbia Pictures, a division of Sony Pictures

Young people coming of age

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Survival / Survivalist

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Poachers illegally shooting and killing polar bears

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Featuring Thora BirchJessie Barnes
Vincent KartheiserSean Barnes
Charlton HestonPerry
Dirk Benedict Jake Barnes
Don S. DavisSgt. Grazer
Duncan FraserKoontz
Gordon TootoosisBen
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Director Fraser C. Heston (son of Charlton Heston)
Producer Castle Rock Entertainment
Andy Burg
Carol Fuchs

“A missing father. A desperate search. An unforgettable adventure.”

As a father of four, I like the premise of this film. When dad is in desperate trouble and everyone has given him up for dead, his children come to his rescue against all odds. Overall, this is a enjoyable, outdoor action adventure that the whole family can enjoy together. With a couple of reservations (explained below), I recommend it as an uplifting viewing experience.

The movie is set in modern Alaska—moving from a remote, seaside village (populated by both whites and Native Americans) to awesome inland mountain wilderness. The whole film is full of beautiful aerial photography, huge vistas, glaciers, animals, and all kinds of great Alaskan scenery. A father and his two young teenagers have moved to the village from Chicago after Mom died. Jake Barnes (the father—played by Dirk Benedict), was an airline pilot flying 747s. Now he is part of a small air service, making a more meager but satisfying living as a bush pilot with a small Piper float plane.

Both he and his daughter Jessie (Thora Birch) have adapted well to the outdoor life. However, son Shawn (Vincent Kartheiser) is still in culture shock and is angry at this father for taking them so far from home. He is increasingly rebellious and even gets in minor trouble with the law.

Jake is very concerned and is trying to be a good father. In an emotional outburst, the son says to his father, “I wish you had died, not her.” The father clearly has done nothing to deserve this.

Moments later, just before dark, Jake is called away on an emergency flight to deliver antibiotics to a remote inland village. Alone, he bravely winds his way through the canyons and passes, but crashes in a sudden storm in mountain fog.

When Shawn realizes his father might be in trouble, he is instantly concerned and desperately regrets his last words. Search teams fail to locate the plane. When it becomes apparent that the authorities are giving up, Shawn and Jessie set out in a race against time to rescue father on their own.

Their search is hindered by a highly-equipped and crafty poacher (Charlton Heston), a young orphaned polar bear and their own inexperience in the extremely rugged wilderness.

Frankly, when I first saw that Dirk Benedict (the handsome, wise-cracking skirt chaser in “The A-Team” television series) was playing the father in “Alaska,” I was concerned. But in this film, Benedict takes on a completely different role, nothing at all like the A-Team character. He does a good job of playing a concerned and caring father.

“Alaska” contains a small amount of violence, integral to the plot, but all is handled tastefully. (A polar bear is shot, but we don’t actually see that. A bear cub defends itself against poachers by struggling and biting. A bad guy is accidentally shot with a tranquilizer dart and rendered unconscious.)

There is no vulgarity. A little bad language is included to express considerable emotional frustration (“d*mn,” “h*ll,” and “God”), but none of the language is gratuitous and all comes only from the bad guys and the rebellious son.

What I found most bothersome was the film’s promotion of the mystical Indian idea of “spirit guides.” Both a bald eagle and a bear are represented as having become “spirit guides” for characters in “Alaska”—watching over them and guiding them from danger. As a Christian, I am getting more than a little tired of Hollywood films reverently promoting the superiority of Indian mysticism. This film would have been better without it. A playful polar bear cub subtly becomes a “spirit guide” to Shawn in the story, leading him to the downed plane—although the boy does not realize it until near the end. He only finds father when he abandons his own instincts and trusts the bear, as a “wise” Indian suggested.

Thankfully, the significance of this will pretty much go over the heads of most kids—and the subject is not dealt upon or explained. Most kids will simply focus on how cute the daring little bear is.

Directed by Charlton Heston’s son, Fraser, “Alaska” is basically about coming of age and has various elements that commend it from a Christian point of view. The story takes a boy from rebellion and self-centeredness to self-sacrifice and genuine love in the end.

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The importance of not giving up is emphasized. Hard work and perseverance are rewarded. Evil is punished. Throughout the story, the daughter shows lots of concern for her often naïve brother.

The importance of family is promoted. Unfortunately, there is no expression of belief in God in this movie. God does not get credit for the beauty of nature, nor is He consulted in emergency—even by the father facing death. In the end, the boy thanks the bear “for helping me find my way.” Obviously, all people would much better find their way by following Jesus Christ, and not some cuddly polar bear.

The film is well photographed throughout. The scenery is beautiful and sweeping! The acting is good. There is some great action and suspense, and the humor is clean. “Alaska” will keep your kids attention, is enjoyable for adults, and is a better choice than many other “family” movies released in the 1996 season. It provides decent, clean entertainment. It should provide Christian parents with some good discussion time with their kids.

Article Version: September 16, 2024

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
We were planning to take the children to a movie this evening, and were able to find an appropriate movie thanks to your reviews. We chose “Alaska”, and being forwarned about the “Spirit guide” talk, were ready to counter it with comments and questions about the movie. Thanks for the help!
Lori Bush
I sure agree with the reviewer about the moviemaking community’s stampede to promote the mystical religious beliefs of Indians, not only in “Alaska,” but also remember; Pocahontas, Free Willey, Free Willey II, …and a myriad of adult dramas as well. Why is it okay to speak well of just about every religion and belief system, except the big, divisive, “C” word?
Tom Whitby, age 35
I decided to rent this one night for a family movie night. I have a 6 and 7 year old. My boys spent almost the entire time on dad’s lap terrible frightened by the “bad guys” and the intensity of the whole movie. My ears were constantly assaulted with words not acceptable in my house. Sure the scenery was breathtaking and the young man in the story has a change in character, but I was deeply disappointed at my movie choice for family night. I am amazed that you rated it so high.
Kevin Newkirk

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