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also known as: Arpachshad and Arphaxad

Hebrew: אַרְפַּכְשַׁד —transliteration: Arpakshad

Greek: Ἀρφαξάδ —transliteration: Arphaxad

This is the name of the 3rd son of Shem, born 2 years after the Deluge (the worldwide flood). His name appears 10 times in Scripture (in Genesis, 1 Chronicles and Luke).

He died at the age of 438 years (Genesis 11:10-13; 1 Chronicles 1:17-18; Luke 3:36).

He lived in Mesopotamia, and became, according to the Jewish historian Josephus, the progenitor of the Khaldis, which he identified as the Chaldeans.

The tendency is to recognize in the word the name of the country nearest the ancient domain of the Chaldeans. Some regard the word as an Egypticized form of the territorial name of Ur Kasdim, or Ur of the Chaldees.

Others believe his region is the kingdom of Babylon.



Shelah (Salah)EBER (founder of the Hebrews) → PelegReuSerugNahorTerahABRAHAM (Abram)
IsaacJacob (aka Israel)
         IsraelitesEsau (aka Edom)
       Mingled with Arab tribes

Place in Christ’s legal genealogy

Arphaxad is listed in the ancestry of Abraham, King David and Jesus Christ.

NOAHShemArphaxad / ArpachshadShelahEber / Heber (father of the Hebrews) → PelegReuSerugNahorTerahAbrahamIsaacJacobJudahPerezHezronRamAmminadabNahshonSalmonBoazObedJesseKING DAVID and Queen BathshebaPrince Nathan → Mattathah → Menan / Menna → MeleaEliakim → Jonan → JosephJudahSimeonLeviMatthat → Jorim → EliezerJose (Joshua, Jesus)ErElmodamCosamAddiMelchiNeriShealtielZerubbabelRhesaJoannas / JoannaJudahJosephSemeiMattathiah / MattathiasMaath → Naggai → Esli → NahumAmosMattathiah / MattathiasJosephJannaMelchiLeviMatthatHeliMARY, mother of JesusThe 2nd Adam, JESUS THE CHRIST, the God-Man (wholly God and wholly human)

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Article Version: June 12, 2024