Believers Among Us: The Last Letter (Episode 2)

Reviewed by: Douglas Downs

Moral Rating: Excellent!
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens Family
Genre: Christian Drama
Length: 1 hr.
Year of Release: 2004
USA Release:
Copyright, Power in Faith
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Power in Faith

What is FAITH and why is it important? Answer

What is faithfulness?

Learn about spiritual light

What is TRUTH? Answer

Distributor Power in Faith

“In life, you never know how the Lord will turn sorrow into joy, but you must have faith that he will.”

“I will turn their morning into joy. I will comfort them and give them gladness for sorrow” —Jeremiah 31:13

I know that this parent has found commercial television more offensive each year. Hollywood also continues to push the envelope with an alarming increase of offensive content in PG and PG-13 films. Is there any safe refuge left for our families? The answer to that question is honestly.not many. I do want to encourage you to discover a Christian TV series called “Believers Among Us”. This series is currently broadcast on a network called TCT or Total Christian Television. You can read more about this network at That’s right, you will not find this program on the regular networks. I do encourage you to make a wonderful, encouraging discovery. There are four episodes in this series that are currently available on DVD. You can read more about that at

Ralph Portillo is the president and director of the Christian film company Power in Faith. He is a father of two and created this series as an answer to the void of good programming with the right message. Each episode of “Believers Among Us” is designed to show how everyday people can live out their faith during difficult times. These touching stories reminded me of the dramatic power contained within past shows like “Little House on the Prairie” and “Highway to Heaven”.

“The Last Letter” is another example of this MOST refreshing Christian series to be produced in a long, long time. Ralph Portillo once again directs a compelling story of faith and trust. This visual testament opens up the sometimes confusing thing we call life. The content goes above and beyond the usual offerings of simple thoughtless plots. This story deals with a teenager struggling with peer pressure and the consequences of trying to fit in. John Patrick Jordan is cast again as the teenage son. He was Jason in the first release. He has also been in a few films and stared in two popular TV soaps (but don’t hold that against him).

Most popular movies show teens folding under peer pressure. Hollywood then goes on to justify or glamorize their actions. Not this time!

We are also confronted with a husband and wife who are currently separated in their relationship. The wife is pregnant and her military husband is missing in action. Her family tries to lend support, but this daughter is struggling with her faith. A senior adult, living alone, contributes in a touching manner to our drama. I really don’t want to spoil it for you. These three plot lines are carefully woven together in an authentic questioning of God and His interest in our lives. I once again strongly encourage you to discover this series. Your support will help more films like this become a reality.

Violence: None / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: None

See my review of the first film in this series: The Awakening

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

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