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Tomb Raider

also known as “Tomb Raider: Las aventuras de Lara Croft,” “Tomb Raider: A Origem,” “Kapu plesike Lara Kroft,” See all »
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for sequences of violence and action, and for some language.

Reviewed by: Maggie Hays

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Young-Adults Teens
Genre: Action Adventure Fantasy 3D IMAX Reboot
Length: 1 hr. 58 min.
Year of Release: 2018
USA Release: March 16, 2018 (wide—3,854 theaters)
DVD: June 12, 2018
Copyright, Warner Bros. Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures
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Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures
Featuring Alicia VikanderLara Croft
Hannah John-Kamen … Sophie
Walton GogginsMathias Vogel
Kristin Scott ThomasAna Miller
Dominic WestLord Richard Croft
Daniel Wu … Lu Ren
Nick FrostMax
Emily Carey … Young Lara (Age 14)
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Director Roar Uthaug — “The Wave” (2015)
Producer GK Films [Great Britain]
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
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Films in this franchise

Lara Croft is a 21 year-old bicycle courier whose hobby is kickboxing. She is broke but her father, missing for seven years, has a huge fortune that would be hers if she only signs a document that acknowledges his death. In hopes of finding him, she retraces the adventure he took when she was only fourteen. This adventure turns out to bring her a lot more than she bargained for, as she must overcome one extremely perilous situation after another.

Clothing—Lara wears tight-fitting shorts and tank tops throughout the film. A hint of cleavage is obvious now and then, but is not overdone.

Language—There are two instances of implied, but not fully-spoken, f-words. There are about 15 various uses of the word sh*t, a couple uses of G*d d*mn, “for G*d’s sake”, also “fricken” (which is merely a toned-down form of the “F word”)

“Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' Anything more comes from the evil one.” —Matt. 5:37

Action—The action in this film is high-octane and almost relentless and may overwhelm younger children. Lara participates in a maddening bicycle race, early in the film, through city streets and perilous narrow-misses. There is a frenetic chase scene and fist-fight in Hong Kong. She encounters a horrific storm at sea. The thunder and lightning are ferocious, and I had to shut my eyes to prevent a migraine, which can be caused by flashing strobe-like lightning.

There are many intense fist-fights and cruel beatings. The villains are brutal and mercilessly kill sick slaves who cannot work. There are several cold-blooded murders of unarmed, helpless characters. There is an intentional drowning that ends a fight, a gruesome impalement, a suicide, and a flesh-disintegrating plague that causes a few characters to die in agony.

Disturbing images—Lara frequently suffers beatings, cries out in pain, screams, weeps, runs for her life, and nearly plunges to her death. Her facial expressions show pain, sorrow, and fear many times. Several other characters suffer various painful beatings and injuries. There are many cave skeletons in poses that reflect their unpleasant demise.

Frightening scenes—The storm at sea is terrifying in its intensity. There are a couple of dark scary basements, and several frightening caves. The tomb has grisly booby-traps that kill.

Supernatural components—Lara wears a “powerful lucky amulet” left by her mother. There are about fifteen references to “supernatural powers,” “a dark realm,” “magic,” “sorcery,” “an ancient curse,” and “a death queen.” The walls of the tomb abound with weird nightmarish images. Lara’s father admits he became “obsessed with the supernatural after his wife’s death.

There is no alcohol use shown in the film, though one man passes out from drunkenness and suffers through the resulting hangover.

The vile organization that hired the bad guys is called “Trinity.” I found it concerning that a word that is so strongly associated with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is given to a negative entity which seeks control over the supernatural and “wants to unleash untold evil upon the world.”

Positive Points—Lara and her father have a loving relationship and make great sacrifices for each other. “In humility consider others more important than yourselves” (Phil. 2:3). Lara is brave and loyal, athletic and intelligent. She perseveres through many trials and tribulations. Though there are many beatings and deaths in the film, there is almost no blood and gore. Many characters help each other and care for the safety and welfare of each other. The Dark Realm undertone involving the Death Queen never becomes the main focus of the film and is actually underplayed.

There are many scary scenes, situations, and images in this fast-moving movie. It is almost certainly too intense for younger children and could produce nightmares. Please take the PG-13 rating seriously. This movie isn’t for 9 or 10 year-old kids.

  • Violence: Very Heavy
  • Profane language: Minor
  • Vulgar/Crude language: Minor
  • Nudity: Minor
  • Sex: None

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Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I enjoyed this movie. Not great from a Christian perspective, lots of magic and supernatural, but that is to be expected for this movie. I thought that the main actress did a good job as Lara Croft, and the other actors did a good job also in their parts. The special effects were good. I have played the “Tomb Raider” games in the past, and the filming was similar to the effects in the games. If you liked the games, I think you would like the movie. Don’t expect deep character development or a good moral story, though.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Luke, age 56 (USA)
Positive—I enjoyed “Tomb Raider” 2018. I love Alicia and want to see more of her as Lara Croft. She’s perfect!! Believable heroine. This movie was well filmed and directed. Plenty of action, mystery and adventure. Special effects were very good. Bring on part two!! Alicia you’re perfect as Lara Croft!! Come back Alicia!!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Sam, age 59 (USA)
Negative—I watched the first hour and then walked out. You seriously could not watch a movie just to see a woman running around in skimpy clothes. I expected this to be a really decent action film, considering the change that Hollywood was presently going through. But, seriously, you really feel pity for the leading lady. Don’t watch this if you know money’s worth.
John, age 22 (USA)
Negative—Movie was about a little girl with a squeaky voice when afraid or startled, unbelievable plot and heroine. Nothing in the way of gun training; all luck, as if there is such a thing. She did way better in “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.;” put her in a dress and have act like a girl, her forte. And please, no foul language.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Bill, age 67 (USA)

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Comments from non-viewers
Neutral—Although I haven’t seen this—and it does appear unsuitable for a family audience, as most PG upwards films these days—it has been brought to my attention that the actress” costume does include a Boys” Brigade belt/buckle, so therefore a cross is in evidence.
Dirk Wickenden, age 50 (United Kingdom)

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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