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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

also known as “Indiana Jones 5,” “Indiana Jones a disk osudu,” “Indiana Jones a nástroj osudu,” “Indiana Jones a Nástroj osudu,” See all »
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for sequences of violence and action, language and smoking.

Reviewed by: Raphael Vera

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Young-Adults Adults
Genre: Action Adventure Sequel IMAX
Length: 2 hr. 34 min.
Year of Release: 2023
USA Release: June 30, 2023 (wide release)
DVD: December 5, 2023
Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Harrison Ford’s final portrayal of fictional archaeologist Indiana Jones and the end of the Indiana Jones franchise

Ford was digitally de-aged for the film’s 1944 opening sequence to depict his appearance during the first three Indiana Jones films.

Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

“Dial of Destiny” is the only film in the series that is neither directed by Steven Spielberg nor written by George Lucas.

It is also the only film in the series not to be distributed by Paramount Pictures, following Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm that transferred film rights for future sequels.

Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

The film's MacGuffin, the fictional Archimedes Dial, was inspired by research that director Mangold conducted into the Antikythera mechanism. Artistic liberty was taken with the film’s dial to suit the story. The dial is named after Greek inventor Archimedes, who is believed to have played a role in the creation of the real Antikythera.

Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Evil Nazi plan to replay history to win WWII

Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Featuring Harrison FordHenry Jones Jr. / Indiana Jones
Karen AllenMarion Ravenwood
Phoebe Waller-BridgeHelena Shaw
Mads MikkelsenDr. Jürgen Voller
Boyd HolbrookKlaber
Antonio BanderasRenaldo
John Rhys-DaviesSallah
Toby JonesBasil Shaw
Billy PostlethwaiteProf. Donner
Thomas KretschmannColonel Weber
See all »
Director James Mangold
Producer Lucasfilm
Walt Disney Pictures
See all »

In the final days of World War II, Nazi’s are scrambling to escape with as much of their stolen treasures as they can. Indiana Jones and his partner, archeologist Basil Shaw (Toby Jones), are after one of those treasures and end up with a part of the fabled ‘Archimedes Dial’. An artifact that Schmidt, a Nazi physicist, believes may unlock passages through time and make the owner god.

Fast forward to 1969, and the United States is celebrating the return of the Apollo 11 astronauts from the moon. But for Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) it’s just another day of teaching a room full of disinterested college students. After class, Helena Shaw (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) the daughter of his old friend enters his life after not seeing him for almost 18-years. She is on a quest to find the Archimedes Dial, but so are a group of heavily armed Germans working for Dr. Jürgen Voller (Mads Mikkelsen).

“…Dial of Destiny” thrusts a retiring Indiana Jones back into an adventure that will take him to Tangiers and beyond in search of the lost treasure. Indy’s goal is mainly to keep it from being sold on the black market and put it where it belongs, namely in a museum. However, his god-daughter is not exactly as she appears and has very different plans, as does the decorated German physicist Voller (aka Schmidt) who uses the men at his command to kill anyone that stands in the way of his destiny.

Objectionable Content

VIOLENCE: Heavy. The death toll is heavy and varied including people being shot, crushed, impaled, burned, thrown from moving cars, crashing, exploding, and there is an attempted hanging. Schmidt’s henchmen are as cold blooded as the Nazis they revere and are shown heartlessly shooting bystanders and even comrades at point blank range. A young boy is shown killing one of the Nazis by drowning.

LANGUAGE: Moderate. The Lord’s name is taken in vain in the form of J*sus (1), G*d (3), G*d-d**n (1), d**n (2), p*ss (1), and h*ll is exclaimed the most throughout the film (9 times), several times comically as during an anti-war protest when it is chanted, “H*ll no we won’t go!”. Admittedly the film has a lower than average number of curses when compared to most PG-13 rated films. Helena refers lasciviously to a shirtless man as “promising”.

SEX/NUDITY: Mild. There is no sex or nudity shown and only one instance of gentle kissing. Helena is shown twice ogling men in unnecessary, throw away scenes. Indy is shirtless when he first wakes up and one of the divers is shown shirtless as he is getting into his wet suit.

WOKENESS: Moderate. In one scene they are arguing over who the Archimedes Dial belongs to, and Helena sums it up by saying everyone steals from everyone, “That’s capitalism!”. Helena is the epitome of the strong empowered feminist who can duke it out, gamble and drink with the best of them and dates gangsters. Several times Helena is shown doing stunts that border on so improbable that even a younger Indiana Jones would be hard pressed to get away with them. The concept of “my truth” is subtly touched upon by our hero, but more on that later.


There are several themes that are woven throughout the film that bear spiritual significance including that of idolatry, faith and marriage.

IDOLATRY. At its core almost everyone in the film idolizes something. Helena and her teenage sidekick, Teddy (Ethann Isidore), idolize money. Archimedes, as he is presented here, held mathematics in such high regard that he believed he could predict and even use nature itself. Schmidt worships power and hopes the artifact can literally make him a god as he would have mastery over time and in turn the world.

“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.’ —Colossians 3:5

There is an unexpected side affect of having such a passion for the temporal things of this world:

“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.’ —Jonah 2:8

FAITH. As Indiana Jones says to Helena, “I’ve come to believe it’s not so much what you believe, but how hard you believe it.” Indy is suggesting here that the subject of your belief (faith) is irrelevant, that what matters more is the strength of your conviction. Following this ‘logic’ your ‘belief’ can and will create or manifest the results or reality that you desire.

Believing that you can alter your personal reality and that truth is not absolute and can be determined by your whims, is fundamental to the “my truth” mindset that many have been lied to by the world’s media and academia.

Bottom line, if you are seeking truth there is only one answer that will give you the peace, in this life, and the joy in the hereafter with God our Father in Heaven.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ —John 14:6

The benefit of knowing the truth was also known by Dr. Martin Luther King when he quoted John 8:32, in saying,

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Scripture further explains that,

“We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.’ —1 John 4:6

MARRIAGE. During a low moment in Indiana’s life, he realizes that if he is alone, who does he have to live for? From the very beginning God did not create us to be alone.

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” —Genesis 2:18

In fact, God created marriage for our happiness, as well as holiness, but that is a longer discussion for another time.

“For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your sons marry you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.’ —Isaiah 62:5

“Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” sees Harrison Ford’s long-overdue return to his iconic role 15-years after his last turn in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” Today’s question is, are his adventures still worth the price of admission?

On the plus side, the character of Indiana Jones is easily the most developed and consistent character of the film, due in no small measure to Harrison Ford’s on-screen presence and charisma. The same cannot be said of Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Helena, whose transition from very unlikeable foe to dependable ally is unconvincing. Vital lines of exposition and heartfelt moments could have been used to explain her change of heart, but without those scenes the character comes off as conflicted and the tonal shifts sometimes jarring. As a character we are meant to like, Teddy (Ethann Isidore) should have been better developed.

John Williams returns to masterfully score Indiana Jones, and it is difficult to imagine an Indy film without him or Harrison Ford, although no new themes stood out or were noticed by this reviewer. What was noticeable was the poor CGI at times, such as when Indy is running atop the train.

Fantasy and adventure films often ask for some ‘suspension of disbelief’ to make occasional plot contrivances work, but done too often, as it happens here, pulls the audience away from immersing in the story. One cannot learn how to fly a plane after hearing someone describe all the steps needed, no more than you can play a flight simulator program and successfully take off on your own. “Dial of Destiny” needed some judicious script doctoring before actual production. Let us hope there is a ‘Directors Cut’ in the future that addresses the film’s issues.

Closing Thoughts

“Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” has a touching emotional payout at the end for Indy that should please many fans, but may be brought low by comparisons to the earlier films featuring a younger, naturally more robust action hero. The movie is hampered by its narrative and woke elements, but manages to bring a satisfying final chapter to the Indiana Jones franchise.

  • Violence: Heavy
  • Wokeism: Moderate
  • Profane language: Mild
  • Vulgar/Crude language: Mild
  • Nudity: Minor
  • Drugs/Alcohol: Mild
  • Sex: None
  • Occult: None
Editor’s Note: The Progressive Liberalism activist, Feminist activist and Social Justice warrior producer Kathleen Kennedy is the primary power behind the construction of this film. She is the President of Lucasfilm (owned by Disney). She is well known to be an increasingly Woke Producer, and additionally Vanity Fair magazine called her “the most powerful woman in Hollywood.” Various observers believe she sees herself as the moral compass of the industry, ensuring that every film possible “conforms to the rigid guidelines of social justice, hardcore feminism, inclusivity,” and “Woke” political indoctrination. In doing so, she has alienated a significant number of Indiana Jones and Star Wars fans. Furthermore, she has made it publicly clear that she does not really care about fan complaints.

In this case, many fans are complaining that she has emasculateed “another beloved hero in the name of woke female empowerment” (one of Hollywood’s current mandates), and that “Waller-Bridge’s character [Helena] dominates the action at Indy’s expense”—turning Indiana Jones “into a ‘Damsel in Distress’ waiting for Helena to rescue him.” “Helena scoffs at the idea of being rescued by a man.” And she even knocks Indiana out cold with just a single punch.

John Nolte of Breitbart magazine expressed what he believes is happening, “Disney’s Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy has spent the last decade destroying everything she touches and has done so deliberately. She obviously hates what made Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Willow so iconic, and so, she used her shallow, divisive reactionary politics to express that hatred by defiling all three into something unrecognizable. …Our cherished hero [Indiana Jones] is reduced to a bitter incompetent while Phoebe Fleabag Waller-Not-Cates is allowed to Mary Sue all over the place. Kennedy took the formula that killed Star Wars and murdered Indiana Jones. …And how did Kennedy kill Willow? She took a fantasy property aimed directly at your children and turned it into a grooming property filled with adult sexuality, including homosexuality, queerness, and transsexuals.”

In regards to recent Star Wars films, award-winning film critic Christian Toto has said, “Star Wars fans blame the saga’s woke mindset for its descent, and they have a point. ‘The Last Jedi’ featured two Mary Sue characters — Rey and Rose Tico — a pointless, anti-wealth screed and a female leader dressing down the saga’s new Han Solo-esque character, Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac). ‘Solo’ introduced a woke robot, L3-37, and made Lando Calrissian pansexual. The big irony? Team Disney fired Gina Carano, the popular, empowered heroine from ‘The Mandalorian’ for being too contrarian on social media.” Reviewer James Carrick noted this irony, “Indiana Jones has witnessed the wrath and healing powers of God first-hand. Yet in this movie, he utters the meaningless Leftist platitude, ‘It’s not what you believe but how hard you believe.’”

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Has time passed by Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford)? In ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,’ professor and archeologist races against time to retrieve a legendary dial that can change the course of history. Accompanied by his goddaughter Helena Shaw (Phoebe Waller-Bridge), Indy must square off multiple times against Jürgen Voller (Mads Mikkelsen), a former Nazi who works for NASA.

Arriving in theaters 15 years after the much-maligned ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,’ ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ will dig up an estimated $60 million in its domestic box office weekend debut, a concerning launch for the fifth and last installment in the famed adventure-action series, according to Variety.

With a staggering $295 million budget that does not include marketing costs, Disney and Lucasfilm’s long-delayed film received a B+ CinemaScore, but garnered tepid reviews (68 percent on Rotten Tomatoes compared to 77 percent for “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”). On the bright side, the movie drew an 88 percent positive audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, The Hollywood Reporter noted.

Critics have been vicious in their reviews, but don’t believe their anti-hype. The movie is a fun, nostalgic, action-packed romp with plenty of callbacks to the iconic series that’s a perfect sendoff for Ford’s final turn as the legendary, hero archaeologist.

Sure it’s no “Raiders of the Lost Ark” or “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” (the most Christian-based entry in the series), but “Dial of Destiny” is definitely better than “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.”

Although not entirely family-friendly, the PG-13 rated “Dial of Destiny” features strong moral worldview and redemptive content, including three references to Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.

The movie espouses the importance of family, bravery, teamwork, doing the right thing and opposing evil and dictatorial plans. On the negative, the film is tainted by some foul language and several disturbing murder scenes, including some bloody content.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Positive—I thought this was an action packed, enjoyable movie from start to finish. The only real complaint I had was character development. For the new characters coming into the movie there seemed to be a lack of connection meaning more time should have been given towards dialog etc. It was a bit sad at times as we see an aging Indiana Jones who seems a bit lost, but the ending was very nice. There were unbelievable stunts but I feel all of the movies have those.

For a PG-13 movie the language was minimal and to be honest with all the noise from the action it’s very hard to hear when it does occur. I saw nothing sexual in this movie except for two small comments that were very mild.

I didn’t feel that I was getting fed a woke agenda. It may be that I don’t look for that typically so it would really have to stand out for me to notice.

I do believe it’s worth seeing on the big screen.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Miranda, age 48 (USA)
Positive—While I agree with all the issues/cautions/concerns noted in the review, in general I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Yes, it’s one more example of “girl power”/feminism, but:

Indy is old. He knows it, and it limits his abilities. But there are flashback sequences that show him in his heyday. And for an old man he does quite well (a lot better than I would, anyway!). So it’s not quite so jarring that this vigorous young woman would outperform him physically.

Other than that the film is quite well done. Fun, exciting, humorous, and with a very touching ending for Indy. Not for small children, but well-grounded teens and above might enjoy it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jeremy, age 68 (USA)
Positive— “Dial of Destiny” was a fun, enjoyable, action packed movie. Nothing very unique about this film, but still a good movie. Harrison Ford gave a superb performance. As a New Yorker myself, I loved the scenes of New York City and the subway system being shown in the movie. The Time Travel twist in the plot was very well done. What I really liked about this film were the references to Christ; Christ was referenced as a real historical person in this movie, because the fact is Christ was a real historical person. Jesus was and is God in the Flesh, God the Son, the Son of God, the Messiah, Second Person of the Trinity, fully God and fully man, fully human and fully divine, the Hypostatic Union.

Even the Ending Credits music was excellent and entertaining. This movie was worth the wait, and makes me personally wish for a 6th installment in the Indiana Jones franchise.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jeff Andrew Winters, age 43 (USA)
Positive—Peeps have been saying how poor this film is but I liked it. I haven’t been able to say that often about 21st century films. It’s certainly better than the fourth film. It’s entertaining and the diegesis does acknowledge Indy’s (and Ford’s aging). It was good to see some old friends again and the Helena character wasn’t as annoying or woke-driven as I was led to believe. I could say more about the film but I don’t want to use spoilers. It is good that the films continue to portray Jesus as the real life historical figure he was. Whilst the violence was pretty heavy, it wasn’t any more graphic—maybe even less so—than the classic Indy films. And it’s good to hear a proper film score again!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Dirk Wickenden, age 55 (United Kingdom)
Positive—SPOILERS AHEAD!!! I liked Helena Shaw. She was very maternal in a way with Teddy. I would have rewritten some of their scenes. I did not like Mason. She was annoying throughout. I was thrilled when she was killed. An article I read this morning said that Jurgen said some “racist microaggressions” to a black butler, but I heard nothing of the kind. I loved the nods to the previous four installments. The second trailer had some lines which were whipped out of the final cut, which annoyed me.

This was the second time I saw an Indiana Jones photoplay in the cinema. My first time was when “Raiders of the Lost Ark” was re-released just afore “Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” was released, and it was a dream come true watching this action adventure in theatres. I had seen it multiple times on videocassette and then on DVD. But viewing it for the first time in widescreen was amazing. And I stayed through the end credits to hear the music written by John Williams. I did the same thing when the credits began for this fifth (and sadly final) adventure. But the franchise ended on a high note, even though I would have loved to see Steven Spielberg’s original vision when he waa still going to direct it. I wonder what Renee Wilson found so “offensive” about her final scene that she asked James Mangold to change it. I wish the lines in the second trailer which were not in the final cut had been kept in. However, I loved this installment.

Biblically speaking, there is one barely audible instance of blasphemy, mild profanity, intense sequences of violence which are mostly bloodless, and smoking.

See Indiana Jones” last ride in cinemas.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
D, age 37 (USA)
Positive—The new Indiana Jones—the 5th and last one—is an exceptionally good movie that exceeded my expectations! If you appreciate old-fashioned Biblical values, this 2023 movie is a rare film that doesn’t upset those sensibilities. The movie is not only an absolute blast—very enjoyable for the entire 2½ hour run time—but it actually teaches true Biblical values, like the immorality of theft and deception, and the foundational importance of marriage and family. How many Hollywood movies teach these things nowadays? The movie had some action violence, but no sexual content, and no substantial language either.

But you probably are looking to see this movie because Indiana Jones movies are exciting and fun to watch—and “Dial of Destiny’ is both of these things. 2008’s “Crystal Skull’ was neither exciting nor fun; it was also really weird, with a lousy script, uninteresting new characters, and uninspired direction. “Dial of Destiny,’ by contrast, has a great script, with real ideas, sharp dialogue, a great new character in Helena (who, thankfully, remains fully clothed the entire film, even for the diving sequence—no immodest bathing suit), a superb Nazi villain in the form of Voller, and great action sequences, and it is sensationally directed by James Mangold—better than Spielberg did with the last one! What can beat having Nazis as the villains? And the opening feels right out of the original trilogy. This movie is now the third-best Indiana Jones film, after Raiders and Last Crusade. Do yourself a favor and see it on a big screen while you still can!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Mark (Faith: Judaism), age 43 (USA)
Neutral—I appreciate how balanced this review is. It covers all of the key elements of the movie. But more importantly it gives both the good and the bad about the movie. Just as much as there can be objectionable content there can also be important lessons. Overall, I feel like this movie does uphold the dignity of the human person as that’s a through line of most Indiana Jones movies. There isn’t a ton of nudity or language. That being said there is a fair bit of violence. While some of it is totally unnecessary it is an action movie and I think it helps get across the reality of horrors associated with the Nazis and what they stood for.

In this movie both of the main character, Indy and Helena, are super hotheaded. They both tend to not think before they act. Helena especially never thinks first and doesn’t realize or ever consider the consequences of her until the consequences happen. More than that she lacks prudence and only acts in her own self-interest.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: / Moviemaking quality:
Anne (USA)
Negative—This isn’t the most offensive movie to grace the theatres. You take a cliché of previously successful adventure movies, throw in a few characters from the previous editions, a badly constructed plot, idiotic new characters, and voilà, you have what passes for movie making in a sad modern age.

“Dial of Destiny” has no plot worth mentioning, no villain worth remembering and no quality dialogue which roils around your brain every time you remember a better film like The Last Crusade. I understand Harrison Ford is cashing in immensely, but even he should have been disappointed with the convoluted plot and contrived dialogue that only emasculates and humiliates one of the most iconic of fantasy characters in modern cinema.

There are moral issues about showing a young boy participate in the thefts and crimes of the main female character, Helena Shaw. A character whose dubious moral decisions and betrayal of Indy serve no purpose other than to make Indy want to try and reform her or “save her soul’ and there appears to be little of that to bother about. Her eventual reform and astonishing transformation into a better human being, keep in mind Acts 3:19, that we should “Therefore repent and return, so that our sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.’ is not convincing. Perhaps this is because Shaw is not a believer at all. A person totally unconvinced that “Money is the root of all evil.”

Inane chases in the opening moments of the film only seem to steal scenes from other movies like Disney’s Jungle Cruise. My favourite is the mentioning of dangerous eels with a legendary evil reputation; it may as well be a plagiarized take on The Princess Bride’s the Shrieking Eels the Fezig character amusingly describes. The eel scene in the ocean is utterly farcical.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Christopher, age 44 (Canada)

PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.

Comments from non-viewers
Neutral—Despite receiving a thumbs up from the Christian community, I don’t believe I would see this film myself, to wit:

“Violence: Heavy, Drugs/Alcohol: Heavy, Profane language: Moderate, Vulgar/Crude language: Moderate”

Just because a film might have dialogue and themes that may appear to be God-centric and Christianity related, doesn’t make it good. I often avoid violent films with bad language, increasingly so and I’m 55. There are certain films I liked when younger and may be in my DVD collection but I haven’t watched for years, given the violent content, which I find more offputting than ever and I don’t like bad language and blasphemy in general.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: no opinion
Dirk Wickenden, age 55 (United Kingdom)
Secular Movie Critics
…last and worst chapter… has a few clever ideas and some well-crafted action sequences, but the main plot line is creaky, corny and contrived, and the final action twist lands the story in such disastrous, B-movie territory that not even Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones can rescue it from collapsing in a dusty heap of mediocrity…
Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times
…I’m not sure how many fans want to see Indiana Jones as a broken, helpless old man who cowers in the corner while his patronising goddaughter takes the lead, but that’s what we’re given, and it’s as bleak as it sounds. …Gloomy and depressing… [2/5]
Nicholas Barber, BBC
…everyone’s feats look like insipid fakery. …
Kyle Smith, The Wall Street Journal
…ultimately rather joyless piece of nostalgic hokum. …minus the thrill… the exhilaration is gone…
Owen Gleiberman, Variety
…painfully short of spark… a shabby counterfeit …It ultimately feels like a counterfeit of priceless treasure: the shape and the gleam of it might be superficially convincing for a bit, but the shabbier craftsmanship gets all the more glaring the longer you look. …[2/5]
Robbie Collin, The Telegraph [UK]
…a charmless dud, with no apparent reason to exist other than the enduring appeal of the character. It might as well have been titled “Indiana Jones and the Quest for Cash”. …so riddled with awful computer-generated effects work that at times they almost look fully animated. Almost every shot in the movie looks like it was shot inside, in front of a green screen, with heavy compositing work in post-production. …
Peter Suderman, Reason
…this is as unnecessary as any franchise entry in recent years. …
James Berardinelli, ReelViews
…a distant echo of what the franchise once was… Playing the snarky goddaughter who lives by her wits, Waller-Bridge is little more than the latest foil for Jones to yell at during action scenes. She brings her trademark droll wit, but the Fleabag star doesn’t have much of a rapport with Jones in large part because the screenplay…
Tim Grierson, Screen Daily
…Short on both thrills and fun… Part of what dims the enjoyment of this concluding chapter is just how glaringly fake so much of it looks… This is a big, bombastic movie that goes through the motions but never finds much joy in the process… Both the actor [Ford] and the audience get a raw deal with this empty exercise in brand redemption.
David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter
…Everything feels ever-so-slightly wrong in its 25-minute opening sequence. …The action…is dull by comparison, whizzing by too quickly to land, and with physics too cartoony to leave a lasting impact. …fails to recapture Spielberg’s magic. With uninspired action and conflicting themes and character motivations, it’s proof that some things should just be allowed to end. …
Siddhant Adlakha, IGN
…a sequel that gets old fast… An empty slog of a movie… Not only is “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” an almost complete waste of time, it’s also a belabored reminder that some relics are better left where and when they belong. …
David Ehrlich, IndieWire
…Lackluster… There are so many chase sequences in “Dial of Destiny” that the movie seems held together with slender bits of plot, rather than the other way around. Worse yet, they’re so heavily CGI’ed that they come off as grimly dutiful rather than thrilling or delightful. …
Stephanie Zacharek, Time
…End this series now!… a largely fun-free last, last, last crusade… “Indiana Jones and the Preponderance of Chase Scenes.” …these scenes become cinematic white noise. …[2/4]
Johnny Oleksinski, New York Post
…The plot is hokum of the cheesiest hue… Nobody with a brain in their heads will compare “Dial of Destiny” favourably to the first three films. … [3/5]…
Donald Clarke, The Irish Times
…as silly as you expect and not altogether as successful as you may hope…
Manohla Dargis, The New York Times
…doesn't do many favors for the iconic star… suffers from the absence of Steven Spielberg and a workable script…
Peter Travers,·ABC News

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