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Blades of Glory

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for crude and sexual humor, language, a comic violent image and some drug references.

Reviewed by: Patty Moliterno

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Sports Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 33 min.
Year of Release: 2007
USA Release: March 30, 2007 (wide—3000 theaters)
Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures
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Featuring Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler, Jenna Fischer
Director Will Speck, Josh Gordon
Producer Jeremy Kramer, Marty Ewing, Ben Stiller

“Kick some ice”

Chazz Michael Michaels (played by Will Ferrell) is an ice skater, one who is aggressive, crude, lewd, and a sex addict (by his own admission). Jimmy MacElroy (Jon Heder) is a child skater, adopted from an orphanage, and given the best money-and-science can buy to ensure that he becomes a gold medallist. When the two of them have to share a gold medal, a fight ensues on the podium at the World Championship Games, and they are banned from single men’s skating FOREVER.

3½ years later, we find Chazz working in a cheap Ice Capade-like group and Jimmy working for a skate shop. They both are miserable with their lives. When the two learn that they can skate in pair’s skating, they reluctantly team up to try to win a gold medal, and are coached by Craig T. Nelson. However, they have to watch out for the brother-sister pair of Stanz and Fairchild Van Waldenberg who refuse to let anything prevent them from winning the gold.

First, I need to say that this movie received a PG-13 movie “for crude and sexual humor, language, a comic violent image and some drug references.” There is so much that one can label crude that I could not even begin to list. As I watched the movie and took notes, I could not write fast enough to get it all down. With that said, I will try my best to outline the more severe points.

VIOLENCE: In the beginning of the movie, Chazz and Jimmy have a knock-down, drag out fight. They are shown with bloody cuts about the face. A mascot is caught on fire. When Chazz is working in the Ice Capades, people throw food at him on the ice. Jimmy kicks Chazz’s crotch, and later Chazz retaliates by kicking Jimmy in the crotch. Chazz slaps a woman on the rear end. A fuzzy film clip is shown of a ice skating move called the Iron Lotus—performed in North Korea, and the woman is shown with her bloody head coming off. The brother and sister Van Waldenbergs try to prevent Chazz and Jimmy from competing. Chazz is tied up in a warehouse, and Jimmy is handcuffed to a toilet stall. There is a chase scene between Stanz and Chazz. Stanz shoots at Chazz with a crossbow and hits a mascot.

NUDITY/SEXUAL CONTENT: In the opening scene, Chazz skates provocatively and grabs his crotch while skating. Women throw their bras at him on the ice. There is a woman shown with just her bra on. A TV clip shows Chazz posed for an adult film and in the magazine Maxim. Chazz is shown in his dressing room with several barely clad women. A man is shown pulling his pants down and sitting on a toilet. Both Chazz and Jimmy are shown in their underwear. Chazz walks around with a cloth tied around him exposing more than I cared to see. Chazz also sings parts of Lady Hump by the Black-Eyed Peas. Chazz attends a sex addicts meeting, and a woman has a revealing blouse on. There is a woman paramedic with an open top, revealing much cleavage.

LANGUAGE: There is excessive use of crude language. There were so many usages I lost track. Although I was surprised that the f-word was never used, there were many other words used continually. In addition to the swear words, the crude humor just kept coming. God’s name is taken in vain several times, as well as Jesus, and a reference to the Virgin Mary. If you are offended by language, this is not the movie to see.

OTHER: The sexual content and suggestions are also continuous in this film. Chazz is a sex addict. He continually talks about sex and his body parts. There are references to drugs, a skater is shown as Marilyn Monroe taking pills, alcohol is abused throughout the film, and there is a brother and sister shown kissing passionately.

There are a couple of moral messages that stand out in this movie. Chazz is absolutely miserable with his life. He is a self-proclaimed sex addict and abuses drugs and alcohol. He never is really happy until the end. Chazz and Jimmy develop a real friendship and Chazz is willing to walk away from a sexual encounter because of that friendship.

Chazz and Jimmy persevere and end up winning the gold. We can apply a lesson from the Bible where Paul tells us to persevere—“and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Jon Heder and Will Ferrell played their parts well, but this was a senseless, stupid movie, yet I enjoyed it. BUT—this is clearly an adult movie. There were plenty of 12-14 year olds in the theater without parental guidance, and I know I would not let my child see it. There is only one word that I can use to describe this movie—BIZARRE. It is rare when I see a movie that I personally find stupid and morally offensive and yet find myself somehow enjoying it.

Violence: Moderate / Profanity: Heavy / Sex/Nudity: Moderate

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—If you like Will Ferrell movies you won’t be let down. It is a funny movie. Period. A PG-13 comedy nowadays always has objectionable material, but nothing that will shock you. You should know what to expect from Will Ferrell, good and bad.
My Ratings: Offensive / 3½
Clark, age 20
Positive—…This movie was hilarious and a pretty tame PG-13, at least by Will Ferrell’s standards. There was barely any profanity, which I was actually shocked by. There was NOT one f-word nor any other very bad word. There was ONE g-damn. and one use of “deusch” and 's**t'. There might have been a few minor words such as “damn” or “hell” but nothing extremely loud or offensive. n terms of sexual content, this is the cleanest Will Ferrell PG-13 movie I have ever seen. Way more innocent than “Talladega Nights” and “Anchorman.” Seriously, the first 50-60 minutes are very tame in the sexual content/humor. So tame that it could’ve been a “PG” Disney family comedy. Then in one scene in the second half, it gets pretty dirty but it’s actually important to the plot (and it only happened because the main villains caused it) (SPOILERS AHEAD) : The villain’s cute younger sister is forced to try to seduce Will Ferrell’s character by wearing revealing lingerie-type clothing. He then grabs her breasts but feels very ashamed in doing so but the scene ends immediately after Jon Heder’s character discovers them (but even HE proclaims the act is “very impure” and “trashy,” and it is). Even the girl felt wrong and is very obviously feeling terrible for having to do it. And Even later, Ferrell’s character says loudly 'I’m sorry for doing it. The feeling I got felt was so wrong!' and a little later, he basically repents (seriously. it was pretty shocking to see that the movie was actually going against bad sexual acts unlike so many other movies) for doing all the bad sexual things he’s done in the past. He was miserable doing it. The film basically preaches that being a sex addict and doing trashy things is wrong. And the villains get what they deserve in the end. (SPOILERS END)

Should we not forgive characters such as Will Ferrell’s Chazz Michael Michaels? Come on guys, think about it. A lot of Christians go to church and everything, but they basically miss the whole point by practically hating anyone who does wrong or is of the world and not forgiving them, when in fact, forgiveness and loving others who even do the worst things is what God did and that’s exactly what he wants US to do. It’s our life’s mission right next to loving God with all our hearts. Remember Luke 6:36-38: 'Be merciful just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge others, and God will not judge you; do not condemn others, and God will not condemn you; forgive others, and God will forgive you. Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands—all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you.'

God forgave you for all the things you did, right? So why shouldn’t you do the same to others? Do they not deserve forgiveness? I’m positive there’s more examples in the Bible. You just need to crack it open.

Meanwhile, the movie is FUNNY. Very funny. I personally don’t find crude humor or comic violence offensive and it certainly wasn’t here (in my opinion) as it’s all in just good laugh-out-loud fun. This movie is a comedy and it makes you LAUGH. Laughter is good medicine. And when a movie makes you laugh out loud over two times, well my friend… that is one heck of a trick. This is a nice little film with some mild flaws. But for mature Christians, they can get past those flaws and enjoy the humorous story of friendship, love, forgiveness and teamwork. Go see this movie. It’s a lot of funny fun.
My Ratings: Average / 4
Derek, age 25
Positive—This movie was seriously hilarious. I laughed out loud plenty of times, enjoyed all the actors in their great roles, and loved the story. Like another reviewer said, it’s a funny little film about teamwork, forgiveness, and friendship. It may be offensive to some Christians, but this film is DEFINITELY wayyy more innocent than Will Ferrell’s past films, “Talladega Nights” and “Anchorman.” Mature Christians Only. And by Mature, I mean Christians who aren’t so easily offended by a few (hilarious, by the way) crotch hits, other comedic violence, and creative (although still possibly offensive) humor. You know that a good comedy can’t be done without a few of these jokes. Even such “innocent” comedies like “Nacho Libre” and “Napoleon Dynamite” have these kinds of “crude” and “sexual” jokes.

Will Ferrell and Jon Heder give great performances. They have excellent chemistry both when they’re battling each other, and when they’re not. Will Ferrell is so awesome as these characters. Chazz Michael Michaels is right up there with Ron Burgundy and Ricky Bobby …characters that Ferrell is so great at playing and audiences obviously love these characters and want more. I think that Jon Heder is finally past his Napoleon phase. I actually think he passed it up with “School for Scoundrels.” The only reason why people see him as Napoleon is because they still have the same voice. Heder is an entirely different character here and in “Scoundrels.” He’s finally past that phase.

The rest of the cast is excellent. Will Arnett just cracks me up. Even if he doesn’t tell a joke, his face for some reason just makes me laugh. Poehler plays a great villain and Jenna Fischer (from the wonderful “The Office”) plays an excellent uber-cutie girlfriend. Although I was a little disappointed they had to skank her up in one scene. She’s beautiful without showing skin. All in all, if you’re looking for a great comedy to see this weekend, then “Blades” is definitely it. If you could get past some of the rather “offensive” moments, you will enjoy it. It’s funny. Let the kids see “Meet the Robinsons” or whatever and all teenagers and parents see “Blades”! It’s a fun time!
My Ratings: Average / 4½
John, age 29
Positive—Absolutely brilliant, the best film I’ve seen in a long, long time. The film champions the cause of friendship, overcoming animosity, and confronting personal demons. Jimmy and Chazz begin the film as enemies, but when a shared desire to regain their lost pride brings them together, they begin to discover the importance of tolerance and belief in each other. Each man has difficulties that, for the sake of friendship, they must overcome: Chazz must overcome his lust and his excessive pride in his appearance, Jimmy must overcome his extreme personal hygeine and a phobia of germs, both in order to be there for his friend.

They are opposed by rival pairs skaters Stranz and Fairchild, who have emotionally blackmailed their sister into spying for them and thus helping them to cheat. When their sister, Katy, forms a romantic (non-sexual) relationship with Jimmy, the brother and sister urge her to use this relationship to break up Chazz and Jimmy by befriending Chazz and then sleeping with him, arranging beforehand for Jimmy to walk in at an inappropriate time. Despite his addiction to sex and extreme attraction to Katy, Chazz puts his friendship with Jimmy first and refuses to give in to his desires. Katy gains the strength of character to defy her manipulative brother and sister in order to ensure Jimmy knows the truth, and refuses to help them break up their rivals.

All in all, this film is a wonderful story of overcoming temptation and animosity, and puts centre stage the value of friendship, as well as providing a much needed reminder that male friendship does not have to be homosexual. Yes, there are near-sexual encounters in this film, but the whole point has been to subjugate them and prove that true friendship is more powerful and compelling than mere sex. The film also provides a moral illustration that cheating is not acceptable, and does nothing to ensure you will win.

Finally, I think it is worth noting also that Jon Heder (Jimmy MacElroy) is a practising Mormon who does not drink, smoke or curse, and will not work on a Sunday. He chooses his films carefully to make sure they are acceptable to his beliefs, and has proved he will make a stand against what he believes to be wrong. Whatever certain people may feel about Mormons (and I am not a Mormon, but Church of England), people should always be judged on their own actions rather than those of a group: and Heder’s actions and behaviour are, as always, exemplary. …
My Ratings: Good / 5
Laura, age 27
Positive—First off let me say that this is definitely not a Christian film and it is completely worldly with complete worldly humor. Will Ferrell is completely funny and this seems to be one of his funniest movies yet. This movie is so silly and does make you laugh. It does have a lot of perversion, cuss words and sexual content. No one should go to see this movie looking for some kind of moral anything, it’s just silly. Would God watch this movie? No, I don’t think so.
My Ratings: Offensive / 4
DonnaM, age 51
Negative—We left in the middle-my kids actually walked out before I did because they were so uncomfortable. The sexuality was just too out there-blatant to the point of not funny anymore. I expected this movie to be suggestive and quirky and downright tacky. This went way beyond. I’ve enjoyed Jon Heder’s films so this was very disappointing. Having watched all his movies, one could almost make a movie titled, “The Seduction of Jon Heder.” How unfortunate.
My Ratings: Offensive / 4
Susan DiSilvestro, age 51
Negative—About a good 75% of everyone who is going to read this review is going to probably hate me. They’ll read it all the way through, maybe see it themselves, come back to this review and think to themselves, “He got it all wrong.” But don’t worry I can take the heat, remember I am a critic who expresses my opinion and welcome any comments that divert from my take. It’s okay—I’m a big boy.

The start off let me say that this film was better than Will’s predecessor Talladega Nights but worse than Jon’s predecessor School for Scoundrels. Blades of Glory shoots up in the same vein as the former two movies as well as Ferrell’s “Anchorman” and Heder’s “Bench Warmers.” In other words, a crude-driven laugh bath that fails on most fronts to impress me. Drenched in the muck of just peer over-the-top sexual comments and actions and stupidity, I left the movie extremely unsatisfied wishing that perhaps I should’ve seen something else. The funny thing is, going into the movie I wanted it to be good. For months I have been silently promoting this film and awaiting it’s debut yesterday (even foregoing the Toby Mac Christian concert); but a mere fifteen minutes into the movie I knew that it would turn out just like the previous five films I mentioned.

I love Will Ferrell and think that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he is the funniest man that ever lived. Unfortunately, besides “Elf” and “Kicking and Screaming,” he has yet to really impress me. Whenever Ferrell squeezes into roles that normally don’t fit him (like Ron Burgandy or Ricky Bobby) it feels that he’s trying too hard to be funny and the comedy he lashes out feels forced—and at the same time unfunny. I truly believe that he’s got a gift for comedy; he just doesn’t do it right. Jon Heder is a classic, and I think that he’ll end up (crazy as this sounds) like a Tom Hanks-type actor. They both started out the same way (“Napoleon Dynamite” and “Splash” have consistent similarities) and act in the same tradition (whereas the comment “You can script that kind of acting” follows your every move on stage). Just like Hanks, though, Heder’s mixed himself in rather dull comedies that put him and his faith more to shame than help him along in his acting. Sure, he’s gaining popularity because of his quirky acting style; but I know that he’s so much better than this. They both are.

Heder and Ferrell’s performance together was a rather comedic chemistry. This was one thing the director and crew got right. It was just that the script they wrote was, well, “not so much.” I think I laughed like four times and the other times would just giggle at something that, looking back, I probably wouldn’t laugh about in real life. One particular scene had Ferrell leaving a message on Heder’s phone in regards to the fact that Ferrell didn’t exactly feel up Heder’s girlfriend in the breasts but rather considered it more of a “boob handshake.” I laughed, because at the time it was funny, but now I don’t think it was appropriate. This is the type of humor that paints a majority of the film. While there was parts to it that were original, it didn’t stand up well against the parts that weren’t.

I’m sure you have a good idea about the content to expect. It’s rated PG-13 mainly for crude and sexual humor; stuff like crotch-grabbing, crotch-smashing, semi-erotic kissing, cleavage, Will visits a sex addict class as he himself is one, Heder’s rather female dress and motif are seen as homosexual, and of course a barrage as other stuff. Language is kept down to a handful of minor to medium profanities. Gore and blood is surprisingly high for a comedy, as fist fights are rampant often leaving the duo with bloodied faces. One scene shows a decapitation by skates (from afar). Or in other words, what’s to be expected.

At times, I wanted to like this film—especially the aid of Heder’s girlfriend who was incredibly nice, charming, and beautiful. But even her actions ran up the eyebrow at times. No one got off a clean slate and you really had a tough time liking the characters, and initially the whole movie. Again, I know for a fact that most will view this review as a harsh take-down of what you’ll view as a smart young adult comedy, and again let me remind you that this only one person’s opinion. However, if you’ve noticed I’ve been around the block when it comes to movies scaling just over 230 in the past two years. I think it’s safe to say I know a stinker when I see one. …
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 3
Zachary Anderson, age 20
Negative—I took my two children ages 14 and 9 to view this film on opening night with a group of skaters and parents. Although there were some admittedly funny scenes, the crude humor overshadowed the film as a whole. As a PG-13 movie, I expected some sexual innuendos etc., but I was unprepared for the blatant, crude sexual content that pervaded the entire film. Another mother commented to me that she could not believe it did not get an R-rating. A lesson learned.
My Ratings: Offensive / 3
Greta, age 35
Negative—This was a disgusting movie. There was pretty much nothing but sex, both implied and outright. I wish I would have known that before going to see it. There were very few funny parts in the movie.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 2½
Nicole, age 19
Comments from young people
Negative—This movie was so Disgusting. It was filled with dirty perverted sex jokes. I will admit that I laughed quite a lot an that I got what I paid for (but going in I didn’t know I was paying for 93 minutes of smut). I went with some friends of mine including some female friends of mine and I honestly cannot remember a more uncomfortable situation in my life! Looking back, I feel embarrassed and almost ashamed that I did not walk out on this one! The fact that while I was leaving the theater I felt sick and almost Guilty (like when you really mess up) should say enough. Parents get the facts, review the movie before you let your kids go to a filthy movie like this. TEENS STAY AWAY!
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 4
Spenser, age 15
Positive—A very humorous film. One of Will Ferrel’s best, in my opinion. Will Ferrel and John Heder may very well be the next David Spade/Chris Farley comic duo. While the film could have have been more effectively edited to solve some pacing problems, it is still worth the price of admission. Content: Sexual Joking/Sexual Content is frequent. Violence is limited to one comic, yet graphic, scene of accidental decapitation, seen from a distance. Language is average to below average for a PG-13 film. The over-all moral of the film is a positive one.
My Ratings: Average / 3½
Chris Sosa, age 17
Neutral—This movie was gross, okay, let me get that out of the way. I’ve seen many comedies like this in the past, and even previous Ferrel movies, and have been totally okay with them. However, I felt a little gross watching this movie. I’m trying not to be a party killer, and while I laughed many times in the movie, I wouldn’t let kids see it, as the main review said. I commend the main reviewer for writing a very fair review, which separates content from entertainment value, bravo. If you’re an adult, or older teen, and are a fan of Ferrel, knock yourself out, this movie isn’t that bad. But its certainly not as 'family-friendly,' as other movies, even movies like “Click,” and “Talledega Nights.” But there are genuinely funny moments, and a very interesting premise. I also think the supporting cast gives a nice, funny set of performances. It’s up to everyone personally if they want to brave a lot of distasteful behavior to mine some good laughs.
My Ratings: Offensive / 2½
J5er, age 17
Negative—I did not want to see this movie from the very beginning, but was pulled into it with friends. One of my very strong Christian friends warned me about it, but yet, I walked in. Very bad mistake. I keep on seeing all of the Christians state how hilarious it was, this being true, but was God happy with this film? I felt, from a Christian perspective, it was totally and completely wrong. My group of friends, all being guys, loved it because it was “so hilarious!!” The reason I did not watch it in its entirety was because I had to walk out. In one scene, Micheal’s is holding a woman’s chest for a long while while talking to her. That was the scene where I knew God wanted me to walk out. I advise anyone going to see this movie that you should NOT go. It was very funny, and it had me laughing, but the crude humor in it was horrendous, and if you have any moral standings for Christianity, don’t go and see this movie.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 4
Alexis, age 15
Positive—Like most Will Ferrell movies this was extremely funny. If you liked “Anchorman” and “Talladega Nights,” you will love this movie. I can’t wait to see it again.
My Ratings: Average / 4½
Warren, age 15
Positive—I was not expecting the whole sex attic thing. But that’s what Will Farrell is all about. That is what makes him a good actor. This was a great movie…
My Ratings: Average / 5
Kevin, age 15
Neutral—Wow that movie was hilarious! But… typical of Hollywood, it had a lot of sexual references, some of them very offensive. There was a scene at a sex addict class where there is a bowl of condoms on a table. Sex is very frankly discussed, and Will Ferrel’s character is portrayed as extremely immoral and addicted to sex. A young woman is forced to seduce him in a very raunchy scene. A phone call is also full of innuendos. However, on a positive note, John Heder’s character’s relationship is extremely pure for Hollywood. The language is average, and there are a few scenes of comic violence. To the film’s credit, there was a ton of nonsexual humor that was straight up, rip roaring hilarious, but the sex was pretty offensive. I felt very guilty for laughing at a lot of the humor. So, for very mature teens, I’d say it’s fine, but definitely not for kids!!!
My Ratings: Offensive / 3½
Wes M, age 14
Negative—This was a very funny movie but, from a Christian perspective, I cannot recommend it. There was a lot of language and sexual jokes. There were a few very funny scenes, but, overall, it was not worth the price of admission.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 3
Shelby Purvis, age 16
Comments from non-viewers
I have never seen this movie and I never will. I am just APPAULED at this movie actually getting positive reviews from CHRISTIANS!! How different are we from the world if just sit there and actually laugh at the JUNK this movie is projecting??? In the Bible it tells us that part of pure religion is being spotless from the world. A big thing, too—Sex is a wonderful sacred thing enjoyed by a MAN and WOMAN and yet we sit here and laugh at sexual humor like it’s the funniest thing. God is not mocked—I have to wonder how much longer will He allow this sin to go on! Where are the Christians who actually take a stand for conservative standards? …There are ways to live separate from the world… we are to be in the world, but not of it.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 1
Melissa, age 18
I really wanted to see this movie—after all it looks sooo funny on the previews. I didn’t even make it into the theater to see it because of the language. …I don’t watch anything my kids can’t watch and with the 7 s-words, 12 a-words, 9 d-words, 9 sexual words, 7 h-words 1 “SOB” and 8 references using God’s name, I knew it wasn’t the movie for us. In another review I noticed it stated the movie was for “Mature Christians.” I prefer the scripture in 1 Timothy 4:12 where it says to be the example to the believers in words, faith, love, pure life and actions. I don’t believe that this movie falls into the category of setting a good example. I’m all for a good laugh but it’s disappointing that writers and filmakers think a good movie has to be sexual and littered with profanity.
My Ratings: Offensive / 3
Bobbie, age 34

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