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Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Everything, Everything

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for thematic elements and brief sensuality.
Moral Rating: Not recommended
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Teen Romance Drama Adaptation
Length: 1 hr. 36 min.
Year of Release: 2017
USA Release: May 19, 2017 (wide—2,800+ theaters)
DVD: August 15, 2017
Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)click photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

defying a parent and secretly meeting someone of the opposite sex to whom you are drawn romantically

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lust and fornication in the Bible

How can I deal with temptations? Answer

Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

parents who do things that are very wrong and greatly harm their own children

parents who lie to their child

trauma of having a parent who is truly mean and abusive

Sin—and when human depravity began

Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
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FEAR, Anxiety and Worry—What does the Bible say about how to correctly deal with it? Answer

Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

What would it be like to not be able to touch anything in the outside world? Never breathe in the fresh air, feel the sun warm your face?

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)—sometimes called “bubble baby disease,” a rare disease that causes a person to be allergic to practically everything

Problems of living in a hermetically sealed environment

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About hope and faith

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Discover God’s promise for all people—told beautifully and clearly from the beginning. Discover The HOPE! Watch it on Christian Answers—full-length motion picture.
Featuring Amandla StenbergMaddy Whittier
Nick Robinson … Olly Bright
Anika Noni Rose … Dr. Whittier, Maddy’s mother
Ana de la Reguera … Carla
Taylor Hickson … Kara Bright, Olly’s younger sister
Danube R. Hermosillo … Rosa
Farryn VanHumbeck … Ruby
Robert Lawrenson … Mr. Waterman
Peter Benson … Dr. Chase
Allison Riley … Officer
Dan Payne …
Valareen Friday … Surf Shop Cashier
Director Stella Meghie
Producer Elysa Koplovitz Dutton—“Idiocracy
Leslie Morgenstein—“The Vampire Diaries”
Arturo del Río—“Kill Bill: Vol. 1”
Ricardo Del Río—“Kill Bill: Vol. 2”
Victor Ho—“The Neon Demon”
See all »

“Risk everything… for love.”

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “What if you couldn’t touch anything in the outside world? Never breathe in the fresh air, feel the sun warm your face… or kiss the boy next door? “Everything, Everything” tells the unlikely love story of Maddy, a smart, curious and imaginative 18-year-old who due to an illness cannot leave the protection of the hermetically sealed environment within her house, and Olly, the boy next door who won’t let that stop them.

Maddy is desperate to experience the much more stimulating outside world, and the promise of her first romance. Gazing through windows and talking only through texts, she and Olly form a deep bond that leads them to risk everything to be together… even if it means losing everything.

The teen has severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), a rare disease that causes her to be ALLERGIC TO PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING. She's spent 17 years sheltered in her home, only seeing her mother (a physician who takes care of her) and her nurse, Carla.

But when a boy named Olly moves in next door, Maddy begins to fall in love.

Based on the bestselling young adult novel by Nicola Yoon.”

Violence: Mild / Profanity: Mild—OMG (1), h*ll (1), s-word (1) / Sex/Nudity: Heavy—unmarried sex in bed (not graphic), kissing, sexual comments, bathing suits (female and male), cleavage, female midriff

Volunteer reviewer needed for this movie

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Although I find the film a bit slow in places, the portrayal of Maddie by Amandla Stenberg is brilliant. Not once do you think she is anyone but the character she is portraying. She becomes the character. I don’t know how people who have SCID and their families feel about the portrayal of the disease, but, to the average person, it is a nice love story, even if it isn’t that realistic.

This movie is a reminder of all the many things in our world that we take for granted on a daily basis, and what it would be like to experience these things for the first time. I had to rate it Average because of some overt sexuality and implied sex scene. There is also a mention that the “universe” controls their lives. There is virtually no swearing. I heard God’s name once and the sh-word once as well.

This movie is not for young children, but teens to adults. Keeping that in mind, it is a touching love story between two young adults.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Kathy Pj, age 57 (Canada)

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