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Today’s Prayer Focus
  • Renée ZellwegerRenée Zellweger, actress, producer—“Judy,” “Leatherheads,” “Appaloosa,” “Miss Potter,” “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” “Chicago,” “Jerry Maguire,” “Down with Love” • Faith: apparently Liberal Christianity (raised Episcopalian) • Worldview: Progressive Liberalism
  • Jeff BezosJeff Bezos, Founder and Chief Executive of Amazon—top Internet site and major movie, music and book distributor. Bezos owns liberal newspaper The Washington Post and is a member of the Bilderberg Group • Faith: Secularism. Worldview: Socially Liberal Libertarianism, LGBT activism and major donor

Please take a moment now to pray for these influential people (prayer suggestions).


Left Behind

also known as “Left Behind: The Movie,” “Deixados para Trás,” “Desaparecidos,” “Dejado atrás: El fin de los tiempos,” “Dejados atrás: El fin del tiempo”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for violence.

Reviewed by: Ken James

Moral Rating: Good
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: 8 to Adult
Genre: Drama
Length: 1 hr. 35 min.
Year of Release: 2000
USA Release: October 31, 2000 (video premiere)
February 2, 2001 (limited)
Copyright, Cloud Ten Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE
In the airport just after the rapture. In the Israeli desert where Buck interviews Dr. Rosenzweig and witnesses the attack on Israel Scene from Left Behind—The Movie

Kirk Cameron as Cameron “Buck” WilliamsKirk Cameron as Cameron “Buck” Williams

Brad Johnson as Rayford SteeleBrad Johnson as Rayford Steele

Janaya Stephens as Chloe SteeleJanaya Stephens as Chloe Steele

Clarence Gilyard as Pastor Bruce BarnesClarence Gilyard as Pastor Bruce Barnes

Chelsea Noble as Hattie DurhamChelsea Noble as Hattie Durham

Gordon Currie as NicolaeGordon Currie as Nicolae

Relevant Issues
The Rapture. Illustration Copyrighted.

Read about Jesus Christ and the rapture, as explained in our “God’s Story—from Creation to Eternity” section—Go

Read what the bible has to say about The Return of Christ: Matthew 24:27, 29-31, 34, 36-44 | John 14:1-4 | Acts 1:11 | I Corinthians 15:51-57 | I Thessalonians 4:13-18 | I Timothy 4:1-3 | II Timothy 3:1-5, 4:1-8 | Titus 2:13 | II Peter 3:3-13 | the books of Daniel and Revelation

Featuring Kirk Cameron, Chelsea Noble, Clarence Gilyard, Brad Johnson, Gordon Currie, Janaya Stephens, Colin Fox
Director Victor Sarin
Producer Peter and Paul Lalonde, Joe Goodman, Bobby Neutz, Ralph Winter
Distributor Cloud Ten Pictures

Visual art has always captured my attention. Virtually any medium can be used to express deep emotions and evoke the senses. Growing up in a Christian home, I remember a circa-1970s painting that hung on our basement wall. In it Jesus was the focal point, high in the sky in a white robe with arms outstretched. Peace reigned in the spiritual bodies of Christians that had “died and gone before” as their bodies were being caught up in the air. Peace too for Christians still alive, meeting the long awaited bridegroom of the church. But for those left behind, it was pandemonium: grizzly auto accidents and complete chaos.

Without a doubt, the future events of The Rapture and Great Tribulation are immensely popular with Christian film producers. The 70’s and early 80s brought us Mark IV’s classics “A Thief in the Night,” “A Distant Thunder,” “Image of the Beast” and “The Prodigal Planet.” In 1981, there was “Early Warning” and “Years of the Beast.” In the 90’s “Future Tense” (1990), then years later “The Gathering,” “End of the Harvest”, and “The Moment After.” Cloud Ten Pictures hit the CBA bestseller list with their releases “Apocalypse,” “Revelation” and “Tribulation.” TBN’s “The Omega Code” finished out 1999 with a surprisingly strong box-office presence.

Is there a market for this? Definitely. The producers behind “Left Behind” know it and are committed to getting that message to Hollywood. The Lalonde brothers (one of whom became a Christian due to an evangelistic film) have spent an unprecedented 17.4 million dollars on the film version of Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins runaway best seller Left Behind. Fans of the book may have mixed feelings. While the plot, atmosphere and most details of the book remain unchanged, there are some differences between the book and film. But keep in mind the fact that there is simply no way of putting a 468-page book intact into a 90-minute film without deletions and alterations.

The story of “Left Behind” focuses on Cameron “Buck” Williams (Kirk Cameron of TV’s “Growing Pains” fame), a world renowned TV reporter who, while on location in Israel to interview Dr. Chaim Rosenzweig (Colin Fox) about his new food growth formula, witnesses the miraculous decimation of Israel’s enemy as it attacks from the air. As if that was not enough of an enigma, the world is thrown into upheaval when millions worldwide suddenly vanish. Airline pilot Rayford Steele (Brad Johnson) and stewardess Hattie Durham (Kirk’s real-life wife Chelsea Noble) find many disappearances onboard their jet.

Back at home, Rayford’s wife and son are among those missing, while his daughter Chloe (newcomer Janaya Stephens) is left behind. Pastor Bruce Barnes (Clarence Gilyard of “Walker, Texas Ranger”) finds himself remaining on Earth, facing the harsh reality that knowing of Christ and believing in Him are two separate things. Bruce, Rayford, Chloe and Buck all place their faith in Christ and become committed to reaching others with the truth, while attempting to stand up against the evil plans of the antichrist, world leader Nicolae Carpathia (Gordon Currie). Unfortunately, Hattie, like millions of others on the globe, is deceived by Carpathia. Believing him to be the answer to world peace, she eagerly joins him as his personal assistant.

If compared to other theatrical or television releases, “Left Behind” is outstandingly clean. With an audience of conservative Christians, content that may be offensive includes Buck drinking beer in one scene, plus one instance where he finds a friend murdered and exclaims “oh God” (both instances before becoming a follower of Christ). Some of the minor characters smoke, and there is a hint of marital unfaithfulness as the married Rayford flirts with Hattie during a flight. There is some bad attitudes displayed by the evil characters, and some violence is present (the most graphic being a bullet hole head wound) and other scenes of blood due to automobile accident scenes.

Without a doubt, “Left Behind” is well worth your time. The acting and directing are top quality. Both as entertainment and as a catalyst for spiritual truth, it delivers! The producers were so committed to creating an effective tool for the gospel that they were not willing to have Hollywood mess this one up; it’s just too important. The potential outreach of “Left Behind” is astounding! Compared to other Christian rapture films, the quality is without equal, with an embarrassment factor of zero. While the gospel is clear, the message is best taught through Christians who could use this film as a discussion starter. There is no invitation at the end, as in films from Billy Graham. Christians should be prepared to field questions and guide people to the truth. Brush up on what the bible says about the return of Christ (info included below).

The film’s ( official Web site sums it up well: “In this classic X-Files type drama where believers and non-believers are constantly being challenged by science and unexplained preternatural events, hearts, lives and intrigue all lie in the balance.”

No matter what your religious beliefs, there is only one truth. Where will you be spiritually when Christ returns to rapture His church?

See our reviews of the sequels to this movie:
Left Behind II: Tribulation Force and Left Behind: World at War

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
I saw the film at a bible study at church, and it was very good. A movie for everyone to see. More so for the ones who are not christians, because they will be LEFT BEHIND! My Ratings: [5/5]
Susan Tucker, age 56
I agree that there is zero cringe-factor, and that it’s probably the best Christian move I’ve seen, overall. I could’ve used to hear the name of JESUS, specifically, quite a bit more, like in the book. And I don’t know if those who’ve not read the book will find the ending satisfying. But my family and I enjoyed it a lot, and want them to do the rest right away! My Ratings: [4½/4]
Dan, age 45
Just finished watching the video. Found it to be excellent and very close to the book. I do think it might have been more effective for salvation of non-believers (I believe this to be the target audience) if an invitation message had been incorporated within the movie.
Conrad Richey, age 70
First of all I want to Thank the Lord for this opportunity to respond. Second, much love to Jenkins/Lahaye for there gift to share with the world their love, knowledge and creativity for creating this Awesome series of books. I overheard people talking about a book called Left Behind in the bookstore and how amazing and yet a wake up call it was and they were so into it. Checked the book out and got hooked. I have learned more about the bible through these books than ever before and I come from a religous family. The movie I just recently saw had me crying like the books. It’s hard to really explain the emotions that are running through my mind, but thanks to the writers, the actors and all who took part in this. This has touched the core of my soul. My Ratings: [5/5]
Sai, age 26
I found the movie as riviting, spiritually uplifting and life changing as the book series Left Behind. The movie as well as the books keep me wanting more! The movie made my heart ache for all those who have not accepted Christ, leaving them to face the tribulation period. I have made plans to show the movie in our church, to encourage people to not only see the movie, but buy the movie. I plan on buying movies for several family members as Christmas presents. I encourage everyone to spread the word. This movie is a necessity in todays world! My Ratings: [5/5]
J. Luhter, age 44
I have been searching and searching for things that our family could watch and enjoy together as a family. THIS IS IT! I am so pleased that someone has finally decided to bring a message to our homes that means so very much. I have kept up with the movie from the very first even just when it was a book. My favorite character was the one played by MR. BRAD JOHNSON. What a wonderful part and such great actor. My Ratings: [5/5]
Mrs. Land, age 44
I watched the movie “Left Behind” and was so impressed with it and the way it followed the book that I chose to show it to my high school Freshman English and Reading Classes. The students were in amazement. The quality of the film is obvious and the care taken to follow the book was done exceptionally well. Kirk Camerson’s scene where he asks God into his life was not only the most realistic I have seen, but excellently portrayed and performed. Brad Johnson did an excellent job and the scene with the minister was overpowering. I think the movie should be promoted and broadcast in every theater throughout the United States and World. It should leave a mark for the love of God and importance of making a choice that will undoubtedly save your life. By showing it to my high school students it opened a door for kids to express and answer some much needed questions. To the author of the book, the film makers, and the actors and actresses—a job well done. Congratulations Cloud Ten Pictures. My Ratings: [5/4]
Melinda Clements, age 49
What can I say, I am in awe. This movie is fantastic, I was so sad when it was over. I just can’t get enough. I have read all the books including the kid’s books, I also have the dramatic audios. It makes me proud that I am a christian. I just know several will come to know the Lord once they see this movie. I have told several people about the Left Behind series. I intend to spread the word to everyone I know and that I may come in contact with. Bravo, to Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye for the Left Behind series. I am praying that there will be sequels to follow. I also hope that a weekly tv series could follow as well. A weekly show would allow more time so that more detail from the books could be shared with the viewers as well as to follow along with the characters each week in their adventures. I will do whatever I can to help promote this movie and get as many as possible to help fill the theatres. Thanks to all who made this film possible it is such a blessing! Most especially I thank my heavenly Father the Lord Jesus Christ! My Ratings: [5/5]
R Paisley, age 39
I loved both “Left Behind” the book and “Left Behind” the movie! The actors did an outstanding job portraying the characters and the issues each wrestled with in the story. With the current events in Israel and the Middle East, the timing of the release of this movie should make a tremendous impact on the non-christian community. I believe Left Behind will be a powerful tool in aiding Fishers of Men. My Ratings: [5/4½]
Leigh Maria Thomas, age 34
After reading all the books in the series and the first of the children’s series, I was excited to receive the movie. I watched it and was a little surprised at a couple of things. First off, the role of Chaim Rosenzweig, I had in my head as I was reading, a short, dumpy-type guy. I was caught off guard in the first scene, but I was very pleased. All the other characters were almost exactly how I had imagined them. At the end I was hoping for a “to be continued”. I think people who see this movie, but have not read the books will want to rush out to get them. I was introduced to the series from a person at church. Since then, a lot of people where I work have started reading them. We pass them around. Please, please, please keep up the work. Someday the big wigs in Hollywood will wake up and see that this is the type of movie we want!! Or—they may see themselves LEFT BEHIND! My Ratings: [5/4]
Jaye S, age 38
While reading the first 5 or so of the novels, I would try to cast the movie in my mind. I would have never have figured Kurt Cameron as Buck, but he does very well with the role. The rest of the film is well cast also. It’s been awhile since I read book 1, but this movie seems to me to capture the mood and pace I felt reading the book. I also feel the movie could have used another half hour. I was really “into it” and it seemed it was over too soon (which is not a bad thing, I suppose!) Hope the sequels aren’t too far in the future… My Ratings: [5/4]
Mike C., age 44
…When the movie was over I had very mixed feelings. As a movie lover and my wife being a screenwriter and amateur filmmaker, I couldn’t help to notice the several shortcomings that the film possesses. On the other hand as a Christian, I understand the spiritual impact that this film will have on the world… The screenplay adaptation is the most troublesome aspect of the film. The tension the disappearances made in the novel is totally lacking in the film. Many portions of the novel that could have been condensed were and worked fine, but others, more critical pieces, should have remained. The film is 95 minutes long and most of its time is spent laying a foundation with the character development and story. Since this is essential, the film could have used at least an extra 30 minutes to fill in plot gaps, provide explanations, and to add the necessary tense scenes of the vanishing footage. The book created very robust imagery and suspense that comes from millions of people vanishing at the same time. Since the movie, after the open scene, slows to a 45-minute crawl, the movie could have used a bit more of that. However, Left Behind, is probably the best quality Christian movie to date. Cameron does a fantastic job as the ambitious reporter. In fact, most of the acting is top notch and well played. The lighting and directing was well done, giving the movie a big budget, Hollywood look and feel. Director John Bishop does a nice job of panning the camera during certain scenes, which really gives the film a mature presence. The computer-generated special effects were fairly done and add to the quality of this production. There is some violence that comes at the end of the film that parents are given ample warning of before it takes place. There is no foul language, but there is a slight theme of adultery. The last and most important aspect of the film is its message. Jesus Christ is the only way to save us from the wrath of God to come. The characters in Left Behind found out too late. People who see this movie will be confronted with the question of whether or not they are right with God. People will have to ask, “Am I saved or am I Lost?”. Despite a few shortcomings, Left Behind is a compelling movie which we should all see with a friend. It could help change a life for eternity. Realizing this, me and my wife’s night was indeed special. My Ratings: [5/4]
Kyle Suggs, age 30
LEFT BEHIND is the most believable and best produced film about Biblical prophecy ever! It captures the essence of the best seller by LaHaye and Jenkins, and even improves the details, to give us a powerful preview of the near future of our planet. Millions should see this movie. It could be one of the greatest evangelistic tools of all time. The acting and photography are superb, and the special effects help make it a first-rate production by any standard. Executive Producers Peter and Paul Lalonde have truly reached their stride.
Ron Graff, Prophecy Central
Bravo! Cloud Ten Pictures and Namesake Entertainment have successfully adapted the best-selling LEFT BEHIND book to the big screen [and] have made a compelling movie that captures the essence of LEFT BEHIND and presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a powerful, entertaining, winsome way.
Ted Baehr, Movie Guide
A Triumph. A Home run! It will stir your heart and shake your core.
John D. Tillack, Promise Keepers
Hauntingly Powerful-Excellent work!! [It] told the story with beautiful visuals without being too preachy.
Gorman Woodfin (Host, The 700 Club)
Great! It has a powerful message that will stir curiosity about spiritual things.
Larry Poland, Mastermedia
I am a very devout Christian and a very devout film buff. So being a Christian I am going to be honest in this review, being a film buff I’m going to trash it. First of all the special effects were out of date and horrific. Secondly most of the acting was second rate. Thirdly the directing and filming of this was stupendously raunchy. The casting wasn’t quite right. I liked Kirk Cameron in the part of Buck Williams, but that was about it. The woman who played Hattie (who’s name eludes me at this point), well let’s just say I haven’t seen acting that bad since… uh… Well, it’s been a while. They had all the major plot points of the story in, but I didn’t care as an observer. Which saddens me. I love the books, they keep me on the edge of my seat. I’m sorry to say this movie keeps me getting up to look for something to entertain me. As a Christian, I can see the redeeming qualities, but so what!! If I wasn’t a fan of the books I would never (even as a Christian) finished this. It was a great TV movie, but, please—to save face of the excellent books—don’t let them release this in theatres. My Ratings: [5/1]
Alex Floyd, age 18
This movie was awful. Terrible acting, a poor script (that actually managed to be worse than the book), and subpar directing. This is not a good movie to show people that Christians can make quality entertainment. Non-Christians who see this movie will most likely be disgusted, and conclude that Christians have no taste in entertainment. As a Christian, who likes QUALITY movies, I am very distressed that this is going into theaters as an example of “good” Christain entertainment. My Ratings: [4½/1½]
Paul Kirby, age 18
I just finished watching “Left Behind, The Movie.” I own, and have read, all of the Left Behind series currently available, including the “Kids-Left Behind” series. I must say that when the movie was finished, I was disappointed. The actors did a very good job, but you will not grab the attention of the audience with this film because it is too passé. When the people vanished, I did not get the same intense feeling as I did when I read the book, and the story was too condensed. …The intensity of the movie is watered down from that of the books and the ending is too abrupt. I thought--“what? This is all there is??”…
Dan Cleveland
I bought the movie “Left Behind” and was very displeased. I have spent quite a bit of money buying Christian movies and books, because this is the kind that I want in my home. To be honest I would not recommend this movie let alone pay at a theatre to watch it again. Tribulation has been the best (in my opinion) that Cloud Ten has produced. We need quality not only in cast but in everything else. They seriously dropped the ball. My Ratings: [3/1½]
Brenda Renfrow, age 50
This video is a good story, but if it is trying to be biblical, it totally missed the mark as did the novel being that the secret rapture is not supported in the Bible one bit. Those that feel it does need to study more. Watch this video for a cheap thrill, not a biblical lesson. My Ratings: [1/3]
Alvin Sarno, age 30
I’m not a fan of the Left Behind book series—the books are written at a 6th-grade reading level with a lack of research and understanding of science, technology, and politics. While the books do manage to remain faithful to scripture, their methods of fulfilling prophecy are often ridiculous (an example is their explanation for the Russian/Arab invasion of Israel). Also, the books have an unmistakable preachy tone that will turn off unbelievers rather than bring them to the gospel. Still, I found myself reading these books because of my interest in the events of Revelation.

For a similar reason, I watched this film adaptation. I am sad to say that it is a rather mediocre film bordering on poor. The acting is actually rather decent for the most part with occasional bits of poor acting and over-acting. The script is rather bad, though it is hardly unexpected when starting with the novel as a basis. The characters are poorly drawn and underdeveloped. Events feel scattered and disconnected. The dialog sometimes sounds rushed. At least the book managed to flesh out its hokey conspiracy theory. Here, the viewer is left with an incoherent mess that only makes much sense if one has read the book. The pacing of the film is also very poorly executed with the opening and conclusion seeming extremely rushed, and the middle dragging to an excruciatingly slow trudge that makes it feel padded.

The music is schizophrenic. At times, it successfully underscores the mood and sounds fitting for a motion picture. At other moments, it reminds me of sitcom and mini-series music. And still other bits remind me of a poppy MTV soundtrack that just doesn’t belong in a film. I can give the film points for the scene of panic on board the plane, but that’s it. The other scenes involving the disasters after the Rapture are far from compelling. The film also suffers from the book’s preachiness although its message isn’t quite as in your face.

In all, I found the movie just as disappointing as the series. This is not the film to rally Christians around. I hope that this film does NOT get any attention at the theaters next year. It would be more unnecessary bad publicity for Christianity. For an example of a compelling, intelligent, well-researched series based on Revelation that presents a realistic and Christian world view without offending the secular reader (who after all should be whom a Christian is trying to reach) read the Christ Clone trilogy by James BeauSeigneur. It’s a great read and is a much better choice for unbelievers or believers who appreciate quality. Too bad it is virtually unknown and will probably never be made into a movie. My Ratings: [5/1½]
John Weathers, age 24
The strength of the books (which has waned in the later books) was the suspense and tension woven throughout the story. The tension is based on a knowledge of scripture of the end times. The critical missing piece in this work is that which would create suspense and tension. Though the casting was good, the acting good, the story didn’t create any real tension nor suspense. So, as much as I hope for a compelling message, this lacks the fire for secular standards. I think Carpathia wasn’t awesomely bad during his “bad” part. The antagonist was blah. Sorry, Love to give a great review, but can’t. I thought the previous two movies by this production company were much better. My Ratings: [5/2]
Gary Blier, age 46
I had reservations to start with. These Pre-Trib movies seems to be a dime a dozen nowadays. Most are plagued with terrible scripts and acting. But Left Behind is different. Not perfect, but a far cry from embarrassing movies like The Omega Code. I never watched Growing Pains, so I didn’t have the bias of Kirk Cameron in a previously loved role. But, he seemed to be real to me. The dialog was believable and good, although a few more “comic-relief” lines from the former sit-com actor would have been nice. The presentation of the Gospel was concise, but clear. And, there are enough twists in the movie to keep it interesting to those who haven’t read the books. Look for cameos of Rebecca St. James and Bob Carlisle! Overall, this is probably the best of the Pre-Trib “where’d they go?” movies. If they grow from this, there’s a chance the next movie (if they do one) will be best of the best Evangelical Movies out there. My Ratings: [5/4]
Justin, age 23
I had high expectations for this film. Perhaps, too high. I wish the producers all the best for this film, but, I am afraid that this film will have no legs when it hits theaters in February. Many Christians will go out of some sense of obligation. I am sure that I will. I don’t believe that word of mouth and repeat viewings will make it stay. I think the actors were fine. The script was interesting. There was only one weak effect that I can remember. Unfortunately, it came in the first 5 minutes of the film. The invasion of Israel was too obviously animated. I hope they can edit it out before a theatrical release. The non Christian public will likely laugh. I agree with several other reviewers that the movie was too short.

No doubt, budget limitations preclude the epic type picture necessary for this story. The great value of the Left Behind Novel series is their ability to sell competitively at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. On the positive side, Brad Johnson is Rayford Steele, and Chelsea Noble is Hattie Durham. They were the best among a very strong cast. The immediate post rapture sequence and the chilling scene at the UN at the end of the film were excellent. I hope it does well enough for sequels to be made. See it and judge for yourselves.

If you are interested in seeing better quality, Christian theme films at your local multiplex, then log right off and run, don’t walk to see “Mercy Streets” (also reviewed by this fine site). My Ratings: [5/2½]
Randy Starner, age 43
Left Behind the Movie is by far the better production from both the Lalonde Brothers and Cloud Ten companies, but it still lacks the quality flair of a movie making (Action or Non-action) such as China Cry, the Hidden, Jesus (the movie that have been translated into numerous languages), and so many other Christian films made by Christians whom aren’t so cocky about how much they have wasted on the productions and qualities. I enjoy the Left Behind book series, but the movie needs work. My Ratings: [4/2]
Mang Yang, age 28
I was disappointed with the film. The scenes in the beginning of the film were too computer-looking. Nicolae was a geek vs the suave, charistmatic, good-looking man expected. There were many things changed from the book so I can’t believe people here say it was just like the book. Mostly, I was very disappointed the T.D. Jakes, a Oneness Pentecostal who does not believe Jesus is God, was in the movie as a Pastor. Lastly, that Jesus’ name was never mentioned as the only way to heaven. If a non-believer sees this movie they will definitely need a Christain friend to fill in the gaps otherwise any god will do. [5/3½]
Ronni H., age 38
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins and was riveted to every page of their novels. So I was more than thrilled about the release of the movie based on the first book. However, words cannot express my bitter disappointment with the film effort. The plot lacks structure and the characters are grossly under-developed. The special effects are impressive though much more could have been done to portray the mass hysteria, tension and devastation that would take place given the disappearance of millions of people. With the exception of Kirk Cameron, the performances are unconvincing and understandably so given the obvious and pervasive weakness of screenplay itself. It was my hope that the script would not detour too much from the masterful and anointed work of Jenkins and LaHaye. Unfortunately, however, the film doesn’t do the book any justice whatsoever and instead does the original work a disservice. Furthermore, it is difficult to imagine hordes of unbelievers rushing out to read the book (or “The Book,” the Bible) as a result of having seen the film. If anything unbelievers will feel cheated out of their time and money and less likely to see other films of the same genre.

It is a tragedy that such an important and expensive work leaves so much to be desired. Therefore, rather than recommend this film to unbelievers, I would suggest buying copies of the book upon which it is based, giving them away and praying for a move of God’s Spirit upon the hearts of those who receive them. Lest the producers become discouraged by the box office and video sales returns, let me applaud you for your willingness to take on the project. Might I suggest however, that in the future if you do a sequel based on the next novel in the series, let LaHaye and Jenkins develop the script. They are a winning combination and “if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it”! My Ratings: [5/2½]
Patricia Campbell, age 33
The movie was okay. Better than “Omega Code,” but still was lacking. The movie could have been longer, contained some of the second book and have more action in it. My Ratings: [5/2½]
John T, age 35
I loved the Left Behind book series and was very excited to see the movie. I thought—finally! a movie I can take my unbelieving friends to (I know unbelievers who are reading the books.) What a disappointment! The screenplay completely missed the opportunity to bring reality to the disappearances—it lacked the poignancy so aptly portrayed in the original book. The book repeatedly brought me to tears—the movie brought nothing but yawns. While concentrating on plot development, it failed to make the world politics surrounding the rise of the antichrist of any interest (or sense) OR relevance to current world events. I can’t quite figure it out. Are we as Christians so desperate for Christ-centered content and/or Hollywood level production value in movies that we will gleefully accept this mediocre adaptation of a great book? BTW, I was also disappointed to see at least a couple real world tele-evangelists in the cast who are known to espouse questionable essential doctrine. Sadly, I’m not sure I’ll be taking my unsaved friends to this one. As was the Omega Code, Left Behind the movie is a bit too embarrassing to claim as a high quality Christian film—but thankfully God can use anything to bring people to Himself. Check out the audio drama versions of the Left Behind books—they’re GREAT! My Ratings: [5/3]
Brenda S., age 42
“Left Behind” is just one in a long string of “Christian” movies that has combined mediocre acting with outdated special effects. If I was not a Christian, I would not have waited around to find out the plot. I would have either dozed off or yanked it out of the VCR. And by the way, I did doze off. Not only was the movie bad, but included were “Bible” teachers that promote heretical teachings, Hagee, Van Impe, and Jakes to name a few. My Ratings: [3/2½]
Chris Yeager, age 22

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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