Who is…

Hebrew: אֱנוֹשׁ —transliteration: Enosh or Enos —meaning: (not known)

also known as: Enosh

Enos is a pre-Flood patriarch, son of Seth, and grandson of Adam (Genesis 5:6-11; Luke 3:38).

In his time “men began to call upon the name of the Lord” (Genesis 4:26), meaning either (1) then began men to call themselves by the name of the Lord (marginal note) i.e., to distinguish themselves thereby from idolaters; or (2) then men in some public and earnest way began to call upon the Lord, indicating a time of spiritual revival.

Enos lived 905 years—7 years less than his father Seth (Genesis 5:11).


In Christ’s lineage

Enos (Enosh) is in the genealogy of Mary, mother of Jesus (below) and of Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus.

God → ADAMSethEnos / EnoshCainanMahalalel / MahalaleelJaredEnochMethuselahLamechNOAHShemArphaxad / ArpachshadShelahEber / Heber (father of the Hebrews) → PelegReuSerugNahorTerahAbrahamIsaacJacobJudahPerezHezronRamAmminadabNahshonSalmonBoazObedJesseKING DAVID and Queen BathshebaPrince Nathan → Mattathah → Menan / Menna → MeleaEliakim → Jonan → JosephJudahSimeonLeviMatthat → Jorim → EliezerJose (Joshua, Jesus)ErElmodamCosamAddiMelchiNeriShealtielZerubbabelRhesaJoannas / JoannaJudahJosephSemeiMattathiah / MattathiasMaath → Naggai → Esli → NahumAmosMattathiah / MattathiasJosephJannaMelchiLeviMatthatHeliMARY, mother of JesusThe 2nd Adam, JESUS THE CHRIST, the God-Man (wholly God and wholly human)

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Article Version: June 10, 2024