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Hebrew: עֵבֵר —transliteration: Eber —meaning: region beyond

Greek: Ἕβερ —transliteration: Eber

also known as: Heber

This is the name of 5 biblical men and appears 15 times in the Old Testament. It first appears in Scripture in Genesis 10:21.

  1. Eber / Heber, post-Flood patriarch

    This Eber is the 3rd post-Duluvian patriarch after Shem (Genesis 10:24; 11:14).

    In Luke 3:35 he is called Heber. He is regarded as the founder of the Hebrew people (Gen. 10:21; Numbers 24:24) and is an ancestor of Jesus Christ (see Mary and Joseph).

    Eber died at the age of 464 years (Genesis 11:14-17) and was 34 years old when he begot his son Peleg.


    Place in the genealogy from Adam to King David

    ADAM Seth Enos Cainan Mahalaleel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech NOAH Shem Arpakshad (aka Arpachshad) Shelah Eber/Heber—patriarch of the Hebrews) Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah ABRAHAM Isaac Jacob JUDAH Perez Hezron Ram Amminadab Nahshon Salmon Boaz Obed Jesse KING DAVID

  2. Eber, of Gad

    This Eber is one of the 7 heads of the families of the Gadites (1 Chronicles 5:13).

  3. Eber, son of Elpaal

    This Eber is the oldest of the 3 sons of Elpaal the Benjamite (1 Chronicles 8:12).

  4. Eber, a Benjamite in Jerusalem

    This Eber is one of the heads of the familes of Benjamites in Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 8:22).

  5. Eber, the priest

    This Eber is the head of the priestly family of Amok in the time of King Zerubbabel (Neh. 12:20).

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Article Version: June 12, 2024