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Do real scientists believe in Creation? Answer

Why do so many scientists endorse Evolution? Answer

How is it possible for reasonable, intelligent, well-educated people to hold such diametrically opposite views as Evolutionism and Creationism? Answer

Who's Who? in Creation/Evolution

Creationists holding science doctorates

partial list, in alphabetical order

  1. Agard, E. Theo
  2. Allan, James
  3. Anderson, Kevin
  4. Armstrong, Harold
  5. Arndt, Alexander
  6. Austin, Steven
  7. Barnes, Thomas
  8. Batten, Don
  9. Baumgardner, John
  10. Bergman, Jerry
  11. Boudreaux, Edward
  12. Byl, John
  13. Catchpoole, David
  14. Chadwick, Arthur
  15. Chaffin, Eugene
  16. Chittick, Donald
  17. Cimbala, John
  18. Clausen, Ben
  19. Cole, Sid
  20. Cook, Melvin
  21. Cumming, Ken
  22. Cuozzo, Jack
  23. Darrall, Nancy
  24. Dewitt, David
  25. DeYoung, Donald
  26. Downes, Geoff
  27. Eckel, Robert
  28. Faulkner, Danny
  29. Ford, Dwain
  30. Frair, Wayne
  31. Gentry, Robert
  32. Giem, Paul
  33. Gillen, Alan
  34. Gish, Duane
  35. Gitt, Werner
  36. Gower, D.B.
  37. Grebe, John
  38. Grocott, Stephen
  39. Harrub, Brad
  40. Hawke, George
  41. Hollowell, Kelly
  42. Holroyd, Edmond
  43. Hosken, Bob
  44. Howe, George
  45. Humphreys, D. Russell
  46. Javor, George
  47. Jones, Arthur
  48. Kaufmann, David
  49. Kennedy, Elaine
  50. Klotz, John
  51. Koop, C. Everett
  52. Korochkin, Leonid
  53. Kramer, John
  54. Lammerts, Walter
  55. Lester, Lane
  56. Livingston, David
  57. Lopez, Raul
  58. Marcus, John
  59. Marsh, Frank
  60. Mastropaolo, Joseph
  61. McCombs, Charles
  62. McIntosh, Andrew
  63. McMullen, Tom
  64. Meyer, Angela
  65. Meyer, John
  66. Mitchell, Colin
  67. Morris, Henry
  68. Morris, John
  69. Mumma, Stanley
  70. Parker, Gary
  71. Peet, J. H. John
  72. Rankin, John
  73. Rosevear, David
  74. Roth, Ariel
  75. Rusch, Wilbert
  76. Sarfati, Jonathan
  77. Snelling, Andrew
  78. Standish, Timothy
  79. Taylor, Stephen
  80. Thaxton, Charles
  81. Thompson, Bert
  82. Thomson, Ker
  83. Vardiman, Larry
  84. Veith, Walter
  85. Walter, Jeremy
  86. Wanser, Keith
  87. Whitcomb, John
  88. White, A.J.(Monty)
  89. Wilder-Smith, Arthur Ernest
  90. Wile, Jay
  91. Williams, Emmett
  92. Wise, Kurt
  93. Wolfrom, Glen
  94. Zuill, Henry

Leading Evolutionists

partial list, in alphabetical order
  1. Asimov, Issac
  2. de Beer, Gavin
  3. Darwin, Charles
  4. Dawkins, Richard
  5. Dobzhansky, Theodosius
  6. Gould, Stephen Jay
  7. Haldane, J.B.S.
  8. Hawking, Stephen
  9. Hoyle, Sir Fred
  10. Huxley, Aldous
  11. Huxley, Julian
  12. Mayr, Ernst
  13. Patterson, Colin
  14. Russell, Bertrand
  15. Simpson, George
  16. Waddington, C.H.

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