Please take a moment now to pray for these influential people (prayer suggestions).
Reviewed by: Douglas Downs
Moral Rating: | Offensive |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Teens Adults |
Genre: | Horror Thriller Sequel |
Length: | |
Year of Release: | 2005 |
USA Release: |
March 18, 2005 (wide) |
ghosts in the Bible
demons in the Bible
Is Satan a real person that influences our world today? Is he affecting you? Answer
DEMON POSSESSION and Influence—Can Christians be demon possessed? In what ways can Satan and his demons influence believers? Answer
FEAR, Anxiety and Worry—What does the Bible say? Answer
Featuring | Naomi Watts, Simon Baker, Sissy Spacek, Elizabeth Perkins, David Dorfman |
Director |
Hideo Nakata |
Producer | Laurie MacDonald, Walter F. Parkes, Mark Sourian |
Distributor |
“Fear comes full circle.”
Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “The story picks up six months after the horrifying events that terrorized Rachel Keller and her son Aidan in Seattle. To escape her haunting memories, Rachel takes Aidan and moves to the small coastal community of Astoria, Oregon, to start fresh. However, Rachel’s resolve quickly turns to dread when evidence at a local crime scene-including an unmarked videotape-seems eerily familiar. Rachel realizes that the vengeful Samara is back and more determined than ever to continue her relentless cycle of terror and death.”
It is true that God created the world and everything in it in six days. It is NOT true that if you watch a certain videotape the result is death in seven days.
Japanese film director Hideo Nakata created the original Asian blockbuster “Ringu”. The studios then hired Gore Verbenski (“Pirates of the Caribbean”) to adapt it for American audiences. The original “The Ring” was a creepy, but delightful thriller for fans of this genre. It was rated PG-13, and that has opened the door for many more scary flics to squeeze into the new liberal ratings boundaries. Alas, Mr. Verbenski is currently busy with Nicolas Cage and a movie called “The Weatherman”. No problem… Hideo Nakata was available to direct the sequel. Unfortunately, lightening will not strike twice for this creative director.
Many new horror films have tried to copy the suspense of “The Ring”. I was very disappointed to see this round of cinematic seconds borrow so much from “The Grudge”. I hate to disappoint you, but I saw this movie with lots of teens and young adults. They were quickly bored and even booed the presentation at the end.
I loved the original for all of its eerie jump moments. Yes, I’ll admit that I was scaaaaared. This time the jump moments were too predictable, but they did help keep you from dozing off. There were some frames recycled from the original. You remember the burning tree and the girl crawling out of the well. Mr. Nakata did leave the dancing ladder out this time. I understand that you needed to include those elements from the tape in the plot. I just couldn’t stop that feeling of “Been there. Done that.”
Namoi Watts returns as newshound Rachael Keller. She has moved out of the Seattle area to a quieter Pacific Northwest town in Oregon. David Dorfman also returns as her son Aidan. I know that Rachel thought that she left that videotape behind her. The unpaid “fright-fees” have found her in Oregon. Proving once can run from a videotape, but you cannot hide!
This killer video deal is as deadly as ever. Yes, once again, there are people stupid enough to watch the tape. Yes, there are plenty of scenes with the creepy dark-haired girl named Samara.
Quicker than you can say “The Sixth Sense”, Aidan has strong connection with this ghost. Just like being stalked by a “bad date”, Samara invades his dreams, turns up late at night in his room, and leaves burned handprints on his back. Let me tell you this, mom is not too happy with this girl. Rachael is now on a mission to kill the tape before it kills her son.
There is a back-story this time for poor Samara. You see, Mommy Dearest fans, it isn’t all her fault. Her mom, played by Sissy Spacek in a wig, attempted to murder her several times. She finally succeeded when she, you guessed it, dropped her in the well. That will do it every time. Samara now must crawl out of the murky depths and haunt our TV sets. Yes, the well has run dry on this story.
Yes, you can definitely add this film to your skip list. Don’t take my word for it. Only 26% of the National Film Critics liked it. Personally, I wish the filmmakers had spent more time on the plot and less time on the cheesy special effects.
Violence: Heavy / Profanity: Heavy / Sex/nudity: Minor
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.
The speed of this movie is thrilling, and before you recover from the last shock, the next one is waiting. In contrary to the first Ring, which was scary, but had not much of a story, this one is more mysterious…
My Ratings: Very Offensive/4